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what is the effect of fertilizer

by Tressa Beer Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

However, excessive use of chemical fertilizers has led to several issues such as serious soil degradation, nitrogen leaching, soil compaction, reduction in soil organic matter, and loss of soil carbon.May 28, 2019

Full Answer

What are the harmful effects of over using of fertilizers?

The Negative Effects of Nitrogen-Rich Fertilizer to the Environment

  • Plant Loss. Though nitrogen serves to aid plants in their growth, weeds and nonnative plants tend to grow more readily with additional nitrogen supplies.
  • Soil Imbalance. ...
  • Algae Growth. ...
  • Water Contamination. ...

Why is fertilizer bad for the environment?

What are the disadvantages of fertilizers?

  • They get washed away by water easily and cause pollution.
  • They harm the microbes present in soil.
  • They reduce soil fertility.
  • They are expensive.
  • They provide only short term benefits.
  • They change the nature of soil, making it either too acidic or too alkaline.

What are the harmful chemicals in fertilizer?

Winston-Salem is warning residents to stay out of creeks around Winston Weaver Co.’s fertilizer plant because runoff from the plant fire has caused elevated levels of nitrates, nitrites, ammonia nitrogen and other potentially harmful chemicals in the ...

What are the effects of fertilizer?

  • Overapplication: Using too much fertilizer almost inevitably leads to runoff. ...
  • Poor timing: Fertilizer applied to frozen or partially thawed ground cannot penetrate the soil as easily as it would otherwise. ...
  • Excessive irrigation: Excessive irrigation or yard watering can also lead to fertilizer runoff. ...

More items...


What are the effects of fertilizers on the environment?

Fertilization may affect the accumulation of heavy metals in soil and plant system. Plants absorb the fertilizers through the soil, they can enter the food chain. Thus, fertilization leads to water, soil and air pollution.

What is the effect of fertilizer on soil?

Chemical fertiliser overuse can contribute to soil acidification and soil crust, thereby reducing the content of organic matter, humus content, beneficial species, stunting plant growth, altering the pH of the soil, growing pests, and even leading to the release of greenhouse gases.

What is the effect of fertilizer on plant growth?

Why? Just like people, plants need nutrients to grow. In a typical fertilizer, you'll find lots of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. These primary nutrients help plants grow new cells, and many enable different growth and food production processes to happen.

What are the long term effects of fertilizers?

The continuous application of fertilizer affects various physical properties of soil, either directly or indirectly. They tend to alter soil aggregate stability, water retention capacity, infiltration rate, porosity, hydraulic conductivity and bulk density.

How fertilizer affect the fertility of the soil?

Fertilization is widely used worldwide to improve soil fertility. Excessive fertilizer application aggravates the decline of soil organic matter and fertility and accelerates soil acidification5. Soil properties affect the community structure of soil microbes6.

How do chemical fertilizers affect the soil class 9th?

Answer: Chemical fertilizers provide minerals which dissolve in water and are immediately available to plants. But these may not be retained in the soil for long. They may escape from the soil and pollute groundwater, rivers and lakes.

How does fertilizer affect soil pH?

Nitrogen Fertilizers Nitrogen levels affect soil pH. Nitrogen sources — fertilizers, manures, legumes — contain or form ammonium. This increases soil acidity unless the plant directly absorbs the ammonium ions. The greater the nitrogen fertilization rate, the greater the soil acidification.

What are the effects of fertilizer on the environment?

Some of the harm chemical fertilizers may cause include waterway pollution, chemical burn to crops, increased air pollution, acidification of the soil and mineral depletion of the soil. Advertisement.

How have chemical fertilizers aided farmers?

Image Credit: Singkham/iStock/Getty Images. Chemical fertilizers have aided farmers in increasing crop production since the 1930's. While chemical fertilizers have their place increasing plant nutrients in adverse weather conditions or during times when plants need additional nutrients, there are also several harmful effects of chemical fertilizers.

Why do my plants' leaves turn yellow?

Chemical fertilizers are high in nutrient content such as nitrogen. Over-application of chemical fertilizer to plants may cause the leaves to turn yellow or brown, damaging the plant and reducing crop yield. This condition is known as chemical leaf scorch. Leaf scorch can cause the leaves of the plant to wither and may cause the plant to die.

Why is soil acidic?

