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what is the difference between efficiency and effectiveness examples

by Dr. Alvena Turner Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Effectiveness and efficiency

Effectiveness Efficiency
Definition It is the ability to achieve an expected ... It is the ability to achieve a goal usin ...
Characteristics It focuses on the objectives. It measure ... It focuses on the process that leads to ...
Nature Objective. Quantifiable It can be subjective and / or objective. ...
Example Meet the goal of winning a football leag ... The soccer league is won three dates bef ...
Jun 17 2022

While efficiency refers to how well something is done, effectiveness refers to how useful something is. For example, a car is a very effective form of transportation, able to move people across long distances, to specific places, but a car may not trasport people efficiently because of how it uses fuel.

Full Answer

What are the differences between effectiveness and efficiency?

The points, given below describe the substantial differences between efficiency and effectiveness:

  • The ability to produce maximum output with limited resources is known as Efficiency. ...
  • Efficiency is ‘to do the things perfect’ while Effectiveness is ‘to do perfect things’.
  • Efficiency has a short run perspective. ...
  • Efficiency is yield-oriented. ...

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Why is effectiveness better than efficiency?

Weld the two together to do the right things right:

  • As you start, the first step is to have a solution. Do not seek a perfect solution from day one. Any solution is better than no solution
  • Put it into action, execute it and learn from it
  • With enough learning, utilise the knowledge gained during the process and put to best use – analyse and determine ways to do it efficiently

What is the difference between effect and effectiveness?

is that effectiveness is the property of being effective while effectivity is (uncountable) the ability or power to be effective. Other Comparisons: What's the difference?

What is the different between effective and efficience?

Schedule a free demo or follow the conversation on LinkedIn. Gravitate is a software company which provides AI-enabled collaboration and decision support solutions in the refined fuels value chain. Gravitate helps c-store operators, fuel wholesalers, distributors and refiners get more from their supply chains.


What are some examples of efficiency?

An example of efficiency is a reduction in the number of workers needed to make a car. Ability to produce a desired effect, product, etc. with a minimum of effort, expense, or waste; quality or fact of being efficient.

What are the differences between efficiency and effectiveness?

Efficiency versus effectiveness defined. Efficiency is the ability to produce an intended result in the way that results in the least waste of time, effort, and resources. Effectiveness is the ability to produce a better result, one that delivers more value or achieves a better outcome.

What is an example of efficiency in business?

Another way to look at it is this: efficiency is doing things right, and effectiveness is doing the right things. For example, think of a company that was successfully making buggy whips as automobiles became the mode of transportation. Assume that the processes used to make buggy whips were perfect.

What is an example of effectiveness in management?

Effectiveness is finding a way to improve outcomes, perhaps by doing something very differently. You might change your whole approach to the work. For example, project teams updating task status as they go may result in the elimination of project status meetings.

What is the difference between efficiency and effectiveness quizlet?

Efficiency is defined as a measure of how productively resources are used to achieve a goal. Effectiveness is a measure of the appropriateness of set goals selected by managers and the degree to which the organization achieves those goals.

Which of the following best captures the difference between efficiency and effectiveness?

The difference between efficiency and effectiveness is that efficiency refers to doing things right, while effectiveness refers to doing the right thing. Efficiency focuses on the means, while effectiveness focuses on the end result.

What are examples of operational effectiveness?

The productivity of labor can measured by revenue per employee. For example, a train manufacturer with revenue of $5 million per employee is generally more operationally efficient than a competitor with revenue of $2 million per employee.

What is efficiency and effectiveness in an organization?

Organizational efficiency: Process of using fewer resources, as well as less time and less money, to achieve the same goal. Organizational effectiveness: Ability to attain the goal by doing the “right things.”

Why is effectiveness in business?

Being effective can lead to increased productivity since it involves identifying the most important tasks and doing them first. Efficiency (doing these tasks quickly) doesn't necessarily lead to productivity because you could be doing the wrong tasks.

What is the difference between effective and efficient in management?

In definition, effective is producing the intended or expected results. While, efficient is performing the best results in the least about of time and/or effort. In other words, being effective is doing the right things and being efficient is doing things right.

What is effectively and efficiently?

The words effective and efficient both mean "capable of producing a result," but there is an important difference. Effective means "producing a result that is wanted". Efficient means "capable of producing desired results without wasting materials, time, or energy".

What is the difference between managerial efficiency and effectiveness?

Effectiveness means that the job was done correctly and was accomplished but does not regard if the job was done inexpensively or on time. Whereas, efficiency means that the job was accomplished cheaply and on time yet may not be a very thorough and impressive accomplishment.

What is the difference between efficiency and effectiveness?

Efficiency is ‘to do the things perfect’ while Effectiveness is ‘to do perfect things’. Efficiency has a short run perspective. Conversely, the long run is the point of view of Effectiveness. Efficiency is yield-oriented. Unlike Effectiveness, which is result oriented.

