Knowledge Builders

what is the best material for planters

by Mr. Marcellus Welch Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

The 8 Best Planter Materials

  • 1. Plastic pots Plastic is one of the cheapest options in the marketplace. ...
  • 2. Wooden planters There are different types of wood containers on the market. ...
  • 3. Paper pots If you want a planter with a natural look for container gardening, consider paper planters. ...
  • 4. Metal containers ...
  • 5. Terracotta planters ...
  • 6. Ceramic planters ...
  • 7. Concrete planters

Full Answer

What are the best materials for outdoor planter pots and planters?

When on the hunt for the best outdoor planter pots and planters, the buyer, whether they be wholesale suppliers or retailers, have a whole range of materials to choose from. Customers are met with a barrage of choices from concrete containers to composite materials like plastic and fiberglass planters.

Are plastic planters durable?

Plastic and resin planters have the unique ability to mimic other materials, such as stone, concrete, and terra cotta, but are much more lightweight, durable, and versatile than many natural materials which may crumble or crack. Although plastic outdoor planters hold up well, they don't have the staying power of a more durable material like metal.

What kind of wood is used to make planters?

Perfect for the natural look, stained wood has a warm appearance. But it's also easy to paint to get the color you want. Most wood planters are made of cedar, rot-resistant hardwood, or pressure-treated wood to reduce moisture damage. Pros: Like terra-cotta, wood is relatively inexpensive.

How to choose the right planter pots and planters for your business?

Customers are met with a barrage of choices from concrete containers to composite materials like plastic and fiberglass planters. The choice is made harder as there are many factors to consider when buying planter pots and planters. For example, you need to know what your customers want and if their needs align with the material’s properties.

What are planters made out of?

How to make a fiberglass planter?

How long do wooden planters last?

What are wood pots made of?

What is plastic made of?

What is concrete made of?

Is galvanized steel better than steel?

See 2 more


What material is best for an outdoor planter?

Strength – Metal containers are extremely strong and durable. They won't chip, crack, or scratch, and can be left outside to age no problem. Galvanized steel is even stronger and will be more weather resistant compared to other planters in your container garden.

What types of planters are best?

Our advice is to go porous. Porous ceramics like terracotta will dry more evenly than plastic pots, and any wood planter will dry even faster than terracotta. Ceramic planters also are great choices. And if you're worried about weight, fiberglass planters are ideal for plants 8" or larger in diameter.

What should a planter be made of?

Advantages. Terracotta pots are classic planting pots, with a neutral and warm color that makes almost any plant look great. High-end ceramic pots are very durable. Glazed ceramics can last for decades.

Are ceramic or plastic planters better?

Plants in ceramic glazed pots generally grow better than plants in plastic, metal, or terracotta pots. The main reason is because the soil in the ceramic pot is able to absorb moisture better and it won't dry out as fast.

How do I choose an outdoor planter?

First, know where the container will be located so that you purchase the proper size, shape, style and material. Big-scale pots can create a focal point in a garden. Choose a color and finish that will complement plantings, keeping in mind how the pot will look in winter when landscapes can be brown and barren.

Which is better plastic or terracotta pots?

Unlike clay, plastic is non-porous, which means it doesn't let in or out as much moisture or oxygen. As a result, plastic planters retain moisture for nearly double the time of clay planters. That means if you're the type that tends to forget to water your plants, plastic is probably a safer option than clay.

How do you keep metal planters from rusting?

You can keep metal planters from rusting by using a galvanized planter or applying rust-resistant paint. Water is the main reason for rust on the planter. So you can protect it from water using waterproof foam or using an insulated inner pot.

Do planters need drainage holes?

Whether your potted plants are indoors or outdoors, proper drainage is an essential element to ensure they stay healthy. This process keeps water from pooling at the base of the pot, which can cause bacteria, fungus and root rot.

What do you put in the bottom of a planter for drainage?

Perlite is a soil amendment that improves drainage and encourages root growth. It can also help keep the soil from getting compacted in a container. Some potting soil already includes perlite, but it can be purchased separately and then mixed into soil.

Do ceramic pots break easily?

GLAZED ceramic pot CONS: most expensive option; break/chip easily if dropped or hit; not easy to move, especially when full of potting soil.

Can plants stay in plastic pots?

The solution: Keep your houseplants in their plastic nursery pots for at least the first year. You can still use your pretty pot, Lawrence and Gutierrez say. Just slip the new plant, plastic pot and all, into the decorative pot and cover the top with Spanish moss or rocks to cover any gaps.

