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what is pneumothorax in a newborn

by Prof. Myles Spinka III Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

A pneumothorax occurs when some of the tiny air sacs (alveoli) in a baby's lung become overinflated and burst. This causes air to leak into the space between the lung and chest wall (pleural space). The most common cause of pneumothorax is respiratory distress syndrome.Nov 9, 2021

Full Answer

Why is a baby born with a pneumothorax?

Pneumothorax - infants

  • Causes. A pneumothorax occurs when some of the tiny air sacs (alveoli) in a baby's lung become overinflated and burst.
  • Symptoms. Many infants with pneumothorax do not have symptoms.
  • Exams and Tests. ...
  • Treatment. ...
  • Outlook (Prognosis) Some air leaks will go away within a few days without treatment. ...
  • Possible Complications. ...
  • Prevention. ...

What is the prognosis of pneumothorax?

Small pneumothoraces may go away on their own. For larger pneumothoraces, the air must be removed from around the lung. A chest tube placed between the ribs into the space around the lungs helps drain the air and allows the lung to re-expand.

What are the five types of pneumothorax?

Types of pneumothorax. Pneumothorax is classified into two types; Spontaneous pneumothorax; Non-Spontaneous (traumatic) pneumothorax; Spontaneous pneumothorax. This is called spontaneous pneumothorax because it does not occur after injury. It is further sub divided into two depending on whether there is an underlying problem in the lungs.

What should be considered in the diagnosis of pneumothorax?

  • Penetrating or blunt trauma
  • Barotrauma due to positive pressure ventilation
  • Percutaneous tracheostomy
  • Conversion of spontaneous pneumothorax to tension
  • Open pneumothorax when occlusive dressing work as one way valve


How common is pneumothorax in newborns?

A spontaneous neonatal pneumothorax presented shortly after birth in 1% to 2% of all infants, and 10% of infants show evidence of meconium aspiration [2]. The pneumothorax is symptomatic in approximately half of these [3]. 2-3% of all cases of neonatal ventilator care are due to pneumothorax.

How long does a pneumothorax take to heal in a newborn?

It may take a few days for the tear to heal. The chest tube will stay in during this time. The baby may need breathing support (such as supplemental oxygen or a ventilator) until the air leak heals.

Why do newborns get pneumothorax?

The most common cause of pneumothorax is from air delivered by a breathing machine (mechanical ventilator). A baby born with a lung disease may need to be on a breathing machine. Pneumothorax can also occur suddenly in children.

Is simple pneumothorax life-threatening?

Pneumothorax is when air collects in between the parietal and viscera pleurae resulting in lung collapse. It can happen secondary to trauma (traumatic pneumothorax). When mediastinal shifts accompany it, it is called a tension pneumothorax. This is a life-threatening emergency that needs urgent management.

Can pneumothorax cause brain damage?

Pneumothorax is a risk factor for brain injury because reduced oxygen saturation of the blood results in reduced oxygen transit to the brain. If the brain does not receive adequate oxygen, even on a transient basis, ischemic damage to brain tissue (i.e., hypoxia) can occur.

What are 3 signs and symptoms of a pneumothorax?

What are the Symptoms of Pneumothorax?Sharp, stabbing chest pain that worsens when trying to breath in.Shortness of breath.Bluish skin caused by a lack of oxygen.Fatigue.Rapid breathing and heartbeat.A dry, hacking cough.

How do you fix a pneumothorax?

Pneumothorax is usually treated with removal of air under pressure, by inserting a needle attached to a syringe into the chest cavity. A chest tube may be used and left in place for several days. In some cases, surgery may be needed.

Can pneumothorax resolve itself?

A: Yes, it is possible for a small pneumothorax to heal on its own without treatment. In such cases, a person may only require oxygen and rest to make a full recovery.

How long can a baby stay on a ventilator?

To treat this condition, babies are given surfactant substitutes through their breathing tubes into the lungs and to help them breathe with breathing machines called ventilators. Depending on their gestation at birth, premature infants will remain on the ventilator from a few days to up to about 6 weeks.

What is pneumothorax caused by?

