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what kind of environment does coffee need to grow

by Asha Ritchie Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

For growing Arabica coffee beans, there are two optimal growing climates:

  1. The subtropical regions, at high altitudes of 16-24° ( Illy, 21 ). Rainy and dry seasons must be well defined, and altitude must be between 1800-3600 feet. ...
  2. The equatorial regions at latitudes lower than 10° and altitudes of 3600-6300 feet (Illy, 21). Frequent rainfall causes almost continuous flowering, which results in two coffee harvesting seasons. ...

tropical climates

Full Answer

What is the best climate for growing coffee?

Optimal coffee-growing conditions include cool to warm tropical climates, rich soils, and few pests or diseases. The world’s Coffee Belt spans the globe along the equator, with cultivation in North, Central, and South America; the Caribbean; Africa; the Middle East; and Asia. Brazil is now the world’s largest coffee-producing country.

Where is the best place to grow coffee beans?

Optimal coffee-growing conditions include cool to warm tropical climates, rich soils, and few pests or diseases. The world’s Coffee Belt spans the globe along the equator, with cultivation in North, Central, and South America; the Caribbean; Africa; the Middle East; and Asia.

What is an example of a coffee growing environment?

Because rainfall is too frequent for patio drying to occur, artificial drying with mechanical dryers is performed in this type of coffee growing environment. Examples of countries that have this climate are Kenya, Colombia, and Ethiopia (Illy, 21).

Can you grow a coffee plant indoors?

But with the right indoor environment, you can grow a coffee plant—yes, the same kind that produces coffee beans—in your own home. Read on to learn more about this glossy leafed plant and how to care for it in your space. The coffee plant is part of the Coffea genus of plants, which includes many tropical species native to Asia and Africa.


What is the best climate for growing Arabica coffee beans?

For growing Arabica coffee beans, there are two optimal growing climates: The subtropical regions, at high altitudes of 16-24° ( Illy, 21 ). Rainy and dry seasons must be well defined, and altitude must be between 1800-3600 feet.

What countries grow Robusta coffee?

Examples of countries that have this climate are Kenya, Colombia, and Ethiopia (Illy, 21). Robusta coffee is grown at much lower altitudes ...

Why is there a second harvest season for coffee?

Because rainfall is too frequent for patio drying to occur , artificial drying with mechanical dryers is ...

Where is Robusta coffee grown?

Robusta coffee is grown at much lower altitudes (sea level-3000 feet) in an area 10° North and South of the equator (Illy, 22). It is much more tolerant to warm conditions than Arabica coffee. For more information about coffee growing regions, ecology, and the best climate for coffee trees, visit the National Coffee Association or ...

What are some examples of climate conditions?

Mexico, Jamaica, the S. Paulo and Minas Gerais regions in Brazil, and Zimbabwe are examples of areas with these climate conditions (Illy, 21). The equatorial regions at latitudes lower than 10° and altitudes of 3600-6300 feet (Illy, 21). Frequent rainfall causes almost continuous flowering, which results in two coffee harvesting seasons.

Climate Overview

Climate is the most important aspect of growing coffee. Although 50 countries have areas suitable for cultivation, the space is smaller than you may think.

Growing Conditions for Different Coffee Plants

As you can see, the conditions to grow and harvest coffee plants needs to be precise to have a successful yield. It’s not just about the climate, either. Coffee is not an easy or quick hobby.

Why Researchers are Worried

The delicate climate of the “bean belt” is important for the ongoing production of coffee. Researchers have become concerned, however, due to the rapidness of global warming. The effects of the temperature change could decimate the coffee bean industry.


Overall, coffee requires a specific climate to survive. It is a complicated plant that requires commitment and a lot of expertise and labor. When you drink your next cup, remember the effort and work that was done to produce a single cup of brew.

Where Does Coffee Grow?

