Knowledge Builders

what to use to cut hedges

by Nelda Jacobson Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

  • Hand pruner
  • Mallet or hammer
  • Tape measure
  • Stepladder (for tall hedges)
  • Line level (optional)
  • Carpenter's level
  • Hedge trimmer

For hedge trimming, you can use manual hedge shears or a power hedge trimmer. It is much easier to get an even cut with a power model because the blade is longer (20 to 24 inches for power trimmers versus 8 to 12 inches for hand shears
hand shears
Pruning shears, also called hand pruners (in American English), or secateurs (in British English), are a type of scissors for use on plants. They are strong enough to prune hard branches of trees and shrubs, sometimes up to two centimetres thick. › wiki › Pruning_shears
Aug 18, 2015

Full Answer

When is the best time to trim your hedge?

You can do this gradually, by pruning them back over a 3-year period:

  • Remove one-third of the large, old stems at ground level in late winter or early spring
  • The following year, prune out half of the remaining old stems and some of the new growth, leaving several well-spaced, vigorous shoots
  • Remove all of the remaining old wood in late winter or early spring of the third year and thin out the new shoots.

How to properly trim hedges?

Use a sharp pruning saw and make these three cuts as described below:

  1. Cut From Below About a foot from the branch collar, make a cut from the underside approximately a third of the way through.
  2. Cut the Branch Top About an inch further out on the branch, cut through the top until the branch rips off. ...
  3. Cut to the Branch Collar

When to cut back Hedges?

Hedge funds tracked by Morgan Stanley (NYSE:MS) have also cut their net leverage -- a measure of risk appetite ... “Now the interest rates are going up, people are going back into value stocks,” Shivam Sinha, chief investment officer at Glax Capital ...

How to prune an overgrown hedge?

  • Hedge trimmers are efficient for working the tops and sides of hedges. ...
  • Hedge trimmers with pivoting cutting heads and extended reach are the best for tall overgrown hedges.
  • A rounded hedge top will reduce snow accumulation in areas that experience heavy snow.
  • Remember to clean and oil your trimming tools to avoid rusting.


What is the best tool to cut hedges?

Hedges have all sorts of benefits. ... And while it's easy and satisfying to get in there with your favourite garden hand tools, most gardeners who have hedges to maintain are likely to benefit from an automated trimmer or cutter, which are either petrol-powered or, more commonly these days, electric.More items...•

What is the easiest way to cut a hedge?

1:494:31Tips & Tricks For Perfect Hedging | Gardening | Great Home IdeasYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipStuff the more often you do it the easier. The. Job i'm not bashing it up but i am cleaning it up byMoreStuff the more often you do it the easier. The. Job i'm not bashing it up but i am cleaning it up by giving it a rough rake. Things pop out like this that i don't want to be.

When should you not cut hedges?

We recommend avoiding hedge cutting during the main breeding season for nesting birds, which usually runs throughout March to August each year. This can be weather dependent and some birds may nest outside this period, so it is important to always check carefully for active nests prior to cutting.

How do you cut hedges with shears?

6:4514:43HOW TO: Prepare and Trim shrubs with hand shears - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipStraight down. And keep these lower branches. As long as the upper branches. So that the light getsMoreStraight down. And keep these lower branches. As long as the upper branches. So that the light gets down to the lower branches.

How do you cut a large hedge straight?

Cutting straight, crisp edges by eye can be difficult. Use a taut horizontal string tied between two stout canes to act as a guide to cut the top of the hedge level. Canes or stakes pushed into the ground help with vertical lines.

How do you trim a thick branch hedge?

1:364:38How to trim a large hedge - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipI start off by fixing the platform to the roof rack of the bum and cantilever it out so I can getMoreI start off by fixing the platform to the roof rack of the bum and cantilever it out so I can get close to the edge. I have to do this saw that I can reach the other side of the hedge.

How do you cut a hedge with a chainsaw?

Always cut from waist height, and never raise a chainsaw above shoulder level. Cut from the saw's side to avoid dangerous kickback. Do not cut too close to the ground, as doing so could cause the saw to hit and recoil. Check your saw's oil filter, fuel level (if applicable) and surface oil prior to each use.

What to consider when trimming hedges?

These include –. The size of the hedge. Your safety while cutting. Collection of hedge clippings after the trim.

What tools are needed for hedges?

For smaller hedges, the tools listed below would be suitable –. Pruning shears. Ratchet shears. Hedge shears. For larger, tall hedges, the tools listed below will do –. Thermal chainsaw pruner.

How big is a hedge shear?

They are pretty much like a pair of scissors, just a lot larger in size, and will require the use of both hands to operate. They are excellent for trimming branches no larger than 1.5cm in diameter. Hedge shears usually have two long blades and two long handles (about 30cm long).

How long is a hedge trimmer?

They aren’t just suitable for trimming tall hedges, they are also great for wide bushes that are difficult to access in the middle. The handles can be extended an extra 13.5 inches to give you even better reach. It has an overall length of 45 inches and a blade length of 6 inches.

What kind of shears do I need to cut shrubs?

To cut those out-of-reach shrubs, I recommend these professional-grade telescopic shears.

