Knowledge Builders

what is the use of xml in ajax

by Hannah Haag Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

  • In Ajax, when the user needs to create content, XHTML is used while CSS is used for presenting the user request purpose; the document object model (DOM) and javascript both will be used to display the content dynamically.
  • By using synchronous methods in web applications, information can be transmitted and received effectively, for example, when you fill a form and submit it. ...

AJAX applications and AJAX engine
AJAX applications don't require the installation of a plugin but work directly with a web browser. These applications usually use XML to transport data. However, they may also transport data as plaintext or JSON text (see the Understanding AJAX section).

Full Answer

What is the connection between Ajax and XML?

What Is The Connection Between Ajax and XML? 0. By XML Object. July 11th, 2013. XML is a special language used to structure and store .xml files. It is a syntax based on tags. In some cases, the answer received from Ajax (the data transmitted from the server of the script) can be the content of an XML document.

What is Ajax and where is it used in technology?

What is Ajax and Where is it Used in Technology? Ajax is not a programming dialect or an instrument, but rather an idea. Ajax is a customer side script that conveys to and from a server/database without the requirement for a postback or a complete page revive. The best definition I’ve perused for Ajax is “the strategy for trading ...

How to load XML from a file?

  • Go to the Data tab in the ribbon.
  • Select Get Data found in the Get & Transform Data section.
  • Choose From File.
  • Choose From XML.

How to send Ajax request using JavaScript?


  • You can use GET or POST
  • Server URL to send the answer: /examples/javascript-tutorial/ajax/mini-quiz.php
  • Server expects "answer=userAnswer" as a name=value pair
  • The server will respond with "Correct" or "Incorrect" (this will be wrapped in a span tag). ...

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How can we use XML in AJAX?

AJAX can be used for interactive communication with an XML file.AJAX XML Example. The following example will demonstrate how a web page can fetch information from an XML file with AJAX: ... Example Explained. When a user clicks on the "Get CD info" button above, the loadDoc() function is executed. ... The XML File.

What is the purpose of XMLHttpRequest in AJAX?

XMLHttpRequest (XHR) objects are used to interact with servers. You can retrieve data from a URL without having to do a full page refresh. This enables a Web page to update just part of a page without disrupting what the user is doing. XMLHttpRequest is used heavily in AJAX programming.

Does AJAX use XML or JSON?

Although X in Ajax stands for XML, JSON is preferred because it is lighter in size and is written in JavaScript. Both JSON and XML are used for packaging information in the Ajax model.

What is the difference between XMLHttpRequest and AJAX?

Ajax allows us to send and receive data from the webserver asynchronously without interfering with the current state or behavior of the web page or application. XHR is the XMLHttpRequest Object which interacts with the server.

Why is it called XMLHttpRequest?

The Outlook team was transferring XML from server to client, so the ActiveX control was named to reflect its primary use at the time. It was included as part of the MSXML parser.

How do I use XMLHttpRequest?

To send an HTTP request, create an XMLHttpRequest object, open a URL, and send the request. After the transaction completes, the object will contain useful information such as the response body and the HTTP status of the result.

When should I use XML?

XML is used in many aspects of web development. XML is often used to separate data from presentation....Transaction DataStocks and Shares.Financial transactions.Medical data.Mathematical data.Scientific measurements.News information.Weather services.

What is XML and JSON used for?

JSON is a data interchange format and only provides a data encoding specification. XML is a language to specify custom markup languages, and provides a lot more than data interchange. With its strict semantics, XML defined a standard to assert data integrity of XML documents, of any XML sub-language.

Is XML and JSON same?

The biggest difference is: XML has to be parsed with an XML parser. JSON can be parsed by a standard JavaScript function.

How are AJAX and XML related?

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a technique aimed at creating better and faster interactive web apps by combining several programming tools, including JavaScript, dynamic HTML (DHTML) and Extensible Markup Language (XML).

What has replaced AJAX?

The Fetch API, is a newer and convenient way to make Ajax calls. There are many frameworks that have already wrapped AJAX codes into short snippets. One example would be Axios Js. Ajax is gradually being replaced by functions within JavaScript frameworks and the official Fetch API Standard.

Which is faster fetch or XHR?

The Fetch API might be faster than XHR # fetch() will be the same as XHR at the network level, but for things like decoding JSON, it can do that work off-thread because the API contract is promise-based up-front. So, the actual API calls aren't any faster.

What is the purpose and properties of XMLHttpRequest?

The XMLHttpRequest object is used to exchange data with a server behind the scenes. The XMLHttpRequest object is the developers dream, because you can: Update a web page without reloading the page. Request data from a server after the page has loaded.

How many states of XMLHttpRequest are there in AJAX?

five ready statesreadyState is an XMLHttpRequest property. There are five ready states of a request as listed below: readyState=0.

