Knowledge Builders

what is schema example

by Domenico Prohaska Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

5 Everyday Life Examples Of Schemas

  1. Attending any party. Before going to a party, say a birthday party, we have a preconceived idea about what is going to happen at that party which includes cake, ...
  2. Personality. For example, we consider the personality of a priest as an introvert- one who is calm speaks quietly and believes in peace.
  3. Religious Views. ...
  4. In Education. ...
  5. Visiting Hospitals. ...

Schemata represent the ways in which the characteristics of certain events or objects are recalled, as determined by one's self-knowledge and cultural-political background. Examples of schemata include rubrics, perceived social roles, stereotypes, and worldviews.Mar 1, 2022

Full Answer

What is a schema, and how is it used?

Event schemas let you know what you should do in a certain situation. For example, when a fire alarm goes off, you should leave the building. This might seem like common sense, but at one point, you didn't know what such a signal meant. You learned through experience and retained the information through schema.

What does 'schema' mean?

Nov 30, 2020 · The SQL schema contains multiple database objects like tables,views,sequences,functions,triggers e.t.c. I would like you to give you examples of schema from Oracle 12 c. There are so many in built schemas in Oracle 12 c. You can have look on multiple schemas online with using following oracle site.

How to use schema?

Nov 22, 2021 · Designing Schema Example: Key Practices. A good schema facilitates optimal performance at scale. Though a design is dependent on the use case, a few common practices apply to almost all database designs: Have Good Naming Standards. Use Normalization to Tackle Redundancy. Fix the Right Number of Tables.

What is schema in psychology what are some examples?

At the element or attribute level, you can specify additional delimiter and positional data as appropriate.For example, we will create a simple CSV schema relating to a simple CustomerId, ProductCode, Quantity file. An example file might look like this:Customer1,Product1,10 Customer1,Product2,0 Customer2,Product1,100 Customer2,Product2,100...


What is the best example of schema?

Examples of Schemas For example, when a child is young, they may develop a schema for a dog. They know a dog walks on four legs, is hairy, and has a tail. When the child goes to the zoo for the first time and sees a tiger, they may initially think the tiger is a dog as well.Jul 21, 2019

What is event schema example?

Event schemas let you know what you should do in a certain situation. For example, when a fire alarm goes off, you should leave the building. This might seem like common sense, but at one point, you didn't know what such a signal meant. You learned through experience and retained the information through schema.

What are the 4 schemas?

There are four main types of schemas. These are centered around objects, the self, roles, and events. Schemas can be changed and reconstructed throughout a person's life. The two processes for doing so are assimilation and accommodation.Dec 6, 2021

What is schema in simple words?

1 : a diagrammatic presentation broadly : a structured framework or plan : outline. 2 : a mental codification of experience that includes a particular organized way of perceiving cognitively and responding to a complex situation or set of stimuli.

What are the 3 types of schema?

Schema is of three types: Logical Schema, Physical Schema and view Schema.Logical Schema – It describes the database designed at logical level.Physical Schema – It describes the database designed at physical level.View Schema – It defines the design of the database at the view level.Sep 22, 2021

What is a schema in child development?

Schemas are described as patterns of repeated behaviour which allow children to explore and express developing ideas and thoughts through their play and exploration. The repetitive actions of schematic play allow children to construct meaning in what they are doing.

What are schema types?

Schema markup examples: 6 powerful schema types for small businessesOrganization schema markup. Improve brand identity and awareness. ... Local business Schema markup. Get more appointments and bookings. ... Breadcrumbs Schema markup. ... Sitelink Schema markup. ... Product Schema markup. ... Review Schema markup.Sep 15, 2021

What is schema website?

Website Schemas are essentially words or tags in a “shared vocabulary” that can be used by your on-line marketing company (like us!) to talk to search engines like Google & Bing to provide refined searches.Nov 25, 2014

What are Piaget's schemas?