The over-use of chemical fertilizers can lead to soil acidification because of a decrease in organic matter in the soil. Nitrogen applied to fields in large amounts over time damages topsoil, resulting in reduced crop yields. Sandy soils are much more prone to soil acidification than are clay soils. Clay soils have an ability to buffer the effects of excess chemical fertilization.

Why do fish die in water?

The over-abundance of nutrients in the water reduces the amount of oxygen. The existing organisms living in the water use up the oxygen that is left. The result is oxygen depletion causing the fish to die. Advertisement.

Does nitrogen affect crop yields?

Nitrogen applied to fields in large amounts over time damages topsoil, resulting in reduced crop yields. Sandy soils are much more prone to soil acidification than are clay soils. Clay soils have an ability to buffer the effects of excess chemical fertilization. Advertisement.

Does clay soil buffer chemical fertilizer?

Clay soil buffers excess chemical fertilization better than others. Image Credit: Sinelyov/iStock/Getty Images. The over-use of chemical fertilizers can lead to soil acidification because of a decrease in organic matter in the soil.

How does fertilizer affect human health?

Fertilizers are chemical substances which are added to the soil to make it more fertile and thus, produce more food products like fruits and vegetables from the plants. It is basically a composition ...

What are the risks of fertilizer?

One of the biggest risks of fertilizers is the contamination of ground water, which may lead to many diseases, but to what extent it impacts out lives negatively is something which very few people understand and hence we see even today increased use of fertilizers and pesticides to increase production in farming sector. Advertisement.

What Are The Harmful Effects Of Fertilizers on Human Health?

The biggest harmful effect that fertilizers have is contamination of ground water. The nitrogen present in the fertilizers breaks down into nitrates and seeps through the soil and mixes with the ground water. Since nitrogen is easily soluble in water, it can remain mixed with groundwater for decades at a time and as more and more fertilizer is added to the soil the content of nitrogen in the water increases, which further increases the harmful effects of a contaminated groundwater when it is drunk by common people.

What are the effects of fertilizer on groundwater?

Another Harmful Effect of Fertilizers is the excessive use of nitrogen may lead to respiratory problems, cardiac disease, and several types of cancers.

What happens when fertilizers are mixed with pesticides?

A study conducted showed that when fertilizers are mixed with pesticide the effects are compounded. The studies showed that consumption of such foods or drinking the contaminated water increased the chances of fetal abnormalities along with abnormalities in the neurological and endocrine systems of the baby.

How does nitrogen affect fish?

Excess amounts of nitrogen in groundwater, which contributes to aquatic deaths of fishes as the increase in nitrogen causes more plants to grow, which eats up the oxygen present in the water, thus starving the fishes present in it.

How does fertilizer affect the aquatic ecosystem?

This not only affects the aquatic ecosystem, but also affects the people whose basic food is seafood like fish and are dependent on it. Another Harmful Effects of Fertilizers is the use of raw and untreated human waste to the crops, which is being practiced in many countries. Practicing such type of activity increases the risks ...

What are the effects of fertilizer on food?

Similar to under fertilization, it can have detrimental effects on crops. Excessive use of a vital nutrient may cause “fertilizer burn” causing the drying up of leaves and in some cases the death of the plant.

How does fertilizer affect soil?

Although fertilizers increase productivity of the soil, in the long-run, excessive use of fertilizers deplete soil quality. Excess fertilizer use increases soil acidity levels. A recommendation exists to have a test on the soil every three years to check whether the amount of fertilizer applied is right. Excessive use of fertilizer may lead to eutrophication. The nitrates and phosphates in the fertilizers become toxic to aquatic life. This leads to increased algae growth in the water bodies, decreasing oxygen levels in the water. The toxic environment results in the death of aquatic flora and fauna. This alters the food chain since some birds and animals depend on aquatic animals, such as fish, as their main source of food. Drinking of the contaminated water may result in several health problems. A general effect of the contaminated water consumption is the blue baby syndrome. It occurs in infants with the skin appearing as bluish or purple. In addition, studies have shown that lawn fertilizer may cause health risks such as chronic diseases and cancer in human beings, especially children.

How do fertilizers affect the environment?