What is efficiency in business?

Efficiency refers to the ability to produce maximum output from the given input with the least waste of time, effort, money, energy and raw materials. It can be measured quantitatively by designing and attaining the input-output ratios of the company’s resources like funds, energy, material, labor, etc.

Why is efficiency important?

Efficiency is an essential element for resource utilisation, as they are very less in number, and they have alternative uses, so they must be utilised in the best possible way.

What is the definition of effectiveness?

Definition of Effectiveness. Effectiveness refers to the extent to which something has been done, to achieve the targeted outcome. It means the degree of closeness of the achieved objective with the predetermined goal to examine the potency of the whole entity.

Is efficiency measured in operations?

Efficiency is measured in operations of the organisation, but Effectiveness of strategies is measured which are made by the organisation. Efficiency is the outcome of actual output upon given the number of inputs. On the other hand, Effectiveness has a relationship with means and ends.

What is the difference between efficiency and effectiveness?

Difference Between Effectiveness and Efficiency. Effectiveness is the ability to complete a task as desired. Efficiency is completing a task with the best possible way. Effectiveness means doing the right things. Efficiency means doing things in the right order. Effectiveness emphases on achieving the desired objective.

What is the meaning of the words "effectiveness" and "efficiency"?

In this article, we will discuss two words effectiveness and efficiency. The meaning of both words is “having an effect”, but from a business point of view, they have different applications.

What is effectiveness in a task?

Effectiveness only focuses on the end result and does not bother with the method or approach used to gain that output. Unlike the efficiency method opted to perform a task is not necessarily required to be best. However, the outcome should be the best close to the best.

How can effectiveness be improved?

The effectiveness of employees can be improved by taking the initiative to review the performance of employees thoroughly and discussing the weakness of employees through constructive criticism and providing solutions to them so that they can improve. Managers should explain the importance of effectiveness to employees and how it is affecting ...

How to determine efficiency?

Efficiency can be gauged by comparing the expected output with the actual output produced with fixed input. Efficiency is the ability to do every sub-task in a well-mannered way so that standard output can be obtained. Therefore, efficiency is process-oriented rather than result-oriented.

What is the degree of closeness between the pre-decided goal and achieved a result to study the useful

Therefore, we can say that effectiveness is the degree of closeness between the pre-decided goal and achieved a result to study the usefulness of the whole entity. Effectiveness is an extroverted look. Therefore, it reveals the relationship between the business organization and business’s macro environment.

What is the meaning of efficiency?

The meaning of efficiency is to do any task in the best way possible and the meaning of effectiveness is no get desired results irrespective of the method to do it. Efficiency, as well as effectiveness, are used as metrics to measure the performance of employees in the organization. In this article, you will learn about both efficiency ...

What is the difference between effectiveness and efficiency?

Effectiveness refers to the degree of success whereas efficiency refers to achieving results in an optimal manner. This is the main difference between effectiveness and efficiency. In simple words, effectiveness is doing the right thing, and efficiency is doing the thing right. 1.

What is efficiency in business?

Efficiency is all about doing things in the ‘right’ or more efficient way; it saves money and time and increases productivity. For example, imagine that an employee of a factory usually takes 30 minutes to complete a certain task, but he has discovered a new method to complete in 20 minutes, with less effort.

What is the quality of being efficient?

Efficiency is the quality or property of being efficient and efficient refers to acting or producing effectively with a minimum of waste, expense, or unnecessary effort. Thus, efficiency describes the manner in which something is done.

What is effective in a sentence?

What is Effectiveness – Definition, Meaning and Usage. The Oxford dictionary defines effectiveness as “degree to which something is successful in producing a desired result.”. Effectiveness refers to the usefulness since it describes the degree of success. For example, a bicycle is an effective mode of transport;

What is the difference between efficiency and effectiveness?

Efficiency is best utilization of resources. Effectiveness is getting the job done. If your team finish a ten day job in twenty days and are working 100% of their time they are efficient but not effective. If they finish the job on time but working 10% of their time then they are effective but not efficient.

What is efficiency effectiveness?

Efficiency is about the process, effectiveness is about the result, e.g., you can reach your monthly sales target but spend all the marketing money for the entire year, but if you are very efficient at using your marketing money, you should be able to reach your monthly sales targets throughout the year.

What is efficiency in a job?

Efficiency measures the means, it refers to how we execute our tasks. When we work efficiently, we use less time, resources, and/or human effort to do our job. Effectiveness measures the end result, it looks at the quality of the results we achieve.

What does it mean to be efficient?

EFFICIENCY. Being efficient means you are working in a well-organized and competent way.

What is efficiency?