A collapsed lung occurs when air escapes from the lung. The air then fills the space outside of the lung between the lung and chest wall. This buildup of air puts pressure on the lung, so it cannot expand as much as it normally does when you take a breath. The medical name of this condition is pneumothorax.

Is a pneumothorax serious?

Pneumothorax can be a life-threatening emergency. Anyone who experiences symptoms, like a sharp, stabbing pain in the chest, should seek immediate medical help.

Can pneumonia cause a pneumothorax?

Pneumothorax has three main causes: medical conditions, injuries and lifestyle factors. Medical conditions that may cause a collapsed lung include: Asthma. Pneumonia.

How do you get fluid out of a baby's lungs?

Breathing support is all that's usually needed to treat wet lungs. We might also prescribe medicine (antibiotics) if your baby has an infection. Breathing support might include: Oxygen delivered into the nose through a plastic tube (nasal cannula).

How long does it take for a premature baby lungs to develop?

Immature Lungs – Most babies have mature lungs by 36 weeks of gestation. However, since babies develop at different rates, there are exceptions to this. If a mother and her health care provider know that the baby might be coming early, an amniocentesis may be performed to check the maturity level of the lungs.

Can C Section cause pneumothorax?

During pregnancy, pneumothorax can occur during any trimester, parturition, immediately postdelivery or during/following caesarean section.

What is pneumothorax in infants?

Pneumothorax - infants. Pneumothorax is the collection of air or gas in the space inside the chest around the lungs. This leads to lung collapse. This article discusses pneumothorax in infants.

Why does my baby have pneumothorax?

If the baby needs a breathing machine (mechanical ventilator), extra pressure on the baby's lungs, from the machine can sometimes burst the air sacs. Meconium aspiration syndrome is another cause of pneumothorax in newborns. Before or during birth, the baby may breathe in the first bowel movement, called meconium.

How long does pneumothorax last?

Since treatment will also depend on the lung issues that led to the pneumothorax, it may last for days to weeks. Some air leaks will go away within a few days without treatment. Infants who have the air removed with a needle or catheter often do well after treatment if there are no other lung problems.

Why does my baby have a leak in his airways?

This may obstruct the airways and cause breathing problems. Other causes include pneumonia (infection of the lung) or underdeveloped lung tissue. Less commonly, an otherwise healthy infant can develop an air leak when it takes the first few breaths after birth.

What is the condition called when the heart is pushing the heart?

This puts pressure on both the lung that hasn't collapsed and the heart. This condition is called tension pneumothorax. It is a medical emergency. It can affect heart and lung function.

What is the catheter used to remove air from a baby's chest?

Supplemental oxygen will be provided if needed. If your baby is having symptoms, the provider will place a needle or thin tube called a catheter into the baby's chest to remove the air that has leaked into the chest space.

What causes air to leak into the chest wall?

A pneumothorax occurs when some of the tiny air sacs (alveoli) in a baby's lung become overinflated and burst. This causes air to leak into the space between the lung and chest wall (pleural space). The most common cause of pneumothorax is respiratory distress syndrome. This is a condition that occurs in babies who are born too early (premature).

Why does my baby have a pneumothorax?

Causes. A pneumothorax occurs when some of the tiny air sacs (alveoli) in a baby's lung become overinflated and burst. This causes air to leak into the space between the lung and chest wall (pleural space). The most common cause of pneumothorax is respiratory distress syndrome. This is a condition that occurs in babies who are born too early ...

What are the symptoms of pneumothorax?

Many infants with pneumothorax do not have symptoms. When symptoms do occur, they can include: 1 Bluish skin color ( cyanosis) 2 Fast breathing 3 Flaring of the nostrils 4 Grunting with breathing 5 Irritability 6 Restlessness 7 Use of other chest and abdominal muscles to aid breathing (retractions)

What is the pleura in infants?

This article discusses pneumothorax in infants. The pleura is a thin membrane that surrounds the lungs. The space between the pleura and the lungs is usually very thin. Pneumothorax is the collection of air or gas in this space around the lungs, which leads to a lung collapse.

Why do babies breathe in meconium?

