Knowledge Builders

what is payroll process

by Kitty Steuber Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Processing payroll means compensating employees for their work. It involves calculating total wage earnings, withholding deductions, filing payroll taxes and delivering payment.

What are the processes in preparing a payroll?

What Are the Processes in Preparing a Payroll?

  • Timekeeping. Before you pay your hourly employees, determine their work hours for the pay period. ...
  • Wages and Salaries. After confirming time card hours, verify your employees’ gross wages. ...
  • Pay Adjustments. ...
  • Pretax Deductions. ...
  • Mandatory and After-Tax Deductions. ...
  • Paycheck Generation. ...
  • Post Processing. ...

What are the steps of the payroll process?

To have a payroll process, every organization must:

  • Define a pay policy with basic pay, benefits, leave policies, encashment of leave and other related items
  • Define the components that appear on the payslip as per the company’s policy and in compliance with regulations
  • Obtain and record the employee details accurately. ...
  • Validate the employee inputs

More items...

How often do I have to process payroll?

You can process payroll daily, weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually. However, most employees have bills to pay on a monthly basis, so we don't recommend that you process less frequently than once per month. If you use a payroll service to process payroll, you may be charged fees on a per-payroll basis.

What are the steps in processing a basic payroll?

Basic Payroll Processing Steps Step 1: Establish your employer identification number. Establishing your EIN, as well as your district and municipal tax IDs, is the first step in processing payments. These guidelines are used by the government to track your company's taxes and ensure compliance.


What are the steps in payroll process?

How to process payrollStep 1: Establish your employer identification number. ... Step 2: Collect relevant employee tax information. ... Step 3: Choose a payroll schedule. ... Step 4: Calculate gross pay. ... Step 5: Determine each employee's deductions. ... Step 6: Calculate net pay, and pay your employees.More items...

What are the 4 steps of running payroll?

To help avoid this, you'll need to meticulously maintain all your payroll records, double check your data entry and meet all tax filing deadlines.Step 1 – Calculate hours worked and gross pay. ... Step 2 – Process payroll deductions. ... Step 3 – Calculate net pay and pay employees. ... Step 4 – File tax reports.More items...

What are the basics of payroll?

Payroll BasicsIRS Withholding Information. See how the Tax Cuts and Job Act (TCJA) may affect your tax withholdings, and how to minimize your exposure. ... Payday and Paychecks. ... Payroll Taxes. ... Monthly and Biweekly Payroll Cycles. ... Employment Verifications. ... Hire an Employee in a New State. ... Wage Attachments and Garnishments.

What is the role of payroll?

Payroll refers to the process of paying employees their salaries or wages. Apart from ensuring that the money reaches employees on time, the payroll department is responsible for processing, balancing and reconciling payroll data with the accounting systems, as well as processing taxes and other deductions.

What is the formula of payroll?

Payroll Computation for Hourly Workers Pay the hours according to the pay frequency. Suppose the employee earns $11 an hour, paid biweekly. His time card for two consecutive weeks reflects 40 hours worked. Regular calculation: 40 hours x 2 weeks = 80 hours x $11/hour = $880 (gross regular pay).

What are the 5 payroll steps?

Steps involved in executing payrollDefine your payroll policy.Gather employee inputs.Calculate payroll.Disburse employee salaries.Pay statutory dues.Distribute payslips and tax computation sheets.Keeping up with compliance.Spreadsheet complications.More items...•

What is payroll in Excel?

Excel payroll formulas make it easy to calculate important figures for each pay period, including hours worked, income tax deductions, and vacation pay. Formulas can be used anywhere in an Excel spreadsheet to find a variety of sums.

What is payroll example?

It might also refer to the amount of money the employer pays its workers. We often use the term when we are talking about the process of calculating workers' pay and taxes. For example, an accountant may say the following to her husband: “I will be home late tonight. I am doing payroll.”

What is payroll system in HR?

Payroll software is an on-premises or cloud-based solution that manages, maintains, and automates payments to employees. Robust, integrated, and properly configured payroll software can help organizations of all sizes maintain compliance with tax laws and other financial regulations, and reduce costs.

What are the types of payroll?

Four Types Of Payroll Systems Internally Managed Payroll Systems. Professionally Managed Payroll Systems. Payroll Services Managed by Payroll System Agencies. Software Managed Payroll Systems.

Is payroll an HR task?

Sometimes payroll is part of HR, sometimes it's part of finance — and occasionally it's a stand-alone department reporting directly to the CEO.

Why is payroll important in HR?

Payroll is one of the most important aspects of business. It affects employee morale and reflects a business's financial stability and reputation. Because employees rely on their paychecks, errors or untimely payment can create a lack of trust.

