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what medications are pregnancy category a

by Gilberto Mitchell Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Category A Drugs
  • Thiamine, Pyridoxine, Folic acid.
  • Docusate, Senna, Bisacodyl.
  • Dextromethorphan.
  • Doxylamine.
  • Levothyroxine.
  • Isoniazid.
Apr 21, 2021

Full Answer

What is the drug classification for pregnancy?

by MedShadow Staff last updated: August 12, 2016. To help pregnant women and their healthcare providers choose prescription and OTC drugs safely, the FDA created a drug schedule for pregnant women. It’s a grading system labeling drugs in categories from A (considered safest, with controlled human studies that have shown no fetal risks), through X (drugs that have proven fetal risks that outweigh any possible benefit).

Are class C drugs safe during pregnancy?

Are Class C drugs safe during pregnancy? Drugs should be given only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus." Category C drugs have not been shown to be harmful to fetuses (if they had been, they wouldn't be Category C drugs). Category X drugs should not be used during pregnancy. Click to see full answer.

What is a pregnancy class C drug?

Drug Treatment of Hypertension in Pregnancy. (3 days ago) According to FDA labetalol is a Class C drug. It may be associated with a risk of fetal bradycardia and neonatal hypoglycemia. According to either the World Health Organization and/or Thomson lactation ratings methyldopa is usually compatible with breast milk.

What medications are safe to take while pregnant?

  • Diphenhydramine (Benadryl®)
  • Loratidine (Claritin®)
  • Cetirizine (Zyrtec®)


What are Category B drugs in pregnancy?

Category B drugs include prenatal vitamins, acetaminophen and several other medications used routinely and safely during pregnancy. If there is a clinical need for a Category B drug, it is considered safe to use it.

What is a pregnancy class C drug?

Category C. Either studies in animals have revealed adverse effects on the fetus (teratogenic or embryocidal or other) and there are no controlled studies in women, or studies in women and animals are not available. Drugs should be given only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus.

Is amiodarone pregnancy category A?

Pregnancy: Pregnancy Category D See “WARNINGS, Neonatal Hypo or HyperthyroidismInjury”. Cordarone Amiodarone and one of its major metabolites, DEA, are excreted in human milk, suggesting that breast-feeding could expose the nursing infant to a significant dose of the drug.

What are Class A and C drugs?

The three categories of drugs are Class A, Class B and Class C: heroin, cocaine, ecstasy and LSD are Class A drugs. speed, cannabis, ketamine, mephedrone and some amphetamines are Class B drugs. anabolic steroids, GHB and some tranquilisers are Class C drugs.

What is the difference between a Class A and a Class C drug?

Class A drugs represent those deemed most dangerous, and so carry the harshest punishments. Class C represents those thought to have the least capacity for harm, and so the Act demands more lenient punishment.

Is omeprazole pregnancy category?

Although safety studies of PPIs in animals have not shown that there are teratogenic effects, the Food and Drug Administration has classified omeprazole as a category C drug in pregnancy (indicating that studies in animals have shown a risk to the fetus but that adequate data in humans are not available) because of ...

Which drugs are not recommended during pregnancy?

What medicines should you avoid during pregnancy?Bismuth subsalicylate (such as Pepto-Bismol).Phenylephrine or pseudoephedrine, which are decongestants. ... Cough and cold medicines that contain guaifenesin. ... Pain medicines like aspirin and ibuprofen (such as Advil and Motrin) and naproxen (such as Aleve).

What pregnancy category is antidepressant?

Safety of Psychiatric Medications During Pregnancy and LactationDrugFDA pregnancy category*LithiumDValproic acid (Depakene)DAntidepressantsTricyclics and heterocyclics62 more rows•Sep 15, 2008

What category/class is amiodarone?

Amiodarone belongs to the group of medicines known as antiarrhythmics. It works directly on the heart tissue and will slow the nerve impulses in the heart. This helps keep your heart rhythm normal.

Is amiodarone a Class 1a?

Although amiodarone is considered a class III anti-arrhythmic agent, it also has class I, II, IV actions, making it a unique and effective anti-arrhythmic agent.

Can you take amiodarone while pregnant?

Using this medicine while you are pregnant can harm your unborn baby. Use an effective form of birth control to keep from getting pregnant.

