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what unique contributions did freud make to the science of psychology

by Ericka Hegmann Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

One of Freud’s most important contributions to the field of psychology was the development of the theory and practice of psychoanalysis. Some of the major tenets of psychoanalysis include the significance of the unconscious, early sexual development, repression, dreams, death and life drives, and transference.

Sigmund Freud was an Austrian neurologist who is perhaps most known as the founder of psychoanalysis. Freud developed a set of therapeutic techniques centered on talk therapy that involved the use of strategies such as transference, free association, and dream interpretation.Mar 22, 2021

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What are the major criticisms of Freud?

What are the major criticisms of Freud? The major criticisms are: Many of the hypotheses or assumptions of psychoanalytic theory cannot be tested by empirical means, making it nearly impossible to falsify or confirm; It overemphasizes the deterministic roles of biology and the unconscious, leaving little room for influence from the conscious mind;

What did Sigmund Freud contribute to psychology?

One of Freud's most important contributions to the field of psychology was the development of the theory and practice of psychoanalysis.Some of the major tenets of psychoanalysis include the significance of the unconscious, early sexual development, repression, dreams, death and life drives, and transference.

What were Freud's theories?

Freud's Main Theories

  • Oedipus Complex: Freud's most well-known theory, the Oedipus Complex says that boys develop a sexual attraction toward...
  • Id, Ego, Superego: In 1923, Freud theorized in "The Ego and the Id" that the mind is divided into three compartments:...
  • Penis Envy: This theory says females begin wishing for a penis at a young age, and the desire intensifies...

What are Freud theories?

Sigmund Freud was an Austrian neurologist who developed psychoanalysis, a method through which an analyst unpacks unconscious conflicts based on the free associations, dreams and fantasies of the patient. His theories on child sexuality, libido and the ego, among other topics, were some of the most influential academic concepts of the 20th century.

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What is the contribution of Freud to science?

Through the development of a novel observational method, Sigmund Freud made possible the collection of reliable data about man's inner life. The scientific hypotheses he formulated about these formed the initial version of psychoanalysis.

What was Freud's most original contribution to psychology?

Freud Idea 1: The Unconscious One of Freud's major contributions was his concept of the unconscious. What did he mean by that term? Being conscious means that you are aware of what is in your mind. For example, as you are reading this, you are aware of the words on the page and your thoughts.

How did Sigmund Freud contribute to the field of psychology quizlet?

Sigmund Freud (1856 - 1939) was an Austrian neurologist who founded the discipline of psychoanalysis. His theory focused on childhood experiences, sexual and aggressive urges, and the unconscious mind.

What contribution did Freud make to modern psychiatric practice?

One of Freud's major contributions to mental health was the discovery that patient improve when they talk to a therapist. He developed a particular technique for talking that was part of psychoanalysis named free association.

What was Sigmund Freud theory?

Freudian theory postulates that adult personality is made up of three aspects: (1) the id, operating on the pleasure principle generally within the unconscious; (2) the ego, operating on the reality principle within the conscious realm; and (3) the superego, operating on the morality principle at all levels of ...

What influenced Sigmund Freud's theory of development?

Freud's psychoanalytic theory, inspired by his colleague Josef Breuer, posited that neuroses had their origins in deeply traumatic experiences that had occurred in the patient's past. He believed that the original occurrences had been forgotten and hidden from consciousness.

What is psychology According to Freud?

According to Sigmund Freud SO, Psychology is the study of the mind that is responsible for both conscious and unconscious decisions that it makes on the basis of psychic drives.

Who is Sigmund Freud and why is he important?

Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) Sigmund Freud was a late 19th and early 20th century neurologist. He is widely acknowledged as the father of modern psychology and the primary developer of the process of psychoanalysis.

What did Sigmund Freud contribute to psychology?

Sigmund Freud undoubtedly contributed an enormous amount to psychology. But which of his thoughts and ideas relate to the field of personality psychology? This lesson is going to go over some of Freud's major contributions to helping us understand our personality as well as a couple of important limitations.

How did Freud contribute to personality psychology?

Freud contributed to personality psychology by explaining how the right balance between something called the id, ego, and superego can lead to a healthy personality. An imbalance between the three will only lead to maladaptive personalities.

Why is ego important?

