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what is the difference between free market and centrally planned economies

by Uriah Mertz Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Centrally Planned Economies Vs Free Markets: From the analysis of both the systems of economy, we can observe that while in centrally planned economy the main decision taking body is the government, and in free market, the decision are taken by the individual bodies. Click to see full answer.

A centrally planned economy is the one in which economic activities (production, consumption and exchange) are governed by the government. Market economy is the one in which economic activities (production, consumption and exchange) are governed by the market forces of supply and demand.

Full Answer

Are free markets better than planned economies?

Clearly, a free market economy has more advantages compared to the controlled or planned economy. The pages above explore on effectiveness, competence, innovation, better management and optimum produce among other factors earlier discussed.

What are weakness of centrally planned economy?

In planned economy business cannot act against the interest of people; Wasteful competition is avoided in planned economy. Public goods and services such as healthcare, education , housing is provided to the people; Some points on Disadvantages of planned economy are: Lack of incentives to work hard in planned economy; Sometimes poor quality of goods and shortages Failure to meet set ideals or consumer needs. Lack of varieties of goods and services

What statement applies to all centrally planned economies?

Quality of industrial work often suffers because quota standards in centrally planned economies are measured in terms of quantity which is unresponsive to the market demand for quality The incentive structure of centrally planned economies promotes efficiency, hard work, growth and quality In market economies, consumers seek quantity and not quality Centrally planned economies have lots of incentives to innovate, invent or refine products are better able to meet the vagaries of customer demand.

Is the US a planned or a market economy?

Planned economy, as denoted by the term, is an economic system that is planned and organized, usually by a government agency. Planned economies do not entertain the free market flow decisions, but they are centrally planned. In contrast, market economies are based on demand and supply. The decisions are taken according to the flow of the free ...


What is the difference between free market and centrally planned?

A free market economy is a market system whereby the pricing of goods and services is primarily determined by the sellers and buyers, and is hence based on demand and supply. On the other hand, a command economy is an economy whereby the market system is fully controlled by the government.

What is the difference between a free market economy and a centrally planned economy quizlet?

The major difference between a command economy and a market economy is that a command economy the government controls what is produced and how it will be shared and in a market economy people have more freedom and can make their own decisions.

What is the difference between a free market economy and a command economy?

Market Economy is one in which the demand and supply forces decides the production of goods and services and their prices. Command economy refers to an economic system, where all the economic decisions are taken by the government and industries are publicly owned.

What is the core difference between free market capitalism and centrally planned economies?

A free market is a type of economic system that is controlled by the market forces of supply and demand, as opposed to one regulated by government controls. It is opposite on the spectrum to a command economy, where a central government agency plans the factors of production and use of resources and sets prices.

How does a planned economy differ from a market economy?

In a planned economy, the decisions on investment, production, distribution and pricing are taken by the government. In contrast, market economies do not have a decision maker but they operate on free market flows.

What is the difference between a capitalist economy and a command economy quizlet?

The main difference between Capitalism and Command economy is that capitalism involved private enterprises where businesses are owned by private individuals while comman economies have public enterprises where the governemnt controls things including businesses and production.

What is centrally planned economic system?

In a centrally planned economy, the government makes decisions, instead of consumers and businesses. In reality, there are no pure market economies. Rather, most countries are a combination of centrally planned and market economies, better known as a mixed economic system.

What are the characteristics of a free market economy as opposed to a centralized economy?

The free market economy is controlled by private owners whereas command economy is controlled by the government. This disparity in control can be termed as the main difference between free market economy and command economy.

What is free market economy?

free market, an unregulated system of economic exchange, in which taxes, quality controls, quotas, tariffs, and other forms of centralized economic interventions by government either do not exist or are minimal.

What is the difference between free market and capitalism?

The free market and capitalism are not identical economic systems, though they often go hand-in-hand. Capitalism refers to the creation of wealth and ownership of capital, production, and distribution, whereas a free market system has to do with the exchange of wealth or goods and services.

What is centrally planned capitalism?

Centrally-planned capitalism is an economic system in which command resource allocation is used extensively in an environment of private resource ownership.

What is free market economy example?

Rankings of economic freedom vary depending on who is doing the ranking, but some economies generally considered free-market include: Hong Kong, Singapore, New Zealand, Australia, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Ireland.