Before or during birth, the baby may breathe in the first bowel movement, called meconium. This may obstruct the airways and cause breathing problems. Other causes include pneumonia (infection of the lung) or underdeveloped lung tissue.

Why does my baby have a leak?

This occurs because of the pressure needed to expand the lungs for the first time.

How long does a pneumothorax last?

Since treatment will also depend on the lung issues that led to the pneumothorax, it may last for days to weeks.

What is it called when the heart is pushing the other side of the chest?

This puts pressure on both the lung that hasn't collapsed and the heart. This condition is called tension pneumothorax. It is a medical emergency. It can affect heart and lung function.

Why do newborns have no symptoms?

Because many newborns have no symptoms, pneumothorax is suspected when newborns who have underlying lung disorders or newborns who are receiving CPAP or are on a ventilator develop worsening trouble breathing (respiratory distress), a drop in blood pressure, or both . When examining these newborns, doctors may notice diminished sounds of air entering and leaving the lung on the side of the pneumothorax.

Can a newborn breathe out with a cyanosis?

Pneumothorax in the newborn sometimes causes no symptoms. However, it can be the cause of a newborn’s rapid breathing. Newborns also may grunt when breathing out and may have a bluish color to their skin and/or lips ( cyanosis ). The chest on the affected side is sometimes more prominent than the unaffected side.

What is pneumothorax in infants?

A lung disorder of infants, pneumothorax is also known by the following names: Advertisement. Pneumothorax in Newborns. Infantile Pneumothorax. Air Leak Syndrome in Infants.

What causes a baby to have a pneumothorax?

The following are the possible causes of pneumothorax which can affect the infant severely: One of the common cause of pneumothorax is aspiration of meconium, which is the first bowel movement of child. It is also known as meconium aspiration syndrome, which can severely affect the lungs. Surfactants are normally required to keep ...

Why do preterm infants have pneumothorax?

Respiratory distress syndrome occurring in preterm infants is an important cause of pneumothorax in infants. Pneumothorax in infants is caused by some genetic factors as well. In many other conditions and respiratory complications, there are chances of lung collapse and air escape from lungs, which can be a cause of pneumothorax in infants.

Why do infants need surfactants?

Surfactants are normally required to keep the air sacs in the lungs open to ensure proper lung functioning and prevention of infections. In preterm infants, the development of surfactants gets stunted, causing lung collapse. This is another common cause of pneumothorax in infants, particularly preterm infants.

Why is oxygen given to infants?

Supplemental oxygen is given to the child to remove any kind of complication related with breathing. Owing to decreased oxygen supply, the supplement is given to avoid breathing problems. Removal of air from lungs with thoracotomy is quite effective and the results for managing pneumothorax in infants are positive.

What are the different types of pneumothorax?

Advertisement. The chances of pneumothorax in infants can be high due to its occurrence in the past and can be classified in the four types: Iatrogenic pneumothorax, caused due to faulty surgical procedures. Primary spontaneous pneumothorax, occurring due to previous lung disease. Secondary spontaneous pneumothorax, history of acute lung damage.

What happens if a child has a catheter in place of a needle?

In place of needle, catheter is also used and if the child is suffering from a mild form of infection, then least medications are given. In case, the situation is left untreated or there is a delay in the treatment, then drop in blood pressure may occur.

What is pneumothorax in infants?

The accumulation of air forces the lung to lose its elasticity and therefore collapse. Pneumothorax in Infants occurs more often in prematurely born infants. Surfactants in the lungs, which are necessary to keep the air sacs open, ...

Why do infants have pneumothorax?

Some causes of Infantile Pneumothorax may include: Premature birth of an infant: Premature births do not allow an important factor called surfactants to develop. Surfactants are very important for keeping the air sacs within the lungs open, and preventing them from collapsing.

What is the difference between a primary pneumothorax and a secondary pneumothorax?

Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax, which can occur without a past medical history of a lung disease. Secondary Spontaneous Pneumothorax occurring in an individual with a known history of either acute or chronic lung damage. Traumatic Pneumothorax caused by a penetrating wound to the chest wall.

