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what is the best definition of wellness

by Celine Hand Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago


  • Defining Wellness. The Global Wellness Institute defines wellness as the active pursuit of activities, choices and lifestyles that lead to a state of holistic health.
  • Wellness Is Multidimensional. Wellness is about more than just physical health. ...
  • The Wellness Continuum. ...
  • Wellness vs. ...

Wellness is the act of practicing healthy habits on a daily basis to attain better physical and mental health outcomes, so that instead of just surviving, you're thriving.

Full Answer

What is wellness in simple words?

WHAT IS WELLNESS? 1 Defining Wellness. The Global Wellness Institute defines wellness as the active pursuit of activities, choices and lifestyles that lead to a state of holistic health. 2 Wellness Is Multidimensional. Wellness is about more than just physical health. ... 3 The Wellness Continuum. ... 4 Wellness vs. ...

What is the difference between wellness and health?

Although wellness is a multifaceted active process that culminates in a more successful and fulfilling life, health in itself is a state well being that incorporates physical, mental and social factors. This topic discusses wellness as it relates to health. What is Wellness?

What is wellness and why is it important?

They adopt attitudes and lifestyles that prevent disease, improve health, and enhance their quality of life and sense of wellbeing. In other words, wellness is proactive, preventive and driven by self-responsibility.

What is the wellness economy?

The Global Wellness Institute defines wellness as the active pursuit of activities, choices and lifestyles that lead to a state of holistic health . LEARN MORE The Global Wellness Institute defines the wellness economy as industries that enable consumers to incorporate wellness activities and lifestyles into their daily lives.


Which example best defines wellness?

Wellness is the state of good mental, physical and emotional health. An example of wellness is eating correctly and exercising every day. The quality or state of being in good health. The process of learning about and engaging in behaviors that are likely to result in optimal health.

What were the three definitions of wellness?

Mental: Engaging the world through learning, problem-solving, creativity, etc. Emotional: Being aware of, accepting and expressing our feelings, and understanding the feelings of others. Spiritual: Searching for meaning and higher purpose in human existence.

What is wellness and why is it important?

Wellness is primarily being in good physical and mental health. Because mental health and physical health are so closely linked, problems in one area can impact the other. At the same time, improving your physical health can also benefit your mental health and other life domains, and vice versa.

What are the 4 types of wellness?

The Four DimensionsSpiritual Wellness. Spiritual strength is that force that drives us to make sacrifices for others, our nation, and the greater good. ... Emotional Wellness. Emotional wellness refers to building an awareness of and accepting one's feelings and moods. ... Physical Wellness. ... Social Wellness.

What is the definition of wellness quizlet?

a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

What is Oxford's definition of wellness?

A condition obtained when a person achieves a level of health that minimizes the chances of becoming ill. Wellness is achieved by a combination of emotional, environmental, mental, physical, social, and spiritual health. From: wellness in The Oxford Dictionary of Sports Science & Medicine »

What are the three sides of the health triangle?

The health triangle is a measure of the different aspects of health. The health triangle consists of: Physical, Social, and Mental Health.

What is a key word that describes wellness?

wellnessfitness,health,healthiness,heartiness,robustness,sap,soundness,verdure,More items...

What is the difference between health and wellness?

The World Health Organization ( WHO) has defined health as, “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." Although wellness can be defined similarly, some suggest that wellness is more active and process-oriented whereas health is more of a state of being. For example, the national wellness institute defines wellness as, "an active process through which people become aware of, and make choices toward, a more successful existence."

What is the best thing about wellness?

The great thing about wellness is that we actually have a lot of control over it. There are so many things we can do to improve our wellness. We can do wellness activities and build good wellness habits. A good goal is to try to do one thing for our wellness each day, and it doesn't have to be anything big.

What does "well being" mean?

Usually when people are referring to "health", they mean physical health, and when people say "well-being", they are referring to mental health. Wellness is a somewhat broader term that generally includes both physical health and mental well-being as well as other dimensions like spirituality.

How does spiritual wellness come from?

Our spiritual wellness comes from connection to something greater than ourselves. Our wellness could come from a connection to god, but spiritual wellness can also come from connection to the planet, other people, and ourselves. We can increase spiritual wellness with strategies like mindfulness and living our values.

