Knowledge Builders

what is wipe on poly

by Jeanette Cole Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Full Answer

What does Wipe on Poly do?

Minwax Wipe-On Poly is a high quality, durable polyurethane finish that provides protection with a classic, hand-rubbed look. It delivers a hard, clear finish that protects wood against water, household chemicals, food stains, and wear. Wipe-On Poly is easy to apply.

Is Wipe on Poly better?

What is the benefit of using wipe-on Poly versus regular polyurethane? Wipe-on Poly is easier to apply than traditional or brush-on polyurethane. You can use it in cracks, crevices, and other difficult-to-reach areas. Wipe-on Poly also doesn't leave brush marks, so you don't have to sand as aggressively between coats.

How do you do a poly wipe on?

0:352:03DIY Wipe on Polyurethane - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipOut one part polyurethane pour that in a jar then measure out an equal part of mineral spirits andMoreOut one part polyurethane pour that in a jar then measure out an equal part of mineral spirits and pour that in the same jar. Give them a shake. And you'll be ready to go.

Is Wipe on Poly water or oil based?

A clear, ultra fast-drying finish that combines excellent durability with the warmth and beauty of traditional polyurethane. Because it's water-based, it has little odor and cleans up easily with warm water.

What is the difference between Wipe on Poly and regular poly?

Wipe-on polyurethane is simply standard polyurethane that has been thinned with mineral spirits. The advantage: there's no need to worry about brush strokes, drips, or reaching difficult places. Simply dampen a lint-free cloth, wipe on, and apply the next coat after only 2 hours.

How many coats of wipe on poly do I need?

As a rule, it takes three coats of wipe-on to match the buildup that you get from one coat of brush-on poly. That said, the speed of wipe-on application often makes up for those extra coats.

Do you sand between coats of wipe on poly?

For the best results, don't sand after the first coat. (You might sand through it!) Apply a second thin coat, then lightly sand with 220-grit sandpaper. Then apply a final thin coat.

Is Wipe on Poly waterproof?

In Chris Minick's article on wipe on finishes, the table suggest that Minwax Wipe-On Poly has excellent waterproof characteristics.

Can I make my own Wipe on Poly?

First, you can use any full strength oil based clear finish. Polyurethane varnish or non-poly varnish is fine. If you are making your own wipe-on the mix is scientific - thin. I suggest 50/50 with mineral spirits because it is easier to type than any other ratio and easy to remember.

How long does Wipe on Poly need to cure?

Wipe-On Poly will dry to the touch in 2-4 hours, to handle in 8-12 hours and can be recoated in 4-6 hours. Full cure will be achieved in 24 hours. Use paint thinner or mineral spirits.

Is one coat of Wipe-On Poly enough?

As a rule, it takes three coats of wipe-on to match the buildup that you get from one coat of brush-on poly. That said, the speed of wipe-on application often makes up for those extra coats.

How long does it take Wipe-On Poly to cure?

Dry and recoat times are based on 70ºF and 50% relative humidity. Wipe-On Poly will dry to the touch in 2-4 hours, to handle in 8-12 hours and can be recoated in 4-6 hours. Full cure will be achieved in 24 hours.

Does Wipe-On Poly turn yellow?

It's easy to use, dries within a few hours, can be applied multiple times within 24 hours, dries completely clear, and doesn't yellow over time. It comes in a variety of sheens, including satin, semi-gloss, and gloss. Polycrylic is also one of the more durable picks on this list.

Is it necessary to sand between coats of Wipe-On Poly?

For fast-drying polyurethane and most water-based poly, it will still remain glossy even after sanding, so it won't necessarily help with adhesion. In conclusion, it's necessary to sand polyurethane between coats for a perfect finish.

How much does wipe on poly cost?

Most home centers carry various sheens, but only one brand. All these options, and more, are available online. Prices start at about $15 per quart.

How many coats of wipe on finish?

Three thin coats of wipe-on finish will look smoother than one or two thicker coats. For the best results, don’t sand after the first coat. (You might sand through it!) Apply a second thin coat, then lightly sand with 220-grit sandpaper. Then apply a final thin coat.

What to do when brush on poly goes wrong?

