Knowledge Builders

what kind of plants are good around pools

by Dr. Hassie Heller PhD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

18 Best Plants for Swimming Pool Landscaping

  • Banana Tree (Musa)
  • Hawaiian Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)
  • Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia reginae)
  • Zebra Grass (Miscanthus sinensis 'Zebrinus')
  • Egyptian Papyrus (Cyperus papyrus)
  • Angel's Trumpet (Brugmansia)
  • Echeveria (Crassulaceae)
  • Kangaroo Paw (Anigozanthos flavida)
  • Martha Washington Geranium (Regal pelargonium)
  • Proteas (Banksia)
  • Ornamental Sweet Potato Vine (I. batatas )
  • Agave Attenuata (Agave attenuata i)
  • Hebe (Hebe)
  • Aeonium (Aeonium)
  • Jade (Crassula ovata)
  • Staghorn Fern (Platycerium superbum)
  • Creeping Jenny (Lysimachia)
  • Schefflera (Schefflera)

What trees are good choices for planting around a pool?

Landscaping a Pool with Beautiful Trees

  • Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum)
  • Crape Myrtle (Lagerstroemia) – Sub-Tropical Trees to Grow by the Pool
  • Sago Palm (Cycas revoluta)
  • Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora) – Easy to Grow Tree with Fragrant Flowers
  • Fruitless Olive Tree (Olea europaea)
  • Windmill Palm (Trachycarpus fortunei) – Hardy Tropical Palm Tree
  • Orange Trees (Citrus X Sinensis)

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Which types of plants are best for around swimming pools?

  • Windmill Palms – A cold hardy palm tree that has beautiful fan-like fronds. ...
  • Pindo Palms – The Pindo palm is also known as the Jelly palm. ...
  • European Fan Palms – The European Fan Palm is one of the most versatile of the palm species. ...
  • California Fan Palms – is a hardy, dramatic palm with attractive grayish-green fronds. ...

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What are the best plants to put around a pool?

Top 7 Species to Plant Around Your Pool

  • Golden Cane Palm. Planting a golden cane palm in a huge pot is an instant way to transform your pool’s landscape and vibe completely.
  • Viburnum Suspensum. This deep green, slow-growing hedge provides a beautiful solid backdrop to any pool setting. ...
  • Star Jasmine. ...
  • Agave Attenuate. ...
  • Echeveria Elegans. ...
  • Mondo Grass. ...

What are the best trees around pools?

Fantastic Landscaping Tips for Planting around Pools

  • Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) Hibiscus is a lovely tropical flower that conjures up images of Hawaiian vacations and island living.
  • Century Plant (Agave americana): Hardy Succulents Perfect for Poolside Gardens. ...
  • Palm Trees (Arecaceae) Some of the best plants to keep around the pool provide a solid blend of curb appeal and function. ...

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What is good to plant around a pool?

Good Plants for Poolside Gardens That being said, succulent plants afford a nice way to dress up the area with little debris. Agave, aloe, and yucca need little maintenance and are heat lovers that are easy to grow in full sun. Small palms and cycads, like sago palm, bring a tropical look to poolside gardens.

What plants can withstand pool water?

Chlorine-tolerant vines include confederate jasmine, Carolina jessamine, honeysuckle, deep green ivy, creeping rosemary, liriope, and climbing fig.

What should you not plant around a pool?

Here are a few plants you should avoid using around pools because of the debris they cause:Acacia.Azalea.Bougainvillea.Crape myrtle.Dwarf arborvitae.Honeysuckle.Ash trees.Evergreen elm.More items...•

What do you put around an inground pool?

Material options include stamped concrete, limestone, brick, tile, and pavers. Consider non-slip surfaces to protect kid injuries if your pool is used by children. Keep pool access in mind, too. If the cement around your inground pool borders your lawn, and swimmers have to trek through grass to get to the pool.

Is it OK to water plants with pool water?

A: It's a waste, but fresh pool water is not safe for irrigating plants. It's because the chlorine in pool water is very toxic to plants. If the chlorine level is low enough, it's possible to use it. Chlorine is a great disinfectant and used for killing human pathogens associated with food crops such as E.

Can you use swimming pool water to water plants?

Chlorinated water, such as that from a pool is not suitable for watering plants. High levels of chlorine are toxic to plants. However, water compositions with low chlorine contents may be used, and even prove helpful for the plants.

Is swimming pool water bad for plants?

