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what is the purpose of the curious incident of the dog in the night time

by Fernando Breitenberg Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Christopher's goal in the novel resembles that of many teenage protagonists in coming-of-age stories: to become independent and find his role in the world. Because of his condition, Christopher cannot be as independent as he would like.

Full Answer

What is the Curious Incident of the dog in the nighttime?

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time chronicles of Christopher Boone of Swindon, England. The book is written by Mark Haddon, who formerly worked with autistic individuals, describes the world through the eyes of Christopher, who is self-proclaimed “special needs”.

Does the Curious Incident of the dog in the night-time reinforce autism stereotypes?

This is the case with Mark Haddon’s novel The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, in which his character, Christopher Boone, has caused a large amount of controversy for reinforcing many of the untrue stereotypes associated with autism.

Who are the main characters in the Curious Incident of the dog?

See a complete list of the characters in The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time and in-depth analyses of Christopher John Francis Boone, Christopher’s father (Ed Boone), Christopher’s mother (Judy Boone), Mrs. Shears, and Siobhan.

What is the meaning of the book Curious Incident?

Its title refers to an observation by the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes in Arthur Conan Doyle 's 1892 short story " The Adventure of Silver Blaze ". Haddon and The Curious Incident won the Whitbread Book Awards for Best Novel and Book of the Year, the Commonwealth Writers' Prize for Best First Book, and the Guardian Children's Fiction Prize.


What do we learn from Christopher's story and perspective?

The actions of people on the autism spectrum often seem difficult to comprehend for people who are not autistic. However, telling the story from Christopher's perspective helps the reader understand his worldview and question the generally accepted rules of society.

What is the message of curious incident?

Truth, Love, and Safety Christopher sees truth as an anchoring principle of the world, and values it almost the way other people might value right over wrong. If someone tells the truth, he can trust them, and if they lie, he fears them. However, Christopher also finds out that the truth can hurt as much as a lie.

What message or theme do you believe The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time presents about lying?

In the novel, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, Mark Haddon presents the idea that there are different levels of lying and the lies affect relationships. In the story, the reader learns that Christopher does not believe in lying and in turn he refuses to lie.

Who killed the dog in the curious incident?

As Christopher investigates the murder of Wellington the dog, he and the audience discover two disturbing truths about Ed - that he lied to Christopher about his mother's death and that he killed Wellington.

Why did Christopher's Father lie to him?

Ed Boone had misrepresented his wife's abandonment of the family to Christopher as his mother's death. At first, he claims he lied to protect Christopher, and then says lying happened by “accident.” Ed struggles to communicate clearly with Christopher, revealing a conflicted nature and sense of honesty.

Why is the truth so important to Christopher?

To Christopher, honesty has primacy. He depends on people telling him the truth to enable him to establish trust with them emotionally. Yet Christopher needs to live in the real world, a world in which truth is neither black nor white. Christopher's father wants to heal their shattered relationship any way he can.

What does four red cars in a row mean to Christopher?

Good DayChristopher takes the bus to school the next morning. They pass four red cars in a row, which means it is a "Good Day," so Christopher decides not to be sad about Wellington anymore.

Is The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time good representation?

That being said, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time film is already off to a bad start as, to put it bluntly, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is not a very good representation of autism.

What is the author message in the curious incident of the dog?

The Struggle to Become Independent Christopher's goal in the novel resembles that of many teenage protagonists in coming-of-age stories: to become independent and find his role in the world. Because of his condition, Christopher cannot be as independent as he would like.

How does Christopher view the world in the curious incident?

Christopher Boone sees the world much differently from the rest of us, that's for sure. He notices much more of what's going on around him – he's quite the observer, after all – but he can't quite seem to interpret all those detailed observations.

How do Christopher's beliefs and behavior complicate the novel's message about lying?

Christopher believes his inability to lie doesn't relate to his character, but to his sense of order and truth. The story shows otherwise, since Christopher uses truth to establish trust with people, as seen in his interactions with strangers like Mrs.

What reason does Christopher's mother give for leaving?

Christopher says he doesn't want to live with his father and he also reminds her that tomorrow is the day he's supposed to take his exam. In response, his mother spills some heavy beans: she says the reason they're leaving is that she's worried Mr. Shears might hurt her.

When did the curious incident of the dog in the night time play premiere?

Main article: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time (play) A stage adaptation, by Simon Stephens and directed by Marianne Elliott, premiered at the National Theatre on 2 August 2012.

Why is the book The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time banned?

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time has frequently been challenged due to offensive language, religious viewpoint, unsuited for age group, and religious viewpoint. On the American Library Association's lists of the most banned and challenged books, the book landed the 51st spot between 2010 and 2019, as well as the fifth spot in 2015.

What award did Haddon and the Curious Incident win?

