Knowledge Builders

what is the average cost of tree trimming

by Zackary Kub Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Cost of Tree Trimming

Tree Trimming Costs Zip Code Tree Height
Tree Trimming – Material Prices $2.00 - $3.00 $4.00 - $5.00 $7.00 - $8.00
Tree Trimming – Labor Cost $12.00 - $14.00 $18.00 - $25.00 $28.00 - $35.00
Tree Trimming – Total $14.00 - $17.00 $22.00 - $30.00 $35.00 - $43.00
Tree Trimming – Total Average Cost per t ... $15.50 $26.00 $39.00
Aug 16 2022

The national average cost for tree trimming is $460, with a typical range of $200 to $760. For trees under 30 feet, costs can start as low as $75, topping out around $400. But the bigger the tree, the bigger the bill: Trees over 60 feet tall can run up to $1,500 for a trim.Jul 26, 2022

Full Answer

How much does tree trimming usually cost?

If you’ve got several trees around your house that need trimming, the bill will go up accordingly. The average tree trimming service will usually cost $80 to $350 per tree. For a medium-sized tree, you might be quoted $150, in comparison to $250+ if that tree was diseased, hazardous, or full of pests.

What is the typical cost to cut down a tree?

The average cost to remove a tree is between $400 and $900, with the average homeowner spending around $433 to have an accessible, simple medium-sized tree removed, including stump removal and haul away. Updated: Jun 18, 2020 What's new? Rewrote the introduction and updated the costs and project scope.

How much does it cost to trim or remove trees?

When determining how much it costs to remove a tree, consider the size of the tree, accessibility, condition, trunk diameter, and more. Tree removal costs an average of $750 and ranges between $200 and $2,000. Trees are a wonderful part of nature, but roots or an overgrown tree can become problematic over time.

How much does it cost for tree cutting or removal?

The costs for tree removal vary per tree.Factors affecting the price include complex branch patterns and the height of the tree. Whenever you have a tree removed, it’s wise to have the stump removed at the same time. The average price will be $779, but it can vary between $647 and $911 depending on the complexity of the job.


How much does it cost to top a tree?

Topping a tree (a controversial practice, we should point out) up to 30 feet in height will cost $100-$300. For a tree 30-60 feet, plan to spend $175-$400, and $200-$1,800 to trim a tree over 60 feet. Be wary of individuals who propose topping a tree to reduce its height.

How often do trees need to be trimmed?

every 3-5 yearsMost mature trees of any variety can be trimmed every 3-5 years. Most younger trees should be trimmed every 2-3 years. Fruit trees can be pruned every year to help produce better quality and larger fruit. Evergreen trees can go many years without needing a single cut.

How much does it cost to trim a crape myrtle?

between $80 and $400Crepe Myrtle Since the trees only grow up to about 30 feet tall, they're a bit easier and cheaper to trim. Expect to pay between $80 and $400 depending on its size, health issues, and the time of the year.

What time of year is best to trim oak trees?

Pruning: • It is best to prune oaks when they are dormant. Live oaks, which retain their leaves year round, are dormant July thru October. Deciduous oaks, which lose their leaves in winter, should be pruned during the winter. Oaks do not tolerate severe pruning and can be killed if topped or severely pruned.

Should you cut lower branches off a tree?

Still, the majority of the time, you do NOT want to cut away your lower branches! This is because they're there for an important reason: they serve as a tree's structural reinforcement. This is particularly crucial during storm season.

How much can you trim a tree without killing it?

Depending on its size, age, and condition, no more than 5% to 20% of a tree's crown should be removed at one time. The main reason for this is to avoid the tree's stress response of producing lots of suckering branches that are weak and may develop in the wrong places in a tree's crown or along its trunk.

What happens if you don't prune crepe myrtles?

Leaving it alone will result in a pretty raggedy-looking tree, and it won't grow as quickly either. The new growth will emerge on its own from the fresh cuts, and if you trim at just the right point, you'll encourage way more blooms to appear.

When should crepe myrtles be trimmed?

If you do choose to prune your crepe myrtles, pruning should take place in mid-February to avoid winter injury. Pruning should be done only to shape the tree; not to severely control plant height. Pruning is also not necessary for blooming.

