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what is the most hardy clematis

by Trycia Buckridge Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

The truly hardy varieties are species such as:

  • Blue Bird, purplish-blue
  • Blue Boy, silvery blue
  • Ruby clematis, bell-shaped mauve-red blooms
  • White Swan, 5-inch (12.7 cm.) creamy flowers
  • Purpurea Plena Elegans, double flowers are lavender blushed with rose and bloom July to September

Clematis usually bring to mind big, blowsy flower,s but two of the hardiest types are the early flowering species alpina and macropetala, commonly known as fairy clematis. This is because they have delicate, nodding flowers like fairy skirts in gorgeous, iridescent shades of pink, white and mauve.Feb 9, 2014

Full Answer

What is the most hardy Clematis?

What is the best growing Clematis?

  • Clematis ‘Warszawska Nike’ This clematis has velvety purple flowers in late spring to early summer, and autumn.
  • Clematis ‘Night Veil’
  • Clematis florida ‘Alba Plena’
  • Clematis ‘Etoile Violette’
  • Clematis ‘Kingfisher’
  • Clematis ‘Picardy’
  • Clematis ‘Princess Diana’
  • Clematis ‘Carmencita’

How to choose the best Clematis for months of blooms?

  • Clematis famously like "head in the sun, feet in the shade" so lay stones around the base of the plant or add annuals or perennials.
  • Clematis is deep rooted so water slowly and thoroughly if it doesn't rain.
  • Once planted, clematis likes to stay put. ...
  • Adhere to a pruning schedule based on the type of clematis (see above).

When should I prune my Niobe Clematis?

More advice on growing clematis:

  • Three golden rules for caring for clematis (video)
  • Seven clematis for every season
  • What to grow with clematis

When to fertilize a clematis?

  • Before planting, work 100 – 150 g / m² (well-filled 0.2-liter jar) of organic flower fertilizer into the upper soil layer
  • Pour the soil and freshly inserted clematis well so that the granules can dissolve well.
  • With maintenance fertilization in spring, you should fertilize another 80 – 120 g / m² (0.2-liter jar) per plant

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Which is the easiest clematis to grow?

As a group, the viticellas are the easiest clematis to grow, wilt-resistant and happy in most soils and in positions, although they prefer sun. Pruning is easy – simply cut back to 12in in late winter.

Can clematis stay outside in winter?

Clematis (Clematis) is a climbing vine with flowers that bloom in a variety of colors. This hardy plant can survive moderate winters, but you must start planning for the winterization in the spring, when most of the plants start blooming.

What is the most vigorous clematis?

Clematis rehderiana This prolific and very vigorous, late-flowering Chinese species features open clusters of small, pale cream or pale yellow, bell-shaped flowers with the unusual distinction of a cowslip fragrance. Many hundreds may be open at once on a large plant, from late August or September onwards.

How cold hardy are clematis?

Clematis have some specific climate-related requirements. Clematis grow and bloom much better if they have a dormant period of approximately six weeks. Night temperatures of about 45°F (7.5°C) or colder for a week or more seems to put them into dormancy.

What is the best evergreen clematis?

The most popular evergreen clematis are the spring-flowering Clematis montana, but other evergreen clematis include the winter-flowering Clematis cirrhosa and varieties including Clematis 'Fragrant Oberon', and Clematis urophylla 'Winter Beauty'.

Should you cut clematis back every year?

Each year in March, prune all stems back to a strong set of buds 12 inches from the ground to make way for new growth. Group three clematis are the easiest to prune, since you cut so extensively. This group goes dormant in the winter, letting the stems die off, and then stems grow anew each spring.

Is there a clematis that blooms all summer?

Clematis 'Etoile Violette' With an abundance of rich, deep purple flowers throughout summer, 'Etoile Violette' is ideal for growing through an evergreen or spring-flowering shrub. For best results, grow it against a bright background. 'Etoile Violette' grows to 4m.

Which clematis has the longest bloom time?

Among the easiest Clematis to grow, Herbaceous Clematis are long-lived. They bloom profusely over a long season, from early summer to early fall, with the bonus of attractive foliage. If deadheaded after their first flush of blooms, they will bloom again within 30-45 days.

What is the best variety of clematis?

'Jackmanii' is the most popular and classic variety of clematis that displays deep purple flowers from early summer to fall. Start pruning in late winter or early spring by cutting all the woody stems of the previous year, keeping them just above the base of the plant.