How can occupational wellness be found?

Occupational wellness can be found by contributing something meaningful to the world. (We can get this type of wellness from school or volunteering as well). When we feel purposeful about our work and are appreciated for a job well done, we feel more meaning. Even if we can't throw caution to the wind and quit our jobs, we can grow our occupational wellness in small ways, for example by helping out a coworker, joining a project we're interested in, or building new skills to move into a career that is more fulfilling.

How to improve emotional wellness?

Exercise is another big topic. Exercise is not only good for physical wellness, it contributes to better emotional wellness as well. So try to get at least a bit of exercise every day. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device.

What are the different aspects of wellness?

Here are a few that can help you with different aspects of wellness: Emotional Wellness: The Berkeley Happiness Program: Discover how to build positivity , resilience , and mindfulness . The Stress Detox Program: How to undo the effects stress has had on your body and stop the stress cycle. Physical Wellness:

What is wellness in psychology?

Wellness is an individual pursuit—we have self-responsibility for our own choices, behaviors and lifestyles—but it is also significantly influenced by the physical, social and cultural environments in which we live. Wellness is often confused with terms such as health, wellbeing and happiness.

How to understand wellness?

One way to understand wellness is to consider health as a continuum that extends from illness to a state of optimal wellbeing. * On one end, patients with poor health engage the medical paradigm to treat illnesses; they interact reactively and episodically with doctors and clinicians who provide care. On the opposite end, people focus proactively on prevention and maximizing their vitality. They adopt attitudes and lifestyles that prevent disease, improve health, and enhance their quality of life and sense of wellbeing. In other words, wellness is proactive, preventive and driven by self-responsibility. The growth of wellness is the extension of this consumer value and worldview.

What are the dimensions of wellness?

Wellness is about more than just physical health. Most models of wellness include at least 6 dimensions (and sometimes up to 9 or 12): 1 Physical: A healthy body through exercise, nutrition, sleep, etc. 2 Mental: Engagement with the world through learning, problem-solving, creativity, etc. 3 Emotional: Being in touch with, aware of, accepting of, and able to express one’s feelings (and those of others). 4 Spiritual: Our search for meaning and purpose in human existence. 5 Social: Connecting with, interacting with, and contributing to other people and our communities. 6 Environmental: A healthy physical environment free of hazards; awareness of the role we play in bettering rather than denigrating the natural environment.

When did wellness focus become more popular?

Wellness-focused and holistic modalities have gained more visibility since the 1960s/1970s under the writings and thought leadership of an informal network of US physicians and thinkers (such as Halbert Dunn, Jack Travis, Don Ardell, Bill Hettler, and others).

Is wellness a passive or static state?

There are two important aspects to this definition. First, wellness is not a passive or static state but rather an “active pursuit” that is associated with intentions, choices and actions as we work toward an optimal state of health and wellbeing.

What is the definition of wellness?

Wellness is…. “The quality or state of being in good health especially as an actively sought goal. ”. – Merriam-Webster. “The state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal.”. – Oxford Dictionaries. “T he quality or state of being healthy in body and mind, especially as the result of deliberate effort.”.

What is wellness in health?

However, there are a number of similar components to each definition. Wellness is something that you choose to pursue. It’s a choice you make in life that requires constant effort to achieve. While associated with a healthy lifestyle, wellness goes beyond the confines of general health.

Why is personal wellness important?

The importance of personal wellness. Personal wellness is important because it has to do with the choices you make to thrive in your personal life. In fact, balancing all that life has to offer is easier when you have a personal wellness plan.

How does occupational wellness work?

Occupational wellness has to do with maximizing your workplace happiness by focusing on work that brings you a sense of joy, satisfaction, and accomplishment. It can be achieved by exploring various career pathways and successfully managing working place stressors.

What is social wellness?

Social wellness is your ability to connect with others and maintain strong relationships. It can be achieved by surrounding yourself with positive people and being comfortable with who you are in social environments.

What is environmental wellness?

