Knowledge Builders

what is the use of node js in angular 2

by Ms. Anya Leuschke DDS Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

NodeJS gives you the tool npm that allows you to download libraries and packages you would use in Angular 2. From the shell you can go to your folder and type npm install to install dependencies you need to have installed to get your angular project going. It will make it easier for you!

you don't need node. js to run your application, but you need node. js to develop your angular app to use necessary tools. NodeJS gives you the tool npm that allows you to download libraries and packages that you use in Angular.May 21, 2019

Full Answer

How do I get Started with Node JS?

Try NodeJS with Visual Studio Code

  • Open your command line and create a new directory: mkdir HelloNode, then enter the directory: cd HelloNode
  • Create a JavaScript file named "app.js" with a variable named "msg" inside: echo var msg > app.js
  • Open the directory and your app.js file in VS Code using the command: code .

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What is the difference between Node JS and Python?

Python vs Node.JS – Key Differences

  • Architecture Node.js is an event-driven environment that allows asynchronous input and output, making it ideal for designing chat apps and web-based games. ...
  • Building Data and Memory Intensive Applications Node.js is faster and is able to handle higher memory demands. ...
  • Performance and Speed Node.js runs code outside of the web browser. ...

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How do I install Node JS?

  • Launch the Node.js downloads page
  • Click the Macintosh Installer option to Download Node.js for macOS
  • Run the Node.js Installer downloader
  • Run the installer, accept the license agreement, choose the destination, and validate for the install to complete the process.

How to open Node JS?

Using a system Node.js version

  • Press Ctrl+Alt+S to open the IDE settings and select Languages & Frameworks | Node.js.
  • From the Node interpreter list, select node.
  • Specify this new Node.js interpreter where applicable, for example in your run/debug configurations or settings of specific tools.


What is NodeJS in Angular?

Angular is a front-end JavaScript framework that allows developers to create dynamic web applications, while Node JS is a back-end JavaScript framework that allows writing server-side scripting to build fast & scalable web applications. Together, Node JS and Angular can help you build isomorphic web applications.

What is the purpose of NodeJS?

Node. js is primarily used for non-blocking, event-driven servers, due to its single-threaded nature. It's used for traditional web sites and back-end API services, but was designed with real-time, push-based architectures in mind.

Can I use Angular without NodeJS?

Node js Required to develop angular apps You do not need to use Node anywhere in production server to use front-end JavaScript frameworks like Angular or react etc. We can use any backend webserver technology written in any language (C# ,Java etc.)

What are the benefits of NodeJS?

Read the checklist of Node. s greatest features below before you put off on your successful journey with Node.Efficient performance.Easier development process.Reusable code.Ability to handle multiple requests.Ability to scale smoothly.Prompt code execution.Asynchronous and event-driven.Supported by leading companies.More items...

What are the best use of NodeJS?

Data streaming applications. Node. js is perfectly suited for this task with built-in modules supporting data streaming and allowing to create both readable and writable data streams. If we add that Netflix, a global media service provider, uses Node. js, you may get the idea of how powerful this environment is.

Which is better NodeJS or Angular?

Node. js is more preferable when faster and scalable web development is needed. It is usually used for building small-sized projects. Angular is preferred when real-time applications, for example, chat apps, or instant messaging are needed.

What is the full form of npm?

The name npm (Node Package Manager) stems from when npm first was created as a package manager for Node. js. All npm packages are defined in files called package. json.

What is difference between NodeJS and AngularJS?

AngularJS is a client-side framework. Node. js is a cross-platform runtime environment. AngularJS supports two-way data binding but cannot support database query writing features.

What is NodeJS and how it works?

It is a used as backend service where javascript works on the server-side of the application. This way javascript is used on both frontend and backend. Node. js runs on chrome v8 engine which converts javascript code into machine code, it is highly scalable, lightweight, fast, and data-intensive.

Why was NodeJS created?

As many browsers competed to offer users the best performance, JavaScript engines also became considerably better. Major browsers worked hard on finding ways to make JavaScript run quicker and offer better support for it. Hence, Node. js was built at the right place and time.

What is NodeJS in simple terms?

Node. js (Node) is an open source development platform for executing JavaScript code server-side. Node is useful for developing applications that require a persistent connection from the browser to the server and is often used for real-time applications such as chat, news feeds and web push notifications.

Is NodeJS used for frontend or backend?

This is not the case; Node. js can be used on the frontend as well as the backend. The event-driven, non-blocking nature of Node. js frameworks is one of the reasons it is a popular choice for developers designing a flexible and scalable backend.

What is npm in Angular 2?

NodeJS gives you the tool npm that allows you to download libraries and packages you would use in Angular 2. From the shell you can go to your folder and type npm install to install dependencies you need to have installed to get your angular project going. It will make it easier for you! If you want a complete starter kit go to, you can fork or download the zip with all the starter files to get you going :)

What tooling does Angular use?

CLI: Since a while now the de facto way to build and develop new Angular apps is to use the CLI tooling which relies on Node and NPM as well.