Most coffee growing climates tend to fall on, or around, the planet’s equator, amongst the tropics. This area is often referred to as the ‘coffee bean belt’ by the coffee experts and houses some of the world’s most famous coffee growing countries, including the likes of the world’s largest coffee producers Brazil, Vietnam and Colombia.

What are the conditions for coffee growing?

The conditions of each coffee growing country will vary, in terms of temperatures, altitude and rainfall. Elements like these can impact coffee growth, including the amount of harvests possible, determining a successful season or not.

How Long Does Coffee Take to Grow?

Plenty of patience is required in the coffee growing process because the seedlings planted will not produce coffee cherries until some 3 to 4 years later.

What is Arabica coffee?

Arabica is renowned for its premium qualities and makes up for around 70% of the world’s coffee supply. The rich and deep flavour profiles it produces are associated to the regions it grows in. Favouring the cooler, mountainous regions with higher elevation, Arabica coffee plants are notoriously labour intensive to harvest from the steep slopes on which they grow.

Why is it important to measure the moisture level of coffee cherries?

Instruments that measure the moisture levels of coffee cherries whilst in the drying phase, give more accurate results and can help with timing and shipping.

Why do coffee seedlings grow in the wet season?

Countries with distinct dry and rainy seasons are favourable, so that farmers can target the wet season to plant coffee seedlings so that it’s easier to dig holes . Plus there’s more moisture in the ground giving the roots the best chance to spread for germination to take place.

Why is coffee growing climate controlled?

The likelihood is, given that coffee communities are provided with the correct equipment and resources, coffee growing climates are now controlled, especially in the early stages, in order to give farmers a better chance of success.

What zone does coffee grow in?

Coffee grows in zones 10 and 11. You can grow coffee in zones 7-9 if you have a warm area of the garden and the temperature doesn’t drop too much.

How tall does coffee grow?

Some coffee plants can grow to over 7 feet tall, so containing it in a pot with some pruning is a good idea. There is an endless variety to choose from, but here are some notable arabica varieties. Typica: One of the original varieties, it has a sweet flavor, and is fairly hardy.

How many types of coffee are there?

Coffee is generally divided into two types: arabica and robusta. The other two are Liberica and Excelsa, but these are far less common. There are over 120 coffee plant sub-varieties.

What is the best coffee plant?

I’d say the best plant for growing coffee at home is the arabica coffee plant. There’s a reason it’s a mainstay of the industry. It’s reliable and produces lots of high-quality aromatic beans with a sweet flavor featuring notes of caramel, chocolate, and nuts.

How to grow coffee plants in a pot?

Choose a deep pot and use a high-quality potting mix. Plant in the center of the pot and use a good stake. Coffee plants can grow tall if you don’t prune it, and you don’t want it to fall over. Place the pot in a warm and humid spot with as little wind as possible.

How does coffee rust spread?

Coffee rust is spread by spores carried on the wind, causing the leaves to wither and die. Use a copper-based fungicide to attack it.

How long does it take for coffee seeds to germinate?

Whichever method you choose, you must keep the soil moist but not wet. Coffee seeds take up 4 to 6 weeks to germinate. Once the seed germinates and is big enough to be transferred to the garden from the pot, ensure temperatures are right and harden off in indirect sunlight.

How much sunlight does a coffee plant need?

To get your own coffee plant to bloom, make sure it's at the right temperature—70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit during the day—has four to five hours of sunlight a day, and is growing in damp, well-draining soil.

What is the best way to grow coffee plants?

Coffee Plant Care. The best environment in which to grow coffee plants is to mimic its natural conditions found on a tropical, mid-elevation mountainside: plenty of water with good drainage, high humidity, relatively cool temperatures, and rich, slightly acidic soil .

How to get coffee beans off a coffee plant?

When the fruits ("cherries") of your plant have ripened to red and are slightly soft to the touch, pick them off the plant by hand. Separate the inner coffee beans from the fruit by pulping the cherries in a bowl of water.

What are the different types of coffee plants?