How do I protect my clematis in the winter?

Use dry leaves, straw, bark and other organic materials and mulch to a depth of at least 2-3 inches around the plants' base. The mulch acts as an insulator and protects the clematis roots from the freezing temperatures. Pruning is an integral part of winter care of clematis.

What month should I plant clematis?

The best time to plant clematis is in late spring or early autumn, when the soil is moist and warm, but not too hot. You can plant clematis in summer, but you'll need to water it more frequently to help it establish well. Avoid planting clematis in winter. Clematis are suited to a range of planting locations.

Is there a winter flowering clematis?

Clematis cirrhosa is one of several winter-flowering clematis: evergreen and semi-evergreens that, although they have no formal botanical grouping, all flower during the winter and early spring.

What is a Class A clematis?

Class A – Early blooming clematis rarely perform well in zone 3 because the soil and ambient temperatures won’t warm up enough for the plant’s bloom period. These are considered Class A and only a few species can survive in zone 3. Class B – Class B plants bloom off of old wood and include the huge flowering species.

What vines are good for Zone 3?

One of the more spectacular flowering vines available is the clematis. Clematis have a wide hardiness range dependent upon the species. Finding the right clematis vines for zone 3 is essential unless you want to treat them as annuals and sacrifice heavy blooms.

What temperature does clematis need to be in zone 3?

United States Department of Agriculture zone 3 plants need to be hardy through weather temperatures of -30 to -40 degrees Fahrenheit (-34 to -40 C.). Brr. Cold hardy clematis do exist, however, and some even can withstand temperatures down to zone 2.

What is the best clematis for zone 3?

Etoille Violette (dark purple) Jackmanii (violet blooms) Ramona (bluish-lavender) Wildfire (amazing 6- to 8-inch (15 to 20 cm.) purple blooms with a red center) These are just a few of the varieties of clematis that should perform well in most zone 3 regions.

When does Purpurea Plena bloom?

Purpurea Plena Elegans, double flowers are lavender blushed with rose and bloom July to September. Each of these are perfect clematis vines for zone 3 with exceptional hardiness.

What is the best mulch for clematis?

Some of the smaller flowered varieties are: Ville de Lyon (carmine blooms)

When do clematis vines bloom?

These are pruned to the ground in fall or early spring and can start blooming in early summer and continue to produce flowers to the first frost. Class C plants are the best option for clematis vines in cold climates.

What is the Atragene group of clematis?

The Atragene group of clematis includes early and small-flowering clematis, which are extremely hardy, undemanding and among the easiest to grow. Planted near a window, they reward gardeners with elegant and colorful blossoms when there is so little color in the garden.

How long does it take for a clematis to bloom?

If deadheaded after their first flush of blooms, they will bloom again within 30-45 days.

How big are clematis flowers?

Clematis - Late Large-Flowered Group. Their flowers are impressively large, 5-8 in. across (13-20 cm). Star-shaped, they may be single, semi-double or double and are available in a wide range of colors. They usually bloom in two waves. They bloom between early and mid summer on new wood.

How many species of clematis are there?

From tree huggers to container varieties, there is a Clematis for every garden and flowers for almost every month of the year! Members of the Ranunculaceae family, Clematis include more than 300 species and hundreds of hybrids. They are divided into 12 groups as follows:

Where does the Viticella clematis come from?

The Viticella group of clematis originates from Southern Europe (Italian Clematis) and includes deciduous climbing shrubs regarded as being durable, easy-care, vigorous and free-flowering. They bloom profusely over a long period extending from midsummer to fall. These clematis are quite versatile.

What is a large clematis?

Large Flowered Clematis. Large flowered Clematis are typically characterized by lace-like roots and large, dramatic flowers, which are rarely scented. The foliage of these Clematis is prone to wilt, a disease that is caused by one or more fungi. This Clematis group is further subdivided into 2 groups based on blooming seasons.

How big are clematis?

Their flowers are incredibly large, 6-10 in. across (15-25 cm). Star-shaped, they may be single, semi-double or double and are available in a wide range of colors. They usually bloom in two waves. They bloom in late spring or early summer on the previous year's growth. They often repeat blooming in late summer and early fall on new wood. These clematis are quite versatile. They can be trained over trellises, arbors, pergolas, arches or fences. They can grow through shrubs, climbing roses and into small trees. They can be grown in large containers too.