Should crepe myrtles be pruned?

Also, crepe myrtles need minimal pruning. Some gardeners top them annually, which ruins their natural shape and beauty. Remove the sucker growth that sometimes appears around the base. Only prune to shape trees or to take out any cross branching.

How often should you trim an oak tree?

Like other trees, oak trees are generally pruned every 2 to 3 years when young and every 3 to 5 years when they're older. But oak trees have unique pruning needs because they can be infected with oak wilt, a deadly disease brought on by pests that prey on fresh pruning cuts.

Should oak trees be topped?

Cutting your oak tree top off or topping is not recommended. While an oak tree may survive the first top off cut, it is not healthy for the tree. This is because topping increases the tree's susceptibility to internal decay or rot, diseases including fungal and insects.

Should dead limbs be removed from oak trees?

Absolutely, and when it comes to oak trees, age matters! If your oak is 3 years old or younger, you can snip the dead or damaged branches to minimize potential disease risk that might further harm the entire tree; if older than 3 years, limbs that have turned back inward towards the trunk should be removed entirely.

Should you prune trees every year?

Generally, most mature trees need to be trimmed every 3-5 years while a younger tree will need it every 2-3 years. A fruit tree should be pruned yearly while some evergreens can go many years without needing a single cut. Our certified arborist will help determine the best schedule for your trees.

What happens if you prune a tree too much?

Over time, continued over pruning may lead to branches that are too weak to tolerate wind or ice loads, or the plant may simply exhaust itself trying to replenish its canopy. The plant may become extremely weak, allowing a variety of pathogens and insects to invade.

When should you cut back trees and shrubs?

The best time to prune is after flowering. If the plant needs to be renovated, or severely reduced, this can be done late winter and early spring just before growth begins. Remove old flowers (deadhead) and cut back to healthy outward facing buds. Remove damaged, diseased, old wood and straggly growth.

Is it OK to trim trees in summer?

Answer: In general, pruning a tree when it is dormant is recommended if there are large branches to remove; that is, pruning between the time the leaves fall from the tree in the fall and the time the buds swell in the spring. However, pruning for safety reasons or minor pruning may also be done in the summer.

How much does it cost to trim a tree?

Large trees such as pine or oak trees will usually cost between $300 and $1,000 when you hire a professional tree trimming service. If the tree is not easily accessible, expect to spend up to 40% more.

How much does it cost to trim a crab apple tree?

Medium-sized trees between 25 and 50 feet in height, like crab apple trees, cost between $150 and $800+ to trim.

Why do you trim trees?

In comparison, tree trimming is performed to improve the tree's aesthetics. If there are no issues in regards to pests, diseases, or hazards, you can successfully trim or remove branches to obtain a particular shape (or to remove branches that are in the way).

Why do trees weaken over time?

For example, if a tree was struck by lightning, or if it's unhealthy, it will no longer be as stable as it once was . In this case, a minor trim may not be sufficient. If there is a risk that the tree could fall on your home or someone else's, more significant measures may need to be taken. An unstable tree, for instance, may need to be cabled. While this may cost more, the end result will be a much healthier and safer tree.

How to keep a tree healthy?

To preserve moisture around a tree's roots during the hotter months, mulch around the base.

What causes a tree to crack?

Fungi – Many different fungi can quickly destroy trees. As they deplete vital nutrients, a tree's structural stability is often compromised. Large cracks – If you notice a moist crack in the trunk of your tree, this could mean that there's internal decay. In this case, the tree's life may be in jeopardy.

What does size mean in tree trimming?

Size – The bigger a tree, the more branches that need trimming. That adds up to more labor and, therefore, more expense.

How much does it cost to cut down a tree?

The average cost to cut down a tree is between $355 and $1,110 mainly depending on the height of the tree and the complexity of the job. The reason for the variance in work and costs involved is because of the unknown elements in the tree’s condition and how it will respond in the event of being cut down.

What is the biggest aspect of tree removal cost?

The biggest aspect of tree removal cost is based on a tree’s height.

How much does it cost to remove an oak tree in California?