How do I run a payroll manually?

How do you do manual payroll? To do payroll manually, you need to calculate each of your employees' gross pay for the pay period, and then determine the dollar amount of all taxes/benefits that must be deducted. Once you have done this, you can find their net pay and pay them via check or direct deposit.

How do you manage payroll?

How to manage payrollCollect and update employee data. ... Calculate gross pay. ... Calculate net pay. ... Determine employer payroll tax contributions. ... Keep accurate payroll records. ... Pay employees. ... Pay government agencies and benefit providers. ... File tax reports.

How do I run payroll in QuickBooks?

Go to the Payroll menu, then select Employees. Select Run Payroll. Select your desired payroll schedule, then Continue. Select or review the QuickBooks Bank account to track your payroll, the Pay period and Pay date.

How do I make a payroll schedule?

In order to create your payroll calendar, start at the end and work your way backwards. Decide when you want the check to be issued, then figure out how many days that will take. You will need to define the pay period for each check date and leave yourself enough time to determine hourly wages if needed.

1. Determine your EIN and tax codes

Begin by determining your employer identification number (EIN) and tax codes. These are the identification numbers the government uses to track your business's payroll taxes and ensure you meet the necessary requirements. If you don't already know your company's EIN, you can set one up through the IRS's website.

2. Gather employee tax information

Collect tax information from your employees. Employees will fill out different forms based on their type of employment, and most may also need to complete specific state and local forms. For example, part-time and full-time employees may fill out a W-4 and an I-9. However, contract or freelance employees may fill out a W-9.

3. Establish a payroll schedule

Determine a schedule for how often you will pay your employees. Base your decision on what works best for your business. Common payroll schedules include paying employees:

4. Determine employee payment methods

Determine how you will pay your employees, such as via paper check, direct deposit or payroll card. Consider allowing your employees to select which method they prefer. If they choose direct deposit, collect the necessary bank account information from them so you can properly set up the deposits.

5. Develop a payroll policy

Create a payroll processing that establishes guidelines for your payroll department to follow and your employees to understand. In your policy, define things like:

6. Choose a payroll manager

Determine who within your company will be responsible for processing payroll. Some organizations hire an employee specifically to handle payroll, while others may designate the responsibility to an HR manager, office manager or similar person.

7. Calculate employee gross pay

Once you determine your payroll schedule and policy, calculate each employee's gross pay. Gross pay is an employee's amount of pay before subtracting any taxes or deductions. However, gross pay calculations vary for hourly and salaried wages.

What is payroll processing?

Payroll processing is the act of managing employee payments. It covers everything from inputting an employee into your payroll software to giving them their paychecks.

What is payroll system?

There are three basic payroll systems: manual payroll, outsourced payroll, and payroll software. Manual payroll is processed by hand, typically on paper or in a spreadsheet. Outsourced payroll means hiring someone else to take care of everything from payroll taxes to bookkeeping.

What factors should be considered when choosing a payroll system?

Before you commit to one system over another, consider factors like business growth, employee benefits, and the complexity of your state’s payroll taxes and laws. The more complicated the components and calculations, the more likely it is you’ll want to purchase a payroll software or outsource payroll altogether.

Why do businesses need payroll software?

Often, business owners purchase a payroll accounting software to help with organization and ensure payroll compliance with state and federal laws. There are a lot of taxes to keep in mind when processing payroll, so it helps to have professional assistance.

How long do you have to keep payroll records?

For instance, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) requires employers to keep all payroll records for three years. That information must include any employee benefit plans (including retirement or insurance) and any written seniority or merit system in place.

How many steps are there in payroll processing?

If you’re wondering how processing employee payroll works, there are eight basic steps from start to finish.

How to do payroll?

1. Choose a payroll system 1 Manual payroll is processed by hand, typically on paper or in a spreadsheet. 2 Outsourced payroll means hiring someone else to take care of everything from payroll taxes to bookkeeping. 3 Payroll software varies by plan or product. Most offer everything from basic payroll assistance to additional payroll services that may include time tracking or even HR services.

What is the Payroll Process?

In layman’s terms, payroll processing is the act of managing the salaries of employees. The major aspect of payroll processing often revolves around collecting essential information of employees. Payroll processing is a time-sensitive task that requires flawless integration of key elements.

Why is payroll processing important?

One of the quintessential aspects of running a successful startup is to ensure your valuable workers get paid. Often, founders get caught in the legal hurdles and new policy changes that make payroll processing even more complex.

Why is payroll important?

An advantage of efficient payroll processing is the ability to manage the information of all employees in a centralized, organized source. A payroll system can help you in managing changes to specific groups of employees or specific employees with ease.

