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what is the difference between pothos and philodendron

by Gilda Hamill Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Here are the major differences:

Pothos Philodendron
Pothos has thick leaves that are heart-s ... Phillodendron leaves are lobe-shaped and ...
Pothos leaves have a rough or bumpy text ... Philodendron leaves are glossy with a sm ...
Pothos climbs using one large aerial roo ... Philodendrons also spread by climbing bu ...
Pothos petioles are grooved. The groove ... Philodendron petioles are usually round, ...
Aug 31 2022

A pothos leaf extends and unfurls from a current leaf. A philodendron leaf extends on a bit of vine in a cataphyll, which is a thin, waxy, opaque sheath. A cataphyll is essentially a small, modified leaf and will continue to photosynthesize until it becomes brown and papery, and falls off on it's own.May 31, 2018

Full Answer

Which is better philodendron or pothos?

Overall, a Pothos is hardier and will grow faster than a Philodendron. The leaves of a Philodendron are usually more uniformly green than the Pothos, though each has strikingly variegated varieties.

Are philodendron and pothos the same?

Pothos and philodendrons are two separate and distinct plants that belong to separate genera. Pothos belongs to the Epipremnum genus, and philodendron belongs to the Philodendron genus. However, they do exist under the same family, as both pothos and philodendron belong to the aroid plant family (Araceae).

Can you mix pothos and philodendron together?

Pothos plants and philodendrons are often mistaken for one another. That's because they're very similar not only in their appearance but also in their requirements. Because of the similarity in their care requirements, you can safely grow pothos and philodendrons together.

Is Devil's Ivy a philodendron?

This plant grows rapidly. All philodendrons are popular because they tolerate very low light and variable temperatures. Pothos are really quite different plants. The pothos (also called Devil's Ivy) is also a tropical vine.

Why is pothos called devil's ivy?

Epipremnum aureum is known as devil's ivy because it is almost impossible to kill, and it stays green even when kept in the dark. However, it is not actually an ivy. The heart-shaped leaves are bright green and variegated with white, yellow or light green streaks and blotches.

What is the rarest pothos?

Harlequin Pothos. Harlequin is the rarest pothos you can lay your hands on. It looks a lot like Manjula and looks like a mix of marble and snow queen pothos with a little more variegation on the leaves.

What grows well with pothos?

5 Golden Pothos companion plantsSpider Plant. Also called the Airplane plant, the spider plant grows naturally in the tropics. ... Snake Plant. Another low-maintenance plant, along with the likes of the Golden Pothos, the Snake Plant is the ideal choice for the lazy. ... Butterfly Palm. ... Jade Plant. ... Asparagus Fern.

Can I plant pothos and Spider Plant together?

13. Pothos and Spider Plant. Try this easy houseplant combination idea by blending pothos and spider plants in the same pot. Place them at a bright spot.

What can I plant with a snake plant?

One type of plant that goes best with a snake plant is any variety of succulent. Since their needs are similar, they do well together. To avoid the risk of overwatering, try not to pair your snake plant with a plant that needs frequent watering or constantly moist soil.

How do I make my pothos thicker?

How To Make Pothos Plants Fuller#1 For A Bushy Vine Prune Your Pothos Frequently.#2 Prune Your Pothos Correctly.#3 Use Well-Maintained Tools.#4 Keep Your Pothos Healthy And Strong.#5 Provide The Right Amount Of Sunlight.#6 Water Right.#7 Provide Consistent Warmth.#8 Don't Overcrowd.

Why is my pothos turning pink?

This reddening could result from Anthocyanins Pigmentation, Phosphorus Deficiency, or Too Much Sun exposure. In addition, Lack of Light, underwatering can also cause the issue. It may also be a Camouflage to Protect New Growth from Predators.

How long can a philodendron live?

How long can philodendron plants live? A healthy philodendron can survive for 20 years or more as a houseplant. In their natural tropical habitat, some have lived upward of 100 years.

