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what is the best fertilizer for a magnolia tree

by Angie Crist Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

10 fertilizer for magnolia trees: Editor Recommended

# Product Score
1 Scotts Evergreen Flowering Tree &… 8.00
2 Thanos TreeHelp Premium Fertilizer for… 8.15
3 Jobe’s 02010, Fertilizer Spikes, For… 9.85
4 TreeHelp Annual Care Kit for… 8.45
May 26 2022

Most magnolia tree varieties grow best when they received fertilizers to have an ample amount of nitrogen. This means that fertilizers with an NPK ratio of 20-5-10 or 12-4-8 are most ideal for the tree. That being said, magnolia trees can also benefit from all-purpose fertilizers as well.Mar 2, 2021

Full Answer

What type of fertilizer does a magnolia tree need?

The Types of Fertilizer to Deep-Feed a Magnolia Tree

  • When to Fertilize. The best time of year to fertilize trees is in the late fall after all of the deciduous leaves have dropped.
  • Type of Fertilizer. Nitrogen is the most important fertilizer to provide for trees. ...
  • Deep Feeding. The roots of a magnolia are very close to the surface and are easily damaged. ...
  • Fertilizer Damage. ...

When should you fertilize magnolia trees?

  • Nutrient supply of the magnolia over a longer period of time through slow decomposition of the fertilizer via microorganisms in the soil
  • Promotion of healthy soil life (good for microorganisms, earthworms, etc.)
  • Protection of the environment by renouncing chemicals

How do I fertilize my Magnolia Tree?

How to grow magnolias in a pot

  • Choose a pot at least double the size of the root ball. ...
  • Remove the shrub from the container, taking care not to disturb any of the roots.
  • Position in hole and backfill, gently firming down. ...
  • Water deeply, twice to three times a week, depending on soil and weather conditions.

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When to fertlise Trease in Zone 5?

Trees and shrubs should be fertilized in early spring, and a light fertilizer application can be made in early summer if conditions are conducive to plant growth (that is, reasonable temperatures and soil moisture). Avoid fertilizing trees and shrubs stressed by drought during the summer months.


When should I fertilize magnolia tree?

As part of your magnolia tree care, you'll need to water the trees to keep the soil around the base of the tree moist. It is especially important to keep young trees well-watered until they become established. Fertilize in spring when the flower buds begin to swell with a slow-release fertilizer.

Is Epsom salt good for magnolia trees?

Some winters, with a lack of rainfall, damage many magnolia trees growing on the shallow soils in this area. Secondary only to moisture is the magnolia trees need for magnesium. The most common source of magnesium is Epsom salt.

How do you fertilize a mature magnolia tree?

Apply fertilizer via drilled or dug holes. You will need 3 to 6 holes evenly-spaced around the tree, depending on the size of the tree. Fill the holes half filled with granular fertilizer. You will need a total of 2 pounds of fertilizer for each inch of trunk diameter of the tree. Divide this evenly between the holes.

Do you need to fertilize magnolia trees?

All magnolia cultivars benefit from light applications of fertilizer during their first few years in the garden to hasten their otherwise slow and steady growth rate. The amount of fertilizer varies according to the tree's age, but it is always applied in three doses in spring, early summer and the middle of summer.

Can I use Miracle Grow on magnolia tree?

Miracle-Gro Tree & Shrub Plant Food Spikes The Miracle-Gro tree and shrub plant spikes can help to give your magnolia tree all of the minerals and nutrients that it needs to grow and stay healthy. These spikes are easy to use and can be applied directly to the roots or added to your watering can.

Are Coffee Grounds Good for Magnolia Trees?

Magnolia trees (Magnolia spp.), generally, are among the plants that prefer a soil pH that is acidic. That is the reason why some folks who have a soil that is too alkaline are attracted to the idea of sprinkling coffee grounds on the earth around their magnolia trees.

How do you increase magnolia growth?

Magnolias prefer a temperate climate, and a sunny spot with a northern or eastern aspect. Plant them at any time — propagate from cuttings in summer, sowing seed in autumn or grafting in winter. Keep magnolias well watered during dry and hot weather. Don't worry about pruning, as it only encourages vertical growth.

Why are the leaves on my magnolia turning yellow?

Too little water can cause drought stress, which results in yellowing leaves on magnolias. Too much water, or soil that doesn't drain well, can drown the tree roots. This can also cause yellow magnolia leaves. Yellow magnolia leaves can also be a symptom of sunburn or insufficient light.

Do magnolia trees need a lot of water?

Whatever their size, magnolias are low-maintenance plants that don't require frequent watering. In general, you should water magnolia trees once a week during the first two growing seasons and twice a month in subsequent years.

Are magnolias acid loving?

Magnolia grows best in acidic (pH 5.0 to 6.0) well drained, loamy, moist, rich soils. They are tolerant of high soil moisture but cannot withstand prolonged inundation.