When analyzing the impact of fertilizers on the environment, most people overlook their benefits. Although inorganic fertilizers cause more damage than good to the environment, organic fertilizers have several benefits. One far-fetched benefit is the preservation of the flora and fauna. Over-cultivation of land depletes its nutrients (Isherwood, 1998). Fertilizers replenish the nutrients, enabling farmers to cultivate the same piece of land for many years. This has eliminated the need to clear additional land for cultivation. Previously, farmers used to grow crops on one piece of land for about three seasons before moving to a new piece of land exposing it to soil erosion. This affects the biosphere, since it avails food, nutrient supplies, habitat, migration routes, and breeding areas.

How does fertilizer help plants?

Application of phosphorous favors plants protection against diseases. This happens through the correction of soil phosphorous deficiency, or speeding up the plant’s maturation process, hence disfavoring pathogens that affect young tissues. Potassium in the fertilizer stimulates a plant’s healing process through its interaction with scar parasites. It increases cold resistance and delays maturation and senescence of fruits. Calcium makes the plants’ cell walls resistant to pathogens. Calcium deficiency increases the crop’s susceptibility to fungi.

What happens if you use too much fertilizer?

Excessive use of fertilizer may lead to eutrophication. The nitrates and phosphates in the fertilizers become toxic to aquatic life. This leads to increased algae growth in the water bodies, decreasing oxygen levels in the water. The toxic environment results in the death of aquatic flora and fauna.

Why are fertilizers used in agriculture?

In addition, fertilizers can be used in the growth of fodder, for animal use. The animals also serve in increasing the availability of food.

Why do farmers use inorganic fertilizers?

Farmers prefer inorganic fertilizers over organic fertilizers because they result in high yields, and require little labor. Application of fertilizers affects the food and also the environment.

How do fertilizers affect the environment?

Disrupt the natural environment: As fertilizers enhance growth in certain crops, it can also lead to a downgrading of the local environment. It can inflict damage on certain soil organisms, which in turn can impact growth.

Why do farmers use fertilizer?

Protection: Fertilizers also provide plant with much needed protection from natural causes like blight; by using select fertilizers with crops, the farmers are able to increase their yields and can even grow ‘ unseasonal ’ plants, thanks to the fertilizer.

What causes algae to bloom?

Toxicity: Fertilizers contain various toxic substances, from acid to substances like Nitrogen which can cause Algae to bloom and later on die.

What is enhanced growth?

Enhanced growth: Fertilizers come in various shapes and substances; from powdered form to liquids and even dried grass clippings and cow dung. The fact remains that a plant gets its nutrient through normal process from the soil and when you add fertilizers loaded with all essential plant nutrients like phosphates and nitrogen, the plant undergoes enhanced growth. As a result, farmers are able to grow much larger yields within a short space of time.

Why do plants need fertilizer?

Weather extremes: Fertilizers enable plants to withstand weather extremes better; since they supply the plants with the essential nutrients, plants are able to withstand and adapt better to sudden changes in weather patterns.

Does fertilizer cause soil erosion?

Soil erosion: It has been found that over utilization of fertilizers when plowing the field can actually lead to soil erosion. These fertilizers, when used in excess causes the organic matter to break down, thereby make the field un-arable. Eventually, this leads to the top soil losing its organic matter, with invaluable natural nutrients and eventually leads to soil erosion.

Is fertilizer good for plants?

Susceptible: As fertilizers are used to enhance the growth in the plant, it is not able to leach valuable nutrients and minerals from the soil. This is why it is a good idea to use organic materials to fertilize the soil, These are some of the pros and cons of fertilizer.

What are the effects of fertilizer on plants?

1. Phosphorus. Phosphorus is the catalyst of plant growth, which can make the plant grow tall, its growth is inhibited due to lack of phosphorus, the plant is short , the leaves become dark green, dark and lusterless, with purple spots, and finally wither and fall off. 2.

What is fertilizer granulator?

Fertilizer granulator machine processing different nutrients. Each nutrient has a different effect on plants. In industry, these elements are combined together according to the characteristics of crop growth, and granulated by using a double roller fertilizer granulator to supplement nutrients required for plant growth.

What nutrients are needed to help plants fight fungal diseases?

Good zinc nutrition can enhance the plant's resistance to fungal diseases. 8. Sulfur. Sulfur deficiency causes green deficiency, and the flower veins are yellow, but the mesophyll tissue remains green, which can be distinguished from the symptoms of magnesium and iron deficiency. Sulfur deficiency begins with red blemishes at the base of the leaves.

