Knowledge Builders

what seeds grow well indoors

by Prof. Ida Will Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Microgreens are tiny fresh sprouts that are among the most effortless foods to grow indoors, especially considering they don’t take up much space or time. Typically, they're a mix of seeds from various greens and herbs, such as beets, radishes, kale, Swiss chard, and basil


Basil, also called great basil or Saint-Joseph's-wort, is a culinary herb of the family Lamiaceae. Basil is native to tropical regions from central Africa to Southeast Asia. It is a tender plant, and is used in cuisines worldwide. Depending on the species and cultivar, the leaves may taste some…


The easiest indoor plants to grow from seed include:
  • Cat grass.
  • Living stone.
  • Cactus.
  • Peace lily.
  • African violet.
  • English ivy.
  • Asparagus fern.
  • Coleus.

Full Answer

What is the easiest seed to grow indoors?

Growing herbs indoors using individual containers is best, so each plant can be put in the best growing conditions. 'If you want to create mixed windowsill herb garden, however, select containers that are 10-12in in diameter, or a window box. It is ...

When should seeds be started indoors?

What is the planting date when a seed package says to plant in early spring “as soon as the soil can be worked?” A. That depends on how wet or well drained your soil is. In raised beds with well-drained soil, that could be late February or early March. Wait until April if your soil is heavy with clay.

When should I start seeds?

When to Start Seeds

  • The Best Time to Start Seeds Indoors. When to start seeds indoors depends on the type of seed and the last expected frost date for your area.
  • An Example: Determining When to Start Your Seeds. If you live in USDA Zone 6 (Frost Free Date Range March 30 - April 30) and you want to plant broccoli, ...
  • Last Expected Frost Dates by Zone. ...

How to start vegetable seeds indoors?

How to Start a Garden: 7 Steps to Growing Your Own Vegetables

  1. Test your soil. Before you try to grow anything, you'll want to check that your soil is healthy. ...
  2. Choose your crops wisely. The first step of choosing your crops is picking your favorite fruits and veggies. ...
  3. Build your bed. ...
  4. Plant your crops. ...
  5. Be patient. ...
  6. Keep your garden healthy. ...
  7. Harvest. ...


What is the easiest seed to grow indoors?

Easiest Flower Seeds To Start IndoorsMarigold. One of my all-time favorite flowers, marigolds are super easy seeds to grow indoors. ... Castor Bean. Castor bean seeds can be a bit fussy, so it's much easier to start them indoors. ... Coleus. ... Zinnia. ... Cauliflower. ... Brussels Sprouts. ... Radicchio. ... Tomatoes.More items...

What seeds are best started indoors?

Crops that are best started indoors include broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, and tomatoes. Those with a slower root development, like cauliflower, celery, eggplant, and peppers, should also be started indoors.

What seeds should not be started indoors?

11 Plants You Should Never Start IndoorsMaximize Gardening Efficiency. 1/12. Starting plants indoors allows gardeners to get a significant jump on the growing season. ... Carrots. 2/12. Never bother starting carrots indoors. ... Beets. 3/12. ... Squash. 4/12. ... Zinnias. 5/12. ... Radishes. 6/12. ... Turnips. 7/12. ... Dill. 8/12.More items...

What is the easiest seed to grow?

It's official: beans, peas, and pumpkins are among the top ten easiest plants to grow from seed, according to a list created by the Home Garden Seed Association. Also on the list: cucumbers, zinnias, cosmos, sunflowers, lettuce, radishes, and squash.

What month do you start seeds indoors?

General Guidelines For When To Plant Seeds Indoors In general, you should start seeds indoors 6 to 8 weeks before the average last frost date in your area.

Can you start all vegetable seeds indoors?

Almost every seed can be started indoors, but people typically start long season crops, like eggplants, okra, tomatoes, broccoli and kale, indoors. Some plants do not fare well as transplanted or need to be transplanted at the right stage of growth so they aren't stunted by stressors.

Should I start all my seeds indoors?

The first thing that you need to know is that you must start not all seeds indoors. Some plants are worse off if you start them in containers early because they are prone to becoming root-bound, making transplanting into your garden troublesome.

Do you need a grow light to start seeds indoors?

Seed starting happens in two stages: germination and growing. Germination is the sprouting stage, when the root and leaves emerge from the seed. You won't need light at this stage because it occurs under the soil, but you will need gentle warmth (not harsh heat). You can provide heat by using special heat mats.

Is it better to start seeds inside?

Sowing seeds indoors allows you to get a jump on the growing season. If you start your vegetable seed planting at the right time for your area, you'll have strong, vigorous seedlings ready to go into the ground once the regular growing season begins. In areas with short growing seasons, this method is ideal.