What value of XMLHttpRequest readyState in AJAX is checked for response?

send() has been called and the response headers have been received. Response's body is being received. If responseType is "text" or empty string, responseText will have the partial text response as it loads. The fetch operation is complete....XMLHttpRequest. readyState.ValueStateDescription4DONEThe operation is complete.4 more rows•Sep 8, 2022

How do I create an XMLHttpRequest object?

The basicsCreate XMLHttpRequest : let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); The constructor has no arguments.Initialize it, usually right after new XMLHttpRequest : xhr. open(method, URL, [async, user, password]) ... Send it out. xhr. send([body]) ... Listen to xhr events for response. These three events are the most widely used:


In this tutorial, we will see how to send data to the server using XML and how data is retrieved from the server in the XML format. Since XML is widely used as a data format,it is worth learning how to send a request and receive a response using XML and Ajax.

HTML code of our web form

For the sake of simplification, we have not added any validation in this form.

Processing data on server

On the server side, save-userinfo.php file will collect data send thorough the Ajax request and then that data is saved in an XML file. Here is the PHP code:

Retrieving data from server as XML

And now we will see how to retrieve data from the server as XML using Ajax. We will also see how to render that data in the browser. For that, we will create a button on the client side. Once users click on the button, the Ajax script associated will fetch data from an XML file on the server and then it will be rendered in the browser.

Live Demo

Click on the button and recent updates will be loaded asynchronously from recent-updates.xml file.

HTML and JavaScript Code

We encourage you to play around with the code, speak your mind in our comment section and share this tutorial.

What is AJAX in JavaScript?

AJAX just uses a combination of: A browser built-in XMLHttpRequest object (to request data from a web server) JavaScript and HTML DOM (to display or use the data) AJAX is a misleading name. AJAX applications might use XML to transport data, but it is equally common to transport data as plain text or JSON text.

How does AJAX work?

AJAX allows web pages to be updated asynchronously by exchanging data with a web server behind the scenes. This means that it is possible to update parts of a web page, without reloading the whole page.

What is required to use Ajax?

Using Ajax requires that you use the latest browser versions that support the XMLHttpRequest object needed for Ajax interactions. Using Ajax also requires a great deal of client-side JavaScript technology and CSS.

What makes Ajax unique?

What makes Ajax-based clients unique is that the client contains page-specific control logic embedded as JavaScript technology. The page interacts with the JavaScript technology based on events such as the loading of a document, a mouse click, focus changes, or even a timer. Ajax interactions allow for a clear separation of presentation logic from the data. An HTML page can pull in bite-size pieces to be displayed. Ajax will require a different server-side architecture to support this interaction model. Traditionally, server-side web applications have focused on generating HTML documents for every client event resulting in a call to the server. The clients would then refresh and re-render the complete HTML page for each response. Rich web applications focus on a client fetching an HTML document that acts as a template or container into which to inject content, based on client events using XML data retrieved from a server-side component.

What is asynchronous HTML?

Using JavaScript technology, an HTML page can asynchronously make calls to the server from which it was loaded and fetch content that may be formatted as XML documents, HTML content, plain text, or JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). The JavaScript technology may then use the content to update or modify the Document Object Model (DOM) of the HTML page. The term Asynchronous JavaScript Technology and XML (Ajax) has emerged recently to describe this interaction model.

How to view client side JavaScript?

Securing resources and protecting your data: You can view client-side JavaScript technology simply by selecting View Source from an Ajax-enabled HTML page. A poorly designed Ajax-based application could open itself up to hackers or plagiarism. When providing Ajax services, you should take care to make sure that those services are made available only to those intended.

What is required for server side HTML?

Complexity: Server-side developers will need to understand that presentation logic will be required in the HTML client pages as well as in the server-side logic to generate the XML content needed by the client HTML pages. HTML page developers need to have a basic understanding of JavaScript technology to create new Ajax functionality. Other options such as Project jMaki and Project Dynamic Faces provide a way for Java developers to better use Ajax functionality without requiring deep knowledge of JavaScript technology.

How to validate XMLHttpRequest?

The validate () function creates an XMLHttpRequest object and calls the open function on the object. The open function requires three arguments: the HTTP method, which is GET or POST; the URL of the server-side component that the object will interact with; and a boolean indicating whether or not the call will be made asynchronously. The API is (String method, String URL, boolean asynchronous). If an interaction is set as asynchronous ( true) a callback function must be specified. The callback function for this interaction is set with the statement req.onreadystatechange = callback;. See section 6 for more details.

What are dynamic web applications?

