Knowledge Builders

what is the difference between salt pellets and crystals

by Columbus Haley I Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Salt Pellets Vs Salt Crystals

  • Solar Salts or Salt Crystals. Solar salt is formed by evaporation of seawater, which is considered as a natural brine solution. ...
  • Salt Pellets. Salt pellets are 99.99% pure food-grade salts. ...
  • Superior Quality Salts for Your House and Industries. ...

Pellets Are Easier to Store
Because they're often produced in the same size and shape, salt pellets will flow more smoothly than salt crystals out of a bag or container. Salt crystals are more likely to clump together, making it harder to pour evenly into a measuring spoon or cup.
May 3, 2022

Full Answer

Can I mix water softener salt pellets and crystals?

pellets, cubes, solar crystals, blocks, etc. In general, all types of loose water softening salt work well together and there is no particular harm caused by mixing different types. However, there may be instances where some types of salt will be preferable to others depending on the specific softener design.

Are pellets or crystals better for water softeners?

Water softener crystals are an important component in the ion-exchange resin method. Salt crystals and pellets are both effective at softening water, but in the long-term pellets will cause less problems. Small salt crystals can build up and cause bridging in the brine tank. Pellets are larger and won’t cause bridging.

What is the difference between Salt and sugar crystals?

  • soft skin
  • smooth skin
  • natural glow
  • better circulation
  • skin rejuvenation
  • improved cell turnover
  • better absorption of skincare products

What are salt pellets made of?

Some of the advantages you are likely to obtain from using salt pellets are as follows:

  • It prevents bridging or mushing within the water softener brine tank.
  • It might be an outstanding solution for those of you looking for all-in-one softening devices,
  • It is a great option for your need for heavy water usage.


Can I use salt pellets instead of crystals?

For “cabinet style” one-piece units (brine tank is inside unit) we recommend pellet salt. Pellet salt resembles a packing peanut in shape and texture. It is cleaner than solar salt, which can be why it is sometimes preferred over solar crystals. If you have a cabinet style water softener, it's best to use pellet salt.

Are salt crystals the same as pellets?

Salt pellets are pure sodium chloride formed from refined crystals. Pellets easily dissolve in water without clogging, bridging, or leaving residue behind. This allows your water softener system to go longer without needing maintenance.

Should I use salt pellets or crystals for water softener?

Manufacturers of single tank or “all in one” softeners will often recommend using pellets because the resin tank is sitting inside the brine tank and salt crystals may form a “crust” around the resin tank, preventing it from falling down to the water level.

Can I mix salt crystals and pellets?

pellets, cubes, solar crystals, blocks, etc. In general, all types of loose water softening salt work well together and there is no particular harm caused by mixing different types.

Which salt is better for water softener?

Evaporated saltEvaporated salt is the best type of salt you can buy for your water softener, and we recommend it for any Kinetico water softening system. All of these options use sodium chloride to operate, which is the most common compound used in water softening systems.

Can crystal salt be used in water softener?

Usually, when you want to change the salt in your water softener, you can choose from either sodium chloride (crystals, pellets and block salt) or potassium chloride. The type of salt you use can affect the efficiency of your water softener and the regeneration process.

Will salt pellets melt ice?

Instead opt for smaller water softener salt pellets. These smaller pellets will do a better job at melting the ice and it will last you longer, saving you even more money. Finally, you might be wondering if water softener salt pellets are safe for concrete and driveways. The simple answer is yes.

Which is better solar salt or pellets?

Solar salt is as effective at regenerating a water softener as pellets and is a lower price alternative. It is not as clean as pellets and does require more frequent cleanings of your day brine tank due to the sediment left behind.

How many bags of salt does it take to fill a water softener?

You will likely need to add one full 40 lb. bag of salt to your water softener per month (on average), to keep your salt at an adequate level.

What are salt pellets used for?

Salt pellets are manufactured for use in water softeners to help transform hard water to soft. High purity salt (typically 99.8% pure sodium chloride) is used in pellets to help keep softening equipment operating effectively. Salt crystals are fed into a press and compacted into pellet form.

What is salt crystals?

Sodium chloride crystals are cubic in form. Table salt consists of tiny cubes tightly bound together through ionic bonding of the sodium and chloride ions. The salt crystal is often used as an example of crystalline structure. The size and shape of salt crystals can be modified by temperature.

Will pool Salt hurt a water softener?

Using pool salt for your water softener might cause the valves to clog. This is because the salt in the water softener is usually in the brine tank. The salt that is meant to be used in any water softener is smaller in size and dissolves in the water.

Understanding Salt Pellets and Crystals

A water softener system uses sodium ion resin beads that replace the hardness in water with salt ions. Water has a salt absorption maximum, meaning you can only dissolve so much salt per gallon of water. Your water softener will backflush the beds to put in sodium ions from the tank while removing magnesium and calcium.

Why the Right Salt Matters

The type of salt refill you choose also affects how often your water softener system requires maintenance and the likelihood of bridging, which happens when the salt sticks together to form a hard crust that looks like a bridge and keeps the salt from reaching the tank’s water.

What is a water softener pellet?

Water softening is an effective way to combat this issue. Water softener pellets or crystals are agents that are used to keep a water softening system functional. Let’s take a look at how these crystals work.

How is solar salt obtained?

Solar Salt. This form of salt is obtained by evaporating salt water procured from the sea. Once the water evaporates, salt crystals are left behind. Hence they are also called water softener crystals. Solar salt is 99.5% pure and more soluble than rock salt.

What is added to brine to make salt?