What is another name for pothos plant?

devil's ivyPothos is a common houseplant. Pothos, also sometimes called devil's ivy, golden pothos, or hunter's rove, is one of the most popular house plants in North America. The scientific name is either Epipremnum pinnatum cv. 'Aureum' or E.

Is a Monstera a philodendron?

But the monstera is not, technically speaking, a philodendron at all. Both the monstera and true philodendrons are part of the arum family, a much larger group of plants that also includes the ever-popular pothos, one of the world's prettiest and easiest houseplants.

What's the difference between philodendron and Monstera?

The main difference between the split leaf philodendron and Monstera is the shape and size of their leaves as well as the type of splits that form. Monstera leaves are rounder than the more feather-shaped philodendron and the philodendron splits go to the edge of each leaf, which isn't the case with the Monstera.

Is philodendron toxic to humans?

Philodendron (and Monstera) This genus of plants is mildly toxic to humans, and toxic to both dogs and cats. Symptoms of exposure include: Oral irritation, pain and swelling of mouth, tongue and lips, excessive drooling, vomiting, and difficulty swallowing.

What is the difference between a pothos and a philodendron?

Key Differences Between Pothos and Philodendron Plants. When trying to tell the difference between a pothos and philodendron plant, there are a few key differences to watch out for — it all comes down to their taxonomy, foliage shape, root and stem structure and growing habits.

How many varieties of philodendron are there?

Choosing the right philodendron can be tricky, especially since there are so many varieties (over 400 species!), but we’ve highlighted our favorites below along with their key characteristics.

How hot should pothos be?

Soil should stay moist, but not wet. Light: Both plant varieties thrive in indirect light to low light, but pothos can tolerate even lower lighting. Temperature: These plants thrive in temperatures ranging from 55 – 85℉. However, pothos plants prefer high humidity and warmer temperatures of up to 90℉.

Why are my pothos leaves turning yellow?

If your pothos or philodendron is yellowing, it may be due to under or over-watering. If you also notice browning, overwatering is likely the cause. If your plant is underwatered, the leaves will be yellow with crispy, brown ends. Check in with the soil to determine if it matches your diagnosis.

How big do golden pothos get?

In ideal growing conditions, you can expect this variety to grow up to 10 feet long.

What are some good house plants to grow with a green thumb?

Philodendrons and pothos plants are two of the most popular houseplants. They’re ideal for novice green thumbs for good reason — they’re very hardy low-light plants that are easy to care for. Additionally, their beautiful green foliage looks great displayed in a variety of ways from classic pots to elegant trellises to trendy hanging baskets, there’s sure to be an option that fits your style

What is the scientific term for a plant?

Taxonomy is a scientific term that helps classify and differentiate different groups of organisms. Plants are named and organized into genera and those genera are then grouped into families. Pothos and philodendrons are two distinct plant varieties that belong to separate genera. They do, however, belong to the same aroid plant family, also known as Araceae.

How to tell the difference between a philodendron and a pothos?

To tell the difference between philodendrons and pothos, pay attention to leaf shape and texture, how new leaves are formed, petioles, and aerial roots.

What is the difference between a pothos leaf and a philodendron leaf?

Another difference is that philodendrons have a cataphyll sheath while pothos leaves simply unfurl from the original leaf.

How big do golden pothos grow?

The leaves of the golden pothos are larger than those of the heartleaf philodendron. In essence, the golden pothos’ leaves can grow up to 30 inches in length. On the other hand, the leaves of the philodendron can grow to a maximum of 12 inches in length.

What are the leaves of a philodendron?

Pothos leaves are pointed and heart-shaped, sometimes variegated with white, gold, yellow, or pale green variegation while philodendron leaves are large and imposing, usually lobbed in shape with deep natural cuts; and can be pinnate or not.

How big do pothos stipules get?

Pothos’ stipules are fused to the stem and petiole while philodendron stipules are free. Stipules in pothos can grow up to about 38 cm long and appear to be papery in texture, enclosing the petiole until the leaf expands fully.