What is the best plant to grow indoors?

Best plants to grow indoorsSnake plants. This trendy houseplant is seeing its share of popularity on Pinterest and Instagram, and with good reason. ... Pothos. Hardy, beautiful, and with a name like a Greek god, pothos is ready to help train your black thumb into green. ... Dracaena. ... Jade Plant. ... Spider Plant. ... Aloe Vera.

What is the fastest growing plant from seed?

Cress. Cress is probably just about the fastest sprouting plant you'll find. If it's slow to sprout, it will take three or four days.

How do you plant seeds indoors?

How to Start Seeds Indoors in 4 Easy StepsFill a large bowl with seed-starting mix and mix in a little water to evenly moisten the soil. ... Place your seed tray inside the drip tray and fill each cell to just below the top with soil.Sow your seeds. ... Cover the tray and place it under your lights on the heat mat.

What is the fastest growing plant from seed?

Cress. Cress is probably just about the fastest sprouting plant you'll find. If it's slow to sprout, it will take three or four days.

What seeds should I start indoors in January?

If you haven't started your celery, parsley, leeks, and onions, get them started indoors. Toward the end of the month, you can also start broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, and lettuce indoors.

What seeds should I start indoors in March?

Cool-season crops that are the easiest to start from seed indoors are broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, leeks, and lettuce. Warm-season crops to start indoors are beans, cucumbers, eggplant, melons, tomatoes, and squash.

What herbs should I start indoors?

Thyme, rosemary, basil, sage, chives, and tarragon are good candidates for starting indoors. Many of these plants have very fine seeds and require a long germination period. If started early in March, they can be ready to transplant into the garden in mid to late May, depending on the region.

How to start seeds indoors?

Start by covering the trays or containers with clear plastic.

What is the best potting soil for seeds?

There are many good commercial potting mixes available that are suitable for starting seeds. Although they may be called "potting soil ," they actually contain no garden soil at all. Instead, they are a soilless mix containing materials such as peat moss, perlite, vermiculite, compost, pulverized limestone, or fine sand. This ordinary potting mix, the same type used for houseplants, is fine for starting many seeds. Since new seedlings don't require fertilizer until they sprout their first true leaves, you don't really need a mix that has additional fertilizer mixed in.

How to make a seed starter?

Fill the Containers. Use the pre-dampened potting mix to fill your chosen seed-starting trays or containers about two-thirds full. Tap the container on the tabletop to help the potting mix settle. Gently firm the top of the mix with your hand or a small board.

How to keep potting mix from drying out?

Water the Seeds. Although the potting mix was pre-dampened, it is still a good idea to sprinkle some additional water on top of the newly planted seeds. This ensures that the top layer of mix won't dry out and it also helps to firm the potting mix and ensure good contact between the seed the mix.

What is seed starting container?

Seed-starting containers can be any small leftover containers you have around the house, such as old yogurt containers or six-pack seedling containers from nursery plants you purchased. Just make sure the container has holes in the bottom for drainage.

What is the structure of a seed that is part of the seed?

Once your seedlings begin poking through the soil, they will start to straighten up and unfurl. What looks like two leaves will appear. These are leaf-like structures, called cotyledons, that are part of the seed and serve as food sources until true leaves are formed and the plant becomes capable of photosynthesis. This is the point at which you should move your seedlings under a light source.

How long does it take for a tomato plant to mature?

Some tomato plants take as much as 100 days to reach fruit-producing maturity.

What herbs grow well indoors?

For example, in another article, Chives, Lemon Balm, Marjoram, Mint, Oregano, Parsley, Rosemary, Sage, Thyme, Basil, Cilantro, Bay, and Tarragon are mentioned. These are outstanding classic culinary choices for their beauty and utility. They are also commonly grown indoors, so ...

Why are plants favored for indoor use?

The other big reason some plants are favored for indoor use is their temperature preferences. Plants that like temperatures below 65℉ don’t like living in our homes because we like our spaces warmer than that.

Do you need to water indoor plants?

Because they don’t have access to broad swaths of soil, you must fertilize them properly. Also, since it doesn’t rain in your house, regular watering is required.

Can you grow fennel seeds indoors?

The seeds also don’t store well, so you need to buy them from a trusted seed supplier to ensure good germination rates. Once started though, this plant is easy to grow indoors or out. Similar to leaf fennel, the leaf fronds have licorice-like sweetness that are lovely in salads.

Do you have to be cold to plant indoors?