Schemas. A schema describes both the mental and physical actions involved in understanding and knowing. Schemas are categories of knowledge that help us to interpret and understand the world. In Piaget's view, a schema includes both a category of knowledge and the process of obtaining that knowledge.Mar 31, 2020

What is physical schema?

Physical schema is the lowest form of abstraction with regards to the schema. It acts as the foundation for other types of schema to create relationships and indexes. Therefore, a physical schema usually indicates the storage allocation, which is defined in terms of GBs or TBs.

What is a snowflake schema?

Similar to a star schema, a snowflake schema is also a multi-dimension model used in data warehouses to support advanced analytics. Although both schemas organize the tables around a central fact table, the dimensional tables in the snowflake schema can further connect to sub-dimensional tables. The advantage of a snowflake schema is that less duplicate data is stored than in an equivalent star schema.

What is redundancy in database design?

Redundancies are a common sighting in database designs. The tricky part here is that these redundancies can be both good or bad depending on the use case. This is where normalization comes to the rescue. Database normalization is the process of structuring a database under a series of normal forms to reduce data redundancy. Both over-normalization and under-normalization will result in worse performance. Consequently, the decision to maintain or eliminate a redundancy is made by comparing the cost of operations that involve the redundant information and the storage needed.

Why is it important to name a database?

Appropriate naming makes database design schemas most effective. The names enable you to identify the purpose of an object and simplifies collaboration. Keep the following in mind while naming: Consistency is the key while naming.

Why are stored procedures important?

Stored procedures allow database development in an effective way for collaboration across teams and development between the database and functional programmers. These procedures give the database professionals the ability to change the characteristics of the database code without much overhead. In addition, they can also provide granular access to the system.

What is view level in a database?

It can be defined as the design of the database at the view level, which generally describes end-user interaction with database systems. At the view level, a user can interact with the system using an interface. Users are not aware of where and how data is stored.

Why not use reserved words in SQL?

Try not to use SQL Server reserved words in table names, column names, and fields because it can result in a syntax error. Avoid using hyphens, quotes, spaces, and special characters because it isn’t valid or will require an additional step. Avoid unnecessary prefixes or suffixes for table names.

What is schema in database?

The design of the database is called a schema. This tells us about the structural view of the database. It gives us an overall description of the database. A database schema defines how the data is organised using the schema diagram. A schema diagram is a diagram which contains entities and the attributes that will define that schema. A schema diagram only shows us the database design. It does not show the actual data of the database. Schema can be a single table or it can have more than one table which is related. The schema represents the relationship between these tables.

What is a view schema?

View Schema defines the design of the database at the view level of the data abstraction. It defines how an end-user will interact with the database system. There are many view schema for a database system. Each view schema defines the view of data for a particular group of people. It shows only those data to a view group in which they are interested and hides the remaining details from them.

Can a schema have more than one table?

Schema can be a single table or it can have more than one table which is related. The schema represents the relationship between these tables. Example: Let us suppose we have three tables Employee, Department and Project. So, we can represent the schema of these three tables using the schema diagram as follows.

How do schemas help people?

Schemas also impact how quickly people learn. People also learn information more readily when it fits in with the existing schemas. Schemas help simplify the world. Schemas can often make it easier for people to learn about the world around them.

What is schema in social psychology?

Social schemas include general knowledge about how people behave in certain social situations.

What is schema in automobiles?

For example, most people in industrialized nations have a schema for what a car is. Your overall schema for a car might include subcategories for different types of automobiles such as a compact car, sedan, or sports car. Person schemas are focused on specific individuals.

Why is schema important?

Schemas can be useful because they allow us to take shortcuts in interpreting the vast amount of information that is available in our environment.

What is prejudice schema?

Prejudice is one example of a schema that prevents people from seeing the world as it is and inhibits them from taking in new information. By holding certain beliefs about a particular group of people, this existing schema may cause people to interpret situations incorrectly.