Anyone who has used Flickr, GMail, Google Suggest, or Google Maps will realize that a new breed of dynamic web applications is emerging. These applications look and act very similar to traditional desktop applications without re lying on plug-ins or browser-specific features. Web applications have traditionally been a set ofaja HTML pages that must be reloaded to change any portion of the content. Technologies such as JavaScript programming language and cascading style sheets (CSS) have matured to the point where they can be used effectively to create very dynamic web applications that will work on all of the major browsers. This article will detail several techniques that you can use today to enable your web applications to be more rich and interactive like desktop applications.

When is XHTML used in Ajax?

In Ajax, when the user needs to create content , XHTML is used while CSS is used for presenting the user request purpose; the document object model (DOM) and javascript both will be used to display the content dynamically.

Why is Ajax Used?

Ajax is a web developer’s long term dream because the user can do the following things:

What is ajax in JavaScript?

It can be defined as a path in which the user uses JavaScript to communicate with a web server to get a query-generated response and provide it on the web server without leaving the current page.

What is asynchronous JavaScript?

Asynchronous JavaScript and XML can be defined as a set of users in building websites and web applications. Identifying specific purposes in web development applications is the best way to understand Ajax. Ajax’s main work is to update the content asynchronously means in the user’s web page whole content need not be reloaded, and only the required field is reloaded. XML is a markup language means these are coded languages to annotate parts of a web document which gives web browsers instructions about understanding and displaying the user content.

How does AJAX work?

Ajax’s main work is to update the content asynchronously means in the user’s web page whole content need not be reloaded, and only the required field is reloaded. XML is a markup language means these are coded languages to annotate parts of a web document which gives web browsers instructions about understanding and displaying the user content.

When was Ajax developed?

Ajax was developed by Microsoft outlook web applications in 1999, but Ajax’s complete usage came into the picture after 6 years. Jesse James Garrett named the name Ajax in February 2005. Before the naming of Ajax, an XML HttpRequest scripting object runs as an MSXML library. The acronym of Ajax is Asynchronous JavaScript and XML.

What is Ajax application?

Ajax applications use an intermediate engine that acts as a bridge between browser and server. Ajax is not a programming language.

Why use Ajax in web applications?

There are 4 main benefits of using Ajax in web applications: Callbacks: Ajax is used to perform a callback, making a quick round trip to and from the server to retrieve and/or save data without posting the entire page back to the server. By not performing a full postback and sending all form data to the server, ...

What is Ajax in JavaScript?

Ajax itself is mostly a generic term for various JavaScript techniques used to connect to a web server dynamically without necessarily loading multiple pages. In a more narrowly-defined sense, it refers to the use of XmlHttpRequest objects to interact with a web server dynamically via JavaScript.

What Advances have Been Made to Ajax?

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is much easier to use with JavaScript than XML. When it comes to Ajax and JavaScript, JSON Web Services are replacing XML Web Services.

What is Ajax Control Toolkit?

The Ajax Control Toolkit is a suite of controls created by Microsoft that is integrated into Visual Studio and can be dragged and dropped onto web forms just like html and server controls. These controls are intended to be used for Ajax callbacks. However, they can also be used as normal client and or server controls. For example, Asp.Net does not come with the Tabs controls. However, the Ajax Control Toolkit does. The Tab control can postback to the server just like server controls.

Why is Ajax so popular?

User-Friendly: Because a page postback is being eliminated, Ajax enabled applications will always be more responsive, faster and more user-friendly. Increased Speed: The main purpose of Ajax is to improve the speed, performance and usability of a web application. A great example of Ajax is the movie rating feature on Netflix.

How to do AJAX callbacks?

Ajax callbacks can be done by instantiating an XMLHttpRequest object in the client-side JavaScript. The XMLHttpRequest object can be used to directly call server-side objects like pages and web services. These pages and web services will either save and/or return data.

What is Ajax in programming?

Ajax is a client-side script that communicates to and from a server/database without the need for a postback or a complete page refresh. The best definition I’ve read for Ajax is “the method of exchanging data with a server, ...

What is XML in HTML?

As its name suggests, XML is a markup language, which means it’s in the same family as languages like HTML and CSS. Markup languages are coding languages used to annotate parts of a web document that are intended to give web browsers instructions about how to understand, process, and display a web page, versus the actual text intended ...

What is the purpose of AJAX?

AJAX’s core function is to update web content asynchronously (the “A” of AJAX), meaning a user’s web browser doesn’t need to reload an entire web page when only a small portion of content on the page needs to change. One of the most ubiquitous examples of asynchronous updating is Google’s. (opens in a new tab)

What Is AJAX?

AJAX is an acronym that stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, and it describes a set of development techniques used for building websites and web applications. According to web developer and Skillcrush WordPress instructor Ann Cascarano, the best way to understand AJAX is to start with identifying its specific purpose in the web development process. AJAX’s core function is to update web content asynchronously (the “A” of AJAX), meaning a user’s web browser doesn’t need to reload an entire web page when only a small portion of content on the page needs to change.

How Does AJAX Work?