Water softener pellets are added to the brine tank to create a concentrated salt solution. This salt solution is then flushed into the mineral tank to wash out the hardness causing ions from the resins and recharge the resins.

What is the best salt to use in brine?

Rock Salt. While rock salt is a common and cheap option to consider, you might need to put in more effort for maintaining the device as rock salt contains a lot of other minerals that can leave a residue in the brine tank.

What is the most expensive salt?

Evaporated Salt Pellets. This is the most expensive sodium-based salt as it is the purest form of salt. It is manufactured in two stages. In the first stage, the raw salt crystals are reduced to sodium chloride. In the second stage, heaters are used to get rid of excess moisture.

Can salt crystals soften water?

Salt crystals and pellets are both effective at softening water, but in the long-term pellets will cause less problems. Small salt crystals can build up and cause bridging in the brine tank. Pellets are larger and won’t cause bridging. If you have a two-part water softening unit, crystals work great.

What is a salt pellet?

Water Softener Salt pellets and cubes: made from small salt granules that are compacted together to form a large pellet (pillow shape) or cube (square shape).

What is the difference between water softener salt crystals, pellets, and cubes?

Water softener salt crystals, pellets, and cubes are all made from (sodium chloride). The difference has to do with how the salt is produced. Water Softener Salt crystals: made from evaporating salt water in shallow outdoor ponds.

Can salt crystals be used in water softeners?

The larger size of pellets and cubes may make them less susceptible to bridging than smaller salt crystals. Water Softener Salt crystal s, pellets, and cubes can be used interchangeably in most water softeners.

What is a water softener pellet?

Water softener pellets help minimize bridging and are most suitable for households for all-in-all tank water softening systems or those that use a high volume of water. We incorporate citric acid, a cleaning agent, into our water softener pellets to help prevent mineral buildup in pipes, household appliances, and other building systems.

How are water softener crystals made?

In this process, brine (a mixture of salt and water) obtained either from mining or seawater is exposed to sunlight and air in order to evaporate the water , leaving coarse white crystals.

What minerals affect water?

Aside from affecting the taste of your tap water, dissolved minerals like iron, manganese, and magnesium can result in plumbing issues by causing scale buildup in the water pipes. This can lower the flow of water to your delivery systems and reduce the efficiency of the water heater, dishwasher, water pump, and furnace.

Can you use pellets in a brine tank?

Consequently, this can hinder the tank from coming down to the water level. Homeowners who use softeners that have no salt screen at the underside of the brine tank may be advised to use pellets in order to prevent the sucking of crystals into the brine draw pipe.

Salt Beads

As you would have guessed already, salt is mined from underground caves or mines. Salt crystals are made by melting the mined salt at high temperatures without any additives involved. They are generally white in color and they tend to vary in size as well.

Polystyrene Beads

These are the most common variant of water softening pellets. They are made from petroleum by-products and have a white color just like salt crystals. However, their size varies from +-5/32″ to 3/4″. In general, they are smaller than salt crystals but not that much.

Salt Pellets or Crystals – How to Pick One?

To begin with, there are many homeowners who opt for salt pellets over crystals because of the former’s lower concentration of harmful chemicals. That being said, if you require water for human use then using salt crystals is your best bet.

Salt Pellets Vs. Polystyrene Beads – Which One to Pick?

There is no denying the fact that both salt pellets and polystyrene beads are good at softening water. However, the most common choice for most homeowners is salt pellets.


1.Salt Pellets vs. Crystals for a Water Softener - The Water …


7 hours ago Salt crystals and pellets both soften water, but pellets cause fewer issues in the long run. Crystals perform well in two-part water softening machine. Pellets, on the other hand, should be used if you have an all-in-one softening unit.

2.Salt Pellets vs. Salt Crystals: Which Is Best in Your Water …


15 hours ago Salt pellets are a more efficient option, requiring less salt to achieve the same level of softening as crystals. They also don’t clump up as much, making them easier to use and maintain. Salt crystals require less maintenance and don’t clump up as much as salt pellets, but they are not as efficient because you need more of them for the same level of softening.

3.Salt Pellets vs Crystals for a Water Softener


31 hours ago  · What is the difference between salt pellets and crystals? Water softener salt crystals, pellets, and cubes are all made from (sodium chloride). The difference has to do with how the salt is produced. Water Softener Salt crystals: made from evaporating salt water in shallow outdoor ponds.

4.Videos of What is the Difference Between Salt Pellets And Crystals


27 hours ago  · What is the difference between water softener salt crystals, pellets and cubes Water Softener Salt crystals: made from evaporating salt water in shallow outdoor ponds. The sun and wind evaporate the... Water Softener Salt pellets and cubes: made from small salt granules that are compacted together ...

5.water softener salt crystals, pellets and cubes - Diamond …


10 hours ago  · Crystals are ideal in a two-part water softener, or for homes with low water use, while pellets are best suited to all-in-one water softener systems, or for homes with medium-to-high water use. Take a look at the different salt options below.

6.Water Softener pellets or crystals, which one to choose?


27 hours ago  · Manufacturers of all-in-one or single tank softeners usually recommend that pellets should be used with their products. The reason for this is that since the resin tank sits inside the brine tank, salt crystals may harden, leading to the formation of a “crust” around the resin tank. Consequently, this can hinder the tank from coming down to ...

7.Are Pellets or Crystals Better for Water Softeners? - Guide


31 hours ago  · As you would have guessed already, salt is mined from underground caves or mines. Salt crystals are made by melting the mined salt at high temperatures without any additives involved. They are generally white in color and they tend to vary in size as well. The size of pellets varies from +-1/8″ to 1/2″.

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