What is the most popular climber?

Clematis are the most popular of all climbers and can be grown on walls and fences, scrambling through shrubs or even as ground cover. Plantsman Graham Rice chooses these plants with the Award of Garden Merit

When does a double clematis flower?

Flowering very generously from July to September, the extra weight of the double flowers demands good stout support. First seen in about 1900.

When do arabellas open?

They open over a long season from July to October. Raised by Barry Fretwell, who also raised 'Arabella', it was originally known as 'The Princess of Wales' but renamed to avoid confusion with an older variety of the same name. Prune hard in spring. 2-2.5m (6-8ft).

How to grow clematis in a garden?

Add in compost, well-rotted manure (it should not have a smell), a small amount of Espoma Rose-Tone and the soil you dug out. Place the clematis on a 45-degree angle toward whatever it will be growing up, with the crown buried 3 to 4 inches under the finished level of the soil.

How to stop clematis from wilting?

To my knowledge, the only thing you can do for it is cut away the affected stems. Planting deeply helps new stems regrow and allows the plant to develop deep roots that will hopefully prevent clematis wilt from striking and, if it does, help it bounce back. Some clematis are aggressive and even invasive in some areas.

Why do clematis wilt?

Clematis wilt can be a problem with Group 2 clematis, although I don’t think I’ve ever experienced it. It’s a disease caused by a root-rotting fungus in which stems just suddenly wilt, often just as they are about to flower. To my knowledge, the only thing you can do for it is cut away the affected stems.

What was the first clematis?

My first clematis was ‘Mrs. N. Thompson’, a spindly specimen from a local garden center, but I thought it was something spectacular because it was a clematis that wasn’t ‘Nelly Moser’. Up until that point, I was under the impression that the only two clematis that existed were ‘Nelly’ and ‘Jackmanii’.

What group is Etoile Violette?

‘Etoile Violette’ blooms profusely up the deck stair railing. It’s a Group 3 clematis, meaning it is cut back all the way each spring.

Do you prune clematis after they bloom?

Group 1: These bloom on old wood, so you only need to prune out dead or damaged stems. If you need to prune for another reason, do it after they bloom. Group 1 clematis bloom very early. Group 2: These are probably the most common kind of clematis and the ones people think of first.

What does a plant tag tell you?

The plant tag should tell you what pruning group they fall into or you can look it up by the name of the plant. If you’ve lost the tag and can’t remember the name, you’ll have to do a little detective work, but it’s best to just let it go for a year, observe how and when it blooms and make note of it for the next year.

What is a Rebecca clematis?

Rebecca (=’Evipo016′) An outstanding red clematis introduced in 2008 and named after my eldest daughter Rebecca. Can be grown in any location, holds its colour well in full sun, good through other wall-trained plants and also in a container. 3.

What is a plant with white outer sepals?

A plant that when in full flower causes great acclaim, creamy white outer sepals and a stunning boss of central petaloid stamens , which contrast well with the outer sepals. Needs a sheltered position, best through evergreen wall trained shrubs, ideal for growing a container or in a conservatory

When does Angelique flower?

Angelique (=’Evipo017′) Also like Picardy an ideal plant for a container or for the smaller garden, mass flowering over a long period, May – September. Dusky blue flowers which go well with grey foliage and ideal for the mixed border and looks marvellous with purple shrubs like Berberis. 6.

Is clematis a climbing plant?

It's a much-loved climbing plant that is suitable for gardens of all sizes. Clematis expert Raymond Evison lists his all-time favourite clematis. Award-winning nurseryman Raymond Evison has been growing and selling clematis since he left school at the age of 15 and over the years has introduced more than 100 new plants to our gardens.

Can clematis be grown in pots?

He grows clematis suitable for growing in pots and containers, and other clematis that you can train to climb inside a conservatory or along a garden wall. He grows scented clematis and clematis with colourful showy flowers. There’s plenty of choice to suit all garden sizes and styles.

Can a designer clematis grow in a container?

A designer clematis which meets all the criteria a clematis plant should have for growing in a container: medium size flowers produced over a long period, repeat flowering, easy to maintain, simple pruning each spring. Will do well in a container or in the soil in the garden, ideal for a small town garden, in any aspect. 5.

What is a clematis vine?

Clematis are showy, versatile vines that are well-known and beloved for their beautiful flowers. They’re outstanding for adding vertical accents with bright, bold colors climbing to the sky.