What are the disadvantages of clay pots?

Disadvantages of Using Clay Pots for CookingClay Pots Are Delicate. Clay pots are delicate and can crack when exposed to heat. ... Clay Pots Are Porous. ... Clay Pots may Cause Change in Flavor. ... Clay Pots Can Get Hot Quickly. ... Clay Pots (Glazed) Can Give Rise to Health Concerns.

How do I choose a planter?

When choosing a pot for a new plant, make sure you select one that has drainage holes and gives the plant room to grow. Buy a pot with a diameter that's at least one inch wider than the diameter of your plant's root mass, and if you're expecting your plant to grow quickly, use a pot up to four inches wider.

What type of planters can stay out in winter?

Choose The Right Containers Terra-cotta and ceramic pots absorb moisture, which expands as it freezes and cracks the container. Metal, concrete and wood containers typically handle freezes well, as do fiberglass and resin pots. Some plastic pots also survive winter fine, but may become brittle over time.

Are metal planters good for plants?

Metal Attracts Heat, Cooks Plant Roots As a result, your plant soil and roots become hotter than they should be, in many cases causing the roots to completely overheat from direct sun. This process is made increasingly worse because of the poor insulation of metal planters.

Are wooden planters good?

Wooden planters can look great in just about any outdoor or patio setting. These containers tend to be square or rectangle, although there are some curved containers available as well. Wood is not likely to crack in cold weather, and is slow to dry out.

How do I choose an outdoor planter?

There are a variety of factors you should consider before choosing your planter material and stocking your inventory with containers. When it comes to choosing the ideal planter material, here are some important concepts to keep in mind:

What Planter Materials Are There?

There are many different materials for planters in the marketplace. The most popular are:

The 8 Best Planter Materials

Our customers are looking for a high-quality, durable planter that will last for years. They expect a product that can withstand the elements, and yet look sophisticated, aesthetically pleasing, and provide great functionality.

How Vietnam Creative Design Manufacturing Can Help You

Our company is proud to be a high-quality fiberglass planter manufacturer. We offer a wide selection of planters, but we can also tailor your design.

What is the best material for planters?

The only catch when it comes to wooden planters is ensuring that suitable wood was used.

What is the most used planter in the world?

Terracotta is the most used planter all over the world. Suppose they are beloved because they are made from clay soil hence become the perfect home to any plant. These ceramic pots are porous materials that allow the proper air ventilation in the soil and enable the movement of water effortlessly.

What is metal planter?

Metal planters have a specific class and appeal to them to make them awe-inspiring to have in your space. They can become a great planter and a new home for your succulent. And using these scape metals is also saving the planet by reducing at least one piece of waste from the ecosystem and giving it a purpose.

Why are plants important in a compound?

Plants in the compound or home are a breath of fresh air. They add so much character to a space making you feel rejuvenated and refreshed. The same fulfilling and free feeling you get when you are in nature is taken indoors, and you get to experience this when your plants are around.

What is a fiberglass planter?

Fiberglass planters are created from a blend of resin and glass fibers. These pots tend to be molded to look like terra cotta or stone pots. Actually, some manufacturers have added some limestone of clay to the resin blend to create a better texture.

What are the factors to consider when choosing a potted plant?

Where you want to keep the potted plant, your climate, aesthetic value, and ease of maintenance and cost are all factors you need to consider before you make a decision.

How big is a terra cotta pot?

Terra cotta pots can be as small as two inches in diameter or height, and as large as the creator’s imagination. The shapes and sizes of containers from this material are seemingly endless, so they are quite versatile. It is typically a warm reddish brown color and offers an earthy appeal to gardeners.

What are coir pots made of?

These planters are made from coconut husks and are studier than the pressed paper pots, but still keep the benefits for the paper pots. Other types are made from grain husks and various binding agents rather than coconut husks. These pots are inexpensive ...

What is ceramic pot?

Ceramic. Ceramic containers, or stoneware, are made from finely textured, light-colored clay and then glazed. These containers are fired at a high kiln temperature, which reduces the pot’s porousness and vulnerability to the elements. However, if a ceramic pot is left out in the cold weather it can still crack.

Why do plants go in plastic containers?

Most plants that you purchase in a store or at a nursery will go home with you in a plastic container; this is because it is the cheapest container for commercial growers to use.

Is ceramic potss heavy?