Haddon and The Curious Incident won the Whitbread Book Awards for Best Novel and Book of the Year, the Commonwealth Writers' Prize for Best First Book, and the Guardian Children's Fiction Prize. Unusually, it was published simultaneously in separate editions for adults and children.

What is the mystery of the dog in the night time?

59267481. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is a 2003 mystery novel by British writer Mark Haddon. Its title refers to an observation by the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes (created by Arthur Conan Doyle) in the 1892 short story " The Adventure of Silver Blaze ". Haddon and The Curious Incident won the Whitbread Book Awards ...

Why does Christopher return to Swindon?

Very soon after arriving, Christopher wants to return to Swindon in order to take his mathematics A-level. His mother leaves Mr. Shears, their relationship having broken down because of the rejection of Christopher by Mr. Shears. After an argument with Ed, she agrees to let him see Christopher for daily brief visits.

What is the ending of the book The Dog?

The book ends with Christopher optimistic about his future, having solved the mystery of the murdered dog, gone to London on his own, found his mother, written a book about his adventures, and achieved an A in exams.

What does the story end with in Christopher?

The story ends with Ed getting Christopher a puppy and promising that he will rebuild trust with Christopher slowly. Christopher asserts that he will take further exams and attend university. He completes his mathematics A-level with top grades. The book ends with Christopher optimistic about his future, having solved the mystery of the murdered dog, gone to London on his own, found his mother, written a book about his adventures, and achieved an A in exams.


Read our full plot summary and analysis of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time, scene by scene break-downs, and more.


See a complete list of the characters in The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time and in-depth analyses of Christopher John Francis Boone, Christopher’s father (Ed Boone), Christopher’s mother (Judy Boone), Mrs. Shears, and Siobhan.

Literary Devices

Here's where you'll find analysis of the literary devices in The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time, from the major themes to motifs, symbols, and more.

Questions & Answers

Explore our selection of frequently asked questions about The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time and find the answers you need.


Find the quotes you need to support your essay, or refresh your memory of the book by reading these key quotes.

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Why is Christopher portrayed as a boy?

Christopher has been poorly and inaccurately represented as a boy with Asperger syndrome because he is portrayed as a genius, he has difficulties communicating with others, and he has an obsessive behavior that dictates how he reacts to the world around him.

Is Haddon's portrayal of autistic children untrue?

As Olear points out, the way Haddon portrays autistic children is untrue and highly exaggerated. That is the result of Haddon doing minimal research before writing his novel. Thanks to his irresponsibility, the lives of many are affected.

How old is Christopher Boone in The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time?

The protagonist is fifteen-year -old Christopher Boone. Christopher is also the narrator.

What dog was killed in the book "The Dog"?

The story begins when Christopher discovers the dead body of a dog belonging to his neighbour, Mrs Shears. The dog, called Wellington, has been killed with a garden fork. Christopher is appalled by this and decides to find out who killed Wellington.

What is the intention of Mark Haddon's book?

In a newspaper article, Mark Haddon claimed that his intention in the novel was to write about “ordinary people”. Despite Christopher’s “Behavioural Problems” (some of which he lists in Chapter 73), many of the challenges he encounters in the novel will be relatable for anyone with experience of family life. Judy and Ed often argue (“I used to think that Mother and Father might get divorced”, Christopher tells us in Chapter 73), but by the end of the novel they have taken some steps towards reconciling with each other.

Why does Christopher buy a new dog?

He buys Christopher a new dog to start to make amends. The title of the novel is a reference to a Sherlock Holmes short story, ‘ The Adventure of Silver Blaze ’. Sherlock Holmes is Christopher’s hero, and when narrating his own story Christopher often refers to himself as a detective.

What is the other lie that Ed tells Christopher?

The other lie which Ed tells Christopher is that he does not know who killed Wellington the dog. In fact, Ed himself was the killer.

What module is Mark Haddon's novel set in?

In this article, we go through the themes and key context for Mark Haddon’s novel set for Module B: Close Study of Literature.

Who owned Christopher's dog?

In the course of his investigation he learns from a neighbour that Mr Shears – whose wife owned the dog – once had an affair with Christopher’s mother. Christopher believes his mother is dead, but it turns out that this is not true and his father, Ed, has been deceiving him ever since his mother ran away with Mr Shears.

Why does Christopher keep his eyes closed on the third day?

On the third day, he keeps his eyes closed on the way to school so he can’t see more yellow cars. Once again, Christopher demonstrates his investment in the rules that govern his private world. Even so, he’s willing to manipulate fortune and his own rules by closing his eyes so that he isn’t forced to have another “Black Day.”.

How many yellow cars does Christopher see in Black Days?

Christopher sees four yellow cars both of the next two days, so they’re “Black Days” and he keeps to himself more than ever. He presses his head into the library wall and groans, which makes him feel safe. On the third day, he keeps his eyes closed on the way to school so he can’t see more yellow cars. Once again, Christopher demonstrates his ...