Vernalization Required. Plants that require a certain number of cold hours or chill hours to produce a crop aren’t easy indoor options. You’ll either have to refrigerate those plants at night or haul them outdoors during cool conditions to accumulate those cold hours.

Can caraway seeds be grown indoors?

Many biennial plants, those that produce leaves the first year and seeds the second, need vernalization. For example, Caraway is easy to grow indoors in a pot. However, in order to produce seeds, you’ll need to give it a few weeks in cold conditions such as on a balcony in winter or in an outdoor garden.

How to keep seeds warm?

For seeds to germinate, most must be kept warm: about 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. A favorite place to keep seeds warm in order to germinate is on top of the refrigerator. Or, you can purchase seed-warming mats to place under the seed trays. Once a seedling emerges, they can tolerate fluctuating temperatures (within reason). Whatever type of light you use, natural or artificial, make sure it produces enough heat to keep the plants in the 65- to 75-degree range.

How to keep soil moist for seeds?

To increase your chances of getting it right, here are a few things you can do: Create a mini-greenhouse to keep soil moist: cover the container with plastic until the seeds germinate. Water from the bottom to enable the seedlings to soak up water through the container drainage holes.

How to prepare seedlings for outdoor?

Even the most stalwart plants, when young, need a considerable amount of coddling and attention. When your seedlings are large enough to plant outdoors, you need to prepare them for the transition by hardening off. 1  Hardening off gradually prepares them for outdoor conditions like wind, rain, and sun.

How to germinate seeds in soil?

To do this, gently press the soil medium to create a firm surface. Then, place the seed on top of the medium and gently press down, making sure the seed is still exposed.

How to identify seedlings?

For every type of seed sown, use popsicle sticks or plastic plant markers and permanent ink pens to record the plant name and date sown. Insert the plant labels into the soil near the edge of the container or tray.

Is it hard to give up seeds?

Giving Up Too Soon. Starting seeds can be a difficult process. However, one of the most satisfying benefits of this labor of love is eating a tomato or marveling at the flowers that you nurtured from day one. Growing plants from seed takes dedication, attention, and time.

Do seedlings need light?

Not Supplying Enough Light. Seedlings need a lot of light to grow into sturdy, healthy plants. No matter what anyone tells you, chances are that you do not have enough natural light in your home to grow robust seedlings. Even a south-facing window usually will not do.

What vegetables can I grow indoors?

Make it easy on yourself by choosing plants that do best indoors. These vegetables have proven successful indoors: 1. Carrots. Carrots require don't much space around them (or wingspan you could say) but they do tend to require deeper soil than other vegetables.

What is the best temperature to grow herbs indoors?

Herbs (a subset of vegetables) love the sunshine, so you're going to have to make sure they get a lot of it: 12-16 hours a day. They tend to do best around 70 degrees F. Some of the best varieties for indoor growing include: chives, parsley, cilantro, oregano, mint, rosemary, sage, and thyme. 4.

How to grow sweet potatoes in a pot?

This one may surprise you, but you can grow potatoes (both sweet and regular) in soil from scraps. Start with a sprouted potato and cut it up into chunks, laying them out sprout-side-up on at least four inches of soil. Top them off with another four inches of soil and in about two months you'll have potatoes! Make sure you have a large enough pot, because these can get quite large and you may have to continue adding soil as they grow to ensure that the potatoes are always covered with soil.

How to grow potatoes in soil?

This one may surprise you, but you can grow potatoes (both sweet and regular) in soil from scraps. Start with a sprouted potato and cut it up into chunks, laying them out sprout-side-up on at least four inches of soil. Top them off with another four inches of soil and in about two months you'll have potatoes!

How long does it take for a sage plant to sprout?

Even without grow lights, expect to see some sprouts fairly quickly. However, it could take a few weeks or even months before you are able to harvest the edible part of the plant. Summer is the best time of year to grow, as you'll have the most natural light available.

Do peppers self pollinate?

Like peppers, they're self-pollinating, but you can also shake them to help the po llen fall from flower to flower. Smaller varieties tend to do better in containers, and you'll find the seeds germinate fairly quickly. Related: Browse our entire collection of Vegetable Recipes.

Can you grow vegetables indoors?

If growing potted vegetables indoors sounds like a little more work than you're looking to do, there's an even easier way to grow some types of vegetables in your own home: try regrowing them from scraps.

What is the best indoor plant for a home?

16) Heart Leaf Philodendron. Heart Leaf Philodendron is a vigorous vining plant that makes a great indoor plant for the home or office. It prefers moderate to low indirect light. You should keep the soil moist, and occasionally mist the plant for ideal watering.

What are some good house plants to grow in a room?