Swimming pool water contains chemicals, especially chlorine, that can harm your trees and landscape plants when water drains and floods the area. Too much chlorine can damage tree leaves and other delicate tissues. Too much chlorinated water all at once can even kill trees.

Is it OK to water plants with chlorinated water?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tells us plants are not harmed by water treated with chlorine. Most of us have been watering our plants with chlorinated water for years and they survive.

What is the best plant to plant in a pool?

If you desire a tropical look for your pool area and live in a mild, frost-free climate, banana trees instantly create the mood you may be looking for. Bananas are fast-growing herbaceous perennials or trees with tropical-looking long, broad leaves. Plant them in a spot safe from winds because those great-looking leaves can get ripped-up easily if not near a wall, fence, or protected by neighboring plants. 1 

How to design a poolside garden?

The key to smart poolside garden design is to find strong plants that can withstand your pool's microclimate, are easy to maintain, and still look good. Carefully research any plants you choose to surround your pool before any buying or digging happens. A heated pool can raise humidity levels, and intense sunlight can fry nearby landscaping. Also, keep in mind that plants will likely get splashed with chlorine and other pool and spa chemicals. These 18 plants are all good choices for pool landscaping; check carefully, though, to be sure they are right for your climate and soil conditions.

How to grow hibiscus in Hawaii?

If you want to use Hawaiian Hibiscus in a floral arrangement, pick one during the day while it is in full bloom, then put it in the refrigerator. It will stay fresh and open in a vase long enough to enjoy for the evening.

What is the plant of the month for August?

August Plant of the Month: Trumpets from the Heavens. Rutgers University

What is the name of the plant that has a heavenly scent?

The name alone could have you ordering one of these heavenly looking plants sight unseen. Brugmansia, commonly known as angel's trumpet, also has a heavenly scent, making it a stunning pool-area shrub or tree. These plants can be brought indoors over the winter and allowed to go dormant.

Is jade a succulent?

Like all succulents, its foliage is packed with water; when it shrivels, you know it is asking for a drink. Jade is attractive, sturdy, and a hands-down trouble-free plant for your pool area landscaping.

Can a heated pool affect landscaping?

A heated pool can raise humidity levels, and intense sunlight can fry nearby landscaping. Also, keep in mind that plants will likely get splashed with chlorine and other pool and spa chemicals. These 18 plants are all good choices for pool landscaping; check carefully, though, to be sure they are right for your climate and soil conditions.

What plants can be used in a pool?

You want the plants you choose to add visual interest to the space — not unwanted leaves and materials that can get in the pool. Leaves, pine needles and dead flowers can create extra work for clients if the materials land in the pool. Plus, they can clog filters.

Why are some varieties of pool plants better suited for pools?

There are some varieties that are better suited for pools because of features like their colors and planting requirements. And there are others that will cause more problems for the pool area than they are worth.

What to put around pool to create privacy?

Beyond adding color, you can also use plants to create a sense of privacy around the pool. Plants like bamboo, palm trees and hedges can create a natural fence to enclose the space and even create some shade. You also want to use a mix of plants to add texture to the landscape around the pool. Combining ornamental grasses, cactuses, flowering ...

How to make a flower bed pop?

Combining ornamental grasses, cactuses, flowering plants and other foliage will really help the design pop. To add the most texture to the beds, create layers with different sizes and styles of plants. Install a variety of plant types, like combining gras ses with leafy and flowering varieties. Place the taller plants in the back or middle ...

Do you need to match plants to a pool?

You also need to make sure the plants you choose match the site’s conditions. Most pools are installed in spaces with direct sun, so the plants you use in the design should be suited for the sunlight. The space around a pool is almost like a microclimate, and the plants you use need to be able to handle it.

What is the best tree to plant in a pool?

Palm trees are known as the epitome of poolside trees since they help create that tropical atmosphere. These large beauties not only provide ample shade for a pool area but also have little leaf drop meaning you’ll spend less time skimming the debris out of the pool. You should also consider planting dwarf sized fruit trees that would stay small but still offer bountiful produce and a lot of color as they mature.

What grasses are good for a pool?

Ornamental Grasses. These low maintenance plants offer a lot of depth and movement around a pool and require little to no water. Some varieties like Zebra grass come in variegated colors and offer a good contrast to blue pool water.

What are succulents used for?

Succulents. Many homeowners choose to use succulents in and around their home since these plants are low maintenance. Known for their water capacities, succulents come in a variety of different shapes, colors, and forms that offer an interesting touch to landscape design.

