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what is wrong with voluntourism

by Dr. Mac Kirlin Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

The Main Problems With Voluntourism and Orphanage Tourism
It creates attachment disorders
attachment disorders
Attachment disorder is a broad term intended to describe disorders of mood, behavior, and social relationships arising from unavailability of normal socializing care and attention from primary care giving figures in early childhood. › wiki › Attachment_disorder
– Children experience a constant rotation of visitors coming and leaving their lives. In worst-case scenarios, it exposes children to sexual exploitation, forced begging, and human trafficking.

Full Answer

What is voluntourism and why is it controversial?

Volunteer tourism, or voluntourism, is an emerging trend of travel linked to “doing good”. Yet these efforts to help people and the environment have come under heavy criticism – I believe for good reason.

Does voluntourism with children help or harm Africa?

Voluntourism with children also perpetuates the notion of a desperate Africa needing the benevolence of the West. Volunteers are led to imagine that their engagement directly addresses suffering.

Is voluntourism patronising and unhelpful?

And they can inadvertently perpetuate patronising and unhelpful ideas about the places they visit. The trend of voluntourism has come about partly through initiatives by large-scale, well established organisations such as UNICEF, Save the Children, CARE International and World Vision.

What is a voluntourist placement?

In many cases, the volunteer placement is not specifically connected to the voluntourist’s specific skills and involves a limited time commitment. In other words, the placement is often designed more with the intent of providing an experience to the tourist rather than fulfilling a specific need within the host community.


Is voluntourism more harmful than helpful?

The truth is that even good intentions don't always breed good results, and volunteerism is often darker than it appears on the surface. In some cases, a volunteer trip abroad can in fact do more harm than good.

Why is volunteerism on the decline?

The most common reason for not volunteering is lack of free time (about half of Americans cite this as the main reason), and another common reason is that the volunteer schedules and commitments are too inflexible.

How do I stop voluntourism?

12 Tips on Ethical Volunteering and How to Avoid the Voluntourism...Choosing a volunteering activity. ... How to choose an organisation. ... Understand where your fees are going. ... Stay away from orphanages. ... Examine the requirements when it comes to volunteering with children. ... Beware of exploitative animal sanctuaries.More items...•

What are the disadvantages of volunteering?

Disadvantages of VolunteeringYou don't earn money while volunteering.Volunteering abroad can be expensive.Many volunteers have too high expectations.Volunteering abroad means to leave your partner at home.Some volunteering organizations are quite dodgy.Volunteering abroad may lead to homesickness.More items...

Why volunteering should not be mandatory?

Ineffectiveness in School Mandatory volunteering or rather the pressure of having to do “good deeds” not only has a negative impact on students but also on the efficiency of their graduation. When teenagers are forced to do something they don't want to do, they're likely to experience stress and burnout.

Is volunteering ethical?

The Importance of Responcible and ethical Volunteering. Volunteering is a great way to make a positive impact. People usually take up the task with a good heart and pure intentions but it is important to remember that volunteering, like any other thing, should be done the right way to have the right result.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of voluntourism?

The Pros and Cons of VoluntourismCon: Some Voluntourists Help for the Wrong Reason. ... Pro: Gain a New Perspective on the World. ... Con: Volunteer Companies Can Be Dishonest. ... Pro: You Can Do Some Good in the Community. ... Con: The Work From Voluntourism Can Be Inferior. ... Pro: Voluntourism Can Bring Money to the Community.More items...•

How can negative impact of volunteering be reduced?

Before undertaking voluntourism you can: Opt for longer-term volunteering to encourage more meaningful development. Choose work you are qualified in. Choose work which promotes sustainable business models and skill-sets. Avoid taking and sharing photos of locals via social media, which turn them into a spectacle.

Is volunteering going down?

Volunteering for a nonreligious organization recovered somewhat in 2021, to 47% from 43% in 2020, but remains below the 50% from 2017 and 49% from 2013.

What are the pros and cons of volunteering?

The better you understand the risks and rewards of volunteer work, the better decision you can make for you and your schedule.Pro: It's Rewarding. ... Con: Time commitment. ... Pro: Health improvement. ... Con: Emotional involvement. ... Pro: Community service hours. ... Con: Frustration. ... Pro: Personal Growth.

How has volunteering changed over the years?

Older Adult Volunteering Has Surged in the Last Forty Years As Figure 5 shows, the volunteer rate for these older Americans increased by 64 percent between 1974 and 2005 (from 14.3 percent in 1974 to 23.5 percent in 2005) and hardly changed at all between 2005 and 2015.