There are more than 120 species of plants in the Coffea genus with Coffea arabica making up the majority of global coffee production. Some plants in this genus include: 1 Coffea arabica 'Nana': This is a dwarf variety that only grows 12 inches tall making it ideal to cultivate indoors. 2 Coffea canephora: Commonly known as robusta coffee, this species comes from sub-Saharan Africa. Its plants are robust; however, the coffee beans are less favored because they tend to have a stronger, harsher taste than arabica beans. 3 Coffea liberica: This species is native to central and western Africa, first discovered in Liberia. It produces large fruits that have a higher caffeine content than arabica beans but lower than robusta beans.

How long does it take for coffee beans to germinate?

Then, soak the cherries in water for 24 hours, and then sow in damp, but well-draining, sand. If you water daily, the cherries should germinate in two to four months. When they've germinated, carefully remove them and plant each one in well-draining, acidic soil. Water twice a week.

How many coffee plants are there?

Coffee Plant Varieties. There are more than 120 species of plants in the Coffea genus with Coffea arabica making up the majority of global coffee production. Some plants in this genus include: Coffea arabica 'Nana': This is a dwarf variety that only grows 12 inches tall making it ideal to cultivate indoors.

What is a coffee plant?

The coffee plant is an attractive little specimen with glossy green leaves and a compact growth habit. It makes a surprisingly good potted indoor plant. Native to Ethiopia, the coffee plant ( Coffea arabica) will flower in the spring with small white flowers and then bear half-inch berries that gradually darken from green to blackish pods.

How are coffee beans grown?

Coffee beans don't come out of the ground as a dark, roasted bean that's waiting to be ground up and brewed. They're planted and, in 3-4 years, are cultivated into trees that produce cherry-like fruits. Within the fruits are the seeds we use for coffee. Harvesters pick the cherries when they're ripe, remove the pulp, and dry the beans. After they're dried, the beans go through a processing station to remove any husks or clinging plant skin. Then, they're sorted by size and weight before getting exported as 'green coffee' — AKA unroasted coffee beans.

How much water does a coffee plant need?

"A 2003 UNESCO study, for instance, found that a standard cup of coffee requires 140 liters of water, most of which is used to grow the coffee plant itself."

How much coffee do people drink?

We sure love our coffee. According to the National Coffee Association (NCA), at least 63 percent of all Americans drink about 2-3 cups of coffee every day. And we're not the only ones reaching for a cup of joe in the morning. People all over the world consume about 2.25 billion cups of coffee every day. That's a lot of coffee beans, and those beans have to come from somewhere. With sustainability on the forefront of more peoples' minds — thanks to the recent climate change protests and ongoing research — understanding the relationship between your coffee and the environment can help you make thoughtful choices about your choice of morning beverage.

Is coffee a threat to the world?

It's a " particular threat for monoculture growing methods," explains Bergen. The coffee industry relies on different coffee strains to keep the global supply going in case a widespread disease begins to wreak havoc on certain plants. But climate change could "reduce the number of wild coffee species," and put nearly 60 percent of all coffee species at risk of extinction.

Does coffee affect the environment?

Unfortunately, the process of growing coffee plants can negatively effect the environment. Farmers and businesses trying to keep up with the increasing demand for coffee have adopted destructive practices that can harm both the coffee plants and the surrounding ecosystem.

Can you use a reusable coffee pod in a Keurig?

If you absolutely must have your pod coffee maker, consider using reusable coffee pod containers that are compatible with brands like Keurig and Nespresso. These can be refilled with coffee grounds of your choice and used just like any other coffee pod in your machine. Do note that many of these refillable pods are also made of plastic, however — if you're looking to get rid of as much plastic as possible, try out the reusable stainless steel pods.

Where do coffee beans come from?

Coffee beans are often labeled with their tropical places of origin: Nicaragua, Colombia, or Ethiopia. But with the right indoor environment, you can grow a coffee plant—yes, the same kind that produces coffee beans—in your own home.

What kind of light do coffee plants need?