What to put in pool to add color?

If you’re looking to add color to your pool area, consider adding a touch of Daylily or Blanket Flower that can bring beautiful hues to the overall pool design. There are other trees that can tolerate salt spray, but some may drop leaves or blooms into the pool.

What plants repel mosquitoes?

Bug Repellants. Pools are a natural magnet for mosquitoes. You can counteract these little pests by planting mosquito repelling varieties. Basil, citronella, and geraniums are great to use as potted plants around a pool area in order to make your time outdoors more enjoyable.

What plants can tolerate salt water?

Choose plants that are common along ocean areas, like Century Plant or Holly, that can easily tolerate salt water splashes. If you’re looking to add color to your pool area, consider adding a touch of Daylily or Blanket Flower that can bring beautiful hues to the overall pool design. There are other trees that can tolerate salt spray, but some may drop leaves or blooms into the pool.

Can you move potted plants around a pool?

Since you’re using potted plants, you can easily move them around the pool as needed. Choosing the right plants for the landscape design in your pool area is key to creating a pleasant atmosphere. Keep in mind, some of the prettiest foliage loses its luster when planted near the pool.

What is the best flower for a pool?

With its carefree maintenance and extended bloom cycle, the Rose of Sharon is a top pick for Mediterranean style pool gardens. This hardy shrub hibiscus comes in a wide range of blooming colors, including white, pink, maroon, lavender, and multicolor.

What is the best shrub to plant on a pool deck?

Foster a tropical look with the big, bold, pendulous flowers and lush foliage of the angel’s trumpet plant. This is an excellent shrub to plant in spots that get saturated with pool deck runoff. In temperate zones, it makes an excellent container plant for the pool deck.

What is the landscape from pool deck to fence?

These are the trees, shrubs and perennials that create privacy, block strong winds, offer shade and build the structure of your poolside or backyard oasis. Choose hardy, self-sufficient varieties that fit your garden style.

What to put on a pool deck?

Adding container plants to the pool deck visually soften the hard edges and stark appearance of the concrete. Pool plants add color, texture and structure that tie the pool into the landscape beyond. Annual flowers and foliage, tender tropical plants and hardy perennials can all be included in poolside container gardens. Choose plants with lower watering requirements or install drip irrigation to reduce maintenance.

What color are zonal geraniums?

Although the classic deep red zonal geranium may be the first that comes to mind, these tender perennials also come in white, pink, lavender and other colors. They are well-adapted to container gardening, and look great around the pool. For best results, plant them where they will receive some protection from the hottest afternoon sun.

How tall is a pillar shaped evergreen?

It grows three to five feet wide and 20 feet tall. If a taller screen is needed, consider the larger Green Giant Arborvitae.

How tall do banana plants grow?

For a tropical look in a temperate zone, look no further than the hardy banana plant. This large clumping perennial reaches 12-plus feet during a growing season, and the top dies back for winter dormancy. Warm climate gardeners may even be rewarded with a crop of small bananas.

What plants can be grown in a pool?

For plants that will survive and thrive around a swimming pool (in any climate), use our list of our favorite hardy pool plants—tropicals, succulents, shrubs, vines, and ground covers —as a starting point.

What plants should I avoid in a swimming pool?

Tropical plants to avoid: And then there’s bamboo. While I love its versatility and adore how the towering stalks sway in the subtlest breeze, the papery leaves and aggressive roots can be a complete nightmare in a landscape surrounding a swimming pool. Plant only clumping bamboo—and make sure it’s a good distance from any pool to be safe.

What vines can be trained up to a trellis?

Well-behaved vines can add privacy when trained up a trellis. Chlorine-tolerant vines include confederate jasmine (can also be a great ground cover when contained properly), bright yellow flowered Carolina jessamine, and the reliably tough climbing fig that attaches itself with self-clinging tendrils.

What is the vertical element of a palm tree?

Palm: Like banana trees and giant bird-of-paradise, palms create a strong vertical element and add privacy. One thing to consider, though, is the scale of your garden because some palms can grow to colossal heights. See more ideas at Palm Trees: A Field Guide to Planting, Care & Design.

What are the benefits of a heated pool?

But pool environments are notoriously harsh on plants. A heated pool will raise nearby humidity levels. The reflective surface of the water also intensifies sunlight, and chlorine or chemicals (from splashing) ...

Can you put artificial grass in a pool?

