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what is the role of the vas deferens

by Suzanne Bailey PhD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Vas deferens: The vas deferens is a long, muscular tube that travels from the epididymis into the pelvic cavity, to just behind the bladder. The vas deferens transports mature sperm to the urethra in preparation for ejaculation.Nov 23, 2020

What is the function of the vas deferens Quizlet?

Function. As previously mentioned the main function of the vas deferens is to carry sperm, in fact the term vas deferens actually means carrying-away duct in latin. Sperm is made in the testes and then transferred to the epididymis, a structure like a coiled tube nearby that serves to store sperm while it matures.

What is the function of the vas deferens during ejaculation?

During ejaculation, vas deferens coordinated muscular contractions propel the spermatozoa toward the urethra. However, the vas deferens does not serve only as a conduit, but also contributes to secretion of fluid for sperm transport and possibly to resorption of spermatozoan remnants from the duct lumen 1).

What is the scientific name for the vas deferens?

Anatomical terminology. The vas deferens (Latin: "carrying-away vessel"; plural: vasa deferentia), also called ductus deferens (Latin: "carrying-away duct"; plural: ductus deferentes), is part of the male reproductive system of many vertebrates; these ducts transport sperm from the epididymis to the ejaculatory ducts in anticipation of ejaculation.

What is the total length of the vas deferens?

The total length of the vas deferens can be up to 18 inches. The principal function of the vas deferens is to transport sperm from the testes and out of the body during ejaculation. Here’s how it works: During arousal, muscle contractions help move the sperm from the epididymis through the vas deferens.


What is the function of your vas deferens?

Typically, you have a vas deferens (also called a sperm duct or a ductus deferens) in each testicle. The job of these ducts is to move sperm away from its storage place in the testicle.

What is the function of the vas deferens quizlet?

What is the purpose of the vas deferens? It propels sperm into the urethra during ejaculation.

What are three main functions of the male reproductive system quizlet?

The three main functions of the male reproductive system are to produce sex hormones, to produce and store sperm, and to deliver sperm to the male reproductive system.

What is the main function of the epididymis?

The most obvious function of the epididymis is to transport sperm from the rete testes to the vas deferens.

What is the purpose of the vas deferens Brainly?

Answer. Vas deferens: The vas deferens is a long, muscular tube that travels from the epididymis into the pelvic cavity, to just behind the bladder. The vas deferens transports mature sperm to the urethra, the tube that carries urine or sperm to outside of the body, in preparation for ejaculation.

What is the main function of the epididymis quizlet?

What is the function of the epididymis? It stores sperm cells until they mature.

What are two functions of the epididymis?

The primary functions of the epididymis are sperm transport and sperm maturation. The epididymis serves this function across many mammalian species. As sperm travel through the epididymis they are exposed to a number of signals from the cells of the epididymis that drive their maturation.

What is the function of the ducts of the reproductive systems quizlet?

What is the function of the ducts of the reproductive systems? The ducts of either sex are for receiving and transporting gametes. In the male, the ducts will transport sperm as part of semen to the outside of the male body. The female ducts will receive the sperm and help move the sperm toward the oocyte.

What is the vas deferens?

Associated Conditions. Tests. The vas deferens are an important part of male reproductive anatomy. These paired muscular tubes are also called the ductus deferens. They function to carry sperm from the epididymis to the urethra where it leaves the body during ejaculation.

Where do the vas deferens begin?

The vas deferens begin at the epididymis, which is a place where sperm is stored after it is made in the testes. From the epididymis the vas deferens extend through the pelvic region to the level of the bladder. Here the two tubes branch off eventually forming two ampullae which attach to the left and right walls of the bladder.

How does the vas deferens propel sperm forward?

The vas deferens propels the sperm forward by way of muscular contractions. When sperm reaches the ampullae it is joined by secretions from the seminal vesicle. From the ampullae, the seminal fluid is propelled through the ejaculatory ducts, past the prostate gland where a milky fluid is added to the mixture, and finally through the urethra where it exits the body.

What causes a vas deferens to be blocked?

