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what kind of whale is in whale rider

by Mrs. Olga Waters Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Full Answer

What does the whale represent in the film Whale Rider?

In the film Whale Rider, the whale represents life and death. The whale represents life because it is the mammal on which Paikea’s great ancestor rode across the ocean reaching New Zealand which eventually became the settlement of the Maori people.

Who is the first born son of the Whale Rider?

The village leader should be the first-born son, a direct patrilineal descendant of Paikea, the Whale Rider, he who rode on top of a whale (Tohora) from Hawaiki. Pai is originally born a twin, but her twin brother and her mother died during childbirth. Pai is female and so technically cannot inherit the leadership.

Where does Whale Rider take place?

Whale Rider Review Niki Caro’s film, Whale Rider, beautifully captures the small village of Whangara, which is located in the northeast of New Zealand’s North Island. The film portrays a Maori tribe that tells the story of a long-held tradition.

How many parts of the Whale Rider are there?

The Whale Rider is a 1987 novel by New Zealander Witi Ihimaera. In 2002 Germany and New Zealand coproduced a film based on the novel which went on to win several international awards. The novel is divided into four parts, including a prologue, epilogue and glossary. Each part is named after one of the seasons and has a subtitle.

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What whales are in the whale rider?

Trivia (18) The whales in the movie are a combination of footage of real whales, life size models (some with humans creating movement) and CGI. Keisha Castle-Hughes said the key whale riding scene took place 15-20 miles offshore, and was terrifying.

What kind of whale was Paikea?

Paikea is also the Māori name for southern humpback whales.

Is the whale rider a true story?

Their 1, 000-year-old genealogical legend centers on a man named Paikea who traveled to New Zealand on the back of a whale after his canoe capsized. In 1986, Ihimaera turned that legend into a fictionalized tale of a Maori girl who proves her toughness.

What myth is Whale Rider based on?

Whale riders It was made popular worldwide by the film Whale rider, based on the Ngāti Porou tribe's tradition of Paikea. According to the story, the ancestor Paikea was enticed on a fishing trip with others. During this, his jealous brother Ruatapu sank the canoe in an effort to drown them.

What does Uenuku mean?

Uenuku is a taonga (treasure) of the Tainui people. Uenuku was the god of the rainbow, and the style of this striking representation is unlike most Māori carvings.

Is Paikea male or female?

Paikea is the name assumed by Kahutia-te-rangi because he was assisted by a whale to survive an attempt on his life by his half-brother Ruatapu....PaikeaGenderMaleRegionPolynesiaEthnic groupMāori, Cook Islands MāoriPersonal information4 more rows

Is Moana based on Whale Rider?

The directors of Moana, Ron Clements and John Musker, openly acknowledged that Caro's Whale Rider inspired them in making Moana and that there are clear thematic correspondences between the two films (Giardina 2016).

What does the whale tooth symbolism in Whale Rider?

The whale tooth is a representation of the Maori people who shaped and built their religion and community, as well as being a representation of Paikea and many other traits that would be needed by a chief, many of which, Paikea has.

Why is it called Whale Rider?

The film's plot follows the story of Paikea Apirana ("Pai"). The village leader should be the first-born son, a direct patrilineal descendant of Paikea, the Whale Rider, he who rode on top of a whale (Tohora) from Hawaiki. Pai is originally born a twin, but her twin brother and her mother died during childbirth.

What does the name Paikea mean?

Paikea. According to Māori tradition, Paikea is an ancestor of Ngāi Tahu and Ngāti Porou, Māori tribes in the South Island and east coast of New Zealand's North Island. Paikea is the name assumed by Kahutia-te-rangi because he was assisted by humpback whales to survive an attempt on his life by his half-brother Ruatapu ...

Was Paikea a man?

A significant, spiritual, mythical, and symbolic journey of transformation where Kahutiaterangi the man became Paikea the whale, he was the man riding the whale, he was the spirit of the whale, he was the whale. From then onwards he became known as Paikea, the whale rider.

What is Paikea wearing in the hospital bed?

When Koro asks for her forgiveness, she wakes up briefly before having a dream that everyone is happy. Paikea's family are waiting at the hospital for Paikea to recover. Koro asks for Paikea's forgiveness, and she wakes up and smiles at him, wearing the whale tooth necklace.