Why do my flowers turn yellow?

Magnesium. Magnesium deficiency causes chlorosis, yellowing and white flower disease. Mg-deficient flowers often begin to fade from the lower leaves of the plants, appear yellow, and gradually spread to the upper leaves.

What are the nutrients needed for plant growth?

2019/12/17. The growth of any plant needs phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, zinc, sulfur and trace elements, and fertilizer can meet the growth of plants. Through NPK fertilizer production process, a variety of nutrients required by plants are mixed together to make particles, which meet the multiple requirements of plants.

What are the effects of calcium on plant roots?

3. Calcium. Calcium affects the downward extension of plant roots, the growth of calcium deficient roots is inhibited, the roots are many and short , the cell walls are sticky, the root tip cells are damaged, and rotten. 4.

What color are the leaves of a manganese deficient flower?

Manganese. Manganese-deficient flowers. The leaves of the manganese-deficient flower turned pale with some gray. After that, brown spots were found at the tip of the leaves, which gradually spread to the basic parts of the leaves.

How does fertilizer affect the atmosphere?

4 Much of the applied fertilizer runs off into waterways, or gets broken down by microbes in the soil , releasing the potent greenhouse gas nitrous oxide into the atmosphere. Although nitrous oxide accounts for only a small fraction of worldwide greenhouse gas emissions, 5 pound for pound, nitrous oxide warms the planet 300 times as much as carbon dioxide. 6

Why do farmers add fertilizer to their soil?

Farmers add fertilizers to their soils to provide crops with the nutrients they need to grow. For thousands of years, humans have used mineral and organic fertilizers, like manure and ground bone, to improve soil fertility. In the last century, human-made fertilizers have greatly boosted crop production, letting farmers grow more food on less land.

How have human-made fertilizers boosted crop production?

In the last century, human-made fertilizers have greatly boosted crop production, letting farmers grow more food on less land. But this uptick in fertilizer use has come at a cost: planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions. Worldwide, agriculture is the second-largest source of climate change pollution 1 —and both the manufacturing and application ...

What are the nutrients that plants need to grow?

One of the main nutrients that plants need to grow is nitrogen . But plants can’t take in nitrogen from the air the way they can absorb carbon dioxide or oxygen. In the early 1900s, scientists invented a process to mass-produce a nitrogen-containing compound, ammonia, that plants can absorb from the soil.

How can we make fertilizer more sustainable?

Making fertilizer more sustainable. Scientists and engineers are working to reduce the high temperature and pressure currently needed to manufacture ammonia. These changes would make it easier to run fertilizer plants entirely on renewable energy or other climate-friendly sources .

How does ammonia affect the environment?

2 But ammonia has to be made at a high pressure under high temperatures —meaning it takes a lot of energy to manufacture. Most of that energy comes from burning fossil fuels like coal and methane gas, which give off the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, the main cause of climate change. Ammonia manufacturing today contributes between 1 and 2% of worldwide carbon dioxide emissions. 3

Why do farmers use fertilizers?

Once crops are harvested, the natural supply of nutrients in the soil should be re-filled. Farmers can add nutrients to their soils with the use of fertilizers. They turn to these chemicals because they contain plant nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

What happens when fertilizer runs off into the water?

When excess nutrients from the fertilizer we use runs off into nearby waterways, they can cause algae blooms that are sometimes big enough for waterways to become impassable.

How is fertilizer use being regulated?

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization first recognized that excessive fertilizer use posed environmental and public health hazards. This was agreed upon by U.S. environmental authorities when they acknowledged that agriculture was a primary source of reactive nitrogen pollution which needed to be regulated.

How do synthetic fertilizers affect soil?

The synthetic chemicals in fertilizers negatively impact naturally occurring soil micro-organisms by affecting soil pH. These changes in the acidity level of the soil can eliminate these micro-organisms, which are beneficial to plant and soil health. They boost plants’ natural defenses against diseases and pests.

What are the microorganisms that help fix nitrogen balance in soil?

These helpful micro-organisms consist of mycorrhizal, antibiotic-producing bacteria, and other fungi, which are all found in healthy soil. Furthermore, the use of synthetic fertilizer also jeopardizes the health of bacteria that help fix nitrogen balance in the soil.

What are the nutrients that farmers can use to supplement elements found naturally in the soil?