What is the schema of Piaget's theory?

In Piaget's theory, a schema is both the category of knowledge as well as the process of acquiring that knowledge. He believed that people are constantly adapting to the environment as they take in new information and learn new things.

How can new information be classified?

New information could be classified and categorized by comparing new experiences to existing schemas. Schemas allow us to think quickly. Even under conditions when things are rapidly changing our new information is coming in quickly, people do not usually have to spend a great deal of time interpreting it.

Basic JSON Schema Example

Let’s look at an example of a JSON Schema for the above document type.

JSON Schema Keywords and Properties

We have different keywords that are used in the above example. The following list explains what each of these keywords mean.

How do I create a JSON schema?

You can use online JSON schema generators if you have a simple JSON document, then modify the schema as per the requirement of your project. Alternatively, you can build a JSON schema of your own from scratch by following the steps below

Base Schema

In the above example, $schema links to the resource that identifies the dialect and the valid schemas written for this dialect.

JSON Schema Properties

The schema that we have used in the above section is a basic outline. Lets build on it by adding an id field to the employee record.

Arrays of Things

The following example shows how we can create an object within an object that takes an array type data. Here, we will use a few new keywords in addition to the ones we have already used.

Describing Geographical Coordinates

Though the above example is limited to a use case, there are limitless uses of JSON schema. One of the areas where JSON schema can be used to validate and enforce consistency is with geographical coordinates. Because of the nature of the data, there is a high chance of accepting invalid or inconsistent data.


Schema: Definition and Origins

The term schema was first introduced in 1923 by developmental psychologist Jean Piaget. Piaget proposed a stage theory of cognitive development that utilized schemas as one of its key components. Piaget defined schemasas basic units of knowledge that related to all aspects of the world. He suggested that different sc…
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Types of Schemas

  • There are many kinds of schemas that assist us in understanding the world around us, the people we interact with, and even ourselves. Types of schemas include: 1. Object schemas, which help us understand and interpret inanimate objects, including what different objects are and how they work. For example, we have a schema for what a door is and how to use it. Our door schema ma…
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Modification of Schema

  • As our example of the child changing their dog schema after encountering a tiger illustrates, schemas can be modified. Piaget suggested that we grow intellectually by adjusting our schemaswhen new information comes from the world around us. Schemas can be adjusted through: 1. Assimilation, the process of applying the schemas we already possess to understan…
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Impact on Learning and Memory

  • Schemas help us interact with the world efficiently. They help us categorize incoming information so we can learn and think more quickly. As a result, if we encounter new information that fits an existing schema, we can efficiently understand and interpret it with minimal cognitive effort. However, schemas can also impact what we pay attention to and how we interpret new informat…
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How Our Schemas Get Us Into Trouble

  • The study by Brewer and Trevens demonstrates that we notice and remember things that fit into our schemas but overlook and forget things that don’t. In addition, when we recall a memory that activates a certain schema, we may adjust that memory to better fit that schema. So while schemas can help us efficiently learn and understand new information, at times they may also d…
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  1. Brewer, William F., and James C. Treyens. "Role of Schemata in Memory for Places." Cognitive Psychology, vol. 13, no. 2, 1981, pp. 207-230.
  2. Carlston, Don. “Social Cognition.” Advanced Social Psychology: The State of the Science, edited by Roy F. Baumeister and Eli J. Finkel, Oxford University Press, 2010, pp. 63-99
  3. Cherry, Kendra. "The Role of a Schema in Psychology." VeryWell Mind, 26 June 2019. https://…
  1. Brewer, William F., and James C. Treyens. "Role of Schemata in Memory for Places." Cognitive Psychology, vol. 13, no. 2, 1981, pp. 207-230.
  2. Carlston, Don. “Social Cognition.” Advanced Social Psychology: The State of the Science, edited by Roy F. Baumeister and Eli J. Finkel, Oxford University Press, 2010, pp. 63-99
  3. Cherry, Kendra. "The Role of a Schema in Psychology." VeryWell Mind, 26 June 2019.
  4. McLeod, Saul. “Jean Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development.” Simply Psychology, 6 June 2018.


