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what structure carries out cell movement

by Susan Hettinger Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

The cytoskeleton is a structure that helps cells maintain their shape and internal organization, and it also provides mechanical support that enables cells to carry out essential functions like division and movement.

What is the function of DNA in cells?

stores DNA, contins most of the cells processes, contains the info need to make proteins

What is an organism made of cells?

organism made up of one or more cells that have a nucleus and membrane-bound organelle. Highly specialized. Large/complex, contains genetic material, humans, plants, animals

What are the basic units of life?

A. Cells are the basic units of life.

What are all plants and animals made of?

The work of Schleiden and Schwann can be summarized by saying that. A. all plants are made of cells. B. all animals are made of cells. C. plants and animals have specialized cells. D. all plants and animals are made of cells. all plants and animals are made of cells. A thin, flexible barrier around a cell.

Which part of the cell contains coded instructions for making proteins?

The nucleus contains coded instructions for making proteins.

Which type of cell transmits messages throughout the body?

B. nerve cells that transmit messages throughout the body.

What is the net movement of water molecules from a region of high-water potential (dilute solution) to?

Osmosis is the net movement of water molecules from a region of high-water potential (dilute solution) to a region of low-water potential (concentrated solution) through a partially permeable membrane.

How does active transport work?

Active transport uses energy to oppose the concentration gradient and forcefully transport molecules against it. Here is a simple diagram to help you visualize how it all works:

What is the definition of concentration in osmosis?

When we are talking about water, we cannot use the term ‘concentration’ anymore because a concentration denotes the amount of substance dissolved in water.

Why is diffusion higher at higher temperatures?

Temperature: The higher the temperature, the higher the rate of diffusion. This is because molecules are faster and have more kinetic energy with higher temperatures.

What is the net movement of particles from a region of their higher concentration to a region of their lower concentration?

Diffusion is the net movement of particles from a region of their higher concentration to a region of their lower concentration down a concentration gradient, as a result of their random movement.

What is the movement of particles through a partially permeable membrane from a region of lower concentration to a?

Active transport is the movement of particles through a partially permeable membrane from a region of lower concentration to a region of higher concentration using energy from respiration.

Why is a dilute solution high water potential?

For a very dilute solution, because it has a lot of water, it has a high-water potential.


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