Typical causes of obstruction may include congenital deformities (congenital absence of the vas deferens is actually a form of obstructive azoospermia), trauma, injuries, or complications from surgeries including hernia repair or vasectomy.

What is the outermost layer of the vas deferens?

The actual structure of the vas deferens has three layers. The outermost layer is made of connective tissue and called the adventitia. Beneath this layer is the muscular coat which consists of various layers of muscle fibers. The innermost layer is called the mucous coat which is lined with columnar epithelial cells. 2 .

How long are the vas deferens?

These two tubes are identical and are each approximately 18 inches or 45 centimeters long. 1  They are part of the spermatic cord which also consists of blood vessels and a network of nerve fibers surrounded by connective tissue.

Can vasectomy cause mass in vas deferens?

Inflammation of the vas deferens is a rare condition sometimes referred to as vasitis. It often occurs after a vasectomy in which case it may cause no symptoms other than a palpable mass in the vas de ferens. This mass may not necessitate any treatment but may need to be biopsied to confirm that it is benign.

What is the vas deferens?

As noted above, the vasa deferentia are part of the internal male reproductive system. You may have heard them referred to as ductus deferens or sperm ducts. Essentially, they are tubes that carry sperm out of the testes.

Blockage in the vas deferens

The vas deferens can become blocked, preventing the travel of sperm. Some conditions that can cause this include:

Are you missing one or both vas deferens?

In some cases, it's not a blockage of the vas deferens that's the problem, but one or both may be missing.

Treatment for people with vas deferens issues

Before having any treatment, you will need additional tests to pinpoint the problem with your vas deferens. The type of tests you need will depend on what your health care provider suspects the concern is, and they will talk you through each stage of the process.

Testing your fertility

Many people who have issues with their vasa deferentia — or have no vas deferens at all — have no other symptoms. Therefore, fertility testing such as semen analysis is important to identify and diagnose any potential issues.


Male urinary and reproductive system. Image by Baresh25, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons


The vas deferens аrе best dеѕсribеd аѕ a раir of hard, thiсk-wаllеd, muѕсulаr tubеѕ. Thеѕе twо tubеѕ аrе identical аnd аrе еасh аррrоximаtеlу 18 inсhеѕ оr 45 сеntimеtеrѕ lоng. Thеу аrе раrt оf thе spermatic cord whiсh аlѕо соnѕiѕtѕ оf blооd vеѕѕеlѕ аnd a nеtwоrk оf nеrvе fibеrѕ surrounded bу соnnесtivе tiѕѕuе.


Aѕ рrеviоuѕlу mеntiоnеd the mаin funсtiоn оf thе vаѕ deferens iѕ tо саrrу sperm, in fасt thе tеrm vas deferens асtuаllу means “саrrуing-аwау duсt” in lаtin. Sреrm iѕ mаdе in thе tеѕtеѕ and thеn trаnѕfеrrеd tо thе ерididуmiѕ, a ѕtruсturе likе a coiled tube nеаrbу that ѕеrvеѕ to store sperm while it mаturеѕ.

Blood Supply

Thе vаѕ dеfеrеnѕ is supplied bу an ассоmраnуing аrtеrу known as аrtеrу оf vаѕ dеfеrеnѕ. Thiѕ аrtеrу normally аriѕеѕ frоm the intеrnаl iliас аrtеrу.

Nerve Supply

Thе vаѕ dеfеrеnѕ iѕ innеrvаtеd majorly bу sympathetic nerves originating from the thoracic portion of the spinal cord.

Associated disorders and Clinical relevance

Thе vаѕ dеfеrеnѕ iѕ аffесtеd by various соnditiоnѕ, аѕ well аѕ bеing thе tаrgеt оf vаѕесtоmу ѕurgеrу.

Where does the vas deferens travel?

The vas (ductus) deferens then travels inferiorly along the base of the bladder, anterior to the rectum, before it joins with the duct of the seminal vesicle, at an acute angle, to form the ejaculatory duct. It's almost time to start revising what you've learned about the ductus deferens.