Environmental wellness. Environmental wellness is the way you feel about, respect, and protect the world around you. It can be achieved by going the extra mile to live an environmentally friendly life as well as conserving the world’s natural resources. Ways to improve your environmental wellness include:

How can I improve my intellectual wellness?

Ways to improve your intellectual wellness include: Traveling the world to experience and learn about different cultures. Trying out new hobbies. Cultivating your own views, opinions, and ideas. Being open-minded about the views, opinions, and ideas of others. Learning a foreign language.

What is the definition of wellness?

The global definition of wellness is engaging in daily health activities and habits to improve your health and live a healthy and high-quality life.


The physical dimension focuses on practising healthy life choices. This includes physical activity, like, daily workouts and exercises. It also involves proper nutrition and avoiding body toxins like alcohol. Aim to exercise at least 20 -30 minutes a day. Or take a walk. Physical wellness helps you avoid illness,

Emotional wellness

Emotional wellness determines how you express your emotions and feelings when you are sad, happy, angry.

Intellectual wellness

Intellectual wellness helps you focus on improving your intellectual and mental capacity.

Social wellness

The social dimension of wellness helps you to associate better with people. It helps you improve your day-to-day relationship with family, at work, or when you meet new people.

Spiritual wellness

The spiritual dimension solely focuses on finding and living a life with meaning and purpose.

Environmental wellness

Environmental wellness focuses on living and working in a hazard-free environment.

What is wellness?

The National Institute of Wellness considers wellness to be “an active process through which people become aware of, and make choices toward, a more successful existence”. This definition allows a better understanding of wellness, using the following tenets[4]: 1 Wellness is an active process, it is a conscious, self-directed and continuous process of achieving full potentials as individuals. 2 Wellness is directed towards a positive and affirming life 3 Wellness takes into account multiple components, which involves lifestyle, spiritual well-being, mental wellbeing, and the environment.

What is wellness in health?

Wellness is directed towards a positive and affirming life. Wellness takes into account multiple components, which involves lifestyle, spiritual well-being, mental wellbeing, and the environment. The World Health Organization defines wellness as “the optimal state of health of individuals and groups”[5].

What are the two major concerns of wellness?

According to the WHO, wellness has two cardinal concerns, which are the achievement of individuals’ fullest potentials physically, psychologically, socially, spiritually and economically, and carrying out individuals’ expectation in the family, community, place of worship, workplace and other settings.

What is physical wellness?

Physical Wellness[edit| edit source] This dimension of wellness is concerned with cardiovascular fitness, strength, flexibility, and so on are involved. Activities that may be carried out to improve physical health involve exercise regimens, diet, close observation of health indices including stressors.

Is health the same as wellness?

Health is often used interchangeably as wellness, yet, the two concepts have clearly different origins[6]. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as “the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”[3].

Is wellness a concept?

Wellness is clearly a common concept that is often mentioned in the context of health.[1] Although wellness is a multifaceted active process that culminates in a more successful and fulfilling life, health in itself is a state well being that incorporates physical, mental and social factors[2][3].

What are the dimensions of wellness?

Ultimately, the dimensions of wellness all fall into two broader categories, being mental and physical. This is critical to note, as the mental or emotional component is often overlooked as focus on such main staples as physical fitness and chronic disease risk factors.

What is the process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a more successful existence?

Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a more successful existence. • Process means that improvement is always possible. • Aware means that we are continuously seeking more information about how we can improve.

Is vocational wellness personal?

Vocational Wellness and Environmental Wellness are not personal in nature, but a person’s working and physical environments are factors that influence personal wellness. Research is necessary to clearly establish the relationship among the sub-dimensions.

Is wellness universally accepted?

Interestingly, there is no universally-accepted definition of wellness. There is, however, a set of common characteristics seen in most thoughtful attempts at a definition of wellness. We generally see a reference to a “state of well-being,” which is vague, to say the least. Also frequently seen is a “state of acceptance or satisfaction ...

What is wellness in health?

Wellness Defined. The Global Wellness Institute defines wellness as the active pursuit of activities, choices and lifestyles that lead to a state of holistic health.

What is wellness tourism?

The Global Wellness Institute defines wellness tourism as travel associated with the pursuit of maintaining or enhancing one’s personal wellbeing. Primary wellness tourist: A tourist whose trip or destination is primarily motivated by wellness. Secondary wellness tourist: A tourist who seeks to maintain wellness while traveling or who participates ...