The down side to this durability is that the potss are quite heavy, although this factor makes them a good choice for plants that will grow to be top heavy. Ceramic planters also tend to be expensive, but are available in a wide variety of color glazes and designs.

What material is best for container gardening?

Here are the three common materials to choose from: Terracotta or Wood. This clay-based material is common for container gardening. The clay-based material’s warm orange color blends well with almost anything in your garden.

Why are plastic planters so good?

Plastic planters can resist damage like cracking. But choose high-quality plastic planters because poorly made ones tend to fade and turn brittle in the sun. Good quality planters made with materials that can withstand any season will allow you to get the most of your purchase. Choose Durable, Lightweight Planters.

What is polystone planter?

PolyStone Planters offers beautiful, lightweight, stone-like planters built to your requirements. You can move our planters around easily to finish your job on time. We use materials that make our planters resistant to mold, mildew, and stains. They can also withstand harsh outdoor conditions.

How do tires affect plants?

Once they reach your garden, tires will gradually erode and breakdown while the chemicals leach through the soil and your herbs, vegetables, or fruits. Materials for outdoor planters come in a wide selection. Each delivers different levels of performance, depending on your plants and the temperature.

What is container gardening?

Container gardening is an ideal way to grow plants at home with limited space. Although you can use any pot you have, using custom outdoor planters is crucial to the success of your container garden. You choose the designs and colors that match your home’s aesthetic with personalized planter. And you can pick the right materials. ...

How long do wood planters last?

Wood, meanwhile, can last for years, depending on the type of wood, construction, and maintenance. Cedar is an ideal choice for wood planters because it’s durable. This type of wood, however, can be costly. Planters with this material tend to also be high maintenance because you have to reseal them from time to time to extend their lifespan.

Is it safe to plant vegetables in tires?

Tire gardening is an excellent environmentally-friendly solution to pollution. Despite that, planting your vegetables in tires is too risky. Tires have chemicals and metals that shouldn’t be in your body. Once they reach your garden, tires will gradually erode and breakdown while the chemicals leach through the soil and your herbs, vegetables, or fruits.

Are Stone Pots for Plants a Good Choice for Commercial Landscapes?

Whether it's the stately charm of cast stone urns billowing with lush grasses or the industrial cool of concrete planters bursting with quirky cacti that appeals to you, there certainly is a stone planter for every occasion. But, while these pots are undoubtedly beautiful, they're also bulky, making them difficult to maneuver and expensive to ship and deliver.

Are Resin Planters Good for Plants?

Made up of three incredibly durable layers — the core, a central protective layer, and the shell — resin is an excellent option if you're looking for a lightweight planter that's resistant to wear and tear and can cope well with extreme weather conditions. Plus, these pots are available in a rainbow of colors and finishes, so you're sure to find one that suits your business's aesthetic.

What color is good for a container garden?

Cotnainer Garden. Terra-cotta is the classic choice for containers. Its warm orange color looks good with just about everything and it's commonly available. Pros: Terra-cotta is relatively inexpensive, available in a wide range of styles and designs, and is relatively heavy so it's not likely to tip in strong winds.

What are the pros and cons of plastic pots?

You can get them in virtually any color, size, or shape. Pros: Plastic pots are often the least expensive around. They' re long-lasting and lightweight.

What are the pros and cons of using metal containers?

Pros: Reusing salvaged items as containers is a great way to save money. Metal containers are virtually indestructible, too.

When putting together a container garden, it's tempting to grab any old pot and focus your attention on the?

When putting together a container garden, it's tempting to grab any old pot and focus your attention on the plants. However, it's wise to avoid this temptation because the right pot is as critical to a container garden's success as the plants .

Do concrete containers topple easily?

They don't topple easily, but large ones can be backbreakers if you have to move them. Pros: They're extremely durable and long-lasting. They offer a classic look and come in a wide range of styles. Cons: There's a limited color choice, and concrete containers, especially large ones, tend to be expensive.

Can polystyrene pots be left outside?

They hold up well to weather and can be left outdoors year-round. They're much lighter than wood, stone, or terra-cotta, as well. Cons: High-quality polystyrene pots may be just as expensive, if not more so, than the wood, terra-cotta, or metal containers they've been fashioned to look like.

What is the best material for outdoor planters?

Metal Planters. Steel and aluminum outdoor planters are unique and on-trend, offering a contemporary edge to any landscape. They are durable and won't chip, crack or break. Another element that makes aluminum options one of the best outdoor planters can be custom made to perfectly bring a design vision to life.