How long is the vas deferens?

The vas (ductus) deferens is 45 cm long and is initially convoluted but becomes straighter as it ascends in its course posterior to the testis and medial to the epididymis. When it reaches the superior aspect of the testis, it travels superiorly in the posterior aspect of the spermatic cord. The vas (ductus) deferens then crosses ...

What is the ductus deferens?

The ductus deferens used to be referred to a as the vas deferens , however this term in no longer used in modern anatomical nomenclature. This article will talk about the anatomical course, histology, embryology and function of the vas (ductus) deferens, followed by any clinical pathology related to it. Key facts about the ductus deferens.

What is the name of the ampulla of the vas deferens?

Once it crosses the ureter, the vas (ductus) deferens expands and is then referred to as the ampulla of the vas (ductus) deferens. It then passes between the upper aspect of the seminal vesicle and the posterior surface ...

How many layers are there in the vas deferens?

The muscular layer of the vas (ductus) deferens consists of three layers:

Where is the ductus deferens located?

The ductus deferens is a muscular tube that is located within the spermatic cord and is a major component of the male reproductive system. It is a continuation of the epididymis and is involved in transporting spermatozoa from the epididymis to the ejaculatory ducts.

Which artery supplies the vas deferens?

The vas (ductus) deferens is usually supplied by a branch of the superior vesical artery but is occasionally supplied by a branch of the inferior vesical artery.

What is the vas deferens?

The vas deferens or the ductus deferens is a continuation of the duct of the epididymis (the spermatic cord). The term vasectomy, the surgical method of male contraception, consists of cutting out a short portion of the ductus deferens to interrupt the passage of sperm out of the testicles. Vas deferens is a muscular tube about 45 cm long ...

How does the vas deferens end?

The vas deferens ends by uniting with the duct of the seminal vesicle. The duct has a very narrow lumen and a thick wall of smooth muscle well innervated by sympathetic nerve fibers.

Why do men have varicoceles?

A varicocele in an older man that appears suddenly may be caused by a kidney tumor, which can block blood flow to a vein.

Which organ stores and transports sperm during ejaculation?

The ductus deferens or vas deferens, stores and transports sperm during ejaculation from the epididymis to the urethra. During ejaculation, vas deferens coordinated muscular contractions propel the spermatozoa toward the urethra. However, the vas deferens does not serve only as a conduit, but also contributes to secretion ...

What causes post vasectomy pain?

Some postulated etiologies include epididymal congestion, tender sperm granuloma and/or nerve entrapment at the vasectomy site. Vasectomy reversal is reportedly successful for relieving pain in some patients 3).

Does the vas deferens act as a conduit?

However, the vas deferens does not serve only as a conduit, but also contributes to secretion of fluid for sperm transport and possibly to resorption of spermatozoan remnants from the duct lumen 1).

What is the purpose of the vas deferens?

The vas deferens has a dense sympathetic innervation, making it a useful system for studying sympathetic nerve function and for studying drugs that modify neurotransmission. It has been used: as a bioassay for the discovery of enkephalins, the endogenous opiates.

What is the vas deferens?

The vas deferens ( Latin: "carrying-away vessel"; plural: vasa deferentia), also called ductus deferens ( Latin: "carrying-away duct"; plural: ductus deferentes), is part of the male reproductive system of many vertebrates; these ducts transport sperm from the epididymis to the ejaculatory ducts in ...

Where are vas deferens found?

The vas deferens is innervated by a variety of different types of nerve ending. Adrenergic synapses are found in the smooth muscle layers. Cholinergic synapses and vasoactive intestinal peptide synapses are found in the connective tissue of the mucosa. Noradrenergic synapses may also be present in the vas deferens.

What is the procedure called when the vasa is cut?

A modern variation, which is also known as a vasectomy even though it does not include cutting the vas, involves injecting an obstructive material into the ductus to block the flow of sperm.

Which vertebrates lack any structure resembling a vas deferens?

The only vertebrates to lack any structure resembling a vas deferens are the primitive jawless fishes, which release sperm directly into the body cavity, and then into the surrounding water through a simple opening in the body wall.