Other sources of nutrients that farmers can use to supplement elements found naturally in the soil include organic matter and even some plants. The addition of nutrients helps maintain soil fertility. This allows the farmer to continue growing nutritious and healthy crops.

What nutrients do plants need to grow?

Soils naturally contain nutrients including nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, and potassium. These nutrients support plant growth. However, in some cases, when there are not enough soil nutrients, plants suffer from nutrient deficiency and stop growing.

What is commercial fertilizer?

Commercial fertilizer. Commercial Fertilizer Purchased - Fertilizer is a primary source of nitrogen and phosphorus. It often reaches surface and groundwater systems through farm or urban/suburban runoff or infiltration.

What are the three basic nutrients that are used in fertilizer?

Fertilizers made from wastes. Most fertilizers that are commonly used in agriculture contain the three basic plant nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Some fertilizers also contain certain "micronutrients," such as zinc and other metals, that are necessary for plant growth. Materials that are applied to the land primarily ...

What is biosolid fertilizer?

Fertilizers made from domestic septage and sewage sludge (biosolids) Biosolids are nutrient-rich organic materials resulting from the treatment of domestic sewage in a treatment facility. When treated and processed, these residuals can be recycled and applied as fertilizer to improve and maintain productive soils and stimulate plant growth.

What is soil amendment?

Materials that are applied to the land primarily to enhance soil characteristics (rather than as plant food) are commonly referred to as soil amendments. wastes, such as sewage sludge and certain industrial wastes. Overuse of fertilizers has resulted in contamination of surface water and groundwater.

What is the EPA's role in recycling biosolids?

EPA offers guidance and technical assistance for the beneficial recycling of biosolids as soil amendments and fertilizer. The use of these valuable materials can enhance: water quality. pollution prevention. sustainable agriculture.

What are the three basic nutrients in agriculture?

Agriculture Nutrient Management and Fertilizer. Most fertilizers that are commonly used in agriculture contain the three basic plant nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Some fertilizers also contain certain "micronutrients," such as zinc and other metals, that are necessary for plant growth. Materials that are applied ...

Can agriculture produce manure?

Manure as fertilizer. Agricultural producers can return manure and crop residues to the soil as fertilizers or soil conditioners on their own property unless prohibited by other State or local laws. Animal Production. Animal Feeding Operations.


1.Harmful Effects of Chemical Fertilizers on Human Health


6 hours ago  · One of the harmful effects of fertilizers on the environment can be caused by eutrophication, a process by which a body of water gets an excess amount of nutrient like nitrogen and phosphorus, which mainly happens because of human activities that cause these nutrients to be pushed into the ocean. This proces creates a “dead zone.”

2.What Are The Harmful Effects Of Fertilizers On Human …


25 hours ago What are the harmful effects of fertilizers Class 8? Harmful effects of fertilisers. 1)The excessive use of fertilisers changes the chemical nature of soil and makes the soil less fertile. 2)The excessive use of fertilisers causes water pollution in ponds,lakes and rivers. What is the impact of fertilizers in agriculture? Fertilizers replace the nutrients that crops remove from the soil. …

3.The Use of Fertilizers: Its Effects on Food and the …


26 hours ago  · Fertilizer effect on plant growth 1. Phosphorus. Phosphorus is the catalyst of plant growth, which can make the plant grow tall, its growth is inhibited due to lack of phosphorus, the plant is short, the leaves become dark green, dark and lusterless, with purple spots, and finally wither and fall off. 2. Potassium.

4.Positive and negative impact of Fertilizers - Pros and cons


3 hours ago  · Effects of Fertilizers on the Environment Soils naturally contain nutrients including nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, and potassium. These nutrients support plant growth. However, in some cases, when there are not enough soil nutrients, plants suffer from nutrient deficiency and stop growing. This is where fertilizers come in.

5.What are the fertilizer effects on plant growth


1 hours ago  · Fertilizers made from wastes. Most fertilizers that are commonly used in agriculture contain the three basic plant nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Some fertilizers also contain certain "micronutrients," such as zinc and other metals, that are necessary for plant growth. Materials that are applied to the land primarily to enhance soil characteristics …

6.Fertilizer and Climate Change | MIT Climate Portal


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7.How Do Fertilizers Negatively Impact the Environment?


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8.Agriculture Nutrient Management and Fertilizer | US EPA


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