When brush-on poly goes wrong—dust nubs, sags, brush marks—you can correct it. After the finish has fully dried, sand with soapy water or mineral spirits and 400-grit wet/dry paper. After you’ve sanded the finish flat and smooth, a couple light coats of wipe-on poly will give you a perfect surface.

What to use to protect worktable?

Drips happen, so use res in paper, a drop cloth or newspaper to protect your worktable. If your project has legs, make standoffs for them to perch on. Standoffs allow you to wipe finish all the way down to the ends of the legs.

How to protect polyurethane on door?

When you need a thick, protective buildup of poly on a door or tabletop, you have three choices: Go with brush-on poly, apply several coats of wipe-on, or do a combination of both. You can, for example, brush on two coats for a heavy build, then apply wipe-on for a flawless surface. Sand the brushed-on finish absolutely smooth and apply at least two wipe-on coats for a consistent sheen. To make sure the two finishes bond to each other, they should both be oil-based or water-based. Using products from the same company is a good idea too.

What is the best clear coat for furniture?

The best choice for a clear coating is often a specialized finish like pre-catalyzed lacquer —but that assumes you have a spray booth outfitted with high-end equipment. For most of us, polyurethane provides a combination of cost and durability that’s hard to beat. With wipe-on poly, you also get goof-proof simplicity, speed and convenience. It’s not only works on furniture, it’s also a great way to finish trim.

Can you wipe on a finish?

There isn’t much that can go wrong with wipe-on. But you can end up with a few drips or sags. Immediately after you wipe on the finish, give the whole project a quick inspection and wipe away any mistakes.

About Wipe-On Poly

WATCO® Wipe-On Poly provides the protection of a polyurethane finish that is easily hand-applied to wood. With Wipe-On Poly, you can easily protect furniture with intricate and ornamental designs, or with corners and crevices difficult to reach with a brush. Apply to furniture, cabinets, doors, countertops, paneling and more.

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How many coats of wipe on poly?

How To Apply Wipe On Poly. A single layer of wipe on poly is very thin, compared to poly you brush on. So I like to apply 7 to 10 coats. Now this many coats of satin finish can make the finish look very mirky. So it’s best to use clear gloss until the last couple of layers, then switch to satin (unless you want the glossy look, ...

How to clean poly?

Wipe On Poly – Prep Work. First thing you need to do is prep the work area. Make sure there’s no dust on the furniture, or around it. You don’t want to stir up any dust while applying your finish. To do this, I usually used compressed air and blow off all parts of the furniture to remove the dust.

How to get rid of dust nibs?

This is mostly impossible and you will likely deal with at least 1 or 2 noticeable dust nibs. The best thing to do is apply a poly layer with sandpaper afterward. This will knock it down and you’ll never even notice it again.

Can poly be smoothed?

Afterwards, additional poly can be applied and made smooth again.

Can you brush on poly?

A great hand-rubbed finish creates a really nice and professional looking piece of furniture. Sometimes it’s just not practical to brush on poly for various reasons. Or maybe you haven’t learned and perfected that technique. Whatever the case, you may be better off learning how to apply wipe on poly.

Can you paint over poly?

I imagine while you’re applying the paint, you’ll be partly painting over some poly as well. Just sand an area bigger than where you’re touching up to ‘rough-up’ the poly, and the paint can stick to it.

Is it easier to brush on polyurethane or wipe on polyurethane?

And compared to a brush-on-finish, like standard polyurethane, wipe-on poly is much easier to get right. Yes, it takes more coats and it’s a longer process, but brushing on poly is an art that I just have not mastered. I’ve done it, and it comes out good. But getting each stroke to lay down flat and blend good with the previous one is ...

How to make a wipe on polyurethane?

A good ratio is three parts polyurethane to one part mineral spirit to avoid bubble formation. For wipe-on polyurethane, the proportion should be 1:1. Take care not to shake the product while handling the tin. And while mixing the two liquids, mix gently with a paint mixing stick.

What do you use to apply a wipe on?

By applicators, we mean cotton rags and paintbrushes for each respective method of application. Your applicator should be clean of contaminants like dust, lint, moisture, and grease. In the case of a wipe-on application, wearing latex gloves is mandatory. However, you can also use gloves while brushing the finish to keep your hands clean.