How long is the vasa deferentia?

In humans, each tube is about 30 centimeters (1 ft) long, 3 to 5 mm (0.118 to 0.197 inches) in diameter and is muscular (surrounded by smooth muscle ). Its epithelium is pseudostratified columnar ...

Which duct is used only for conducting sperm, never urine?

The final portion of the duct also receives ducts from the kidneys in most species. In amniotes, however, the archinephric duct has become a true vas deferens, and is used only for conducting sperm, never urine.

What is the vas deferens?

The vas deferens is an important anatomical component of the male genitalia; it is a channel responsible for transferring sperm from your testicles into your urethra during sexual intercourse [ 1 ]. Normally, the vas deferens is a well-protected structure, but when you start to notice vas deferens pain, it will become difficult for you to deal ...

Why does my vas deferens hurt?

Most of the time, any discomfort you feel in this area will be caused by an issue within another structure entirely. Chronic orchialgia is one possible reason for why you could have vas deferens pain. This is a medical condition defined by the chronic inflammation of your testicles for a period of at least 3 months.

Can testicular cancer cause vas deferens pain?

Testicular cancer can manifest in its later stages as chronic vas deferens pain. Risk factors for testicular cancer include a family history or conditions like cryptorchidism. This is a condition where the testicles fail to descend into your scrotal sack and can it affect up to 4 percent of male infants.

Is Vas deferens pain a chronic condition?

Vas deferens pain can signify a number of other conditions that male patients need to be aware of. Although acute pain is not worrisome, when you start to have chronic pain, it is important to get to the bottom of what is causing it and treat it quickly.

Can vas deferens be caused by bacteria?

Vasitis, an inflammation of the vas deferens that can be caused by an infection, very rarely happens on its own, without other nearby structures also being affected, but cases have been described in the medical literature. It may be caused by the same bacteria responsible for regular urinary tract infections which, yes, can also affect men.

Does vas deferens pain have epididymitis?

Regardless of the underlying cause of vas deferens pain, the symptoms that a patient will present with will largely be similar. Whether a patient may have epididymitis, chronic orchialgia or some type of malignancy, they will present with mostly unilateral pain, pain that presents on only one side.


1.Vas Deferens: Function, Anatomy & Conditions


18 hours ago Typically, you have a vas deferens (also called a sperm duct or a ductus deferens) in each testicle. The job of these ducts is to move sperm away from its storage place in the testicle. The ducts …

2.Videos of What Is The Role of The Vas deferens


22 hours ago  · The total length of the vas deferens can be up to 18 inches. The principal function of the vas deferens is to transport sperm from the testes and out of the body during …

3.The importance of the vas deferens | Legacy


1 hours ago  · What is the main function of the vas deferens? Thе main function of the vas dеfеrеnѕ is to transport sperm from the epididymis, which receives the non-mature sperm …

4.The Role of the Vas Deferens in the Male Reproductive …


8 hours ago  · The vas (ductus) deferens is involved in transporting spermatozoa from the epididymis to the ejaculatory ducts. During ejaculation, the sympathetic nervous system …

5.Vas deferens: Anatomy, histology and embryology | Kenhub


30 hours ago The main function of vas deferens transports the mature sperm to the urethra. It helps spermatozoa go from the epididymis to the ejaculatory ducts. Suggest Corrections

6.Vas Deferens - Anatomy - Location - Function - Pain


33 hours ago What is the function of the vas deferens. The ductus deferens or vas deferens, stores and transports sperm during ejaculation from the epididymis to the urethra. During ejaculation, …

7.Vas deferens - Wikipedia


32 hours ago The vas deferens, or ductus deferens, is part of the male reproductive system of many vertebrates. The ducts transport sperm from the epididymis to the ejaculatory ducts in …

8.Vas Deferens Pain: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment


23 hours ago The ductus deferens, or the vas deferens, is a male anatomical part; there are two of these ducts and their purpose is to carry ejaculatory sperm out of the epididymis. To do this, the left and …

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