Can you use amiodarone in pregnancy?

In conclusion, amiodarone therapy during pregnancy may cause fetal/neonatal hypothyroidism and, less frequently, goiter. Thus, the use of amiodarone in pregnancy should be limited to maternal/fetal tachyarrhythmias which are resistant to other drugs or life-threatening.

What are pregnancy category A drugs?

Controlled investigations in women have failed to show a danger to the baby in the first trimester, and there is no indication of harm in the secon...

What is a Category D drug?

D is a category. There is positive evidence of human fetal risk based on adverse response data from exploratory or marketing experience or human tr...

Are there any drugs that are harmful to an unborn child?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) devised a categorization system for medications, including anti-infectives, based on their potential to dama...

What pregnancy category is Lomotil?

Animal reproduction studies have revealed an unfavorable impact on the fetus, and there have been no competent and well-controlled human research,...

In what pregnancy category are benzodiazepines?

The majority of benzodiazepines are classified as pregnancy category D by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This indicates that...

What is a Category B study?

Category B: Animal studies have not demonstrated fetal risk but there are no adequate studies in pregnant women, or animal studies have shown an adverse effect ( other than a decrease in fertility), but adequate studies in pregnant women have not demonstrated a risk to the fetus during the first trimester and there is no evidence of risk in later trimesters). Example: Ampicillin.

What is a Category A pregnancy?

Category A: Adequate studies inpregnant women have not demonstrated a risk to the fetus in the first trimester, and there is no evidence of risk in later trimesters. The possibility of fetal harm appears remote. Example: Vitamin C, when used in recommended daily allowance dosage.

When did the FDA remove the pregnancy category?

In 2016 the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) removed the old pregnancy categories A, B, C, D, or X, with new descriptions, the Pregnancy and Lactation Labeling Rule (PLLR). The new recommendations in the form of drug labeling have increased details and complexity.

What is a Category B study?

Category B: Animal studies have not demonstrated fetal risk but there are no adequate studies in pregnant women, or animal studies have shown an adverse effect (other than a decrease in fertility), but adequate studies in pregnant women have not demonstrated a risk to the fetus during the first trimester, and there is no evidence of risk in later trimesters. Example: Ampicillin

What is a Category A pregnancy?

Category A: Adequate studies in pregnant women have not demonstrated a risk to the fetus in the first trimester, and there is no evidence of risk in later trimesters. The possibility of fetal harm appears remote. Example: Vitamin C, when used in recommended daily allowance dosage.

What is a Category X?

Category X: Studies in animals or humans demonstrate fetal abnormalities or adverse-reaction reports indicate evidence of fetal risk. The risk of use in a pregnant woman clearly outweighs any possible benefit. Example: Isotretinoin.

What are the categories of medications given during pregnancy?

Medications fall into certain categories which signify how harmful a drug might be during pregnancy. Drugs are categorized into category A, B, C, D, or X.

Is there evidence that pregnancy is a risk?

Positive evidence of risk. Adequate well-controlled or observational studies in pregnant women have demonstrated a risk to the fetus. However, the benefits of therapy may outweigh the potential risk.

Can animal studies be ruled out?

Risk cannot be ruled out. Animal studies have shown an adverse effect and there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. OR No animal studies have been conducted and there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. D. Positive evidence of risk.

Is there a risk of fetal abnormalities in pregnancy?

Human studies show no risk. Adequate, well-controlled studies in pregnant women have not shown an increased risk of fetal abnormalities to the fetus in any trimester of pregnancy. B. No evidence of risk in studies. Animal studies have revealed no evidence of harm to the fetus, however, there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant ...

Is there harm to the fetus in animal studies?

Animal studies have revealed no evidence of harm to the fetus, however, there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. OR Animal studies have shown an adverse effect, but adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women have failed to demonstrate a risk to the fetus in any trimester.

Is PLLR a pregnancy category?

The FDA previously assigned letter categories to medications based on their potential for risk to the fetus. New drugs approved after the 2015 PLLR will not be assigned a pregnancy category.

Why do pregnant women take medication?

Some pregnant women take medications to help with common discomforts of pregnancy such as heartburn, morning sickness, or headaches.

