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what is the female reproductive organ of a flower

by Jameson Daugherty Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago


Full Answer

What is the female reproductive organ of a flower?

Read this article to learn about the Pistil: The female reproductive organ of flowering plants! Gynoecium represents the female com­ponent of a flower. It may consist of only one carpel (monocarpellary), two carpels (bicarpellary), three carpels (tricarpellary) or many carpels (multicarpellary). Each carpel represents a megasporophyll.

What are the parts of a gynoecium that are free?

Parts of styles and stigmas can be free, e.g., Hibiscus. In apocarpous condi­tion, the ovaries must be free, though other parts may get fused, e.g., Oleander. The free unit of gynoecium is called pistil. A pistil has three parts— stigma, style and ovary.

How many integuments are there in an ovule?

Rarely an ovule may be surrounded by three integuments (tritegmic, e.g., Asphodelus) or the integuments are absent (ategmic, e.g., Santalum). Free surfaces of nucellus and integuments are covered by cuticle. The integuments leave a narrow pore or passage at one end of the ovule. It is known as micropyle.

What is the ovarian style?

Style is elongated narrow stalk that connects the ovary with the stigma. ADVERTISEMENTS: Ovary is the basal swollen part of the pistil. It has an ovarian cavity with one or more chambers or locules and ovule bearing parenchymatous cushions called placentae (singular placenta).

What are the three parts of the pistil?

A pistil has three parts— stigma, style and ovary. Stigma is the terminal receptive part of the pistil which functions as landing platform for the pollen grains. It also determines the compatibility-incompatibility of the pollen grains. Style is elongated narrow stalk that connects the ovary with the stigma. ADVERTISEMENTS:

Where is the ovule located?

Ovule is an integumented megasporangium found in sper- matophytes which develops into seed after fertilisation. An angiosperm ovule is typically an ovoid and whitish structure. It occurs inside ovary where it is attached to a parenchy­matous cushion called placenta either singly or in a cluster.

How do synergids degenerate in the embryo sac?

In embryo sac, one synergid degenerates at the time of entry of pollen tube into the embryo sac, whereas, the second one degenerates shortly after the embryo sac has received the pollen tube discharge. All the three cells of the egg apparatus communicate with one another and to the central cell by plasmodesmata.

How Do Plants Reproduce?

A flower usually reproduces by creating seeds that are then dispersed and eventually become new plants.

Which part of the plant produces pollen?

The stamen, which is male, produces pollen; the pistil, which is female, houses the ovule. When the two meet, they produce a seed, which creates a new generation of plants.

Why are there stamens in every pistil?

This is because having multiple stamens increases the number of pollen grains available, which make it more likely than one of the pollen grains will become stuck to the stigma, travel down the style into the ovary, and fertilize the ovules to produce seeds.

How does pollination occur?

Actually pollination can occur in many different ways. Sometimes, the wind blows the pollen towards the pistil so that it gets stuck on the stigma. Other times, an animal brushes by the stamens and carries the pollen on its fur until it falls off near a pistil, or an insect lands on an anther and then lands on the top of a pistil.

What is the sticky part of the pistil?

A pistil has three parts: a sticky part at the top called a stigma, the thin tube leading downward called a style, and the sac at the bottom called an ovary. When the pollen, which is the male gamete (corresponding to sperm in animals), reaches the pistil, it often becomes stuck to the stigma. The pollen then travels down the style into ...

Do all flowers have a male or female reproductive part?

In summary, there are two main reproductive parts of a flower, a male part and a female part.


1.Female Parts of a Flower | Sciencing


8 hours ago  · Pistil, the female reproductive part of a flower. The pistil, centrally located, typically consists of a swollen base, the ovary, which contains the potential seeds, or ovules; a stalk, or …

2.Pistil: Female Reproductive Organ of Flowering Plants


26 hours ago Read this article to learn about the Pistil: The female reproductive organ of flowering plants! Gynoecium represents the female com­ponent of a flower. It may consist of only one carpel …

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4.Videos of What Is The Female Reproductive Organ of a Flower


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5.What is a female reproductive organ of a flower called?


21 hours ago  · The female reproductive organ of a flower is called the pistil.

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