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what snakes are common in oklahoma

by Prof. Alejandrin Wyman III Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Common snakes found in the state of Oklahoma Copperhead Agkistrodon contortrix

Snakes of Oklahoma
  • Arizona elegans—glossy snake.
  • Carphophis amaenus—worm snake.
  • Cemophora coccinea—scarlet snake.
  • Coluber constrictor—Southern Black Racer.
  • Diadophis punctatus—ring-neck snake.
  • Elaphe guttata—great plains rat snake.
  • E. obsoleta—black rat snake.
  • Farancia abacura—mud snake.

Full Answer

What is the most common snake in Oklahoma?

What is the most common snake in Oklahoma? Garter Snakes. Garter snakes in the family Thamnophis rank among the most common snakes in Oklahoma. The common garter, a native Oklahoman, is actually the most widely distributed snake in the United States.

What venomous snakes are in Oklahoma?

Venomous Snakes of Oklahoma

  • Prairie Rattlesnake ( Crotalus viridis)
  • Western Massasauga ( Sistrurus catenatus)
  • Broad-banded Copperhead ( Agkistrodon contortrix)
  • Western Cottonmouth ( Agkistrodon piscivorus)
  • Western Diamondback Rattlesnake ( Crotalus atrox)
  • T imber Rattlesnake ( Crotalus horridus)
  • Western Pygmy Rattlesnake ( Sistrurus miliarius)

What kind of spiders are in Oklahoma?

What to Do if These Eight-Legged Creatures Bite You

  • Brown recluse. People fear the brown recluse for a reason – its bite injects venom that can be toxic to humans, particularly the very young and the very old.
  • Black widow. The country’s most well-known venomous spider is also native to Oklahoma. ...
  • Wolf spiders. Wolf spiders are often confused with brown recluse spiders. ...

What is the deadliest snake in Oklahoma?

What's the deadliest animal in Oklahoma?

  • Feral Hogs – Most Aggressive Dangerous Creature in Oklahoma. …
  • Copperhead. …
  • Cottonmouth or Water Moccasin. …
  • Coral Snake. …
  • Pygmy Rattlesnake. …
  • Timber Rattlesnake. …
  • Prairie Rattlesnake. …
  • Diamondback Rattlesnake.


What poisonous snakes live in Oklahoma?

Forty-six species of snakes are native to Oklahoma. Only seven species (15%) are potentially harmful to humans. Venomous species include the copperhead, cottonmouth, western diamondback rattlesnake, timber rattlesnake, prairie rattlesnake, western massasauga, and western pigmy rattle- snake.

Do we have king cobras in Oklahoma?

All three kingsnakes live throughout the state. People often mistake the milksnake for the coral snake, a venomous snake not native to Oklahoma. Speckled kingsnakes have black skin with yellow dots all over the body.

What is the most venomous snake in Oklahoma?

Summary of Oklahoma's 6 Largest and Most Dangerous SnakesRankSnake1Water Mocassin2Copperhead3Timer Rattlesnake4Western Diamondback Rattlesnake2 more rows•Jun 9, 2022

How do you know if a snake is poisonous in Oklahoma?

4:1210:01Easy Oklahoma Venomous Snake Identification - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipOr coppers color that's a copperhead you know the dark van light band and the dark bands areMoreOr coppers color that's a copperhead you know the dark van light band and the dark bands are hourglass shaped just memorize that patterns the only snake in Oklahoma we had with that pattern.

What is Oklahoma's deadliest animal?

The most dangerous animals in Oklahoma are snakes. There's no doubt about that. There are a few species here that can be fatal to humans, like the diamondback, the cottonmouth, and the pygmy rattlesnake. They all possess a powerful venom that can kill if left untreated.

Are there pythons in Oklahoma?

Pythons aren't native to Oklahoma, but several types of snakes inhabiting the state present potential danger to some residents. Stanley Fox, a regents professor in the zoology department at Oklahoma State University, said springtime weather brings many species of snakes out of hibernation and into mating season.

What time of year do snakes come out in Oklahoma?