How would you describe Paikea?

determined, wise, and sensitive. Paikea has an intrinsic connection with right whales, an important symbol for her tribe. She stands up for what she believes even in the face of the adults around her, and isn't afraid to take risks to do what's right.

What does the name Paikea mean?

Paikea. According to Māori tradition, Paikea is an ancestor of Ngāi Tahu and Ngāti Porou, Māori tribes in the South Island and east coast of New Zealand's North Island. Paikea is the name assumed by Kahutia-te-rangi because he was assisted by humpback whales to survive an attempt on his life by his half-brother Ruatapu ...

Who is Paikea in Whale Rider?

Based on the 1987 novel The Whale Rider by Witi Ihimaera, the film stars Keisha Castle-Hughes as Kahu Paikea Apirana, a twelve-year-old Māori girl whose ambition is to become the chief of the tribe. Her koro Apirana believes that this is a role reserved for males only.

Who is Paikea and why is he important?

Paikea was an important ancestor of the Māori tribes in Uawa (Tolaga Bay) on the East Coast of the North Island of Aotearoa (New Zealand). (The Māori are the indigenous Polynesian people of Aotearoa.)

What is the whale rider?

The Whale Rider is a 1987 novel by New Zealander Witi Ihimaera. In 2002 Germany and New Zealand coproduced a film based on the novel which went on to win several international awards. The novel is divided into four parts, including a prologue, epilogue and glossary.

What is the bull whale's perspective in Whale Rider?

There is one old bull whale among them that remembers the days of the Whale Rider and thinks longingly about them, even though those days are long past. The older female whales worry about his growing nostalgia, because they know that heading back to the islands would be dangerous, but after they attempt to return to an underwater trench that is homelike to them, they find the trench toxic and inhospitable. All the while the bull whale fondly remembers communicating with the human Whale Rider and eventually leads the herd to New Zealand.

Who is the narrator of the novel Whale Rider?

The narrator of the modern sections of the novel is Rawiri, Kahu’s uncle. The Maori are a tribe from a small coastal village in Whangara, New Zealand, who trace their lineage back to the first Whale Rider through male descendants.

Who is the protagonist in the book Whale Rider?

One of his spears is cast one thousand years into the future, and is understood to give life to Kahu, who will become the novel’s protagonist.

Where did the bull whale lead the herd?

All the while the bull whale fondly remembers communicating with the human Whale Rider and eventually leads the herd to New Zealand. A different herd of whales washes up on the beaches of Whangara, and though most of the locals attempt to save them, the whales all perish.

What is the whale rider story?

The Whale Rider Summary. The story begins with a focus on the ancient days, when nature and all wildlife were excitedly waiting for the coming of man. Then man arrived from the east, and the relationship between nature and man throve. One relationship in particular -- that between the whale rider and his giant whale -- was exemplary ...

What is the relationship between the whale rider and his giant whale?

One relationship in particular -- that between the whale rider and his giant whale -- was exemplary of a symbiotic connection. This whale rider casts spears as life-giving objects to the islands, but one spear he casts 1000 years into the future, which is the time of the story’s young heroine Kahu. The focus shifts to a herd of whales.

What happens to the whales in Whangara?

Back in Whangara, big events soon take place. All the whales of a herd come and to the beach and strand themselves there. They will soon die if they are not pushed back to sea. While some humans take advantage of these whales to harvest their meat and organs, most of the locals of Whangara attempt to organize a rescue attempt and deliver the whales back to sea. Rawiri and his biker gang work with the police and rangers to keep whale butchers fro coming near the whales, while the navy is called in to attempt to pull the whales back out to sea. Ultimately, all the dedicated efforts of Rawiri, his friends, Nanny, and all the other locals fail and all of the whales perish on the beach. When Koro returns from a trip he had been on during the ordeal, he remarks with great anguish that this is a sign for them.

Why does Kahu come with the whale?

Overjoyed, the whale returns to sea and it descends back into the water with the rest of the herd and Kahu in tow. Kahu agrees to come with the herd in the hopes that she will thus save them and save her own people.

What does Rawiri do with the whales?

Rawiri and his biker gang work with the police and rangers to keep whale butchers fro coming near the whales, while the navy is called in to attempt to pull the whales back out to sea. Ultimately, all the dedicated efforts of Rawiri, his friends, Nanny, and all the other locals fail and all of the whales perish on the beach.

