Knowledge Builders

what is the use of mvn install command

by Ms. Evie Carroll Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Common Maven Commands

Maven Command Description
mvn --version Prints out the version of Maven you are ...
mvn clean Clears the target directory into which M ...
mvn package Builds the project and packages the resu ...
mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true Builds the project and packages the resu ...
Apr 27 2022

The mvn install command runs the install plugin used in the install phase to add artifact(s) to the local repository. The Install Plugin uses the information in the POM (groupId, artifactId, version) to determine the proper location of the artifact within the local repository.

Full Answer

What does mvn install in Maven exactly do?

mvn clean install is the command to do just that. You are calling the mvn executable, which means you need Maven installed on your machine. (see How do you install Maven?) You are using the clean command, which will delete all previously compiled Java .class files and resources (like .properties) in your project.

How to run a MVN command from a Java program?

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=test.Main. By using the -f parameter, as decribed here, you can also run it from other directories. mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=test.Main -f folder/pom.xm. For multiple arguments, simply separate them with a space as you would at the command line.

When should I use MVN clean install?

  • We are defining a project called 'my-project'
  • With a version number of 1.0-SNAPSHOT, i.e. work-in-progress
  • Using Java 1.8 for compilation
  • With one dependency needed for unit testing: junit in version 4.12

How to make MVN deploy prompt for password?

  • this file either contains encrypted master password, used to encrypt other passwords
  • or it can contain a relocation - reference to another file, possibly on removable storage
  • this password is created first via CLI for now


What is mvn install and package?

Note that mvn package will only create a jar file. mvn install will do that and install the jar (and class etc.) files in the proper places if other code depends on those jars. I usually do a mvn clean install ; this deletes the target directory and recreates all jars in that location.

Where does Maven install?

Maven's local repository is a directory on the local machine that stores all the project artifacts. When we execute a Maven build, Maven automatically downloads all the dependency jars into the local repository. Usually, this directory is named . m2.

Does mvn install also package?

mvn package command will compile source code and also package it as a jar or war as per pom file and put it into the target folder(by default). mvn install command will compile and package, but it will also put the package in your local repository.

What is difference between mvn install and mvn deploy?

mvn:install copies your packaged Maven module to your local repository (by default, in ~/. m2/repository ), to be accessed by other local Maven builds. mvn:deploy uploads your packaged Maven module to another (usually remote) repository, to be accessed by other, not necessarily local, Maven builds.

What happens when we run mvn install?

I know that when you run mvn install it will compile, package, and copy the binaries in the local . m2 repository. I recently created a maven project in intelliJ and ran mvn install .

How do I run a maven install?

Run a custom maven command in Eclipse as follows:Right-click the maven project or pom. xml.Expand Run As.Select Maven Build...Set Goals to the command, such as: clean install -X.

What is difference between Maven build and Maven install?

First of all, build is not a phase in the standard Maven lifecycles, whereas install is one. mvn install will invoke all the phases up to the phase install , which generally consists of compiling the source code, packaging the project and installing it in the local repository.

Why we use mvn clean install?

mvn clean install tells Maven to do the clean phase in each module before running the install phase for each module. What this does is clear any compiled files you have, making sure that you're really compiling each module from scratch.

What is difference between mvn test and mvn install?

mvn test-compile: Compiles the test source code. mvn test: Runs tests for the project. mvn package: Creates JAR or WAR file for the project to convert it into a distributable format. mvn install: Deploys the packaged JAR/ WAR file to the local repository.

What is mvn clean install command?

mvn clean install is the command to do just that. You are calling the mvn executable, which means you need Maven installed on your machine. (see How do you install Maven?) You are using the clean command, which will delete all previously compiled Java . class files and resources (like .

Does mvn clean install run tests?

Running 'mvn clean install' will run the default build. As specified above integration tests will be ignored. Running 'mvn clean install -P integration-tests' will include the integration tests (I also ignore my staging integration tests).

What is the use of mvn package command in Maven?

MVN package: This command is used to execute all Maven phases until the package phase. It does the job of compiling, verifying and building the project. It builds the jar file and places it in the specified folder under the specified project.

What does mvn mean in Java?

You are calling the mvn executable, which means you need Maven installed on your machine. (see How do you install Maven?) You are using the clean command, which will delete all previously compiled Java .class files and resources (like .properties) in your project. Your build will start from a clean slate.

What does mvnw stand for?

Some projects come with a mvnw executable, which does not stand for Maven (on) Windows, but rather for Maven wrapper. This means you don’t have to have mvn installed on your machine to build your project - rather, mvn is embedded in your project directory and you can call it with the mvnw executable.

What is Apache Maven?

Apache Maven is a popular build tool, that takes your project’s Java source code, compiles it, tests it and converts it into an executable Java program: either a .jar or a .war file. mvn clean install is the command to do just that. You are calling the mvn executable, which means you need Maven installed on your machine.

What is Maven Crash Course?

Maven: Crash-Course. Maven is one of the most popular build tools in the Java universe (others being Grad le or old-school Ant ). You can not only build Java projects with it, but pretty much every project written in a JVM language like Kotlin or Scala, as well as other languages like C# and Ruby.

Is pom.xml a valid Maven project?

Technically, any directory that contains a pom.xml file is also a valid Maven project. A pom.xml file contains everything needed to describe your Java project. Let’s have a look at a minimal version:

How to install Maven?