But you don't just run off for NBA tryouts, impulsively so. Why not? It's because your ego will remind you that you're 50, 5 feet 1 inch tall, and normally can't make a shot if your life depended on it. That's just reality. In other words, the ego helps ensure that your impulsive id is expressed in a manner that is appropriate in the real world.

What was Sigmund Freud's contribution to psychology?

Sigmund Freud’s major contribution to psychology has been his creation of the psychoanalysis and the psychodynamic approach to psychology. Sigmund Freud believed that with psychoanalysis he invented the science of the mind. Despite repeated criticisms, attempted refutations, and qualifications of Freud’s work, it has remained powerful well ...

What are Freud's most influential theories?

Some of Freud’s most influential and for others controversial theories included: Id, Ego, and Superego; Freud believed that these three are the most essential parts of the human personality. The id he defined as the primitive, impulsive and irrational unconscious that operates solely on the outcome of pleasure or pain and is responsible ...

How did Freud think the superego was formed?

Freud believed the superego was mostly formed within the first five years of life based on the moral standards of a person’s parents; it continued to be influenced into adolescence by other role models (, 2017).

What did Freud believe about our dreams?

Freud believed that by analyzing our dreams and memories, we could understand them, which can subconsciously influence our current behavior and feelings (, 2017). Freud’s work has been both praised and criticized; yet no one in his days has influenced the science of psychology as intensely as Sigmund Freud.

What is Freud's belief in libido?

Psychic energy; Freud postulated that the id was the basic source of psychic energy, or the force that drives all mental processes. In particular he believed that libido, or sexual urges, was a psychic energy that drives all of human actions; the libido was countered by thanatos, the death instinct that drives destructive behavior (, 2017).

Why did Freud believe people dream?

Dream analysis: In his book The Interpretation of Dreams, Freud believed that people dreamed for a reason: to cope with problems the mind is struggling with subconsciously and can’t deal with consciously. Dreams were fueled by a person’s wishes.

How often did Freud use the lie down method?

Freud’s method of having his patients lie down and speak on whatever is on their mind, during session several times a week proved to be effective. Psychologists in the 21-century, perform this practice only with less frequent sessions.

How did Freud influence psychology?

Freud’s ideas have greatly influenced psychology such that an entire school of thought developed from his work. The ideas have had a significant impact on psychotherapy and psychology. Freud has many published books and articles. Some of his books include “The Future is an Illusion,” “The Interpretation of Dreams,” Totem and Taboo,” and “The Psychopathology of Everyday Life.” The Interpretation of Dreams was his personal favorite book. The book details valuable discoveries he made in his lifetime (Schimmel, 2013). The ideas presented in the book are still used by contemporary psychologists in their daily activities.

What did Sigmund Freud do to help people?

He also proved that cultural differences have a significant impact on psychology and behavior. Freud’s work helped in advancing people’s understanding of personality, human development , personality, clinical psychology and abnormal psychology. Other great psychologists in history have used Freud’s work as the foundation of their theories whereas others have developed new theories that dispute his ideas. Therefore, despite the fact that his theories have attracted a raging debate and controversy, his impact in psychology is undeniable (Schimmel, 2013).

What is Freud's theory of psychology?

Freud is considered as the father of psychoanalysis and the psychodynamic approach to various issues in psychology. The field focuses on how the unconscious mind influences the behavior of people. According to Freud, the human mind was made up of the id, ego, and superego. Id refers to the personality component of an individual. It comprises of unconscious psychic energy that people use to meet their urges and desires. On the other hand, ego refers to the component of personality that helps in mediating between the demands of the superego, id, and reality. It ensures that people achieve a moral balance. Finally, superego refers to the personality of an individual, which is made up from the ideals that the individual has acquired from parents and the society. It strives to suppress urges and strives to make the ego act in a moral manner (Schimmel, 2013).

Who was influenced by Freud?

Erik Erikson is one of the psychologists who was greatly influenced by Freud. He has undertaken extensive studies that have helped in expanding Freud’s theories. He emphasized the importance of growth throughout the lifespan of an individual. Freud used Freud’s theories as a foundation of his most popular theory, the psychosocial stage theory of personality. The theory is vital in the understanding of human development (Reef, 2001).

Is Freud's theory still relevant?

However, it would have been difficult for such advancements to take place were it not for the efforts of Sigmund Freud. He is undoubtedly one of the greatest psychologists in history. His theories are still relevant in the contemporary practice of psycholog y.

