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what is the role of sex chromosomes in determining the sex of the individual

by Tara Hermann Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

The sex chromosome from the father is considered the sex determining chromosome because it ultimately determines whether the offspring will be genetically male or female. A gene called SRY on the Y chromosome

Y chromosome

The Y chromosome is one of two sex chromosomes in mammals, including humans, and many other animals. The other is the X chromosome. Y is normally the sex-determining chromosome in many species, since it is the presence or absence of Y that typically determin…

initiates the release of testosterone and the formation of male sex organs.

The X and Y chromosomes, also known as the sex chromosomes, determine the biological sex of an individual: females inherit an X chromosome from the father for a XX genotype, while males inherit a Y chromosome from the father for a XY
Females have two of the same kind of sex chromosome (XX), and are called the homogametic sex. Males have two different kinds of sex chromosomes (XY), and are called the heterogametic sex. › wiki › XY_sex-determination_system
genotype (mothers only pass on X chromosomes).
May 30, 2014

Full Answer

Which are human chromosomes determine an individual sex?

sex chromosome, either of a pair of chromosomes that determine whether an individual is male or female. The sex chromosomes of human beings and other mammals are designated by scientists as X and Y. In humans the sex chromosomes consist of one pair of the total of 23 pairs of chromosomes. The other 22 pairs of chromosomes are called autosomes.

What does pair of chromosomes determine sex?

The X and Y chromosomes, commonly referred to as the sex chromosomes, are one such pair. They determine the biological sex, reproductive organs, and sexual characteristics that develop in a person. Female (XX) mammals inherit one X chromosome from each parent, but males (XY) receive an X from their mother and a Y sex chromosome from their father.

How do chromosomes determine your sex and health?

  • The sex of the baby is decided by father or males .
  • We know that females’ sex chromosome always carry a X chromosome , while that of male gametes carry a X and a Ychromosome always.
  • So there are two types of male sperms on carrying X chromosome and the other carrying a Y chromosome in their heads.

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What are sex chromosomes and sex determination?

In humans, sex determination is the process that determines the biological sex of an offspring and, as a result, the sexual characteristics that they will develop. Humans typically develop as either male or female, depending on the combination of sex chromosomes that they inherit from their parents. The human sex chromosomes, called X and Y, are structures in human cells made up of tightly ...


What is the role in chromosomes in determining an individual's sex?

Two of the chromosomes (the X and the Y chromosome) determine your sex as male or female when you are born. They are called sex chromosomes: Females have 2 X chromosomes. Males have 1 X and 1 Y chromosome.

What is sex determination How is the sex of individual determined?

In humans, sex is determined by sex chromosomes (XX females, XY males). The X and Y chromosomes harbor dramatically different numbers and sets of genes (about 1,000 genes on the X and only a few dozen genes on the Y), yet they originated from ordinary autosomes during the early evolution of mammals (Figure 1).

What is the role of chromosomes in sex determination Class 10?

All children will inherit an X chromosome from their mother, despite whether they are a boy or girl. Thus, the sex of the children will be determined by the type of chromosome inherited from their father. A child who inherits Y chromosome will be a boy and who inherits X chromosome will be a girl.

What is sex determination definition Class 10?

The mechanism of determining the sex of an individual is known a sex determination. ii. In some organisms, environmental factors such as temperature determine the sex of the organism in the egg.

What is sex determination in biology class 10?

- Sex in humans is determined by the type of male haploid gamete that fuses with the female egg. The chromosome in the 23rd pair of a male gamete can be either X or Y. The female egg always has an X chromosome. - When the male gametes with the X chromosome and fuses with the female egg then the child will be female.

1. What is the role of the y chromosome in sex determination in human beings?

Sex is determined by the type of sperm fertilizing the ovum to form a zygote. There are two types of sex chromosomes in man X and Y. When a zygote...

2. What are the different types of disorders seen in man due to sex chromosomal aberrations?

During the process of gametogenesis by meiosis, non - disjunction of chromosomes in anaphase may take place. This may lead to the production of ova...

3. What is amniocentesis?

The fetus develops in a sac called the amniotic sac which remains filled with a fluid called the amniotic fluid in the uterus. The cells of the fet...

4. How many types of sex can be determined?

Sex chromosomes can take different forms and sex determination can happen in many ways. Depending on these two factors, five main biological sexes...

1. What is sex determination?

Sex determination is the biological system that determines the development of sexual characteristics in an organism

2. What is fertilization?

Fertilization is the process in which two gametes (sex cells), a sperm and an ova, fuse together to form a new cell called a zygote.

3. What are chromosomes?

Chromosomes are thread-like structures that contain genetic information. It is found in the nuclei of a cell.

Why are sex chromosomes interesting?

It's kind of a combination of many of those genes. In fact, the sex chromosomes are quite interesting, not just because of what they cause or what their role is, but also because they're so different from the other chromosomes that we have in the complete human genome. Carla Easter, Ph.D.

What is the difference between egg and sperm?

Egg cells all contain an X chromosome, while sperm cells contain an X or Y chromosome. This arrangement means that it is the male that determines the sex of the offspring when fertilization occurs.

Is XX a male or female chromosome?

In the case of humans, this happens to be the X and the Y chromosomes. So as you may recall, if you are XX, you are female. If you are XY, you are male. And in the case of other mammals, this is often similar, although they may have different names for those chromosomes as well.