What is the whale herd in Part 2?

Part II begins with another short focus on the whale herd. They head towards a sea trench that used to provide them bounty and shelter but they find there an inhospitable and radioactive place. They are forced to travel to other havens as this long-time home for them has become too inhospitable to live in.

What is the bull whale's main focus in Part I?

Part I begins by refocusing on the herd of whales. The bull whale leads his herd away from their most-feared predator: mankind. The old whale remembers the days when man and animal were united and in communication, but those are long past. However, he is unable to let go, and thoughts of returning to the place of his youth at whatever cost gnaw at his heart.

What is the name of the whale that jumps out of the water?

The humpback whale is known as the "big-winged New Englander" because it has long pectoral fins or flippers, and the first humpback scientifically described was in New England waters. Its majestic tail and variety of spectacular behaviors make this whale a favorite of whale watchers. Humpbacks are a medium-size baleen whale with a thick blubber layer, making them clumsier in appearance than some of their more streamlined relatives. They are well known for their spectacular breaching behavior, in which they jump out of the water. The reason for this behavior is unknown, but it's one of many fascinating humpback whale facts .

Where are the Bryde whales found?

There are two species: Bryde’s/Eden’s whale ( Balaenoptera edeni edeni ), a smaller form found primarily in coastal waters in the Indian and western Pacific oceans , and Bryde’s whale ( Balaenoptera edeni brydei ), a larger form found primarily in offshore waters.

How big are minke whales?

Minke whales are small but still 20 to 30 feet long. There are three subspecies of minke whale: the North Atlantic minke ( Balaenoptera acutorostrata acutorostrata ), the North Pacific minke ( Balaenoptera acutorostrata scammoni ), and the dwarf minke (which had not received a scientific name as of November 2018).

Why is the beluga whale called the sea canary?

The beluga whale was called the "sea canary" by sailors because of its distinctive vocalizations, which could sometimes be heard through the hull of a ship. Beluga whales are found in Arctic waters and in the St. Lawrence River. The beluga's all-white coloration and rounded forehead make it distinctive from other species. A toothed whale, it finds its prey using echolocation. The population of beluga whales in Cook Inlet, Alaska, is listed as endangered, but other populations aren't listed.

What is the fastest whale in the world?

They are streamlined, with a dark back and white underside and very curved dorsal fin. The name came from seje, the Norwegian word for pollock , a type of fish because sei whales and pollock often appeared off Norway's coast at the same time.

How did the bowhead whale get its name?

The bowhead whale got its name from its high, arched jaw that resembles a bow. They're cold-water whales that live in the Arctic. The bowhead's blubber layer is over 1 1/2 feet thick, which provides insulation against the cold waters. Bowheads are still hunted by native whalers in the Arctic.

How big is the Bryde's whale?

The Bryde's (pronounced "broodus") whale is named for Johan Bryde, who built the first whaling stations in South Africa. They are 40 to 55 feet long and weigh up to 45 tons and are found most frequently in tropical and subtropical waters.

What is whale rider about?

It's a story about a young Maori girl, Paikea Apirana that's born into the chief line along with a twin brother. With her twin brother dying moments after birth, only Paikea was left to fulfil the role of heir, though Koro, the current chief and Pai's grandpa refuses as does their culture and religion. Throughout the film

Where is Whale Rider located?

Whale Rider Review Niki Caro’s film, Whale Rider, beautifully captures the small village of Whangara, which is located in the northeast of New Zealand’s North Island . The film portrays a Maori tribe that tells the story of a long-held tradition. This film is rich in symbolism, which is easy for any viewer to understand. Whale Rider does a wonderful job of capturing the attention of the audience because of the intense and close relationships between the characters, the way Caro conveys the movie’s

What does the whale represent in the movie Whale Rider?

In the film Whale Rider, the whale represents life and death . The whale represents life because it is the mammal on which Paikea’s great ancestor rode across the ocean reaching New Zealand which eventually became the settlement of the Maori people. The whale represents death because the Maori people would not be on the island they live on if Paikea the great ancestor had not ridden the whale to the secluded island in the Pacific. The whale is not only a mean of transportation of the great ancestor but a symbolism of how their culture thrives just on their existence. The Maori people would not be alive on the island of New Zealand if it hadn’t been for their great ancestor who was the “original” whale rider.