How much does a hedge trimmer weigh?

They are also adjustable, so you can trim different types or shapes of hedges. It weighs 3.31 lbs and has an overall length of 33 inches (blade length is 8 inches). The manufacturer also places a 1-year warranty on it.

Why were hedges built?

They were specifically built for cutting harder branches and more “troublesome” hedges.

What tools do I need to trim hedges?

Tools for Trimming Hedges. Trimming a mature hedge requires fairly simple tools. The biggest decision you will need to make is between hand-operated hedge shears, which look like oversized scissors with long handles, and a power or battery-operated hedge shears, which bears a slight resemblance to a mini chainsaw.

How to maintain straight lines while trimming a hedge?

To maintain straight lines while trimming a hedge, you will need erect guide lines as a reference point. This is best done with strings attached to wooden stakes driven into the ground at the ends of the hedge row. The strings outline the shape you're striving for, creating boundaries to follow as you trim the branches.

Why is it important to trim hedges?

Since hedges are usually intended to provide privacy, it is important that the shrubs be as full as possible from top to bottom. This requires a trimming strategy in which the sides of the hedge are pruned at an outward-flaring angle, so that the top of the hedgerow is narrower than the bottom. This shape ensures that the lower branches along ...

How to pinch back boxwood?

After ​ planting a hedge with boxwood or another shrub species, pinch back all new growth during the first year, which will induce low branching. At this stage, it is not important to create perfectly flat sides by using stakes and string as a guide. In this first year, just "eyeball" the trimming pattern as you pinch back all new growth. The tool of choice here is a pair of hand pruners, or even your fingertips. As you cut back the new growth, it will stimulate overall plant growth and give a fuller shape to the shrubs.

How to make a hedge lean?

Drive a stake into the ground at one end corner of the hedge, using a hammer or mallet, The stake location should mark the spot where you want the bottom end corner of the hedge to fall. The stake should be set in slightly from the reach of the longest branches. Angle the stake slightly so it "leans in" toward the top of the hedge. The amount of lean is based on expected sun exposure: On the side that will face direct sun, make the lean relatively slight; on the shady side, make the lean more pronounced.

How to string a shrub?

Set the First String. Attach a long string from one stake to the other, near the lowest branches on the shrubs. Make sure the distance above the ground is the same from one side to the other. If the ground is level, the string should also be level; sloped ground will require a sloped string.

How to measure for string on sloped ground?

On sloped ground, it's best to measure from the ground to ensure uniformity from end to end. Once the strings are installed, use a hand pruner to remove any branches that are deflecting the strings.

Which part of a hedge should be cut flat?

The top of the hedge is always the last part to cut and it should be cut flat.

What is a hedge in a garden?

Pathways- a hedge provides direction for pathways around your garden, it leads curious visitors on exciting journeys through your garden, not knowing what they will see next.

What is the cheapest shear to buy?

Electric corded shears would be the cheapest to buy and usually the oldest technology- these have been around for a long time.

What type of shears have two handles?

These are the scissor type shears that have two handles that you open and close.

Why do we need hedges?

Privacy – a hedge can provide privacy for your home when you are outside working, or children are playing in the garden. This is especially true if your property runs alongside a busy road with cars and traffic.

What is the safest shear?

Electric battery powered shears are the newest technology and these would be the lightest and probably the safest to use- as there is no hot engine, no gasoline, oil or electric lead trailing about.

What is the most heavy duty shear?

Gas powered shears. Out of these the gas engine powered shears would be the most heavy duty and be able to cut through the heaviest, thickest branches. These gas powered shears are mostly used for bigger jobs with a longer run time required and which can take place away from services and electric sockets.

When should you not cut your hedges?

There are several guidelines to keep in mind when planning when to cut back your hedges.

Why should you trim your hedges?

Periodically trimming and pruning your plants means that they will benefit from increased sunlight, better airflow and improved water delivery to the roots. This can help prevent keeping your plants in optimal condition and reduce the risk of diseases .

When is the best time to cut your hedges back?

To encourage even growth of your hedge plant, trim it at the right time of year – but every plant species may have a different schedule.

What happens if you don’t trim your hedges regularly?

Unfortunately, many individuals fail to prune their shrubs – they may lack the time, knowledge, or courage to handle their hedge-trimming. But when neglected, shrubs can often become leggy and unattractive and some flowering shrubs may no longer bloom as well.

How far can you trim back hedges?

In fact, many deciduous shrubs can be kept healthy and vigorous simply by removing a few of their largest, oldest stems every 2-3 years.

How to make a hedge thicker?

Trimming your hedge into a wedge shape that is wider at the bottom will make it grow thicker by enabling more even regrowth. Cutting back the top of the hedge will encourage growth at the sides of your bushes. Trimming out dead or diseased parts of the plant will also keep the hedge healthier and allow for new growth.

What happens when you trim hedges?

What happens when you trim your hedges regularly? When you trim your hedges regularly and properly, you will begin to notice that the plants fill in nicely and provide more privacy. By trimming away plant growth that is moving outward or upward, you can encourage the plants to fill in around the center.

