Knowledge Builders

what kind of sod grows best in shade

by Darron Hermann Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

6 Shade Tolerant Sod Grass Types for North Texas

  • Raleigh St. Augustine. Raleigh St. Augustine sod is an excellent shade tolerant variety for those who prefer a dark green color grass with a medium blade.
  • Palmetto St. Augustine. Palmetto St. Augustine is a dark green grass with a smaller blade and softer texture than the Raleigh St. Augustine variety.
  • DelMar St. Augustine. If you’re looking for a grass that’s dark emerald green in color with a medium-coarse blade, DelMar St. Augustine is a good choice for you.

Best Sod for Shady Areas (3 Best Options)
  • Red Fescue Grass – a fine-textured, creeping grass variety that loves the shade. ...
  • Zoysia Grass – for moderate shade in warm climates you can't beat Zoysia grass. ...
  • Tall Fescue – Fescue grasses are known for their deep roots and disease resistance.
Jan 1, 2021

What is the best grass for heavy shade?

These are the best grasses for shade:

  • Bluegrass.
  • Fescue.
  • Ryegrass.
  • St. Augustine.
  • Zoysia.
  • Centipede.

How to lay sod in the shade?

Lay the sod on slightly moistened soil, staggering the seams so they are offset. On a slope: Lay the rolls across the slope. Stake each piece to hold it in place. Fill any cracks with soil to prevent edges from drying. Use a roller about one third full of water to ensure the roots of the sod have good contact with the soil.

What is the best grass seed for shade?

Top 3 Best Grass Seed for Shade Reviews

  1. Jonathan Green Black Beauty Dense Shade Grass If you have a densely shaded lawn area (we talking that 75% of the day or more it is covered by shade), ...
  2. Discount Lawn Care The Dirty Gardener If you’re looking for a single-seed mixture, this one is perfect. ...
  3. Pennington Smart Seed Dense Shade Mix

Will SOD grow in a shaded area?

When you have shaded areas in your lawn that you must sod, choosing the correct variety of sod will help ensure success. Shade-tolerant varieties that will thrive in less than four hours of bright sunlight each day include St. Augustine and zoysia. See full answer to your question here.


What is the most shade-tolerant sod?

Fine fescue (particularly of the Creeping red or Chewings variety) is the most shade-tolerant among the Fescues, followed by Tall Fescue (e.g., turf-type, dwarf-type varieties).

What grass is best for heavy shade?

Fine fescue, tall fescue, red fescue, and Chewings fescue can all thrive in shade. Perennial ryegrass (cool season) is a cultivar that can succeed with four hours of full sun daily.

Can sod be laid in shade?

All turfgrass varieties are grown in full sun so transplanting them to a shady area is a big shock. Sod Solutions has top-ranked shade tolerant grasses according to numerous research studies, but we recommend that even shade tolerant grasses receive a minimum of four hours of sunlight per day to survive and thrive.

What Zoysia is most shade-tolerant?

Emerald zoysia has less winter hardiness, but more shade tolerance than Meyer. It has a dark green color, a very fine leaf texture, good shade tolerance, high shoot density, and a low growth habit.

How do you grow grass in full shade?

Tips for Growing Grass in Shady AreasPrune.Aerate.Test your soil.Add compost.Fertilize with caution.Overseed.Water.Mow.More items...•

What do you do when grass won't grow under trees?

Mow a bit higher (three to four inches) than brighter areas to help retain moisture. Keep the tree well pruned to allow as much sunlight through to the grass as possible. Clean up any fallen leaves promptly. Try to plant grass only under trees that receive a minimum of four hours of sunlight a day.

What month should you lay sod?

You can lay sod anytime during the growing season, as long as the ground is not frozen and you have adequate water for establishment and maintenance, although spring and early autumn are best. Cool temperatures combined with occasional rain help sod quickly root.

Is St Augustine good for shade?

St. Augustinegrass is the most shade-tolerant warm-season grass, although it still needs 4 to 6 hours of sun to thrive. It is very susceptible to winter injury, especially if planted farther west than Columbia. There has also been documented winter injury along the northern coastal regions of South Carolina.

What kind of grass grows under trees?

Summary: If you want the turf to thrive under and around trees, one of the most important factors is the grass variety itself. Supina bluegrass, creeping red fescue, and shade cultivars of St. Augustinegrass offer advantages in the battle between tree shade and turf.

Is St Augustine or Zoysia better for shade?