When to Brush and When to Wipe?

You will rarely see such people using a brush. But in general, woodworkers prefer to apply polyurethane using a brush. They use wipe-on poly only in situations where it brushing isn’t practical.

How long does it take for polyurethane to dry?

You need to apply brush-on polyurethane in multiple coats. The time taken for it to dry in-between coats is a minimum of four to six hours. But you can get the best results if you leave each coat to dry overnight before applying the next coat. Wipe-on Polyurethane Vs. Brush-on: Pros and Cons.

How to prevent bubbles in paintbrush?

A good idea for preventing bubble formation is to dip the paintbrush in some mineral spirit for about ten minutes. Then, you can remove the excess mineral spirits by blotting the brush on an old newspaper. There is little chance of bubble formation with wipe-on polyurethane.

What to cover all surfaces with?

It is a good practice to cover all the surrounding surfaces with drop cloths or old newspapers. After use, ensure that you store or dispose of applicators as required.

Which dries faster, brush on or wipe on?

Wipe-on poly dries faster than brush-on polyurethane.

How many coats of wipe on poly?

As a rule, it takes three coats of wipe-on to match the buildup that you get from one coat of brush-on poly. That said, the speed of wipe-on application often makes up for those extra coats. 2 / 13.

What to use to protect worktable?

Drips happen, so use res in paper, a drop cloth or newspaper to protect your worktable. If your project has legs, make standoffs for them to perch on. Standoffs allow you to wipe finish all the way down to the ends of the legs.

What is the best clear coating?

The best choice for a clear coating is often a specialized finish like pre-catalyzed lacquer —but that assumes you have a spray booth outfitted with high-end equipment. For most of us, polyurethane provides a combination of cost and durability that’s hard to beat. With wipe-on poly, you also get goof-proof simplicity, speed and convenience.

Can you apply polyurethane after staining?

Applying poly too soon after staining is always risky. And it’s even riskier with wipe-on poly. If the stain isn’t completely dry, wiping it with a rag soaked with finish will cause it to smear. Ugly!

Does wiping poly paint require skill?

Unlike brushing, wiping on a flawless coat of poly doesn’t require skill or an expensive brush. + DUST TOLERANT. Because the coating is thin and dries fast, “nubs” caused by airborne dust are much less likely. That makes it great for on-site finishing. + NO CLEANUP.

Can you reuse a paint pad?

A paint pad holds more finish than a rag and wipes it on faster. You can reuse a paint pad, too. After each coat, just store it in a sealed plastic tub or plastic bag. Get a paint pad at any home center for about $5.

Does steel wool cut through nibs?

The steel wool will cut through any nibs or dust on the surface. To capture the grit and to maintain an even sheen, use a bunch of dry rags to wipe off the finish before it dries. This will leave only an ultra-thin film of finish on the surface. Click here for some amazing steel wool tips and tricks. 13 / 13.


1.Wipe On Poly - Everything You Need To Know (FAQs)


16 hours ago Minwax Wipe-On Poly is a high quality, durable polyurethane finish that provides protection with a classic, hand-rubbed look. It delivers a hard, clear finish that protects wood against water, …

2.Wipe-On Poly - Clear Polyurethane Finish | Minwax®


19 hours ago  · Wipe-on Polyurethane. Wipe-on polyurethane is simply standard polyurethane that has been thinned with mineral spirits. The advantage: there’s no need to worry about brush …

3.Videos of What Is Wipe on Poly


34 hours ago Before diving into the tutorial to make wipe on poly, it is better to know what wipe on poly is. Wipe on polyurethane is a form of polyurethane that the solution has been thinned. Thus, it can be …

4.WATCO® Wipe-On Poly Product Page - Rust-Oleum


11 hours ago

5.How To Apply Wipe On Poly For A Professional and …


24 hours ago

6.Wipe-On Polyurethane vs Brush-On (Pros & Cons)


14 hours ago

7.Pro Tips for Using Wipe-On Polyurethane | Family …


13 hours ago

8.Minwax Wipe On Poly Review - FineWoodworking


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