How tall does Aotearoa grow?

Aotearoa is the Te Reo Maori word for New Zealand, which translates to “the land of the long white cloud.”. ‘Aotearoa’ grows nine to 12 feet long and can be pruned to a strong set of buds about 12 inches above the ground in early spring. This cultivar is hardy in Zones 3-11. 6.

What is the most popular non-vining clematis?

Here are a selection of my favorite herbaceous clematis varieties: 1. Arabella. One of the most popular non-vining varieties, ‘Arabella’ bears six-sepaled star-shaped flowers of deep amethyst that start out with a reddish tint.

What is the name of the vine with cherry red flowers?

19. Ville de Lyon. A large-flowering vine, ‘Ville de Lyon’ features a profusion of showy, four to six-inch cherry red flowers with cream and golden stamens. The sepals have darker, carmine margins and a lovely opalescent sheen that seems to light them from within.

What color are Sweet Summer Love flowers?

Truly a plant that delivers it all, ‘Sweet Summer Love’ has gorgeous cruciform flowers that range in color from cranberry and magenta to royal purple with long, cream colored stamens.

When does Ernest Markham flower?

The four to six-inch blooms are free flowering from midsummer to fall.

When to cut back a sage vine?

Growing 10 to 15 feet, it likes a full sun location and is hardy in Zones 3-9. Cut vines back hard in early spring to 10 to 18 inches, just above a strong set of buds.


1.The 27 Best Cold Hardy Clematis Varieties | Gardener’s Path


35 hours ago  · Clematis usually bring to mind big, blowsy flower,s but two of the hardiest types are the early flowering species alpina and macropetala, commonly known as fairy clematis. This is because they have delicate, nodding flowers like fairy skirts in gorgeous, iridescent shades of pink, white and mauve.

2.Cold Hardy Clematis Plants: Tips On Growing Clematis In …


34 hours ago  · The truly hardy varieties are species such as: Blue Bird, purplish-blue Blue Boy, silvery blue Ruby clematis, bell-shaped mauve-red blooms White Swan, 5-inch (12.7 cm.) creamy flowers Purpurea Plena Elegans, double flowers are lavender blushed with rose and bloom July to …

3.Clematis Types - Which one is yours? -


10 hours ago  · An extremely hardy clematis. Pamela Mason of Canada recommends Clematis ‘Prairie Traveller’s Joy.’ “I have been growing this ironclad hardy huge (15′ tall ) white clematis in Edmonton, Alberta for years now. The late summer blooms are the size of a quarter, and have a lovely light almondy scent. …you can also easily take shoots from the bottom for new plants.”.

4.View the Top 10 AGM Clematis chosen by RHS …


36 hours ago 10 AGM clematis. Clematis rehderiana. This prolific and very vigorous, late-flowering Chinese species features open clusters of small, pale cream or pale yellow, ... Clematis ‘Purpurea Plena Elegans’. Clematis ‘Princess Diana’. Clematis ‘Polish Spirit’. Clematis Petit Faucon (‘Evisix’)

5.The complete clematis growing guide - The Impatient …


1 hours ago  · Many clematis are hardy from zone 4 to 9, but not all fall within the entire range, so double check that it will be hardy in your area before you buy. All clematis want sun, although some can be pushed into part sun or even grow moderately well in some shade (‘Silver Moon’ grows—not rambunctiously, but it flowers—up the skirting on the north side of my deck).

6.Clematis Expert Raymond Evison Recommends The Best …


32 hours ago  · Expert Raymond Evison recommends the best clematis to grow in the garden Diamantina (='Evipo039') Rebecca (='Evipo016') Ice Blue (='Evipo003) Picardy™ (='Evipo024) Angelique (='Evipo017') Diana’s Delight (='Evipo026') Rosemoor (='Evipo002') Viennetta (='Evipo006') Clematis 'Princess Diana'

7.19 of the Best Summer Blooming Clematis Varieties


1 hours ago  · A moderate grower, it reaches eight to 12 feet and is hardy in Zones 4-8. ‘Ramona’ can be pruned according to recommendations for Group 2 or 3, but it flowers most proficiently when treated as a Group 3 cultivar. Cut back to two sets of strong buds in late winter or early spring. This variety is hardy in Zones 4-8. 16. Rouge Cardinal

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9