California and other states ban the removal of oak trees unless they pose a safety or health risk. It will cost approximately $950 to remove and oak tree that’s 80’ tall and 26’ wide, weighing 3.9 tons.

What test is used to determine how far gone a tree is?

Death and Decay in a Tree – An arborist can perform a Resistograph test to determine how far gone the tree is.

What is tree removal?

Tree removal is one of the more standardized services from a pricing perspective with a core set of variables governing the main pricing factors. The average cost of tree removal doesn’t include a host of possible additional costs attached to a tree’s diameter, condition, and location.

What happens if you remove a tree that is too tall?

The taller the tree you need removed, the heavier it will be, and as a result, the higher the risks are for potential damage to those working on its removal, as well as any property nearby. Mitigating those risks is a crucial component in the planning and execution of the removal of your tree, and it normally requires more equipment and people to get the work done.

How much does a palm tree weigh?

One exception to this is the palm tree, and depending on the variety, its weight will be between 100 and 1,000 lbs. per trunk foot, thereby increasing the removal cost considerably.

Why do tree trimming costs fluctuate?

Tree trimming cost can also fluctuate at different times of the year because professionals may charge less during off-season months when they aren’t as busy.

How long does it take to trim a tree?

It can take anywhere from a couple of hours to a whole day to trim a tree. It all depends on many of the same factors as the cost: How tall is the tree? How much trimming is needed? How accessible is the tree? Can the professional use a bucket truck, or will the tree need to be accessed by climbing? What kind of tree is it? Is the tree healthy? It takes longer—and is more dangerous—to trim a diseased or damaged tree.

Why do trees need to be pruned?

Pruning, on the other hand, involves the calculated removal of select, unnecessary branches (sometimes unhealthy or dead branches) and even roots to promote growth and keep the tree in good health. Pruning eliminates unwanted growth and “opens up” a tree, allowing sunlight and air to reach interior branches. If a tree is encroaching on a structure or utility lines, it may need pruning to redirect it.

Why do you trim a fruit tree?

If your tree has a fungus, rot, or other disease, trimming will help prevent the issue from spreading to the healthy portions of the tree. Opening up a tree’s interior to sunlight and airflow will also help eradicate pest problems and, in fruit trees, encourage production.

Why do we trim trees?

Most tree trimming is done to improve the looks of the tree—to shape it or to remove overgrowth. Sometimes, lower branches are trimmed to enable easier mowing or other activities in the yard. Annual maintenance in the way of tree trimming can help prevent disease, overgrowth, and other issues.

Why is it dangerous to trim a tree?

If a tree is damaged, diseased, or otherwise unhealthy, it creates a potentially more dangerous situation for the professional trimming it. There is also likely to be more to remove; in some instances, the entire tree needs to come down. The more work that’s involved, the higher the price will be.

What to do if a tree isn't healthy?

If your tree isn’t healthy, you may opt for a variety of additional treatments, such as soil remediation, fertilization, or pest control. If the tree is so damaged or unhealthy that it needs to come down, you may want to have the stump removed as well.

How much does it cost to remove a tree?

Removing 10 – 20% of the branches/foliage of a tree this size would cost you between $ 250 and $525. Small tree trimming costs a little more if it is a building or a power line clearance.

How much does it cost to trim a tree in 2021?

The national average cost for tree trimming is $438.

What factors add to tree trimming cost?

There are many cost factors that add to the cost of tree trimming. How many trees, tree location, tree type, whether it’s a healthy tree, more branches etc. A simple way to look at it is, the longer it takes to trim or remove branches, and have the debris hauled, the more it will cost you. Extra large trees will cost more than medium sized trees.

How tall should a tree be to trim?

Using a professional arborist or tree trimming services near you is advisable if the tree size larger than 15 feet in height. But annual trimming using a professional service can become expensive so here are a few tips to help you save money and do the job right.

How much does it cost to trim a below ash tree?

The below Ash tree was a mess with crossing branches and deadwood. The cost of tree thinning the below Ash tree would be between $410 and $670 depending on the city you live in. It’s a time-consuming tree trimming job.

What is tree trimming?