What are the complications of pneumothorax?

Some potential complications of Pneumothorax in Infants include a drop in blood pressure and increased air in one lung, putting pressure on the other lung and heart. When a baby presents with signs and symptoms, a thin tube or needle is placed in the chest to remove the air.

How to tell if a baby has pneumothorax?

The signs and symptoms associated with Pneumothorax in Infants may include: Difficulty breathing. Breathing distress with faster breathing: Caregivers will notice severe distress in the baby when he/she is breathing. Abnormal noises upon breathing. Flaring of nostrils.

What is the procedure used to test for a baby's gas?

Arterial blood gas analysis. A chest X-ray can help provide a definitive diagnosis. Transillumination test: A procedure which uses a light probe applied along the baby’s chest; the affected areas light up while in a darkened room. Many clinical conditions may have similar signs and symptoms.

Can a baby be on a breathing ventilator?

Placing the baby on a breathing ventilator: This procedure can cause increased pressure within the lungs. Too much pressure can result in the air sacs to burst, causing them to collapse and result in pneumothorax. Meconium aspiration syndrome: In this syndrome, there is aspiration of meconium during childbirth.

What is TTN in a newborn?

TTN and PTX: TTN is transient tachypnea of the newborn. It typically will resolve with time and usually requires only supportive care. Some infants may be born wit ... Read More

How long does it take for a pneumo to see resolution?

Depends: Some small pneumos will see resolution within a day or so and are generally treated with extra oxygen to promote resolution. If it is larger and trigg ... Read More

What is a colapsed lung?

Colapsed Lung: A pneumothorax occurs when air gets in the the space between the chest wall and the lung. This space should not contain anything. So when air gets i ... Read More


1.Pneumothorax in the Newborn - MSD Manual Consumer …


26 hours ago Pneumothorax most often occurs in newborns with stiff lungs, such as newborns who have respiratory distress syndrome Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Newborns Respiratory distress syndrome is a lung disorder in premature newborns in which the air sacs in their lungs do not remain open because a substance that coats the air sacs called surfactant is...

2.Pneumothorax - infants: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia


23 hours ago A pneumothorax occurs when some of the tiny air sacs (alveoli) in a baby's lung become overinflated and burst. This causes air to leak into the space between the lung and chest wall (pleural space). The most common cause of pneumothorax is respiratory distress syndrome. This is a condition that occurs in babies who are born too early (premature).

3.Videos of What Is Pneumothorax In A Newborn


11 hours ago Pneumothorax most often occurs in newborns with stiff lungs, such as newborns who have respiratory distress syndrome Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Newborns Respiratory distress syndrome is a lung disorder in premature newborns in which the air sacs in their lungs do not remain open because a substance that coats the air sacs called surfactant is...

4.Pneumothorax - infants Information | Mount Sinai - New …


10 hours ago Pneumothorax in Newborn. Pneumothorax is a buildup of air between a lung and the chest wall. A baby’s lungs have tiny air sacs (alveoli). If one or more of these alveoli break, air can leak out of the baby’s lung and into the chest cavity that holds the lung. As air leaks out, part of the lung can collapse. This makes it hard for the baby to breathe.

5.Pneumothorax in the Newborn - Children's Health Issues


24 hours ago Spontaneous pneumothorax can occur in the newborn infant and if not recognized may have fatal consequences. It should be suspected in any infant in respiratory distress. It may be caused by over-enthusiastic attempts at resuscitation with pressure breathing apparatus, but more often it occurs spontaneously.

6.What is Pneumothorax in Infants, Know its Causes, …


28 hours ago Causes of pneumothorax in newborns. A 34-year-old member asked: Newborn with pneumothorax does it resolve on its own? Dr. James Ferguson answered. Pediatrics 46 years experience. Depends: Some small pneumos will see resolution within a day or so and are generally treated with extra oxygen to promote resolution. If it is larger and trigg...

7.Pneumothorax in Infants - DoveMed


8 hours ago

8.Spontaneous Pneumothorax in the Newborn - PMC


5 hours ago

9.Causes of pneumothorax in newborns | Answers from …


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