What is planned economics?

Whereas the planned economy is one in which the coordination of economic activity so essential to the viability and functioning of a complex social economy is undertaken through administrative means commands, directives, targets and regulations rather than by market mechanism. The dictionary. com defined this economic system as a socialist economic ...

What is market economy?

A market economy is an economic system where the factors of production, are privately owned, consumers and producers are motivated by self interest, the level of competition in the markets is very high and resources are allocated through the price mechanism. The definition is supported by Lipsey (1992) who also state that decisions about resources allocation are made without any central direction but instead as a result of innumerable independent decision taken by individual producers & consumers hence in the market economy the individuals or market makes the ultimate decision in allocation of resources.

Why are merit goods over consumed in a market system?

These are over consumed in a market system because consumers may be unaware of the true cost of consuming them which includes negative externalities. As highlighted by Hall (2010) a planned economy there is an increase in the production and consumption of merit goods because the government considers them to be highly desirable for the welfare ...

Why is the provision of merit goods in a free market economy tent to be under provided?

The provision of merit goods in a free market economy tent to be under provided because spending on merit goods by the consumer would be determined by the private benefits derived from them. Like in United State of America where the free market is practised, the public health system compromised, people are advised to buy health insurance.

Why is production of public goods not provided?

In a market economy, production of public goods will not be provided or is limited because producers cannot withhold the goods for non –payment since there is no way of measuring how much a person consumes, there is no basis for establishing a market price. However in a planned economy there is provision of such goods because ...

Why is equity important in a free market economy?

In a free market economy consumers benefit from lower cost goods and better services because business are forced to compete whilst in a planned economy there is no competition since the government is the only supplier. Equity in income distribution Equity is regarded as fairness.

Can the poor afford seat belts?

The poor might not be able to afford this and some people might simply decide not to bother if they feel particularly health. In cases of seat belts consumers may fail to recognise their true private benefits hence less demand and less supply in a free economy.

What is free market economy?

Free markets are the economic systems in which individuals, rather than government, make the majority of decisions regarding economic activities and transactions . Free market economy is an economy where all markets ; it is not controlled by parties other than the players on the market. In its purest form, the government plays a neutral role in the government and the law on economic activity is not limited and do not actively promote (such as industry regulators do not allow its own economic interests and provide help companies more reason to protect them from market pressures, internal / external). As an economy under the most extreme form of it does not exist in developed economies, however, efforts to liberalize the economy or make it “free-er” paper tries to limit the role of government manner.

What is a planned economy?

A planned economy is one in which management and development of the economy of a country is planned and managed by his government. The antithesis of central planning, it is capitalism that is characterized by the private sector to control production, distribution and consumption. Capitalism worked well in satisfying market demand. Central planning, on the other hand, functions through administrative guidelines. While capitalism is often seen as an economic asset rather than a political system, economy plan implies a strong political will and strong links with the socialist government and community production. It is rare, however, for any economic system exists in its purest form. For example, the health care system of the People’s Republic of China, an avowed communist state is in a state of transition. China’s system of universal health care, is based on central planning has largely been disbanded and replaced by health insurance programs vary, many of which are funded by membership dues. Employees of the private sector and independent workers that usually do not include any public and bear the full cost of health care itself.


The background of this economy is private ownership and individual economic freedom, i.e. the market of this economy operates only on the demand and offer basis, when buyers and sellers by themselves decide what and how to manufacture (Corsi, C. et al., 1997). This the main point of this system.


Under the conditions of the planned economy, all decisions concerning what to manufacture, how to manufacture and to whom to manufacture are approved by the sole centre or group (Smith, A., 1983). This economy is based on collective ownership.


One hardly may find the “pure” system or the system of the free market market-driven economy in the modern world. Though it is declared that the major economic decisions in the country are dictated by the market, the role of the government in the procedure of adopting these decisions is increasing (Ikeda, S., 1996).


According to Baumol, W. and Blinder, A. (2008), difference between the free market (capitalistic) system and the command economic system is mostly manifested by the role of the government and the model of ownership to the means of production.

Cite This Work

UKEssays. (November 2018). Comparison of planned and free market economies. Retrieved from


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