Augustines are the most shade tolerant warm season turfgrass varieties available. CitraBlue and Palmetto® St. Augustine are the best grasses for shade. When it comes to zoysia varieties, zoysia is still pretty shade tolerant for a warm season grass, but their shade tolerance ranks second to that of St.

What is the most shade-tolerant St Augustine grass?

Augustine, the most shade tolerant are Seville, Sapphire, Palmetto, and Bitter Blue. These shade-tolerant cultivars also do well in direct sunlight, flourishing in only five to six hours of sunlight.

Is Zoysia more shade-tolerant than Bermuda?

Bermuda grass is not a very shade tolerant grass in comparison to St. Augustine or even zoysia.

What kind of grass grows under trees?

Summary: If you want the turf to thrive under and around trees, one of the most important factors is the grass variety itself. Supina bluegrass, creeping red fescue, and shade cultivars of St. Augustinegrass offer advantages in the battle between tree shade and turf.

How can I grow grass without sun?

Grass in shady areas needs less fertilizer than grass growing in full sun. Spreading a thin layer of compost is a great way to give shady lawns a boost in early spring. If you plan to aerate, spread compost after aerating. It's also a good idea to apply compost before overseeding thin, shady turf.

Is Kentucky bluegrass good for shade?

Although Kentucky bluegrass seeds are a cool-season lawn type, they prefer direct sunlight for optimal growth.

Is St Augustine or Zoysia better?

Augustines are the most shade tolerant warm season turfgrass varieties available. CitraBlue and Palmetto® St. Augustine are the best grasses for shade. When it comes to zoysia varieties, zoysia is still pretty shade tolerant for a warm season grass, but their shade tolerance ranks second to that of St.

What grasses work in partial sun?

Let’s look at three varieties that work in partial sun conditions. Zeon Zoysia. Zeon® is widely considered the king of zoysia. It is a thin-bladed turfgrass that is certified pure. For many, it’s the velvety softness and bright green color that make it stand-out from the pack.

Do trees and grass compete for water?

Not only that, trees and grass often compete for the same water and nutrients. (This is especially true for trees with shallow roots.) This constant stress can shorten the roots of the grass, reduce wear tolerance and leave the plant more susceptible to disease.

Does El Toro Zoysia require fertilizer?

It doesn’t require a lot of fertilizer and can handle prolonged dry spells. Both home and business owners turn to this turf variety because it tends to be low maintenance and will keep its color late into the fall. El Toro Zoysia Sod. The symbol for El Toro zoysia is a bull, and rightly so.

What grasses grow in shade?

The best solution is to plant good grass that grows in shade. The best shade tolerant grass to choose from include St. Augustine grass and Zoysia (warm-season grass). Cool-season grass types for low light conditions would be Ryegrass, tall fescue, and fine fescue. Instead of planting just one species, you could also choose to mix grass seed ...

What grasses are shade resistant?

Here are the best shade resistant grasses to grow in a lawn with low light conditions: 1. St. Augustine Grass. St. Augustine grass is a warm-season lawn grass that is known to do well in shaded areas. This does not mean that it will always thrive in long, deep-shaded areas.

How much sunlight does fescue need?

Fescues require 4 – 6 hours of filtered or dappled sunlight for healthy growth. However, even this alone may not be enough to make it grow well near trees. Ensure proper care, such as mowing higher, watering adequately whenever the ground is dry and applying moderate amounts of nitrogen fertilizers to give fescue grass a better chance of surviving low sunlight conditions.

How much grass seed should I use per 1000 sq ft?

I would recommend you overseed with 6 – 8 lbs of grass seed per 1000 square feet to achieve a great cover in low light conditions. Plant a dense shade mix grass seed – Even if your lawn receives dappled sunlight each day, one of the best ways to get grass to grow in shade is to use a shade mix grass seed.

How much sunlight does a shade tolerant grass need?

On this list, the most shade tolerant grass can survive with barely 4 hours of direct or dappled sunlight. So, is there something like a full-shade grass species?

How to reduce stress on grass?

Reduce stress on the grass – minimize foot traffic in areas of your lawn that receive less sunlight per day. Increase the mowing height – Mow your grass higher than you normally would to allow more surface area on the grass blades for maximum absorption of the limited sunlight.

What temperature does rye grass need to be in the summer?

Remember that rye is a cool-season turfgrass and will prefer climates where temperatures remain between 68 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s shade tolerance persists even in summer if there’s a little moisture on the lawn.

What is the color of Zoysia sod grass?

Zorro Zoysia sod grass has a very fine leaf texture and is dark green in color. Like Emerald Zoysia, it blends well with thinner blade grasses like Bermuda. It’s one of the most popular North Texas Zoysia varieties and one of the most shade tolerant warm-season grasses available.