Oklahoma is home to 44 different kinds of snak es, but only a fe w ha ve veno m.By natu re, snakes are defensive and don't want to bite humans, but some will bite if they feel threatened. Snakes in our state are most active from April through October.

What time of year are snakes most active?

Snakes are most active in the early mornings on spring and summer days when the sun is warming the earth. Snakes turn in for the evening, sleeping at night.

What time of year are copperheads most active?

Southern copperheads are diurnal (active during daylight hours) during early spring and late fall, at which time they will generally depend on the ability of their bodies to blend in with their environment to obtain prey and avoid enemies.

How do you keep snakes away from your home?

How to Keep Snakes Away from Your HouseReplace grass or mulch with gravel. Snakes can't move or hide easily on gravel and other hard surfaces.Remove bird feeders, birdbaths, and other sources of food and water. ... Keep pet food inside. ... Trim bushes and trees. ... Reconsider water features. ... Install snake-proof fencing.

What eats snakes in Oklahoma?

While frogs may still play a role in these upland snake's diet, insects, rodents and even other snakes are more likely meals. Speckled kingsnakes and other members of the kingsnake family are well known predators of other species of snakes. Kingsnakes are even able to kill and eat venomous snakes.

What are the 7 venomous snakes in Oklahoma?

The venomous snakes of Oklahoma include:Western Massasauga Rattlesnake.Prairie Rattlesnake.Western Diamond-backed Rattlesnake.Timber Rattlesnake.Western Pygmy Rattlesnake.Copperhead.Cottonmouth.

Where do king cobras live?

King cobras live in northern India, east to southern China, including Hong Kong and Hainan; south throughout the Malay Peninsula and east to western Indonesia and the Philippines. They prefer streams in dense or open forest, bamboo thickets, adjacent agricultural areas and dense mangrove swamps.

Are there vipers in Oklahoma?

Pit vipers are the only Oklahoma snakes with retractable fangs in the tops of their mouths. The fangs are used to inject venom for killing prey and as a means of defense. Pit vipers have elliptical pupils like cats while Oklahoma nonvenomous snakes, except the Texas night snake, have round pupils like humans.

Are there Earth snakes in Oklahoma?

Western Smooth Earth snakes are a subspecies of the Smooth Earth snake that can be seen in Oklahoma's eastern areas, except for northeast counties. These colubrids favor woodland areas and are especially active and visible after heavy rain.

What is a black snake in Oklahoma?

Description. The eastern racer can be distinguished from all other snakes in the region by a combination of smooth scales, cream to yellow belly with no marks, moderate size, and a divided anal scale. Background color of the body of adults is black in eastern Oklahoma.

How many types of snakes are in Oklahoma?

We also see venomous bites from cottonmouths/water moccasins and rattlesnakes.” But perhaps you don't need to worry too much — out of 47 snake spec...

What snakes are in central Oklahoma?

44 Snakes Found in Oklahoma Copperhead. Northern Cottonmouth. Timber Rattlesnake. Western Diamond-Baked Rattlesnake. Western Massaugua Rattlesnake....

What's the longest snake in Oklahoma?

Some rattlesnakes can earn up to two rattles a year. It's inaccurate to determine on just the rattle alone, as rattlesnakes break some rattles off....

What types of poisonous snakes are in Oklahoma?

In Oklahoma, only seven species of snakes are poisonous and potentially toxic to humans, the copperhead, cottonmouth, plus the rattlesnakes: wester...

What is the most venomous snake in Oklahoma?

Western diamondback They particularly like the Pineywoods region and the forested swathes of southern Oklahoma, where they inhabit the Choctaw Nati...

Where do blackheaded snakes live?

Similar to the black-headed snake, this species dwells in rocky prairies and wooded hillsides throughout eastern and central Oklahoma.

Where do crayfish snakes live?

Named after their most beloved prey, the crayfish. this snake is active during the day. Their found in crayfish territory near ponds, creeks, and streams and will occasionally feast on frogs and snails.

Why is the salt and pepper snake called the salt and pepper snake?

This snake is often called “salt and pepper snake” due to its coloration. It is unaffected by the venomous bites of native venomous snakes and often eats them.

Why are hog nosed snakes called that?