Artificial grass: Another idea is to consider installing zero-maintenance artificial grass as a pool edging, simply because the area directly near a pool is extremely tricky due to foot traffic and splashes of chemicals.

What is the best plant to use around a pool?

Another great drought-resistant plant, the turpentine bush is known for its long blooming season. In fact, this plant can bloom well into the fall months so your pool will look landscaped throughout the end of the year. This plant also requires very little water (it grows naturally in areas like Arizona and New Mexico) and is great for Xeriscaping. Use this plant wherever you need a little light around your pool.

What plants should I plant near a swimming pool?

Looking for hardy plants that add a little texture around the pool? Aloe is one of my favorite plants to use near swimming pools. I recommend planting things like agave, aloe, and yucca. All three of these plants are incredibly hardy and don’t require much water or other care.

Is a fan palm hardy?

However, the fan palm is only hardy throughout the winter if temperatures in your area do not reach below fifty degrees. This palm also creates privacy.

Can you plant salvia in a pool?

I like to plant a few bushes in containers around my pool. I think it really adds an extra element of appeal! Salvia is wonderful to grow because it attracts other pollinators to your garden, keeping your plants in bloom and beautiful all summer long. However, unlike some of the other plants on this list, Salvia likes moist, rich soil and afternoon shade. Planting them in containers will make it easier to provide those kinds of conditions.

How to avoid littering in a pool?

Avoid plants that litter by dropping lots of leaves, needles, flowers, fruits, sap, or debris. This includes many trees but also some shrubs and vines such as bougainvillea. If planting very close to the pool or pool surround, avoid plants with sharp blades, thorns, spines that can cause injury.

Can you have plants around a pool?

Life’s no vacation for plants installed around a pool. Between splashes of chlorinated water, reflected heat, foot traffic, and often winter neglect, they take plenty of abuse. But, if you choose carefully and select plants that can stand up to these conditions, you can have a lovely and colorful garden all season.

Can poolscapes be isolated?

Since the poolscape doesn’t exist in isolation, the design should be consistent with the rest of the garden or the style of the nearby house. So, we’ve divided this into three categories. All of these can go into containers or directly into the ground (see tips below for more info).

Do you need a drip system for poolside plants?

Factor in the upkeep of poolside plantings and if you would rather swim than tend, consider lots of containers with a drip system set on a timer.

What plants can I use to decorate my pool?

Consider using different varieties of agave and aloe plants to add color and texture to your pool landscape. Cacti like the Fence Post Cactus and Totem Pole Cactus are tall and can provide texture and height to your design. Small cacti like the Easter Lily Cactus, Pincushion Cactus, and the smaller Golden Barrel Cactus all flower in the spring. These varieties are also slower growing than some of the others. You will want to avoid any spreading cactus near your pool or living area.

What type of palms are good for a pool?

There are several different types you can consider. Piru Queen Palms are a durable, evergreen palm with large fronds to provide shade. Pygmy Date palms and Sago Palms are both much smaller and perfect for growing in containers, or under larger trees to fill in the landscape. Tropical Plants: Adding a pop of color into your pool landscaping can make ...

What to put in a pool to make it tropical?

Tropical Plants: Adding a pop of color into your pool landscaping can make your pool stand out and give it a tropical feel. For this, you can use the Bird of Paradise plant, Ice Plant, Wedelia, Kangaroo Paw, or Dwarf Ruellia.

Can you plant fruitless olive trees on a pool deck?

They require ample growing space and have larger roots so you will not want to plant these right at the edge of your pool deck. If you are looking for a more Mediterranean look, the Fruitless Olive tree is also drought resistant and can provide plenty of shade.


1.17 Best Plants That Work Perfectly Around the Pool


28 hours ago  · 17 Best Plants That Work Perfectly Around the Pool Echeveria (Echeveria) Grapevine (Vitis vinifera) Patio Roses (Rosa) Rosemary (Salvia rosmarinus) Stonecrop (Sedum) Hosta (Hosta) Foxtail Agave (Agave attenuata) Staghorn Fern (Platycerium bifurcatum) Geranium (Pelargonium) Kumquat Tree (Citrus ...

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6 hours ago If planting very close to the pool or pool surround, avoid plants with sharp blades, thorns, spines that can cause injury. This includes cactus and some succulents. Beware of plants with invasive roots that can tear up paving and impact stability of in-ground or above ground pools. We love bees but swarms of them near the pool is no-go.

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