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what reason does squealer give for the pigs taking all the apples and milk

by Lenore Nienow DDS Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What reason does Squealer give for the pigs taking all the apples and milk? That food would make the other animals sick. The animals need to learn a lesson in sacrifice. They need it for their brain work. The pigs will die without it.

The animals learn that the cows' milk and windfallen apples are mixed every day into the pigs' mash. When the animals object, Squealer explains that the pigs need the milk and apples to sustain themselves as they work for the benefit of all the other animals.

Full Answer

What does Squealer say about animals?

"All animals are created equal but some animals are more equal than others." "Animals of the world, unite!" "Napoleon is always right." "Four legs good, two legs bad." What reason does Squealer give for the pigs taking all the apples and milk? That food would make the other animals sick. The animals need to learn a lesson in sacrifice.

How does Squealer convince the animals that unfair distribution of food is necessary?

This is an early sign of their eventual exploitation of the farm, but Squealer is able to convince the animals that the unfair distribution is necessary: "Our sole object in taking these things is to preserve our health. Milk and apples (this has been proved by Science, comrades) contain substances absolutely necessary to the well-being of a pig.

Why do pigs eat apples and milk?

Our sole object in taking these things is to preserve our health. Milk and apples (this has been proved by Science, comrades) contain substances absolutely necessary to the well-being of a pig. We pigs are brainworkers.

Why are we pigs so important?

We pigs are brainworkers. The whole management and organisation of this farm depend on us. Day and night we are watching over your welfare. It is for your sake that we drink the milk and eat those apples. Do you know what would happen if we pigs failed in our duty?

How does Squealer convince the other animals that all the milk and apples should be given to the pigs quizlet?

How does Squealer convince the other animals that all the milk and apples should be given to the pigs? Squealer tells the other animals that if the pigs do not eat all the milk and apples, then the farm will fail and Mr. Jones will come back. Jessie's and bluebell's puppies.

What reasons does Squealer give for the pigs move into the farmhouse?

What reason do the pigs provide for moving into the farm house ? The animals remembered that there was a resolution against this but Squealer told them that the pigs who were the " brains" of the farm should have a quite place to work.

How does Squealer convince the other animals that the pigs need to eat the milk and apples?

They need the milk and apples to stay healthy. What tactics does Squealer use to convince the other animal as that the pigs need the milk and apples? The pigs won't be leaders if they don't eat/drink the milk and apples and then Mr. Jones would come back.

What did the pigs say about the apples and milk?

“„It is for your sake that we drink the milk and eat those apples. Do you know what would happen if we pigs failed in our duty? Jones would come back!”‟ (Orwell 25).

What do you think happened to the milk in Animal Farm?

Answer and Explanation: The milk and apples were taken by the pigs. In chapter three, Squealer announces that the pigs will be adding the milk and apples to their mash.

Why did the hens give up their eggs?

Napoleon and Squealer tell the hens they have to give up their eggs because the farm needs money in order to buy food for the animals. They frame it as a way for the hens to show their loyalty to the farm. They must make a noble sacrifice for the sake of the community.

What happened to the milk and apples How did Squealer rationalize that?

What happened to the milk and apples? How did Squealer rationalize? The pigs took them all. Squealer said that since the pigs did all the brain work they needed to eat the apples and drink the milk to preserve there health and have good brain work.

What had happened to the missing milk the apples What was Squealer's explanation?

What happened to the missing milk and apples? The milk would be mixed into the pig's mash, and the windfall apples would be given to the pigs.

How is Squealer able to convince the other animals to accept whatever Napoleon decides?

How is Squealer able to convince the other animals to accept whatever Napoleon decides? He uses propaganda, by telling the animals that the pigs need milk to stay healthy, and help keep Jones from returning. He is a good persuader.

What happened to the apples and milk in Animal Farm?

Answer and Explanation: The milk and apples were taken by the pigs. In chapter three, Squealer announces that the pigs will be adding the milk and apples to their mash.

What does Squealer try to convince the animals?

Sometimes Squealer encourages the animals to question their own recollections, such as when Napoleon violates the prohibition against trade: “Is it written down anywhere?” Squealer asks, causing the animals to be certain they are mistaken.

What did the pigs learn at the end?

By the end of Animal Farm, pigs are walking on two legs, Seven Commandments have become one, and the pigs insist to the other humans that all they wanted all along was to "to live at peace and in normal business relations" (10.27). R.I.P., rebellion.

What do the animals decide to do with the farmhouse?

The animals agree that the farmhouse is to be preserved as a museum and that no animal may ever live there.

What did Squealer do in Animal Farm?

Squealer is another of the three most important pigs. Like Snowball he is clever and a good speaker and he is excellent at persuading the other animals. He ends up being Napoleon's spokesperson - he delivers his orders, explains his choices and tells lies to support Napoleon.

What did Squealer do that was so convincing to the other animals?

What did Squealer do that was so convincing to the other animals? Move his tail.

Why does Squealer tell the other animals that there is no resolution against the pigs moving to the farmhouse?

Why does Squealer tell the other animals that there is no resolution against the pigs moving to the farmhouse? He wants to keep the other animals submissive.

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