This snake is named for its signature pointed, upturned snout. Hog-nosed snakes are rear-fanged. Their saliva has been found to have some toxic properties that only affect their prey. They are no danger to humans.

Where is the Coachwhip snake located?

One of the longest and fastest snakes in Oklahoma, the Coachwhip is active during the heat of the day and is located all over the state.

What color are the diamonds on a rattlesnake's back?

This is the largest of the western United States’ rattlesnakes. This species is identified by the dark diamonds on its back that are outlined by white coloration.

What is the Eastern Hognose known for?

Dispersed through most of Oklahoma, except for the far west portion of the panhandle, the Eastern Hognose is known for its dramatic. When threatened they will bluff by spreading out its neck and hissing. If the threat goes undeterred, it will play dead. They have upturned, pointy snouts.

Where is the blind snake?

Rena dulcis, the Texas blind snake, is a small snake endemic to the Southern United States and Northern Mexico. Blind ...

What is a brown snake?

Storeris dekayi, commonly called the (American) brown snake or Dekay's snake is a small non-venomous snake that can be found ...

What is a cottonmouth snake?

Agkistrodon Piscivorus – Cottonmouth Snake. Agkistrodon piscivorus, the cottonmouth or water moccasin is a venomous snake that can be found throughout the Eastern United States ... Read More.

What is a broad banded copperhead snake?

Agkistrodon Laticinctus – Broad-Banded Copperhead Snake. The broad-banded or Texas copperhead snake, Agkistrodon laticinctus, is a venomous snake that can be found in the Southeastern United ... Read More.

What is the massasauga snake?

The massasauga snake, Sistrurus catenatus, is a venomous snake that can be found in several U.S. states in a wide ...

How big is a rough earth snake?

The rough earth snake is a 7-10 inch long nonvenomous snake that lives mostly underground. It is native to the ...

Where do long nosed snakes live?

The long-nosed snake is a nonvenomous snake found in arid habitats in the Western United States. It has alternating black ...

What snakes are in Oklahoma?

Prairie Rattlesnake: In Oklahoma, the prairie rattlesnake is one you need to stay away from as much as you can. This 3-foot-long snake has a venom that can take down any prey including humans. Prairie rattlesnakes have multiple scales that make it easy for people to identify them. Naturally, these venomous snakes are in different shades of brown with patches of dark down arranged towards the dorsal part of your body. Another obvious feature of this snake is its triangular-shaped head and the presence of pit sensory organs on one side of its head.

What is the smallest snake in Oklahoma?

Worm Snake: This particular snake is one of the smallest snakes in Oklahoma. With an average length of 19-28cm, it has an interesting survival instinct which it uses to survive in its natural environment. Worm snakes are dark brown with pinkish ventral pigmentation.

How big is a rattlesnake in Oklahoma?

The western massasauga rattlesnake is about 60 to 75cm long and has a unique body pattern that separates it from every other species of snake in Oklahoma. Western massasauga rattlesnakes have a tan or grey ground skin color infused with colorful large rounded black or brown spots or blotches.

What do snakes eat?

Snakes eat rats and mice and are a valuable part of the Oklahoma ecosystem

What color are glossy snakes?

Also, they usually have a cream-colored or white unmarked ventral surface.

How big is a milk snake?

They share many features with this snake, the only difference is that their average length is 60cm. Milksnakes have smooth and shiny scales with alternating pattern bands of white-black-red or red-black-yellow. In some rare cases, you will find them with red blotches.

Is Oklahoma City full of snakes?

Many people don't know that Oklahoma City is in fact full of snakes! You just need to know where to find them - they can often be shy and elusive. Some Oklahoma snake species are more common outside of the city limits, in different parts of Oklahoma County OK, but many types of snakes are indeed common in the more urban parts of Oklahoma City. ...

Where do kingsnakes live?

Speckled kingsnakes live in heavy woodlands to open prairie and lowlands. They prefer wet moist environments and like to hide under rocks, logs, and what could be considered junk.

What is a milk snake?

Milksnakes are sometimes referred to as coral-pretenders, meaning that they greatly resemble highly venomous coral snakes.