What is Palisades Zoysia?

Palisades Zoysia. Palisades Zoysia has a dark green color and medium blades. Palisades has a thick pile density that deters unwanted weeds like other Zoysia varieties. It’s shade tolerant like St. Augustine grass without the need for frequent mowing and maintenance due to it’s slow growing qualities.

Does North Texas have shade?

Most North Texas lawns have trees or other structures that cast shade over grass areas. As a result, most builder installed sods will suffer and require more shade tolerant grasses to repair those bare spots in the lawn.

Is Emerald Zoysia grass slow growing?

Emerald Zoysia is a slow growing grass, like other Zoysia varieties, requiring less mowing, fertilizer and watering.

Does Palisades Zoysia have pest problems?

Palisades Zoysia, like other Zoysia sods, rarely suffers from pest and disease problems and has low fertilizer requirements.

Does Zoysia need more water than other Zoysia grasses?

Zorro Zoysia does require more water than other Zoysia grasses. The only disadvantage to Zoysia grass in general is that it comes at a higher cost to sod a yard in the Dallas area than Bermuda or St. Augustine grasses.

What grass is best for shade?

At Sod Solutions, one of our top grasses for shaded areas is Palmetto® St. Augustine. With more than two billion sq. ft. sold, Palmetto is the most purchased patented turfgrass in the world.

What is Sod Solutions?

Sod Solutions partners with universities and turf grass farms across the country to conduct ongoing research that addresses general turf issues. One ongoing project at the University of Georgia Griffin Campus is studying how Sod Solutions’ Palmetto St. Augustine, EMPIRE Turf Zoysia Grass, Geo TM Zoysia and Celebration® Bermudagrass perform under the shade of oak trees.

How much sun does turfgrass need?

All turfgrass varieties are grown in full sun so transplanting them to a shady area is a big shock. Sod Solutions has top-ranked shade tolerant grasses according to numerous research studies, but we recommend that even shade tolerant grasses receive a minimum of four hours of sunlight per day to survive and thrive.

What is the best fungicide for brown spots?

Be sure to look out for brown spots that indicate fungus and apply a fungicide like Spectracide Immunox Fungus + Insect Control or Heritage G Fungicide to treat disease issues. Shady areas also are less able to recover from heavy traffic and usually will be competing with tree roots for water and nutrients.

Is Zoysia grass good for shade?

When it comes to zoysia grass for shade, Innovation TM Zoysia is another Sod Solutions top performer. Innovation is one of the newer developed zoysia varieties with one of its key characteristics being improved shade tolerance. EMPIRE® Zoysia, a medium textured zoysia grass grown in warm season areas, has moderate shade tolerance, while Innovation, a finer textured zoysia grasses grown in the transition zone, has greater shade tolerance.

What is the best grass for southern home?

If you are looking for a grass that is beautiful, disease resistant, drought tolerant and highly durable as well as being shade tolerant, look no further than EMPIRE® Zoysia. This grass is the best choice for southern home lawns that have bit of shade here and there. What’s even better is that EMPIRE is extremely low maintenance compared to other varieties of its kind. EMPIRE is a medium textured zoysia grass grown in warm season areas with moderate shade tolerance. With a blade width of 5–7 mm, EMPIRE’s blades aren’t as fine as Innovation Zoysias and ranks second to Innovation’s shade tolerance. EMPIRE Zoysia is the proven zoysia grass that thrives in areas where others are not well adapted.

What is the blade width of Zoysia?

As a finer-bladed zoysia, Innovation is one of the most shade tolerant of zoysias with a blade width of about 2 mm.

Is Zoysia grass good for shade?

The Best Zoysia Grass for Shade in the Carolinas. With zoysia grasses, a general guideline to keep in mind is the finer the leaf blade, the more shade tolerant it is. Innovation TM Zoysia is a dark green, medium/fine textured grass that serves as an excellent choice for homeowners who live in the transition zones of North and South Carolina.

What grass grows best in shade?

For warm-season climates (optimum growth temperatures between 80 and 95 F) The Lawn Institute recommends the following varieties, starting with the most shade tolerant: St. Augustine, centipedegrass, zoysia, bahiagrass, carpetgrass and Bermudagrass.

How Can Grass Grow In the Shade?

Grass that grows well in shade is extremely efficient at photosynthesis, the chlorophyl-producing process that triggers growth in organisms including grass, plants and trees, Churchill says. Sunlight is always necessary for this process, but in varying amounts and strengths, depending on the plant species. Some types of grasses perform best in full or partial sun, while others grow better in indirect sun to heavy shade.