What are the negatives of voluntourism?

There are a variety of other criticisms of voluntourism, among them: Local resources are drained: Communities receiving volunteers want to be great hosts, so they pour their own resources into ensuring food and accommodations are sufficient.

Why is volunteering bad?

Take for example a volunteer who is helping build houses: if this person doesn’t have the right skillset, their work may be of poor quality – perhaps even unstable. In the end, this costs the community more time, money and energy than the volunteer has expended.

How long do volunteer vacations last?

Not enough time: Volunteer vacations usually only last between a few days to a couple weeks. Since most of that time is spent working, volunteers miss out on opportunities to gain a deeper understanding of the culture of the country they’re visiting.

What is volunteer travel?

Voluntourism is a form of tourism in which travelers participate in voluntary work, typically for a charity. Voluntourists range in age and come from all over the world.

How does volunteering affect the community?

In this way, jobs are not taken away from local workers. The community is left with a wealth of knowledge so current and future teachers, as well as their students, can benefit from it.

Why do local masons lose jobs?

In the case of the housing volunteer, local masons, construction workers, and carpenters lose jobs because of inexperienced foreign labourers. Poor supervision: Local communities are more prone to exploitation when voluntourists have inadequate supervision.

Can a child sponsor volunteer?

Child sponsors are also not approved to do volunteer work while in country. Instead, their visit is focused on learning about the issues their sponsored community faces, the impact their support is having there and on building a meaningful relationship with their sponsored child and his or her family.

What is Voluntourism?

Voluntourism is a combination of “volunteering” and “tourism.” It’s a way for people who enjoy volunteering to travel around the world and provide free services and aid to the area they are vacationing.

Pros of Voluntourism

The Best of Both Worlds — First and foremost, voluntourism gives volunteers a chance to do what they love while getting to see a new destination. And for those who wish they could volunteer more but don’t normally have the time, going away to focus on volunteering can be a powerful, fulfilling experience.

Cons of Voluntourism

As with any program, voluntourism also has some potential disadvantages. These include:

Voluntourism the Smart Way

So how can you make sure your voluntourism trip is truly a help? Here are a few tips:

Why is voluntourism bad?

The problems with voluntourism generally arise because people are not informed enough on local situations. It is also because the organisation or volunteers do not approach the work with the right mindset. Being informed makes the issues fairly easy to avoid.

Why are volunteers not helping?

As a result, they do poor job while simultaneously taking away paid work from qualified locals. There is a place for volunteers carrying out physical tasks, but always in support of trained, paid local staff.

How does volunteering help children?

Often, volunteers are not taking jobs from locals. They are in fact providing a service that would otherwise not be done, as it would require paying someone. This is often the case when volunteers come to teach English. It allows children to learn English without the need for a paid, qualified English teacher that the school could not afford. The best way that voluntourism supports this model is when the volunteer can also provide a financial support as well their time, so the school can recruit a permanent local English teacher. Globalteer's overseas volunteer program makes sure the local projects get financial support to ensure the schools have permanent staff that volunteers can work with rather than replace.

Why do people volunteer with children?

Many people want to volunteer with children. As one of the most vulnerable groups in society, helping them can make the most difference in a community. For instance, improving the education of a generation will benefit the community in the long-term. However, volunteering with children can have a negative impact, with orphanage volunteering being the most obvious example of this. Studies have repeatedly shown that orphanages do more harm than good in child development. They have also proven that children need to grow up in families, be that their biological one or an adoptive one. It’s for this reason that most countries in the West no longer have orphanages in their own countries. However, people still frequently volunteer at orphanages in the developing world.

What is Globalteer's work?

At Globalteer, we work very closely with the projects we support. We ensure that we are doing what is best for them, and not just the most fun for volunteers. All of our partner projects are staffed by paid locals. Volunteers simply provide extra support and complete jobs the permanent staff don’t have time for. We work to help these projects become self-sufficient, so that one day, they will no longer need the support of charities and volunteers to carry out their vital work.

Is voluntourism a form of colonialism?

Voluntourism has frequently been referred to as a form of neo-colonialism, which is true in certain cases. For example, it can often perpetuate the notion that developing countries require the help of ‘superior’ westerners to improve their situation. In reality, what they need is better trained locals and improved infrastructure. They could therefore help themselves and end their dependency on foreign aid and volunteers. Thus, voluntourism can be beneficial if you are going to contribute to the training or long-term development of an individual or community.

Is volunteering good for the community?