The design of the database is called a schema. This tells us about the structural view of the database. It gives us an overall description of the database. A database schema defines how the data is organised using the schema diagram. A schema diagram is a diagram which contains entities and the attributes that will define th…
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View Schema Or External Schema

  • View Schema defines the design of the database at the view level of the data abstraction. It defines how an end-user will interact with the database system. There are many view schema for a database system. Each view schema defines the view of data for a particular group of people. It shows only those data to a view group in which they are interested and hides the remaining deta…
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Logical Schema Or Conceptual Schema

  • Logical Schema defines the design of the database at the conceptual level of the data abstraction. At this level, we define the entities, attributes, constraints, relationships, etc. and how their relationship would be logically implemented. The programmers and the DBA work at this level and they do all these implementations. External/Conceptual Mapping is done between the …
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Physical Schema

  • This is the design of the database defined at the physical level of data abstraction. This tells how the data will be stored in the storage device. The data can be stored in the form of file, indices etc. It totally depends on the database administrator(DBA) that how he wants to store the data and what are the storage structure that has to be used. It is often hidden from the programmer and t…
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1.What Is a Schema in Psychology? Definition and Examples


5 hours ago Event schemas let you know what you should do in a certain situation. For example, when a fire alarm goes off, you should leave the building. This might seem like common sense, but at one point, you didn't know what such a signal meant. You learned through experience and retained the information through schema.

2.What Is A Schema? Psychology, Definition, And Examples ...


31 hours ago Nov 30, 2020 · The SQL schema contains multiple database objects like tables,views,sequences,functions,triggers e.t.c. I would like you to give you examples of schema from Oracle 12 c. There are so many in built schemas in Oracle 12 c. You can have look on multiple schemas online with using following oracle site.

3.Videos of What is Schema Example


15 hours ago Nov 22, 2021 · Designing Schema Example: Key Practices. A good schema facilitates optimal performance at scale. Though a design is dependent on the use case, a few common practices apply to almost all database designs: Have Good Naming Standards. Use Normalization to Tackle Redundancy. Fix the Right Number of Tables.

4.What is Schema in SQL with examples? - Complex SQL


28 hours ago At the element or attribute level, you can specify additional delimiter and positional data as appropriate.For example, we will create a simple CSV schema relating to a simple CustomerId, ProductCode, Quantity file. An example file might look like this:Customer1,Product1,10 Customer1,Product2,0 Customer2,Product1,100 Customer2,Product2,100...

5.5 Database Design Schema Example: Critical Practices ...


34 hours ago We have schemas about people, place, object, food and almost about everything around us. Now let’s study some everyday examples of schemas. 1. Attending any party. Before going to a party, say a birthday party, we have a preconceived idea about what is going to happen at that party which includes cake, food, and dance.

6.What is a Schema? - AfterAcademy


11 hours ago Apr 22, 2022 · What is an example of a schema? An example of a schema would be a person who is preparing for their first day at work that discusses with a current employee a typical day at the job. This person is...

7.5 Everyday Life Examples Of Schemas - StudiousGuy


27 hours ago Sep 23, 2019 · Person schemas are focused on specific individuals. For example, your schema for your friend might include information about her appearance, her behaviors, her personality, and her preferences. Social schemas include general knowledge about how people behave in certain social situations. Self-schemas are focused on your knowledge about yourself. This …

8.Understanding a Schema in Psychology - Verywell Mind


2 hours ago Replace and with the username and password of the database user that you created. Now, let’s go into the mongodatabase and look at the documents inside the employees collection. Click on the Validation tab and insert the following JSON schema to validate our documents.

9.JSON Schema Examples Tutorial - MongoDB


18 hours ago

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9