What is spa in health?

The Global Wellness Institute defines spas as establishments that promote wellness through the provision of therapeutic and other professional services aimed at renewing the body, mind and spirit. Spa facilities offer a wide variety of services (e.g., massages, facials, body treatments, salon services, water-based treatments, ...

What is spa in business?

Most consumers and industry experts would agree that at its core—no matter its size, form or business model—a spa is an establishment that focuses on wellness. The concepts of wellness, the healing traditions drawn upon, and the therapeutic techniques applied differ dramatically across both nations and types of spas.

What is a club spa?

Club spas are similar to day spas but operate out of facilities whose primary purpose is often fitness. Salon spas operate out of facilities that provide beauty services (e.g., hair, cosmetics, nails, etc.). Destination spas and health resorts: Offer a full-immersion spa experience in which all guests participate.


Defining Wellness

Wellness Is Multidimensional

  • Wellness is about more than just physical health. Most models of wellness include at least six dimensions (and sometimes up to 9 or 12): 1. Physical: Nourishing a healthy body through exercise, nutrition, sleep, etc. 2. Mental: Engaging the world through learning, problem-solving, creativity, etc. 3. Emotional: Being aware of, accepting and express...
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The Wellness Continuum

  • One way to understand wellness is to consider health as a continuum that extends from illness to a state of optimal wellbeing.*On one end, patients with poor health engage the medical paradigm to treat illnesses; they interact reactively and episodically with doctors and clinicians who provide care. On the opposite end, people focus proactively on prevention and maximizing their vitality. …
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Wellness vs. Wellbeing

  • The terms “wellness,” “wellbeing” and “happiness” have often been used together or interchangeably by businesses, researchers and the media. This graphic outlines what they share in common and how these terms differ in concept, usage and association.
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1.Wellness Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster


8 hours ago Definition of wellness : the quality or state of being in good health especially as an actively sought goal lifestyles that promote wellness Synonyms & Antonyms More Example …

2.Definition of Wellness: Meaning, Dimensions, and …


36 hours ago  · It’s a choice you make in life that requires constant effort to achieve. While associated with a healthy lifestyle, wellness goes beyond the confines of general health. It encompasses a positive outlook on your mind, body, and soul and is something we often have more control over than health.

3.What is Wellness? - Global Wellness Institute


28 hours ago Wellness is the active pursuit to understand and fulfill your individual human needs—which allows you to reach a state where you are flourishing and able to realize your full potential in all aspects of life. Every person has wellness aspirations. Successful workplace wellness initiatives require supporting employees in fulfilling their needs in seven areas.

4.What Is Wellness and Why Is It Important? | IntroWellness


13 hours ago  · The global definition of wellness is engaging in daily health activities and habits to improve your health and live a healthy and high-quality life. Wellness requires you to be active, to live a healthy life. However, many people associate wellness with only the physical aspect of life. This is is wrong. Wellness intertwines the physical, emotional and spiritual …

5.Videos of What is the Best Definition Of Wellness


30 hours ago  · Individuals in some cases locate it challenging to describe the definition of WELLNESS and also other words. To describe is actually the crucial function, to define is to provide a delimitation of something. There is a factor named Wellness.

6.Definition of wellness


32 hours ago Wellness is an active process, it is a conscious, self-directed and continuous process of achieving full potentials as individuals. Wellness is directed towards a positive and affirming life; Wellness takes into account multiple components, which involves lifestyle, spiritual well-being, mental wellbeing, and the environment.

7.The Concept of Wellness - Physiopedia


8 hours ago Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a more successful existence. • Process means that improvement is always possible. • Aware means that we are continuously seeking more information about how we can improve.

8.Definition of Wellness


23 hours ago Wellness lifestyle real estateis defined as homes that are proactively designed and built to support the holistic health of their residents. A wellness communityis a group of people living in close proximity who share common goals, interests and experiences in proactively pursuing wellness across its many dimensions. It can be rooted in a purpose-built physical space or …

9.Wellness Definitions - Global Wellness Institute


8 hours ago

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9