Voluntourism still has its benefits and can make a real, positive impact on communities and projects when done right . Volunteering can stimulate local economies, as more people spend money in local shops, markets and restaurants.

What is the practice of traveling across the world in order to do some volunteer work?

In the last decade, there has been an ongoing trend of people engaging in what is commonly known as voluntourism (volunteer + tourism), which is the practice of traveling across the world in order to do some volunteer work, the most common being volunteering at orphanages, either as teachers or as construction workers for a new library.

Why do you want to volunteer abroad?

If your reasoning is as simple as: “I want to help people” then I’m sorry to break it to you but you’re dead wrong if you think voluntourism is the best way to do so. You can help people in your daily life, you can help people at your local orphanage, you can help people in many different ways. The reason why people choose voluntourism is because of its three main advantages:

Have you really investigated how the orphanage system works?

In developing countries, specially those whose main revenue is tourism, orphanages are run by both private and public companies that in the end, focus on the same thing: Generating revenues. In the western world, a successful orphanage is an empty one since that means that all the kids have been adopted and are living happily ever after with their new families. In developing countries with a great influx of foreign volunteers, it is actually the opposite.

What are the problems with volunteering in the community?

A report from Newsweek focused on the problem this creates within the community. With volunteers on the way, locals might forego health insurance and wait for free help from foreign doctors. Local parents might also rely on orphanages to provide help, knowing that volunteers provide frequent help.

Why do people volunteer to travel?

A traveler can visit some exotic region with the purpose of volunteering. It can be an excellent way for individuals to learn about a different culture and explore a country while helping those in need.

What happened to volunteers in Haiti after the earthquake?

Volunteers might also take paying jobs from locals in need of money. This was one effect after volunteering spiked in Haiti after the earthquake in 2010. With only volunteers and no tourism and a lack of work, many were homeless with no income to improve the situation.

What do encouraged volunteers do?

Encouraged volunteers might also donate or fundraise for the region after their trip is over. The money from a volunteer’s trip may even do more good than the actual work. This puts needed funds into the local economy and pays for more work to be done by locals.

Why do people travel?

One of the most popular reasons for travel is to experience a new culture. From different norms to new people in all walks of life, foreign travel can broaden your scope of the world.

Is voluntourism a reliable method?

Many people work through a company in their voluntourism efforts. While this may seem like a reliable method, the organization may not be selling you the truth.

Do pictures show vacation like atmosphere?

There may be vague mentions of the good they do, but pictures will only show a vacation-like atmosphere. Many websites recommend you vet the company before booking the trip. Make sure that you know what this company is trying to accomplish with their volunteers and ensure they have a positive history in the area.

What is the magic factor of volunteering?

Think of this as the intangible positive force for good, the magic factor of ethical, thoughtful volunteering and global service. Embedded in one’s international service is the idea that someone outside of the host community cares, and that the community itself is part of a fabric, connected to the wider world. In the best of circumstances, the relationship of volunteer to community reinforces that we are all human and that our commonality vastly outweighs our differences. Zikra Initiative, operating inland from the Dead Sea in Jordan does this nicely by reinforcing the concept that everyone has value, something to share and something to learn.

Why is volunteering so popular?

Ideally, a volunteer experience involves an exchange — of culture, skills, humanity and point of view — so that each party benefits. It reflects our evolving human need to:

What happens when an organization becomes dependent on volunteer fees?

When an organization's very existence becomes dependent on money from volunteer fees, it’s hard not to imagine various agents falling prey to conflicts of interest. It’s a twist on the principle agent problem, or the fox and the henhouse. Some intermediary organizations provide a service by connecting volunteers with opportunities and communities in need. However, the commercialization of volunteering can sometimes lead to projects that address the wrong needs, manufacture entirely new ones, and divert resources and attention from where they are needed most.

What is volunteer work?

Volunteering involves actions ‘performed with free will, for the benefit of the community, and not primarily for financial gain’ ( Leigh et al., 2011 ). In essence, we give our time and skills to benefit others.

What is the power of volunteering?

However, awareness of them places the power in your hands — the power to give careful, deliberate thought to the consequences of your decisions and actions. Ask questions and you can vote with your feet to choose an opportunity you’ve properly researched, that is vetted and matched at its core to the good intentions residing in your heart.

What is volunteer placement?

In many cases, the volunteer placement is not specifically connected to the voluntourist’s specific skills and involves a limited time commitment. In other words, the placement is often designed more with the intent of providing an experience to the tourist rather than fulfilling a specific need within the host community .


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