Tree Trimming. This is the management of a tree in an urban environment. Either shaping the tee for aesthetic reasons or a safety issue like trimming trees around power lines or for building clearance. Other tree trimming techniques include canopy lift, tree thinning, and weight reduction.

What is the factor most do not think about when pruning a tree?

The factor most do not think about is the type of tree being pruned. This is closely related to the form the tree takes, including natural branch distribution, sizes, and how easy they are to remove.

How much does it cost to trim a tree?

Expect to pay $75 to $300 to trim a small tree of 10 to 20 feet, including the cost of labor. They are easier to reach, making them simpler to trim. Often, trimmers can remain on the ground during the trimming, reducing the need for cranes. The size of their branches is also typically thinner, requiring smaller equipment to cut through them. For example, this may include dogwoods, Japanese maples, Allegheny serviceberry, and redbuds.

How much does a tree trimmer charge?

Trimmers typically charge per tree or per project. However, a professional trimmer may charge between $50 and $80 per hour in some situations.

How much does it cost to trim a 20 foot pine tree?

Trimming prices range from $175 to $750, with the average homeowner paying around $450 to trim a 20-foot tree, such as a small cypress with a specific round shape. Costs could be as low as $75 to trim a 15-foot crepe myrtle with good accessibility or as high as $1,800 for a pine tree over 100 feet tall, hard to reach, and has very thick branches to cut.

Why do we trim trees?

Tree trimming is the process of shaping the tree, creating a more appealing look for it. It is also done to minimize risks to other structures, such as a home when branches are not growing properly or are growing too large. By contrast, pruning is done to improve the health of the tree. Trimming adds appeal.

Why is it difficult to put a price on trimming based on difficulty?

It is difficult to put a price on trimming based on difficulty because the project has different requirements and expectations. It is always necessary to get a quote for the service.

How much does it cost to clean a yard?

The average cost for yard clean-up services is between $200 and $500. Yard clean-up costs may help to spruce up the look of the property by removing debris and leaves from the space. This may include some trimming services and shrub shaping. This may also include weed maintenance and removal of damaged or no longer desired plants.

When is the best time to trim a tree?

The best time to trim trees is in spring to early summer. It may also be possible to trim in the late fall before the winter months set in. It is possible to trim at any time of the year when hazardous conditions exist.

How much does it cost to remove a tree?

The condition of the tree and the difficulty of removal will further influence the cost. The average cost to remove a tree is $1,200. Smaller trees cost $400 or less to remove. Trees up to 100 feet high cost $2,000 or more to remove.

How big should a tree be to be removed?

If the tree’s trunk is greater than 10 inches, the tree should be removed by professionals.

How far below the soil can you shred a stump?

A special stump-grinding tool with spinning blades is used to shred the stump until it is about six inches below the surface of the soil.

When is the best time to remove a tree?

Any tree that is a hazard should be removed immediately. Otherwise, tree companies find that November to March is the best time to remove a tree because it has no leaves. During that time, limbs are lighter because they have no leaves. Summer, though, is the best season to observe the tree because it is still in its growing stage.

When a tree is no longer beneficial, should it be removed?

Adding shade and beauty while controlling erosion , trees are great assets to properties. But when a tree is no longer beneficial, it should be removed.

Do stumps degrade after removal?

After the tree has been removed, the stump remains. Stumps will degrade on their own, but only after many years. In that time, new sprouts may even develop from the stump.

Can you sell old oak trees?

If the tree is in good condition, is relatively straightforward to remove, and is a desirable species, you may be able to sell the tree’s lumber. Hardwoods like walnut or old-growth oak are prized by many lumber mills or furniture makers.


1.Tree Trimming Cost Calculator (2022) - Estimate Prices


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2 hours ago  · The national average cost for tree trimming is $460, with a typical range of $200 to $760. For trees under 30 feet, costs can start as low as $75, topping out around $400.

3.Videos of What Is The Average Cost of Tree Trimming


28 hours ago  · By contrast, pruning is done to improve the health of the tree. Trimming adds appeal. Trimming prices range from $175 to $750, with the average homeowner paying around …

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28 hours ago  · The condition of the tree and the difficulty of removal will further influence the cost. The average cost to remove a tree is $1,200 . Smaller trees cost $400 or less to remove.

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