Who plays Pai in Whale Rider?

Her grandfather has traditional attitudes that blind him to see his granddaughter’s potential as chief and it is only when tragedy strikes that Pai (Keisha Castle-Hughes) can prove to Koro (Rawiri Paratene) that her community’s link with the traditions and culture of the Maori lives on. The film is set in the small New Zealand seaside village




The film's plot follows the story of Paikea Apirana ("Pai"). The village leader should be the first-born son, a direct patrilineal descendant of Paikea, the Whale Rider, he who rode on top of a whale (Tohora) from Hawaiki. Pai is originally born a twin, but her twin brother and her mother died during childbirth. Pai is female and so technically cannot inherit the leadership. While her grandfather, Koro, later forms an affectionate bond with his granddaughter, carrying her to scho…


• Keisha Castle-Hughes as Paikea Apirana
• Rawiri Paratene as Koro
• Vicky Haughton as Nanny Flowers
• Cliff Curtis as Porourangi


The film had budget of NZ$9,235,000. It received $2.5 million from the New Zealand Film Production Fund. Additional financing came from ApolloMedia, Filmstiftung NRW, the New Zealand Film Commission and NZ On Air. Casting director Diana Rowan visited numerous schools to find an actress to play Pai. 10,000 children were auditioned before narrowing it down to 12. Castle-Hughes impressed Caro in the resulting workshop and was cast as Pai. The film was shot in


Whale Rider was theatrically released in 2003 in New Zealand and Germany.
Whale Rider premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival in 2002.
Whale Rider was released on DVD and VHS on 28 October 2004 by Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment.
Shout! Factory released a 15th anniversary Blu-ray of Whale Rider on their Shout! Select imprint o…


The film received critical acclaim and Castle-Hughes's performance won rave reviews. Based on 155 reviews collected by Rotten Tomatoes, the film has an overall approval rating from critics of 91%, with an average score of 7.77 as of October 2020. The website's critical consensus states, "An empowering and uplifting movie, with a wonderful performance by Castle-Hughes". By comparison, Metacritic, which assigns a normalized rating out of 100 top reviews from mainstrea…


New Zealand filmmaker Jonathan Brough made the documentary film Riding the Wave: The Whale Rider Story, as well as short documentary clips about Whale Rider, to accompany the DVD.


The film contains music by Lisa Gerrard, released on the album Whalerider on 7 July 2003.
• Bar One (International Observer) Loaded Sounds - International Observer
• Kaikoura Dub - Pitch Black
• U Want Beef - Deceptikonz

1.Whale Rider - Wikipedia


1 hours ago  · What whales are in Whale Rider? The whales in the film are a blend of live-action video of actual whales, life-size models (some of which also have humans providing …

2.Videos of What Kind Of Whale Is In Whale Rider


5 hours ago Contact us. What kind of whale is in whale rider? Fletcher Juan| Faq. The mythical story of the whales told alongside the story of Kahu discusses various important issues. The majestic …

3."Whale Rider"--what kind of whales? - Factual Questions


11 hours ago  · In the film “Whale Rider,” most or all of the whales appear to be one type. Anyone know what type of whale that is? Q.E.D July 6, 2003, 12:19am

4.The Whale Rider Summary and Study Guide


11 hours ago The leader, the ancient bull whale, remembers the days of the whale rider. He laments his lost master, which drives him into a deep depression. The whale innately understands that the …

5.The Whale Rider Summary | GradeSaver


5 hours ago  · What does the whale symbolism in Whale Rider? In the film Whale Rider, the whale represents life and death. The whale represents life because it is the mammal on which …

6.19 Types of Whales - ThoughtCo


23 hours ago The whale mothers look over their young while the single leader whale—the bull whale—reminisces about his own youth so long ago, and the precious time he spent with the …

7.Whale Rider (2002) - Full Cast & Crew - IMDb


21 hours ago  · The North Atlantic right whale is one of the most endangered marine mammals, with only about 400 remaining. It was known as the "right" whale for whalers to hunt because of …

8.Symbolism In Whale Rider - 1362 Words | Bartleby


20 hours ago Whale Rider (2002) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Menu. Movies. ... whale construction: Glasshammer Visual Effects Dee McClelland ... dailies …

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