According to Cascarano, JavaScript and XML combine to make asynchronous updating happen through the use of something called an XMLHttpRequest object. When a user visits a web page designed to make use of AJAX and a prescribed event occurs (the user loads the page, clicks a button, fills out a form, etc.) JavaScript creates an XMLHttpRequest object, which then transfers data in an XML format between a web browser (the program being used to view the website) and a web server (the software or hardware where a website’s data is stored). The XMLHttpRequest object sends a request for updated page data to the web server, the server process the request, a response is created server-side and sent back to the browser, which then uses JavaScript to process the response and display it on the screen as updated content.

What is JavaScript used for?

In JavaScript’s case, it’s used specifically to create, add, and manage dynamic website content. In other words, after markup languages like HTML and CSS are used to build and display static web features (headers, fonts, paragraphs, etc.), JavaScript is then used to control features that require real time updates while a visitor is viewing a page ...

What does J stand for in AJAX?

JavaScript and XML. As mentioned above, the “J” in AJAX stands for JavaScript. JavaScript is a type of scripting language —coding languages used to automate website processes so web developers don’t have to individually program each instance of the process that appears on a page.

What is AJAX in learning?

Remember, if you’ve already learned JavaScript, HTML, and XML, or even if you’re currently in the learning process, AJAX is simply a method of bringing those skills together that can be picked up over the course of hours, as opposed to an entirely new skillset.

What is XML in a document?

The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a W3C-recommended general-purpose markup language for creating special-purpose markup languages. It is a simplified subset of SGML, capable of describing many different kinds of data. Its primary purpose is to facilitate the sharing of data across different systems, particularly systems connected via the Internet.

Why is JSON preferred over XML?

Although X in Ajax stands for XML, JSON is preferred over XML nowadays because of its many advantages such as being a part of JavaScript, thus being lighter in size. Both JSON and XML are used for packaging information in the Ajax model.

What is XMLHttpRequest API?

The XMLHttpRequest API is the core of Ajax. This article will explain how to use some Ajax techniques, like:

What is asynchronous JavaScript?

Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, while not a technology in itself, is a term coined in 2005 by Jesse James Garrett, that describes a "new" approach to using a number of existing technologies together, including HTML or XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, DOM, XML, XSLT, and most importantly the XMLHttpRequest object. When these technologies are combined in the Ajax model, web applications are able to make quick, incremental updates to the user interface without reloading the entire browser page. This makes the application faster and more responsive to user actions.

How does a web page send data?

Traditionally, a web page has to send a request to the server to receive new data; that is, the page requests data from the server. With server-sent events, it's possible for a server to send new data to a web page at any time, by pushing messages to the web page. These incoming messages can be treated as Events + data inside the web page. See also: Using server-sent events.

What is the Fetch API?

The Fetch API provides an interface for fetching resources. It will seem familiar to anyone who has used XMLHTTPRequest, but this API provides a more powerful and flexible feature set.



How Does It Work?

  • It creates more interactive techniques for faster and more efficient web applicationsby using JavaScript, XML, CSS, and HTML. For various web applications, Ajax uses various techniques like this. 1. In Ajax, when the user needs to create content, XHTML is used while CSS is used for presenting the user request purpose; the document object model (DOM...
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Where to Use It?

  • Below mentioned are the places where Ajax is used. Login forms: Eg: user can type their login credentials in the original page form; their software will send a request to the server to logged in, and the page will be updated as needed. Auto-complete: When you run a query in the Google search bar with the help of autofill settings, suggestions will be shown in drop down below Ratin…
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Why Is Ajax used?

  • Ajax is a web developer’s long term dream because the user can do the following things: 1. Without reloading the page, the user request can be updated 2. After the page is loaded, it generates data from the server. 3. Receive data from the server after the page has loaded. 4. In the background, sends data to the server
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Examples of Ajax Application

  • Given below are the lists of web applications that commonly use Ajax 1. Google suggests that auto-complete options will be offered while typing when a user enters the search query in the Google search bar. Suggestions given by Google can be navigated by using operational keys. 2. Yahoo maps are easier while operating, and user experiences more fun. This Map uses Ajax to d…
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  • Although Ajax provides new methods and techniques to communicate with a web page as developers and users, the most important thing to remember is that this is about the product or data and how to interact with it and reduce the duration and the number of requests generated but not about technologies. We hope that this article will be of help in learning and using it with ease.
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  • This has been a guide to What is Ajax. Here we have discussed the example, work, use, Advantages, and Disadvantages of Ajax. You can also go through our other suggested articles to learn more – 1. JSON vs AJAX 2. What is Jira Software? 3. What is Selenium? 4. Ajax in ASP.NET
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25 hours ago  · Why the word javascript is present here. Actually, the requests are made through the use of javascript functions. Now the term XML which is used to create XMLHttpRequest …

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