Can you hire someone to do payroll?

You can hire an employee or team to maintain and process payroll operations. The individual assigned for such a task, however, must have some bookkeeping experience to run, manage, and process payroll.

What is payroll processing?

Payroll processing is how businesses manage employee compensation and related taxes. It involves several steps, including initiating new employees into a payroll system, withholding taxes and paying employees. While using payroll software or outsourcing this work can make it more manageable, you’re still responsible for paying employees correctly and complying with state and federal laws.

What is the end goal of payroll?

The end goal is to pay employees the correct amount on time, but it's more than just math. An employer's payroll responsibilities include maintaining records, keeping track of hourly employees’ hours, calculating withheld taxes and deductions, depositing state and federal taxes and paying organizations for employee benefit elections. Much of this process is regulated by the Internal Revenue Service and the Department of Labor, and errors could result in penalties.

How to avoid mistakes in payroll?

To avoid these mistakes and the penalties that come with them, reconcile your payroll before running it. That means checking workers' pay rates, hours worked, withholdings and deductions against your records, making sure that the numbers match up and correcting errors before the paychecks and direct deposits are approved.

Can you outsource payroll to a professional?

To free up those hours for customer-facing operations or other purposes, you can outsource the work to a professional. Payroll services and accounting firms can assist small businesses with managing payroll as well as filing and paying quarterly and annual taxes.

Can you process payroll on your own?

You can process it on your own using payroll software, which can simplify the process with scheduled payroll runs, templates for reporting , and integrations with time-tracking apps. But even with some automated processes, it can take a chunk out of your day.

Who is responsible for complying with the minimum wage laws?

All employers are responsible for complying with these laws, which outline things like the national minimum wage rate, records you have to keep for nonexempt employees and how to garnish wages for a court order. In some cases, state laws can be more specific than federal laws.

Do you have to pay unemployment tax?

You're also required to pay federal and state unemployment tax for every pay period. State unemployment tax rates differ and can depend on a business’s history of unemployment claims.

What is payroll process?

The payroll is the amount of money that the employer pays out to employees for their services. Every organization has a list of add ons and deductions from the basic pay of the employee. These involve allowances, bonuses, taxes etc.

Why is payroll important?

It is vital to process payroll in a timely and accurate manner. Any discrepancies in the calculations have a direct impact on employee morale and productivity.

How is salary paid?

The actual payment of salary to the employees is most often through bank accounts. The organization’s bank account should be sufficiently funded before initiating the salary disbursal payroll process. A salary bank advice statement is generated based on the net pay for each employee along with their account number.

How to pay a salary to an employee?

Pay the salary amount to the employees through the mode that the company employs. Most often this is done by intimating the bank of the salary amount to be disbursed to each employee account

What happens if payroll is calculated manually?

If the payroll is calculated manually, these values are checked for accuracy and errors if any are corrected.

Does payroll need attendance?

Payroll also requires the attendance data of the employee. If any bonuses or benefits are due, the relevant department would have to provide the data to payroll. If the employee has earned a performance bonus or a raise, it should be recorded by payroll. In a smaller organization, this data would be easy to gather and compute. In a larger organization, this flow of data to payroll is more challenging. Business management software with an integrated payroll system makes the data flow easier and more accurate.

Does Tally integrate with accounting?

Integration with financial accounting. Tally seamlessly integrates the payroll amounts to the accounting process. There is no necessity for reentering all the payroll data into the accounting software

Step 1: Choosing a payroll system

The payroll process usually starts small and falls into the hands of the business owner. However, as a company grows, the job can become more complex and often gets passed to the accountant or HR manager. The payroll system you choose should reflect the growth stage of your company. Consider these options:

Step 2: Create your payroll policy

Your payroll policy will describe “how” your employees will get paid, “when” they will get paid, as well as other rules decided by the local labor boards.

Step 3: Gather employee information

Have employees submit their payroll documents and tax forms so that they can be approved for certain benefits and tax deductions. The most important information you will need from employees is their Social Security number and tax filing status.

Step 4: Tracking and recording time

A tracking system records the times that your employees will clock in and out each day of work. There are many ways to do this. If you are a small business, simply getting employees to write down hours manually on a time card works great.

Step 5: Submit for approval

Before submitting timecards for approval, it’s important to double-check the hours and payments. Miscalculations can happen but you may be able to avoid this by triple checking or using payroll software.

Step 6: Deliver cheques and run reports

Once payments are processed and delivered, it’s time to update those records! Keep track of federal tax deductions, health insurance claims and other social security amounts so you can refer to them later. Some labor laws require you to keep these records so be sure not to forget this step!


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