How durable are planters?

Durability is how well a planter holds up under pressure basically. There is no denying that certain materials can withstand more wear and tear than others on the market. The durability of the material will determine how long the planter lasts and how well it keeps up in appearance. For instance, even durable materials may last for years but decrease in visual appeal from factors such as exposure to sun or rain. It is important to consider where the planter will be placed when looking at durability. If you are planning on placing the outdoor planter in direct sunlight out in the open, you will need an extra durable option. If you are placing the planter somewhere where there will be minimal sun exposure such as under an awning near an entrance, you may be able to choose an option that is less durable than the full sun option.

How to keep galvanized planters shiny?

Aluminum planters offer an industrial look, and their luster can last a lifetime with a little extra care. A scrub with a soft, bristled brush using a quarter-cup mild dish soap diluted in a gallon of hot water is all that's needed to maintain the sleek shine of galvanized steel. Metal or wool brushes and harsh or acidic cleaners like vinegar should never be used as they may cause damage. The additional use of metal waxes will keep galvanized metal surfaces looking like new and protect the planter's value over time.

What is an outdoor planter box?

Whether a colorful planter box flanking an area of interest or a distinctive, tall vase planter framing an entrance to a building, outdoor plant container s are more than a space for greenery and flowers – they're an essential part of any design scheme. Planters are anchors of style, either quietly blending in or offering a pop of contrast for a unique twist. When thoughtfully chosen, outdoor planters can add as much character and style for the exterior of a location as art, furnishings, and other pieces of décor do for the interior. When it comes to choosing the right material for outdoor planters, there are a few things to keep in mind during the process.

What should be a factor when choosing a planter based on material type?

Finally, the matter of care should be a factor when choosing a planter based on material type. Each material has its own care needs to maintain the planter and ensure a long-lasting appearance. For example, the care needs for metal planters vary from the care needs of resin planters so considering this element is crucial.

Why is it important to choose the right planter?

Selecting the correct planter is important for both style and function , as the material used will affect a plant container's durability, versatility, care needs, and design possibilities. Here are some of the typical materials offered in high-end planters and the characteristics of each to help narrow down the options.

Is fiberglass good for planters?

The lightweight nature of fiberglass makes it an ideal material for planters as the containers can be easily moved to evolve with design trends. Spaces can stay fresh and current as pots are rearranged over and over again. The weather-resistant nature of fiberglass serves as a common material for outdoor design.

What is the best material for a pot?

Wood is a natural building material that is gorgeous when used in planting pots and containers. Styles can range from super modern to very traditional, and sizes are equally varied. If you need a custom-size container to fit a specific area or need it to match a color, wood may be the least expensive and easiest choice. Made from the right type of wood, properly constructed, and well maintained, a wooden planting pot can last for many years. Cedar is a long-lasting but relatively expensive wood commonly used in planting containers. Redwood has similar properties but is somewhat more expensive, and teak will also last when subject to outdoor environments. Pine is inexpensive but generally will not last as long unless it has been pressure-treated with preservation chemicals. Screws, nails, and other fasteners used to construct wooden planting containers should be made of stainless steel or another corrosion-resistant metal.

How to make a wooden planter last longer?

Line wooden containers with heavy plastic to make them last longer. Use heavy-duty plastic bags with holes cut in the bottom for drainage to line the container, then fill it up with planting soil and plant the specimens. Cut off the top of the plastic bag and tuck in the edges under the soil.

How to protect terracotta pots from clay?

Lining inexpensive terracotta pots with heavy plastic and cutting a drainage hole in the bottom will protect the clay and prolong the life of the pot. Or, you can use the terracotta pot as an outer container, inserting an inexpensive plastic pot to hold the soil. If it's not a perfect fit, you can hide the plastic edge of the inner pot with moss or cascading plants.

What are the disadvantages of terracotta pots?

Disadvantages. Ceramic and terracotta pots are quite heavy, especially when filled with soil. Large pots can be lightened by filling the bottoms with empty, sealed plastic bottles before filling with potting soil . Terracotta and ceramic pots are brittle, and will almost always break if you drop them.

What is terracotta pot?

The term terracotta (the term means "baked earth" in Italian) generally refers to an unglazed, somewhat porous ceramic made from clay. These are the familiar reddish-brown clay pots that are very popular as planting containers. Some terracotta has a glazed surface on the inside. Traditional ceramic containers are also used as plant pots.