Does the Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time have a real ending?

Back at school, Christopher shows Siobhan what he’s written so far and tells her he has to stop his detective work, so the book can’t have a real ending.



The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is a 2003 mystery novel by British writer Mark Haddon. Its title refers to an observation by the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes (created by Arthur Conan Doyle) in the 1892 short story "The Adventure of Silver Blaze". Haddon and The Curious Incident won the Whitbread Book Awards for Best Novel and Book of the Year, the Commonweal…


Christopher John Francis Boone is a 15-year old boy with behavioural problems who lives with his father, Ed and narrates the story. He explains that his mother Judy apparently died two years before. Then one day, the boy discovers the dead body of Wellington, the neighbour's dog, speared by a garden fork. The dog's owner Mrs. Shears calls the police, and Christopher comes under suspicion being arrested, then released with a police caution. He decides to investigate the dog'…


Christopher John Francis Boone protagonist and narrator of the novel who has many behavioural issues and who investigates the murder of Mrs. Shears' dog Wellington. Ed Boone Christopher's father, boiler engineer and single parent. When the story begins, Christopher has been living with Ed for two years. Judy Boone Christopher's mother. Early in the book, Christopher writes that she died of a heart attack two years before the book's events. Sandy Christopher's Golden Retriever …


In an interview with NPR's Terry Gross, broadcast on her program Fresh Air in June 2003, Haddon said about Christopher:
If he were diagnosed, he would be diagnosed as having Asperger's syndrome, which is a form of autism. I suppose you'd call it high-function autism, in that he can function on, you know, a day-to-day basis, in a kind of rudimentary way. But he has a serious difficulty with life in that he really d…


A survey in Great Britain, conducted by the BBC's literacy campaign for World Book Day, found Curious Incident to be among "the top five happy endings, as voted on by readers" in novels (the others were Pride and Prejudice, To Kill a Mockingbird, Jane Eyre and Rebecca, the last of which Curious outranked).
School Library Journal praised it as a "rich and poignant novel". The San Jose Mercury News said…


A stage adaptation, by Simon Stephens and directed by Marianne Elliott, premiered at the National Theatre on 2 August 2012. It starred Luke Treadaway as Christopher, Nicola Walker as his mother Judy, Paul Ritter as his father Ed, Una Stubbs as Mrs Alexander and Niamh Cusack as Siobhan. The production, which ran until late October, was broadcast live to cinemas worldwide on 6 September through the National Theatre Live programme.

External links

• Interview by Dave Weich with author Mark Haddon – Powell's Books (October 10, 2006)
• The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time at Google Books

1.What Is The Purpose Of The Curious Incident Of The Dog …


23 hours ago In the novel called “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time” a fifteen year old boy named Christopher Boone discovers a dead dog in the middle of the road. The curiosity of Christopher is what set the book into motion; he wanted …

2.The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time


20 hours ago The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time is a novel by Mark Haddon that was first published in 2003. Read a plot summary, important quotes, and a character analysis of the narrator and protagonist, Christopher John Francis Boone .

3.The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time


7 hours ago The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time chronicles of Christopher Boone of Swindon, England. The book is written by Mark Haddon, who formerly worked with autistic individuals, describes the world through the eyes of Christopher, who is self-proclaimed “special needs”. The novel never explicitly says what Christopher’s diagnosis is, but from the text it is apparent that …

4.Videos of What is the Purpose of the Curious Incident of the Dog i…


33 hours ago When autism was first “discovered”, many did not fully understand what it really was. Hollywood, however, still included characters with this condition. This often led to the distorted depiction of Asperger syndrome in fictional characters, especially because very little research was done. This is the case with Mark Haddon’s novel The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, in …

5.Essay on The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time


14 hours ago The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is a novel by Mark Haddon, first published in 2003. The protagonist is fifteen-year-old Christopher Boone. Christopher is also the narrator. The story begins when Christopher discovers the dead body of a …

6.The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time: …


34 hours ago On the third day, he keeps his eyes closed on the way to school so he can’t see more yellow cars. Once again, Christopher demonstrates his investment in the rules that govern his private world. Even so, he’s willing to manipulate fortune and his own rules by closing his eyes so that he isn’t forced to have another “Black Day.”.

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24 hours ago Christopher again exhibits his dislike of anything supernatural or mythic. He pins down the very existence of life, one of the most seemingly mysterious phenomena, with scientific principles. Though other people often see themselves as different or better than Christopher, they all came about through science.

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35 hours ago The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time. Mark Haddon's novel The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time is a first-person coming-of-age novel that takes the shape of a …

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6 hours ago Analysis. Christopher ’s memory works like a video camera, and if someone asks about his mother, he can rewind to various memories of her. He remembers going on vacation to Cornwall with her and watching her sunbathe on the beach. She convinced him to wade in the ocean, but when she jumped in Christopher panicked because he thought she’d be ...

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