Why cut a hedge back?

Cut a little further back of your hedge because when you trim a small part on the hedge, you are helping the surface to grow along with the cut. By cutting further back, you encourage further growth along the limb.

Why do hedges have rounded tops?

Another option is to produce a rounded top on the hedge as you have some serious amount of participation coming in the spring season. The benefit of a rounded top is that even the heavy rain will not pile up on the shrub. In simple words, the moisture flows off on the top and will be convenient to support.

Why cut shrubs shorter?

Target the new shrubs that are beginning to grow out. Cutting such upper branches shorter helps the lower ones to receive the proper amount of sunlight for growth. It becomes easy for branches to stay nourished when they are cut shorter than usual.

Can you cut a tree's upper branches short?

Above all, it ensures that the branches will look well maintained. Though you can cut the upper branches as short as you want but, it is important to make proper cuts with enough control in mind. Cutting them too short will create some serious problems for the branches to grow properly.

Can you use a chainsaw to cut hedges?

Make sure that your chainsaw is good enough to take care of your cutting requirements. You can also use the best chainsaw sharpener for cutting the hedges firm and strong. Before you start cutting, get a trap ready under the hedge to collect the waste material and prevent creating mess.

Knowing When to Trim Your Hedges

Non-flowering and evergreen hedges should only be trimmed as needed, but it's important to reshape them before they become overgrown to prevent weed growth. This time frame varies depending on the season, your plant species and the amount of rainfall.

How to Choose a Trimmer

The first step is choosing the right types of hedge trimmers to fit your needs. Corded and cordless electric varieties are best suited for small to medium-sized hedges, while gas trimmers are designed to accommodate a wider surface area. Whichever style you choose, pick one with blades large enough for efficient hedge trimming.

How to Trim Hedges

Trimming hedges doesn't need to be time-consuming. Follow these simple steps on how to trim hedges and how to prune shrubs:

Hedge Trimming Tips

When it comes to the art of trimming hedges, there are a few tricks for making them look great. Here are a few tips on how to trim bushes like a pro:

What do you need to know when cutting wet hedges?

It is important to use safety gear when cutting wet hedges. You should wear a hard hat, goggles, and gloves that are made for working with hedge trimmers. For more information on safety gear, check out our dedicated post.

Why are wet hedges easier to cut?

Wet hedges are easier to cut because the leaves and branches are softer than dry ones , making hedge trimming more fun and less difficult. It is important to note that although wet hedges will be easier for you to cut, they may not be as safe because they are heavier due to the saturated leaves. It is up to you if the benefits outweigh the risks.

Why are hedges hesitant to cut when they are wet?

Some people are hesitant about cutting their hedges when they’re wet because they worry that their hedge trimmer could get stuck while processing wet leaves.

How long does it take for a hedge to dry out?

It is safe to cut wet hedges and the branches may be softer and easier to cut. The majority of the time, a wet hedge will dry out within 24 hours. If there is significant rain or high humidity for longer than this period, it may be more difficult to cut them without risk of damage.

How long after rain can you cut hedges?

If you do not want to cut your hedges because it is raining outside and don’t think that it will stop soon, then we recommend waiting for at least an hour after the last rainfall ends so that the majority of that water will have dripped away.

Can you cut a hedge in heavy rain?

Another thing to consider when cutting a wet hedge in heavy rain is how much moisture there might already be on your lawn. The last thing you want is to slip while using cutting equipment, so be sure you’re standing on steady ground!

Should You Use Electric Tools To Trim A Wet Hedge?

You can use power tools to trim a wet hedge however proper precautions should be made if you are considering using corded tools. To be honest, it’s not the best idea, and while it is possible, we’d recommend using cordless power tools or hand tools when conditions are wet. We don’t want you to hurt yourself!


1.How and when to cut a hedge | Gardens Illustrated


19 hours ago  · Hedge trimming doesn't have to be difficult or take all day. Garden Ninja shows how to trim a hedge in the most efficient manner with loads of time-saving ti...

2.4 Hedge Trimming Tools for Cutting Overgrown Bushes


8 hours ago  · Tools for Trimming Hedges. Trimming a mature hedge requires fairly simple tools. The biggest decision you will need to make is between hand-operated hedge shears, which look like oversized scissors with long handles, and a power or battery-operated hedge shears, which bears a slight resemblance to a mini chainsaw.

3.How to cut & trim hedges: the ultimate guide for perfect …


12 hours ago You can use power tools to trim a wet hedge however proper precautions should be made if you are considering using corded tools. To be honest, it’s not the best idea, and while it is possible, we’d recommend using cordless power tools or hand tools when conditions are wet. We don’t want you to hurt yourself!

4.How to Trim a Hedge By Hand - The Spruce


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5.Cutting Back Overgrown Hedges –


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6.How to cut a Hedge - YouTube


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7.Best Time to Cut Hedges Back: when and how


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8.How To Cut A Hedge With A Chainsaw? - Best Product …


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9.How to Trim Hedges - The Home Depot


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10.Is It Safe To Cut Wet Hedges? - TrimHedge


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11.Videos of What to Use to cut hedges


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