What are Chromosomes?

Chromosomes are a thread-like structure holding genetic information. It is present in the cell nuclei. A normal cell contains 23 pairs (46n) of chromosomes. Out of these, one pair (2n) is sex chromosomes. Sex chromosomes are denoted as X and Y. A male cell contains XY sex chromosomes, while a female cell contains XX sex chromosomes.

What is the biological system that determines the development of sexual characteristics in an organism?

What is Sex Determination? A sex-determination is the biological system that determines the development of sexual characteristics in an organism. There are two different types of sexes – male and female. Chromosome plays an essential role in determining the sex of an individual.

What type of sperm does a child have?

Sex of the child depends on the kind of sperm that fuses with the ovum. During sexual intercourse, the father ejects both types of sperms, i.e. X chromosome and Y chromosome sperms. If the sperm with an X chromosome fertilizes the ovum of the X chromosome, the zygote would have XX chromosomes, and the child will be a girl.

How many chromosomes are in a gamete?

A gamete contains only 23 chromosomes (23n). A sperm contains either an X or Y chromosome, i.e. there will be two sets of sperms. One set of sperm consists of only X chromosomes, while another set consists of only Y chromosomes. An ovum always contains an X chromosome.

How does sexual reproduction occur?

The process begins with gamete formation in the male and female body. Through sexual intercourse, these male and female gametes meet and fuse to form a unicellular zygote.

Where are chromosomes found?

Chromosomes are thread-like structures that contain genetic information. It is found in the nuclei of a cell.

What is the process of combining sperm and ova?

Fertilization is the process in which two gametes (sex cells) – sperm and ova – fuse together to form a new cell called the zygote. During this unbiased event, all genetic information from parents to the child has been transferred.

How many chromosomes are in a male XY?

In the XY system, males contain one X and one Y chromosome, while females contain two X chromosomes. Thus, males are considered heterogametic – they can produce two different types of gametes, depending on whether the sperm carries an X or a Y chromosome. Females are homogametic – all their eggs carry one X chromosome.

Why are there two chromosomes that pair with each other?

Though these two chromosomes pair with each other during meiosis, there is usually very minimal homology or recombination between them, primarily because of a large difference in their genetic content and size. Often one chromosome is smaller, and appears to retain only those genes that are necessary for sex determination.

What happens to a fertilized egg during meiosis?

Occasionally, a nondisjunction event during meiosis leads to aneuploidy – the fertilized egg has an irregular set of chromosomes with some being present in multiple copies or being absent altogether. When this happens with sex chromosomes, it can lead to individuals who have an unusual set of X and Y chromosomes.

How many chromosomes do grasshoppers have?

A variant of this is the method used by some grasshoppers. Here, males have only one X chromosome and no Y chromosome. In such systems, it is believed that a male or female develops based on the ratio between X chromosomes and the number of sets of autosomes.

Why is the Y chromosome prone to errors?

The inability of the Y-chromosome to auto-correct mutations through recombination during meiosis makes it particularly prone to accumulating errors. In addition, sperms are formed in large numbers, involving many cell division events, all of which enhance the chances of error accumulation.

What is the modification of gene expression called?

This modification of gene expression is called dosage compensation. Recently, dosage compensation has also been observed for the first time in the dioecious plant S.latifolia, or while campion.

What is a Klinefelter male?

Klinefelter’s males are people with two X and one Y chromosome. This is among the most common sex chromosome aneuploidies in humans with a number of subtle and gross symptoms. The men are often sterile, are taller than average but have poor muscle tone and coordination.

Which chromosomes are sex determining?

Unlike the XY and ZW systems, both the U and V chromosomes in the UV system are sex determining. In Bryophytes, haploid spores having a U or a V grow into offspring and then the union of eggs and sperm within these offspring allow them to produce more spores.

How many chromosomes does a female have?

Females have a full set of 32 chromosomes and males are haploid, having only 16 chromosomes. Unfertilized eggs develop into males while fertilized eggs develop into females. In this way, it is possible for a male to have a grandfather and grandsons but not a father or sons.

What is the gene that initiates the release of testosterone and the formation of male sex organs?

A gene called SRY on the Y chromosome initiates the release of testosterone and the formation of male sex organs. SRY is a transcription factor that can turn on the expression of other genes, serving as a master switch to turn on the suite of “male” genes in a developing organism.

Which chromosome carries the SRY gene?

Just as the mammalian Y chromosome carries the male-determining SRY gene, the bird W chromosome carries similar master switches FET1 and ASW, which are necessary for female development of the offspring.

How many parents are needed for sexual reproduction?

Sexual reproduction requires two parents, one male and one female. Each parent contributes a sex cell, called a gamete, that has half of the DNA as a normal body cell. In most cases, the male cell is called a sperm and the female cell is called an egg. The cells come together to form a zygote in a process called fertilization and ...

Why is sex important in plants?

For example, in crop plants, the sex of individual plants is important for food production because in many crops, like melon, squash, strawberries and grapes, only female flowers make fruits. At the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology, the lab of Alex Harkess, PhD, Assistant Professor in the Department of Crop, Soil, ...

What is the process of reproduction?

Reproduction is the process by which organisms create offspring. There are two main types of reproduction: sexual and asexual. For the purposes of this discussion, we will focus on sexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction requires two parents, one male and one female.


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