What kind of light does the coffee plant need? Coffee plants favor bright, indirect light. They don’t like direct light, which can sunburn their leaves. Stick with bright, filtered light and you’ll be okay. If you only have bright direct light, consider a sheer curtain to diffuse the light.

What kind of pot should you use for your coffee plant?

Coffee plants love water and because of this, it might be in your best interest to avoid porous pots like the ones made from terracotta. It is also important to have a container with drainage. While coffee plants love water, their roots don’t like to sit in it for very long.

How should you prune your coffee plant?

If you don’t want your coffee plant to grow into a six-foot behemoth that will take over the corner of your small living space, you’ll need to know how to prune it. It’s not hard. Remember not to prune more than ⅓ of the plant off at a time. Any more than that, and your plant might go into shock.

How long does it take for a bean plant to produce berries?

After the plant has reached five or six years and has matured, it will probably produce a few beautiful, scented flowers. If you want those flowers to produce berries, you’ll need to hand pollinate them. If you get berries, the beans will be inside them.

Can I put coffee plants in potting soil?

You can pot coffee plants in a common potting mix, but they tend to like a dense, peaty mix. You can add peat to your soil, or buy a specialty mix. I’ve done it both ways with success. The more dense the potting mix, the more water it’s going to hold. To fertilize, use your favorite indoor plant mix.

Do coffee plants need humidity?

Another thing you need to know : Coffee plants are rainforest plants that thrive on humidity. Get yourself a spray bottle and mist your plant every other day or so. It will thank you with plentiful new growth!


Climate Overview

Climate is the most important aspect of growing coffee. Although 50 countries have areas suitable for cultivation, the space is smaller than you may think. For example, Brazildedicates 27,000 square km to growing the crop. Not only is Brazil 3.2 million square km, but they have the largest space for growing coffee. You ca…
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Growing Conditions For Different Coffee Plants

  • As you can see, the conditions to grow and harvest coffee plants needs to be precise to have a successful yield. It’s not just about the climate, either. Coffee is not an easy or quick hobby. Coffee plants have three life phases. The first is growth. This is the time between the seed being planted, and the growth to majority that can take approximately four to seven years. Keep in min…
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Why Researchers Are Worried

  • The delicate climate of the “bean belt” is important for the ongoing production of coffee. Researchers have become concerned, however, due to the rapidness of global warming. The effects of the temperature change could decimate the coffee bean industry. As mentioned, coffee beans need a temperature between 64 and 73 degrees. Anything warmer will ac...
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  • Overall, coffee requires a specific climate to survive. It is a complicated plant that requires commitment and a lot of expertise and labor. When you drink your next cup, remember the effort and work that was done to produce a single cup of brew. You might be interested: How to Drink Coffee in Space Featured Image Credit: Rodrigo Flores, Unsplash
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1.Climate & Coffee | NOAA


9 hours ago Coffee needs an annual rainfall of 1,500 to 3,000 mm, with Arabica needing less than other species. Whereas Robusta coffee can be grown between sea-level and about 800 metres, Arabica does best at higher altitudes and is often grown in hilly areas.

2.What Climate Does Coffee Grow In?


16 hours ago  · A favorable climate is essential for coffee to grow. Some of the most important climatic factors are sunshine and rainfall. If the temperature of an area is around 32 degrees Fahrenheit, then the coffee will not survive. The best temperatures for growing coffee lie between 73° and 82° F. Rainfall must lie between 60 to 80 inches per year.

3.How Does Coffee Grow? | Lincoln & York


8 hours ago  · "Historically, most coffee was produced through shade-grown cultivation, which grew coffee under tree canopies and amongst other plant species," Bergen says. However, over the last few decades ...

4.Where Coffee Grows


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5.Coffee Plant: Best Varieties, How to Grow, Care


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6.Coffee Plant: Care & Growing Guide - The Spruce


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8.How to Grow Coffee Plant Indoors | Apartment Therapy


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