What is npm run lite?

npm run lite - runs the lite-server, a light-weight, static file server with excellent support for Angular apps that use routing

What does npm start do?

npm start - runs the compiler and a server at the same time, both in "watch mode"

Do you need to use Node in production?

You do not need to use Node anywhere in production to use any front-end JavaScript framework, whether it is jQuery, AngularJS, ReactJS, Angular2, etc.

What is Angular2 called?

Angular2 is now called as Angular so I will refer to it as ‘Angular’ in my answer.

What is a node?

Node allows you to spin up a lightweight web server to host your application locally in your system.

What programming language can I use to program with Angular?

Angular is a framework and you may use typescript or javascript or dart programming language to program using Angular. Typescript is the most popular choice. So I will consider that in my answer.

What is a npm ng cli?

Third and the most important, npm gives you angular cli or ng cli (angular command line interface) . Angular CLI is a great tool for scaffolding your application. So, you don’t need to write boilerplates manually.

Which browsers use JavaScript?

A web browser such as Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer understands only Javascript so we have to transpile [ 1] our Typescript to Javascript and for that we use typescript transpiler which requires NodeJS.

What are the advantages of using jQuery?

The biggest advantage of jQuery now is that you can manipulate the DOM with less code. Yes, now the DOM has new features to make things easier , like document.querySelector or fetch.

Is Node.js a repository?

Node.js has a huge repository of packages managed using Node package Manager.All the of the Angular is managed using npm as most of the Angular components are distributed using npm registry.

What is NodeJS on my laptop?

NodeJS is an asynchronous event-driven javascript runtime environment for server-side applications. The current version of the nodejs is 12 and you can install it from this link here. You can click on any LTS link and the NodeJS package is downloaded and you can install it on your laptop.

What port does Angular run on?

The Angular app runs on the port 4200 with the help of a webpack dev server. This is not the case for running in production. We have to build the Angular project and load those static assets with the node server. Let’s see those step by step here.

What port is running on NodeJS?

Once you are done with the above changes, you can actually run the whole app with the nodejs server running on port 3080 like below as nodejs acts as a web server as well. running the whole app on port 3080.

What does "add users" mean in NodeJS?

As you add users we are making an API call to the nodejs server to store them and get the same data from the server when we retrieve them. You can see network calls in the following video.

Where is the Angular app?

If you look at the above project structure, all the Angular app resides under the my-app folder and nodejs API resides under the root folder. You can have a separate folder for nodejs API as well.

How to check version of a node?

You can check the version of the Node with this command node -v. You can run javascript on the node REPL by typing the command node on the CLI.

Where do you put assets in Angular?

In the production phase, you can build the Angular app and put all the assets in the dist folder and load it with the node server.

What is Node.js?

Node.js is an event driven JavaScript framework that can run on various platforms namely, Linux, Mac OS, Unix, and Windows.

What is Angular?

Angular is a platform for developing single-page applications with the use of TypeScript and HTML. It is written in TypeScript and applies optional and core functionality as a collection of TypeScript libraries that are imported into the apps.

Nodejs vs Angular: The Major Differences

Both Node.js and Angular are dissimilar and unique in many aspects.Each one of these technologies has its specific features and advantages.

Frequently Asked Questions

Angular or Angular 2 is entirely scripted in Typescript. The browser does not comprehend Typescript, so compilation is done in plain JavaScript framework. The use of Node and Node Package Manager (NPM) is required to accumulate them into JavaScript files, so that deployment can be done in the process.


From comparing the difference between Angular and Node js, we can gauge both the frameworks contain their unique characteristics and differences that help in developing dynamic web apps.

Setting up the Express App

If you don’t already have npm and Node, there are install instructions here.

Working with the Twitter API

You’ll need to create a developer account for Twitter and generate API keys and tokens to use as well. There are easy-to-follow instructions in their documentation here.

NPM Twitter Library

I’m using an npm package called “Twitter” (“ [a]n asynchronous client library for the Twitter REST and Streaming API’s”) — recommended by the Twitter Dev Docs — for interacting with the Twitter API. Information about npm twitter here.

Setting Up the Angular 2 Front End

Inside my “client” directory, I set up an Angular 2 app. For this, I mainly followed the QuickStart instructions provided by Angular 2 here. In order to work with http requests in Angular 2, I also had to follow the instructions for setting up the Http Client — available here.


The main difficulties I encountered while setting up the structure of this app were 1.) Needing to make sure that the Express server was looking in the right place for the Angular 2 front-end code to serve. Solved by this line in my “app.js”:


1.Is Node.Js Required For Angular 2 Or Angular?


1 hours ago  · NodeJS gives you the tool npm that allows you to download libraries and packages you would use in Angular 2. From the shell you can go to your folder and type npm …

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21 hours ago Angular 2 doesn't need Node.js rather it requires npm. npm is a package manager that lets you install packages required for angular projects. The thing you are getting confused is because in …

3.Why does Angular 2 need Node.js? - Quora


34 hours ago  · Angular Node is extremely useful for server-side rendering and processing and also for other websites as NodeJS is a non-blocking IO. If you want to learn more about …

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