What is the texture of a philodendron leaf?

Philodendron leaves are glossy with a smooth texture compared to pothos. Pothos climbs using one large aerial root per node. Philodendrons also spread by climbing but with several aerial roots per node. Pothos petioles are grooved. The groove runs between the leaf and the plant’s stem.

What is the name of the plant that produces heart shaped leaves?

Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) is a vining plant commonly grown in baskets and produces beautiful heart-shaped leaves. It is also called golden pothos or devil’s ivy. Philodendron ( Philodendron Selloum ), too, is a vining houseplant with variously shaped leaves. These two plants seem a lot similar, but there are differences between pothos and philodendrons.

What is the difference between a pothos and a philodendron?

One difference between Pothos and Philodendron is the genus. Pothos are classified as being any plants in the Epipremnum genus, whereas Philodendrons are well… in the Philodendron genus. They ARE somewhat related though. Both are considered to be part of the aroid plant family (Araceae). 2.

What are some common names for a philodendron?

Simply put, Pothos and Philodendron are common names. What makes common names super confusing is that sometimes there are many common names for the same plant!

What is the second leaf of a Golden Pothos plant?

One leaf has variegation and the other doesn’t. The second leaf from the top is commonly known as the Heart Leaf Philodendron. The bottom leaf is a closely related variety called Philodendron ‘Brasil.’.

What is the name of the plant that grows in the Scindapsus genus?

The plant commonly known as Silver Pothos is in the Scindapsus genus and there is such a striking difference in the foliage that I won’t even comment on it!

What leaf is on the left side of the photo?

On the left side of the photo above is a Pothos le af and the right side is a Heart Leaf Philodendron leaf. It’s called “heart leaf” for a reason! Notice the pronounced curving and heart shape. The Pothos leaf lacks this characteristic.

What is the petiole on a vine?

Take a look at the photo below and look at the petiole. The petiole is what joins the leaf to the vine. On the left is the Pothos leaf and petiole, and on the right is the Philodendron leaf and petiole.

Why is Pothos called Devil's Ivy?

Pothos is called devil’s ivy because it is very difficult to kill and will survive and grow in many locations that are quite dim.

What are Philodendrons?

Philodendrons are tropical plants that come in a variety of leaf shapes and colors. The most common variety is the heart-shaped Philodendron, to the point where it is actually considered the standard version of Philodendrons.

What Are Pothos?

The Pothos plant is also a tropical vine. A Pothos vine is characterized by its shiny leaves, often seen with white, gold, or yellow markings on them.

Leaf Shape & Texture

Philodendrons are often characterized by their beautiful heart-shaped leaves, while with Pothos plants, the leaves aren’t always heart-shaped.

Which is harder, a pothos or a philodendron?

Overall, a Pothos is hardier and will grow faster than a Philodendron. The leaves of a Philodendron are usually more uniformly green than the Pothos , though each has strikingly variegated varieties. Important differences that set them apart:

What is the difference between heartleaf and pothos?

Check the middle span of the leaf: Heartleaf Philodendrons are typically more rounded and heart-shaped with a longer spout-like tip . Pothos leaves tend to be more irregularly shaped with ends that are shorter and less pointed.

What is the finish of a heartleaf philodendron?

The leaves of a Heartleaf Philodendron have a matte-like finish that absorbs light. The waxy surface of a Pothos leaf gives off a glossy glow.

What does a pothos leaf look like?

It also has a well-defined ridge down the center midrib that a Philodendron lacks. A Pothos leaf also has the look and feel of being lightly waxed.

What is the scientific name for pothos?

All these names refer to the same plant, known by the scientific name Epipremnum aureum.

Why do pothos need light?

Pothos needs fairly bright (indirect) illumination to keep their variegation . They tend to revert to all-green leaves to boost photosynthesis in dim light.

What is the cataphyll in Pothos?