According to the Dictionary of the Spanish Language of the Royal Spanish Academy, the effectiveness would be the quality of something that produces the desired or expected effect, for which, however, the use of the synonymous voice efficiency is recommended.

Difference between effectiveness and efficiency

Efficiency looks for the most convenient way to achieve what is projected.


Effectiveness achieves results based on the capabilities that the specific case implies.

Examples of efficacy

A simple example of efficiency (but also of efficiency and effectiveness) it could be the extraction of gold from a mine, suppose.


What Comes First, Effectiveness Or Efficiency?

What Does An Effective Leader do?

Evolving from Effectiveness to Efficiency

  • Once a company puts effective methods into place, evolving its efficiency is the next step. If a company has a top-quality product but struggles to deliver it to clients efficiently, they will struggle to compete in the market. That’s the macro view of things. On an individual level, we can break down the evolution to efficiency into five steps: 1. Practice the most effective ways of performin…
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Balancing Effectiveness and Efficiency

  • As you can probably tell by now, balancing effectiveness and efficiency is the Holy Grail for any business. If efficiency is doing things the right way and effectiveness is doing the right things, then a good balance of the two means doing the right things the right way. That means starting with a solution, however imperfect, to a problem. Then, implement that solution and learn from it…
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Efficiency vs. Effectiveness FAQ

  1. What is the difference between efficiency and effectiveness, with examples? The difference between efficiency and effectiveness is that effectiveness refers to performing actions that will help ach...
  2. What is effectiveness and efficiency in management? In management, effectiveness refers t…
  1. What is the difference between efficiency and effectiveness, with examples? The difference between efficiency and effectiveness is that effectiveness refers to performing actions that will help ach...
  2. What is effectiveness and efficiency in management? In management, effectiveness refers to your team or company’s ability to accomplish results that you’ve identified as essential for the business’...
  3. What is an example of efficiency? Fuel efficiency is a common example of efficiency we think about all the time. The term “miles per gallon” is a measure of efficiency. It’s answering the question...
  4. Can you be efficient without being effective? If something is not at all effective, then it cannot be made efficient.Remember that “effective” is essentially a subjective term. In other words, even...

Main Difference – Effectiveness vs Efficiency

What Is Effectiveness – Definition, Meaning and Usage

  • The Oxford dictionary defines effectiveness as “degree to which something is successful in producing a desired result.” Effectiveness refers to the usefulness since it describes the degree of success. For example, a bicycle is an effective mode of transport; an effective speaker is a person who can successfully convince or persuade his audience. Effectiveness focuses on the success …
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What Is Efficiency – Definition, Meaning and Usage

  • Efficiency is the quality or property of being efficient and efficient refers to acting or producing effectively with a minimum of waste, expense, or unnecessary effort. Thus, efficiency describes the manner in which something is done. Efficiency is all about doing things in the ‘right’ or more efficient way; it saves money and time and increases productivity. For example, imagine that an …
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Difference Between Effectiveness and Efficiency

  • Definition
    Effectiveness is the degree to which something is successful in producing a desired result. Efficiencyis the quality or property of being efficient.
  • Meaning
    Effectiveness refers to the usefulness of a thing. Efficiency refers to the manner in which something is done.
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1.Efficiency Vs. Effectiveness: What’s The Difference?


7 hours ago While effectiveness implies getting the desired result, efficiency implies the judicious use of time and efforts to get the result. So, for example, a company should complete its target (effectiveness) with minimum cost and time (efficiency). Oleg Sergeykin.

2.Difference Between Efficiency and Effectiveness


26 hours ago  · Examples of Efficiency and effectiveness. Effectiveness is the ability to achieve a goal on its own, regardless of cost. A solution is effective if it reaches a certain goal, and it is not effective if it does not reach it. But it could have an abnormal cost, and therefore not be efficient. So we leave examples to understand the differences.

3.Difference Between Effectiveness and Efficiency Explained


16 hours ago What are some examples of the difference between efficiency and effectiveness in management? Efficiency is best utilization of resources. Effectiveness is getting the job done.

4.Difference Between Effectiveness and Efficiency


31 hours ago  · Effective teams invest time and energy where their impact will be greatest. Effective teams: Focus on doing the right things in the right way; Are results-driven ; Focus on the big picture; Shift priorities as necessary ; Let’s look at two sales rep teams for a practical example of efficiency vs effectiveness. Team A is an efficient team.

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35 hours ago 4 rows ·  · Efficiency is the achievement of a purpose, for example, if a signal transmission equipment is ...

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9 hours ago A simple example of efficiency (but also of efficiency and effectiveness) it could be the extraction of gold from a mine, suppose. The efficiency of the mine has to do only with the fact that there is indeed gold inside and that this gold can be extracted to the surface in some specific way, without dwelling on the type of mining or the necessary materials.

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