A Maven install is one of the easier software installations you can do. At a high level, the steps to install Maven are: 1 Download Maven binaries from the Apache website. 2 Unzip the Apache Maven download, and move the folder to a place on your computer where you keep all of your other DevOps tools. 3 Add system variables named MAVEN_HOME and M2_HOME, and point both of these variables to the root Maven directory. The root Maven directory will contain a folder named bin, which contains the pivotally important mvn command-line utility. 4 The root Maven directory contains a subfolder named bin. Add this bin directory to the OS' path. This makes the mvn command-line tool universally available to the OS.

What can Maven do?

Maven can create a variety of different projects, from a microservice to a Spring Boot application , depending upon what type of Maven archetype you specify. The command used in this Maven tutorial simply uses a default Maven archetype, which maps to a basic Java project.

What is the purpose of pom.xml in Maven?

The POM (Project Object Model) file describes how to build a given project, how the code should be packaged when it is deployed and any dependencies upon which the project relies.

What is Apache Maven?

Apache Maven forms the backbone of build tools like Gradle, continuous integration tools like Jenkins and even development tools like Eclipse. But because these aforementioned products often abstract Maven away, many developers have never had any reason to properly learn Maven fundamentals. This tutorial will help to quickly address ...

Does Maven compile Java?

When Maven compiles and runs Java code, it uses the preinstalled JDK tools to do so. Maven doesn't have any facilities to compile Java code itself.

What is Maven command?

Introduction to Maven Commands. Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool which was developed by Apache. It was initially released in July 2004. It is basically used to build projects written in C#, Ruby, Scala and other languages. Maven is very stable and provides different plugins which can help in generating PDF versions ...

Is Maven easy to use?

Maven is very stable and provides different plugins which can help in generating PDF versions and also generate a list of any recent changes that have been made. It is easy to use as each project has a Project Object Model which is an XML file that contains all details of the project. Also, it is easy to migrate any new features through Maven.

Does install run package in local repository?

install: install the package into the local repository, for use as a dependency in other projects locally. So the answer to your question is, it depends on whether you want it in installed into your local repo. Install will also run package because it's higher up in the goal phase stack. Share.

Can you cache dependencies in Travis?

In addition if you use Travis you can "cache" your dependencies because it will not touch your $HOME.m2/repository if you use package for your own project. In practicality if you even attempt to do a mvn site you usually need to do a mvn install before.

What is Maven in Java?

If you are working on Java, you must know Maven. Maven is the most popular project and dependency management tool for Java applications. Maven provides a lot of commands and options to help us in our day to day tasks.

What is Maven settings.xml?

The remote repository should be configured properly in the project pom.xml file distributionManagement tag. The server entries in the maven settings.xml file is used to provide authentication details.

What is Maven Archetypes?

Maven archetypes is a maven project templating toolkit. We can use this command to generate a skeleton maven project of different types, such as JAR, web application, maven site, etc.

Step 1: Download Maven Zip File and Extract

1. Visit the Maven download page and download the version of Maven you want to install. The Files section contains the archives of the latest version. Access earlier versions using the archives link in the Previous Releases section.

Step 4: Verify Maven Installation

In the command prompt, use the following command to verify the installation by checking the current version of Maven:


1.What does mvn install in maven exactly do - Stack Overflow


10 hours ago  · As you might be aware of, Maven is a build automation tool provided by Apache which does more than dependency management. We can make it as a peer of Ant and Makefile which downloads all of the dependencies required. On a mvn install, it frames a dependency tree based on the project configuration pom.xml on all the sub projects under the super pom.xml …

2.mvn clean install - a short guide to Maven - Marco Behler


5 hours ago  · In theory, calling mvn install would be enough if Maven was smart enough to do reliable, incremental builds. That means figuring out what Java source files/modules changed and only compile those. That means figuring out what Java source files/modules changed and only compile those.

3.How to install Maven and build apps with the mvn …


14 hours ago  · package: take the compiled code and package it in its distributable format, such as a JAR. install: install the package into the local repository, for use as a dependency in other projects locally. So the answer to your question is, it depends on whether you want it in installed into your local repo. Install will also run package because it's ...

4.Learn List of Basic To Advanced Maven Commands


3 hours ago  · Step 1: Download Maven Zip File and Extract. 1. Visit the Maven download page and download the version of Maven you want to install. The Files section contains the archives of the latest version. Access earlier versions using the archives link in the Previous Releases section. 2. - Mvn install or Mvn package - Stack Overflow


3 hours ago  · 1) Open the command prompt by opening Run and type cmd and enter. 2) Take your path till the folder structure of your eclipse workspace . Type the command mvn archetype:generate and click enter. This command basically generates the maven project and take few seconds.

6.Videos of What Is The Use Of mvn install Command


18 hours ago 20 rows ·  · mvn install Builds the project described by your Maven POM file and installs the resulting ...

7.20+ Maven Commands and Options (Cheat Sheet)


12 hours ago Maven provides a command line tool. To build a Maven project via the command line, run the mvn command from the command line. The command should be executed in the directory which contains the relevant pom file. You need to provide the mvn command with the life cycle phase or goal to execute.

8.How to Install Maven on Windows {Step-by-Step Guide}


15 hours ago

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