How long does it take for a milk snake to hatch?

The milksnake breeds in early spring and lays 2 to 17 eggs that hatch in 28 to 39 days. They are hardly ever seen during the day and prefer to hide under logs during the heat of the day. They hunt at night and prey upon other, smaller snakes, snake eggs, rodents, birds, bird eggs, and lizards. Milk snakes are like other kingsnakes, in that they kill their prey by suffocating them and then swallowing them whole.

What do red milksnakes eat?

Like other members of the genus Lampropeltis, red milksnakes are constrictors. They feed on other snakes, small mammals, amphibians, and lizards. Milksnakes are comfortable in a variety of habitats including forest edges, open woodlands, prairies, grasslands, near streams or rivers, and rocky hillsides.

Where do milk snakes come from?

Milksnakes get their name from an old folk tale that describes a snake sneaking into a barn and drinking the milk from nursing cows. The eastern milksnake only occurs in Northeastern Oklahoma. They have smooth shiny scales with black-bordered brown-red markings on a tan or whitish-gray background. The newly-hatched look identical to the fully-grown adults, though are much brighter.

When do kingsnakes hatch?

Their mating season is in early spring, after coming out of their winter dormancy. 6 to 18 eggs are laid, but won’t hatch until August or September. They typically hunt during the day, but during the peak of summer, they actually become more nocturnal. The prairie kingsnake eats mice and other small mammals, but they have also been known to eat lizards, smaller snakes, amphibians, small birds, and sometimes insects. They’re often found in fields, prairies, woodlots, and rocky hillsides.

Is a king snake a constrictor?

All kingsnakes are non-venomous constrictors that feed primarily on other snakes, even venomous ones. Kingsnakes are considered to be snake-eaters, which is how they got their name. Different species grow to different sizes and have very different markings. Some are solid black like the Mexican black kingsnake, while some are very colorful like the scarlet kingsnake.


1.Oklahoma Snakes Identification Guide (What to Look out …


8 hours ago 5 rows ·  · Most Common Snakes in Oklahoma. According to iNaturalist, the most common snakes in ...

2.44 Snakes Found in Oklahoma (With Pictures) | Pet Keen


24 hours ago List of venomous snakes in Oklahoma. Agkistrodon Contortrix – Copperhead Snake. The copperhead snake, Agkistrodon contortrix, is a venomous snake that can be found throughout …

3.Snakes in Oklahoma - USA Snakes


27 hours ago  · Rough greensnakes are the only uniformly green snakes found in the state, and are often found climbing on limbs of trees and shrubs during the day. There, they search for …

4.Top Four Oklahoma Snakes - Oklahoma Department of …


19 hours ago  · The three snakes to watch out for in Oklahoma and Texas are cottonmouths, copperheads, and rattlesnakes, and in Texas, the Texas coral snake. Snake season runs from …

5.List of snakes of Oklahoma - Wikipedia


13 hours ago N. sipedon—northern and midland water snake; Opheodrys aestivus—keeled green or rough green snake; Pituophis catenifer sayi—bullsnake; Regina grahami—Graham's water snake; …

6.Oklahoma City Snakes - Common and Venomous …


24 hours ago Snakes of Oklahoma City, OK. Most snakes of Oklahoma City are harmless and don't want to encounter you. Venomous snakes exist but are uncommon in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. …

7.Only Seven Species of Snake Found in Oklahoma Are …


30 hours ago The copperhead is a common venomous snake in the eastern half of Oklahoma that does occasionally bite noisy dogs and errant hands. “Their beautiful, cryptic coloration calls for a …

8.5 Types of Kingsnakes in Oklahoma (With Pictures)


14 hours ago Welcome to! We're glad you're here and we are always available to help positively ID snakes and answer your questions. We've been getting A LOT of traffic this spring. If this …

9.Videos of What Snakes Are Common in Oklahoma


14 hours ago 5 types of kingsnakes in Oklahoma. 1. Prairie kingsnake. Prairie king snake image by Peter Paplanus via Flickr | CC BY 2.0 Scientific name: Lampropeltis calligaster calligaster. The ... 2. …

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