Why do you switch the type of medication you are on?

Your health care provider may switch the type of medication you are on to take care of your medical needs while lessening any risk to your developing baby.

What to look for in a pregnancy label?

Read the Label: Look for warnings or pregnancy indications. You should also look for potential allergic reactions as well as expiration dates.

What to ask a developing baby about medication?

Ask Questions : It is appropriate to ask questions about medication safety for you and your developing baby. Ask about the medication name, generic alternatives, benefits and risks, and problems to watch for.

What is a Category C?

Category C is the confusing category. A medication gets this classification if there is insufficient data on its use during pregnancy. It could be safe or probably safe, or it could be potentially harmful.

Does the FDA have a pregnancy registry?

Check Pregnancy Medication Registries : The FDA has a new pregnancy and medication registr y that you may find helpful.

Can medication affect pregnancy?

Medication and Pregnancy. It is common to have questions regarding medication use during pregnancy. You might be trying to get pregnant and wonder how current medication use could affect your efforts to conceive. Or you may have just discovered that you are pregnant and wonder if the medication is a risk to your baby.

What is a Category B drug?

Category B drugs include prenatal vitamins, acetaminophen and several other medications used routinely and safely during pregnancy. If there is a clinical need for a Category B drug, it is considered safe to use it.

When should you use Category D?

Category D drugs have some significant risks. They should be used during pregnancy only when the alternatives are worse.

Is a C drug harmful to a pregnant woman?

Category C drugs have not been shown to be harmful to fetuses (if they had been, they wouldn't be Category C drugs). However, there are some reasons to be more concerned about these drugs than Category B drugs. If the pregnant patient will benefit from a Category C drug, it is generally used, although most obstetricians would prefer a Category B drug if it will give equivalently good results.

Is there a category A drug for pregnant women?

For all practical purposes, there are no Category A drugs.

Is a C drug considered a B drug?

If the pregnant patient will benefit from a Category C drug, it is generally used, although most obstetricians would prefer a Category B drug if it will give equivalently good results. Category D. "There is positive evidence of human fetal risk, but the benefits from use in pregnant women may be acceptable despite the risk (e.g., ...

Can you take Category X during pregnancy?

Category X drugs should not be used during pregnancy.

Why is clonazepam used in pregnancy?

Clonazepam (Klonopin) is used to prevent seizures and panic disorders. It’s sometimes prescribed to treat anxiety attacks or panic attacks. Taking clonazepam during pregnancy can lead to withdrawal symptoms in newborns.

What is a pregnancy exposure registry?

Pregnancy exposure registries are studies that collect information about different medications and their possible effects on pregnant women, breastfeeding women, and their babies.

What is sulfonamide?

Sulfonamides are a group of antibiotic medications. They’re also known as sulfa drugs.

What is the first section of the new label?

The first subsection of the new label is titled “Pregnancy.”

What is Lorazepam used for?

Lorazepam ( Ativan) is a common medication used for anxiety or other mental health disorders. It can cause birth defects or life-threatening withdrawal symptoms in a baby after birth.

What are the side effects of taking a pain reliever?

High doses of this OTC pain reliever can cause many serious problems, including: miscarriage. delayed onset of labor. premature closing of the fetal ductus arteriosus, an important artery. jaundice. hemorrhaging for both mother and baby. necrotizing enterocolitis, or damage to the lining of the intestines.

When will pregnancy labels be phased out?

Drug labels listing pregnancy letter categories will be completely phased out by June 2020.


1.New FDA Pregnancy Categories Explained -


28 hours ago A. Category A: Medications approved by the FDA for use during pregnancy. The benefits of these drugs outweigh the risks. Examples include antibiotics used to treat infections suffered by the …

2.Videos of What Medications Are Pregnancy Category A


13 hours ago  · Pregnancy (Labor & Delivery) Lactation (Nursing Mothers) Females & Males of Reproductive Potential; The old pregnancy drug categories until 2016. Category A: Adequate …

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22 hours ago  · To that end, the drugs used during pregnancy are classified into five categories, as follows: Category A: Adequate and well-controlled studies have failed to demonstrate any risk …

4.Women's Health - Drug Categories in Pregnancy


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5.Pregnancy Medications - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf


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20 hours ago

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