What happens when shade is from a tree?

If the shade is from a tree, you’ve got challenges: The tree acts as an umbrella, moving rainwater away from the grass underneath, and it competes with the grass for groundwater.

Why is shade important?

Shade is helpful for keeping our homes cool and providing respite from the heat when we spend time outside. But when it comes to growing grass, shade can present some challenges.

Why is it good to have shady grass?

“In a drought cycle, quite often the best looking grass is in the shade because it’s protected from the heat and the baking of the sun.”

Does grass need sun?

Some types of grasses perform best in full or partial sun, while others grow better in indirect sun to heavy shade. Note that there are benefits that come with a partially shady situation, too. “It keeps the grass from drying out too quickly ,” Churchill says.

Does shade make grass moist?

If the shade is from a building or structure, the grass will likely stay moist longer and not require much water at all since it’s getting so little sunlight.

What is the best grass for warm season?

Warm Season Grasses. 1. Zoysia. : Total Landscape Care. Zoysia grass is a hardy grass type known for superior wear and tear resistance and growing well in unfavorable conditions. Most varieties of Zoysia will need at least 4 hours of direct sunlight.

What is the most popular grass in the United States?

2. Kentucky Bluegrass. : Pennington. Kentucky Bluegrass is a soft textured grass most famous for it’s beautifully dark colored blades. It is the most widely used cool season grass in the United States. Only a few varieties are moderately adapted to shade and will need at least 4 hours of direct sunlight a day.

How Much Sunlight Does Your Grass Really Need?

Grass, like all plants, needs sunlight to grow. Some grass will need full sun throughout the day while others may only need a few hours.

How much sun does a centipede grass need?

Centipede will do best in full sun, but it is still fairly shade tolerant only needing 6 hours of direct sunlight a day. 3. St.

What to do if grass isn't getting enough sunlight?

If the grass isn’t getting at least the minimum sunlight required to survive, you may have to consider trimming back the trees. For many homeowners, this is a last resort option.

Why is my grass getting less sun?

Because your grass is getting less sun, this means it takes water longer to evaporate. Having too much excess water in these areas can lead to more serious problems like weeds, fungi growth, or thatch. Keep close attention to these areas and make sure they are not being overwatered.

Do you need to fertilize grass in the shade?

You won’t need to use as much fertilizer on grass grown in the shade. As a rule of thumb, when feeding grass in shaded areas apply only 1/2 of the nitrogen you would normally use on the sunny spots of your lawn.


1.Best Sod for Shady Areas in Your Lawn - Lawn Chick


35 hours ago  · A cool-season type, Kentucky bluegrass tolerates not only human foot traffic, dog traffic, and urine but also light shade. A drawback is that it needs more fertilization than do some of the other types of grass.

2.How to Select the Best Shade Tolerant Sod for your Lawn …


33 hours ago At Sod Solutions, one of our top grasses for shaded areas is Palmetto® St. Augustine. With more than one billion sq. ft. sold, Palmetto is the most purchased patented turfgrass in the world. It demonstrates superior shade, cold, frost, heat, and drought tolerance.

3.What Grass Grows in Shade? 5 Best Shade Tolerant …


23 hours ago This grass is the best choice for southern home lawns that have bit of shade here and there. What’s even better is that EMPIRE is extremely low maintenance compared to other varieties of its kind. EMPIRE is a medium textured zoysia grass grown in warm season areas with moderate shade tolerance.

4.6 Shade Tolerant Sod Grass Types for North Texas - Main …


19 hours ago  · What Types of Grass Grow Well in Shade? When considering growing grass in shade, one factor to consider is your climate. For warm-season climates (optimum growth temperatures between 80 and 95 F) The Lawn Institute recommends the following varieties, starting with the most shade tolerant: St. Augustine, centipedegrass, zoysia, bahiagrass, …

5.Choosing the Right Grass for Shade | Sod University | Sod …


12 hours ago  · Below are generally regarded as the best grass-types to grow in the shade. Warm Season Grasses 1. Zoysia : Total Landscape Care. Zoysia grass is a hardy grass type known for superior wear and tear resistance and growing well in unfavorable conditions. Most varieties of Zoysia will need at least 4 hours of direct sunlight.

6.The Best Grass for Shade in the Carolinas | Sod Solutions


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7.What Grass Grows In Shade and How Do I Grow It?


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8.Best Types of Grass to Grow in the Shade - LawnStar


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