Why does my magnolia tree have brown leaves?

In hot weather, water evaporates rapidly from the leaves. If the roots can''t absorb and convey water fast enough to replenish this loss, the leaves turn brown and wither. For optimum growth, magnolias require moist soil. Leaf scorch is most severe when water is unavailable because the soil is dry.

How do you revive a magnolia tree?

How to save a dying Magnolia treePinpoint the cause of the problem. To be able to provide the right treatment for your dying Magnolia tree, you first need to determine the cause of the problem. ... Rectify any watering issues. ... Go easy with the mulch. ... Fertilize your tree correctly. ... Prune your tree properly.

Should you fertilize a magnolia tree at planting time?

Yes, but fertilizing the soil is only part of the process. Preparing the soil well for your magnolia tree seedling is important because it requires the correct pH in order for your magnolia tree to uptake the nutrients it needs. Here’s how to get it off to a good start.

Do you need to fertilize magnolia trees in the fall or the spring?

Magnolia trees benefit from yearly fertilizer. It can be applied either in the fall after the leaves have dropped or in the spring before new buds form.

1. Apply fertilizer to the surface of the soil

Sprinkle a balanced fertilizer like 10-10-10 over the soil under the canopy of the tree and water it in with the mist attachment on your hose. Do not spray aggressively as this may cause the fertilizer to run off.

Soil Test

Hubert Conlon of the University of Tennessee Extension Service urges you to conduct a soil test. Plants require nearly 20 nutrients, and knowing which ones are available to the magnolia tree in your garden allows you to objectively decide whether to fertilize or not.

Symptoms of Nutrient-Deficient Soil

Several things can occur on magnolia trees that may indicate a lack of nutrients in the soil. A lack of flower production in spring is one factor, especially if the tree is receiving ample sun exposure. The color of leaves is important, too.

Types of Fertilizer

Synthetic (man-made) fertilizer products are either slow-release granules or in water-soluble form (powder or liquid). Quality slow-release granules are the best choice as they degrade slowly, supplying nutrients to the magnolia tree's roots over the entire growing season.


The best time to apply synthetic slow-release fertilizers for magnolia trees is from late fall (after leaf drop) through to early spring, according to the University of Tennessee Extension. John Marlar of the Mr. Grow website recommends fertilizing in early spring.

The Role of Mulch

Maintaining an organic mulch over the root zone of magnolia trees provides many benefits, including supplying trace nutrients as the mulch decomposes. The mulch mimics the natural forest floor conditions where magnolias are native so that the soil is constantly being built up and replenished with lots of decaying organic matter.

When should I fertilize magnolia trees?

These include bone meal, cottonseed meal, decayed manure and fish scraps. It's best to apply organic fertilizers in January or February to avoid overfeeding, according to the Mississippi Forestry Commission.

What nutrients do magnolias need?

Specific nutrient needs vary based on your soil type. Rose feeders are particularly beneficial for most magnolia trees, which need a good supply of magnesium, sulfur and iron, according to Ed Hume Seeds. Iron prevents chlorosis, a nutrient deficiency to which magnolias are especially susceptible. The primary symptom of iron chlorosis is yellowing ...

Where do magnolia trees grow?

Magnolia trees provide color and texture for your landscape. The trees grow best in America's coastal regions and produce showy flowers when planted in the right garden conditions.

Why are my magnolias yellow?

Iron prevents chlorosis, a nutrient deficiency to which magnolias are especially susceptible. The primary symptom of iron chlorosis is yellowing between the leaf veins. High phosphorus fertilizers will encourage blossom growth for magnolias that struggle to produce blooms.


1.The Types of Fertilizer to Deep-Feed a Magnolia Tree


1 hours ago Slow-releasing, granular fertilizers are commonly preferred, over liquid options, as the best fertilizer type for magnolia trees. Granules break down slowly, with the help of soil microbes, moisture availability, and soil temperature. Supplying the kind of consistent access to nutrients that magnolia trees need.

2.How Do I Fertilize My Magnolia Tree? - Garden Lovers Club


19 hours ago 10 rows · 8. Scotts Continuous Release Evergreen Flowering Tree and Shrub Fertilizer, 3-Pound (Not Sold in ...

3.Garden Guides | Fertilizer for Magnolia Trees


5 hours ago  · Quality slow-release granules are the best choice as they degrade slowly, supplying nutrients to the magnolia tree's roots over the entire growing season. Based on your soil analysis results, choose a slow-release fertilizer that compensates for any deficiencies.

4.Fertilizing Magnolia | Home Guides | SF Gate


29 hours ago  · The frequency and the type of fertilizer you should use for your magnolia trees depend on where you live and the conditions of your garden. You should choose a slow-release product with nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium to prevent your tree from growing lush without giving you flowers.

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