How many types of containers are there?

Whether you are repurposing old containers for use as planting pots or buying containers designed for that purpose at a garden center, the materials used for container gardening generally fall into seven broad types. Each type has its advantages, drawbacks, and handling tips.

How long does a wooden pot last?

Made from the right type of wood, properly constructed, and well maintained, a wooden planting pot can last for many years. Cedar is a long-lasting but relatively expensive wood commonly used in planting containers.

What are three wall planters?

This set of three wall planters offers a delightful balance of modern and minimalist. Made of durable metal with flat backs, they can be attached to any wall, indoors or outside. With a shallow design and no drain holes, these stunning planters are ideal for succulents and cactuses. Since they vary in size, they look lovely when installed in a row or staggered.

What is a fiberstone planter?

Handmade from fiberstone (a blend of fiberglass and crushed stone) with a white or black finish, it's much lighter than ceramic but impressively durable and weatherproof. This simple, chic planter also has a drainage hole with a plug on the bottom. It can be placed on almost any plant saucer, but you might consider getting the brand's Mid-Century Modern Stand for a little extra height.

Why do planters have holes in the bottom?

Many planters have holes on the bottom to allow for drainage and prevent overwatering. This isn't a requirement, but it can be helpful if you're a novice, as overwatering is one of the most common ways to kill plants. Hanging pots and wall planters don't typically have drain holes to avoid water dripping down your walls and onto your floors. Some larger planters don't have them either, as they're usually intended to be placed directly on the floor.

What size is a settlewell planter?

This little planter by Settlewell walks the line between modern and industrial with ease. It's available in three sizes (4, 6, or 9 inches) and comes in several versatile colors, plus some two-tone options. You can get one or spring for a set of these hand-poured cement pots to accent your space.

How big is a bulbous planter?

Made of aluminum with a textured brass surface, it has a warm finish and a striking ambiance. Measuring 18 inches high and 18 inches in diameter with a watertight bottom, it's big enough to place on the floor—though it also looks great as a table accent.

How big is a Fox and Fern planter?

It comes in four sizes, including options with 8, 10, 12, and 15-inch diameters, each between 8 to 15 inches tall.

How much does a hanging planter weigh?

Create a gorgeous hanging garden with this unique 1960s-inspired hanging planter. It weighs about 2 pounds and can be hung anywhere.

What are planters made out of?

There is a whole spectrum of planter materials on the market. Choosing the right material will make a big difference to the health of your plants and will also ADD to the visual appeal of your interior or exterior. The most common planter materials are:

How to make a fiberglass planter?

Fiberglass is relatively new and modern material. To make it, glass is spun into a fiber and then mixed with a resin to create a very strong and flexible composite. This fiberglass and resin mixture is then put into a mold to create various shapes and sizes. A few rounds of sanding and a layer of primer gives the fiberglass planter a flawless and protective finish. Drainage holes can be drilled into the bottom to allow adequate drainage.

How long do wooden planters last?

Life span – The average wooden planter will last around 10 – 20 years with a bit of love and the occasional maintenance. This sounds like a long time but compared to fiberglass, which lasts forever, wooden planters are slightly on the short life span side.

What are wood pots made of?

Wooded containers are made with a variety of different natural materials. The most common varieties are rosewood, cedar, hemlock, fir, and pine. Other materials such as bamboo pots are extremely lightweight. Planks and beams are cut from these trees to make lumber. This is then cured and treated for several months to increase the waterproofing and strength of the pot.

What is plastic made of?

Plastic is the wonder material that first entered the world stage in 1907. Since then, all kinds of containers have been manufactured using plastic. Plastic pots are made from crude oil which is a non-renewable resource. Nevertheless, huge industries exist to extract and then process the oil needed to create plastic containers. Nowadays, there are many different kinds of plastic for a range of purposes, such as uPVC which is considered safe to use for growing food.

What is concrete made of?

Manufacturing concrete for any purpose consists of mixing cement paste with water, sand, and rock to create the final product. In industrial concrete production, a combination of chemicals such as calcium, silicon, aluminum, and iron are used to help bind and harden the mixture. Wet concrete is poured into the desired shape using a mold. When left unpainted, concrete is a light gray color. However, they can be jazzed up in any color you like using masonry paint.

Is galvanized steel better than steel?

They won’t chip, crack, or scratch, and can be left outside to age no problem. Galvanized steel is even stronger and will be more weather resistant compared to other planters in your container garden.


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