The cataphyll is actually a modified leaf of its own. It stays on the stem for a short time to continue photosynthesis while the “true” leaf unfolds. The cataphyll eventually turns papery thin and brown before it dries up and falls off. Pothos lacks these structures: its new leaves simply unfold from an older leaf.

What happens when a philodendron leaves open?

When the leaves open up and mature, these cataphylls dry up and fall off the plant.

What kind of soil do philodendrons like?

The pH should be around 6.1 to 6.5. Philodendrons prefer soil that contains equal parts loam, sand, and peat. The pH should be around 5.0 to 6.0.

What species of pothos are we growing?

Most pothos plants that we grow in our homes are part of the Epipremnum aureum species , including neon, jade, and golden pothos.

What are the two types of cataphylls in philodendrons?

Technically, philodendrons can have two types of cataphylls – deciduous and persistent cataphylls.

How tall does a pothos plant grow?

Pothos can grow anywhere from six inches to 40 feet tall, depending on the specific type of plant you are growing.

How to tell if a plant has heart shaped leaves?

Taking a close look at the leaves of your plant is often the easiest way to identify them. Both philodendron and pothos plants have heart-shaped leaves, but those on a philodendron tend to be slightly wider. Philodendron leaves have more dramatic curves at the top of the leaf where it connects to the stem, too.

What is a petiole?

A petiole is like a miniature stem, connecting the leaves of the plant to its main stem. On a philodendron, this etoile will be rounded, while on a pothos, the petiole is curved inwards and slightly indented. It almost looks like a celery stalk.

How big do pothos plants grow?

Both the Pothos plant and the Philodendron can reach impressive sizes that can vary from 6 to 10 feet, or they can grow even larger, especially in their natural habitat.

Do pothos plants need indirect light?

When it comes to their growing requirements, both plants enjoy indirect light, but pothos plants have a slightly better tolerance to low light conditions compared to Philodendrons, which quickly grow leggy and stretch out if kept in low light.

Can You Plant Pothos and Philodendron Together?

As I mentioned, and as you could probably determine yourself too, the growing requirements of philos and pothos are more or less the same.


Key Differences Between Pothos and Philodendron Plants

When trying to tell the difference between a pothos and philodendron plant, there are a few key differences to watch out for — it all comes down to their taxonomy, foliage shape, root and stem structure and growing habits. One thing they have in common is that both of these plants are toxic to animals and should be kept awa…
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Philodendron & Pothos Care Tips

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Pothos Varieties

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Philodendron Varieties

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Pothos vs Philodendron – The Differences

There are key differences between pothos and philodendrons that can help distinguish them. The two houseplants have different growth patterns as well as a few physical features that you can use to tell them apart. To tell the difference between philodendrons and pothos, pay attention to leaf shape and texture, how …
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Pothos Identification and Profile

  • Pothos is a type of flowering plant in the Araceae family. It is native to Moorea, a location in the Society Islands of French Polynesia. You may also hear people refer to this plant as the Devil’s Ivy, the Devil’s vine or Epipremnum aureum (its scientific name). 1. The leaves of Epipremnum are usually 3-4 inches long and they’re distinctly heart-shapedwith a chordate base. 2. Leaves are oft…
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Philodendron Pictures and Identification

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Can You Plant Pothos and Philodendron Together?

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References + Resources

  1. Amy Gibbs and Brian Hudelson, UW-Madison Plant Pathology:Pothos Plant Profile Guide
  2. North Carolina State University Extension: Epipremnum aureum(Devil’s IvyDevil’s VineGolden PothosIvy ArumMarble QueenPothosTaro Vine)
  3. Illinois University Extension: Philodendron or Pothos
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1.Pothos vs. Philodendron: What's the Difference? - The …


33 hours ago  · A Pothos plant has thicker stems when compared to Philodendrons. Additionally, the color of a Pothos stem is the same as its leaves. Meanwhile, the color of a Philodendron’s …

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