1) Chrysanthemum . Chrysanthemums, or mums, as they are more commonly called, make beautiful houseplants with bright, cheerful blooms. They are remarkably easy to care when you provide a bright location, well-drained soil and enough water. Once all that is in place, you’ll have an attractive addition to your room.

Why are ficus plants good for offices?

Why are the great office plants? Because they have a striking appearance and are highly effective at purifying indoor air. A ficus prefers bright, indirect light, moist soil and occasional misting. Make sure you keep your ficus away from drafts.

How to keep spider plants alive?

They prefer moist soil but will forgive you if you forget to water occasionally. Keep spider plants in bright to moderate light, but avoid direct sun. Fertilize spider plants twice a month during the spring and summer.

How to improve indoor air quality?

Remove wilting blooms to encourage more. A wax begonia will improve indoor air quality by removing benzene and other chemicals from the environment . Indoor varieties only grow to about 18 inches, creating a nice shrub for your home or office decor.

How tall can rubber plants grow?

Rubber plants are sensitive to temperature changes. Try to keep its environment between 55 degrees F and 80 degrees F. Rubber plants can grow up to 10 feet tall in a home or office, so be prepared for a big plant.

What is the best palm for a tropical home?

If you’re after a tropical look for your home or office, the areca palm is the one. Areca palm looks exotic, elegant and stately. It prefers bright, indirect light and moist, well-drained soil. However, be careful not to overwater. In the spring, you can try using a time-release fertilizer.

How to grow chives indoors?

Don’t overpay at the grocery store for a tiny package of cut chives—they’re easily one of the best herbs to grow indoors! Sow seeds directly in a pot placed in the sunniest spot in your house . Keep a tray of pebbles and water under the pot to give the plant extra moisture.

What is the best herb to use in a salad?

Basil. One of the very best herbs to have on hand—add it to caprese salads and pizzas or use it to make a bright batch of pesto. Grow basil from seed or a starter plant from the garden center. Plant it in well-drained soil in a bright, warm spot and pinch back any flowers.

How to grow chervil?

To grow chervil, plant the seeds directly in the container. Once grown, trim the chervil back often to keep it from bolting. Chervil’s delicate flavor is lovely when added to salads, roast chicken, vinaigrettes and egg dishes. Originally Published: December 16, 2020.

Can you plant mint in containers?

Mint is a natural choice for container gardening as it can run wild when planted outdoors. Give your indoor mint rich soil and frequent waterings. There are quite a few varieties of mint—and many more ways to use them: spearmint is wonderful in savory recipes and mojitos, while chocolate-mint and apple-mint are great in desserts.

Can lemongrass be grown indoors?

Lemongrass. It may not be your first thought for indoor herbs, but if you have some space and a big pot, fragrant lemongrass is a great choice. You can even grow it using stalks bought at the store! Keep it well-drained and in a sunny spot. When you need some, cut off a stalk close to the soil.

Can you grow rosemary and basil together?

Rosemary is a sturdy, shrub-like herb that grows very well indoors. It does best in the same growing conditions as basil, so you can even plant them together. Snip a few stems anytime to add rich, piney flavor to recipes. Rosemary’s also easy to dry, so you’ll never need to buy pre-packaged stuff again. Here’s how to use all that fragrant, fresh rosemary.

Can you grow parsley indoors?

With parsley growing indoors—in lightly moistened soil near that sunny window—and available anytime, you’ll find yourself adding it to all kinds of dishes: make a parsley butter to add to grilled meats, mince and stir the leaves into cooked rice or whip up a batch of spicy chimichurri sauce!


1.14 Indoor Plants that Grow from Seeds | Balcony Garden …


26 hours ago What is the easiest seed to grow indoors? Easiest Flower Seeds To Start Indoors. Marigold. One of my all-time favorite flowers, marigolds are super easy seeds to grow indoors. … Castor Bean. Castor bean seeds can be a bit fussy, so it’s much easier to start them indoors. … Coleus. … Zinnia. … Cauliflower. … Brussels Sprouts. … Radicchio. …

2.How to Start Seeds Indoors - The Spruce


8 hours ago  · Germination Time. 7–21+ days. Peppers are a perfect plant to start indoors, with jalapenos, serranos, and poblanos sprouting in about a week. Super hots can take much longer, over a month in some cases, so you have to choose your pepper varieties wisely.

3.Plants that Grow Well Indoors to Expand your Indoor …


23 hours ago Squash, corn and some beans will rapidly outgrow a seedling cell if you start them indoors. In the cases where starting indoors is necessary due to a short outdoor growing season, start these seeds in larger cells or containers to prevent the seedling …

4.Common Mistakes Made While Growing Seeds Indoors


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