What were Freud's contributions to the field of psychology?

Sigmund Freud was a pioneer within the field of psychology who developed multiple theories that introduced the world to the inner meanings of the human unconscious. He created the theory of psychoanalysis, which allowed him to enter the world of the unconscious mind.

Who is Sigmund Freud?

Sigmund Freud is a very known psychologist from the early scholars of the psychology world. One of His most significant outlooks and study was in the sexology field. Sexology had already been constituted as a separate form of enquiry some time before the appearance of Freud’s most important contribution, The three essays on the theory of sexuality (1905) and many of the terms that we tend to identify with Freud, such as libido, component instincts, erotogenic zones, catharsis, autoerotism and narcissism

What are the similarities between Carl Rogers and Sigmund Freud?

The viewpoints if Sigmund Freud and Carl Rogers have similarities and differences. Both have made significant contribution to the psychology field. The theories from Freud and Rogers are still used in modern psychology. Freud is best known for creating psychoanalysis and Rogers is renowned for developing the person-centered therapy. The subject of this paper pertains to Freud’s and Rogers’ views of their respective theories, how different their theories would be if they were alive today, and

What is the oral stage of Freud's theory?

The oral stage occurs during infancy, and pleasure is brought about through activities that include oral stimulation such as eating or sucking. If the infant does not gratify these desires, Freud believed that the individual would later develop issues with dependency or aggression.

What are the three components of the mind?

These urges were governed by the three components of the mind: the id, the ego, and the superego. He also believed that humans create defense mechanisms in order to drive away anxiety, guilt, and depression. However, he believed his greatest work resided within his interpretation of dreams through a method he called dream analysis.

Who is the youngest Freudian?

Sigmund Freud was not the only Freudian to establish credibility in the field of psychology, as his youngest daughter Anna Freud pursued a career in psychology and made significant historic contributions. Anna’s background, theoretical perspective, and contributions to the field of psychology will. Read More.

Who is the father of psychoanalysis?

Sigmund Freud and B.F. Skinner One name that jumps out at the mention of psychology, or the study there of, is the name of Sigmund Freud. Sigmund Freud is also known as the “Father of Psychoanalysis.” Freud was also known for having the tendency to trace nearly all psychological problems back to sexual issues. Although only parts of his theory of psychosexual development are still accepted by mainstream psychologists, Freud's theory of the Oedipal Complex has become a cultural icon (Freud, Sigmund

What is Freud's most important realization?

Most important among these was Freud's realization that human thought is usually unconscious. His understanding of the role of the automatic repetition of basic patterns of behavior, of the fateful consequences of early childhood emotional ...

What did Sigmund Freud discover about the inner life of man?

Through the development of a novel observational method, Sigmund Freud made possible the collection of reliable data about man's inner life. The scientific hypotheses he formulated about these formed the initial version of psychoanalysis. Many of these first thoughts have had to be revised in the light of subsequent scientific findings about the operations of the central nervous system, but even these refuted propositions often had much heuristic value. Despite the passage of a whole century, many Freudian hypotheses have retained their scientific standing. Most important among these was Freud's realization that human thought is usually unconscious. His understanding of the role of the automatic repetition of basic patterns of behavior, of the fateful consequences of early childhood emotional vicissitudes in structuring enduring mental dispositions, and of the distinction between two distinct modes of thinking are the most significant among his many contributions.

Did Freud's first thoughts have heuristic value?

Many of these first thoughts have had to be revised in the light of subsequent scientific findings about the operations of the central nervous system, but even these refuted propositions often had much heuristic value. Despite the passage of a whole century, many Freudian hypotheses have retained their scientific standing.


  • Psychoanalysis became a dominating school of thought during the early years of psychology and remains quite influential today. In addition to his influence on psychology, Freud's ideas have permeated popular culture and concepts such as denial, Freudian slips, the unconscious, wish f…
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Life, Theories & Contributions to Psychology

Theories & Contributions to Psychology

Some of Freud’s Most Influential and For Others Controversial Theories Included


  • This is an overview of the life of Sigmund Freud and his influential contributions to psychology. His early life and education are discussed, as well as his thoughts, beliefs, theories and research interests. Sigmund Freud’s major contribution to psychology has been his creation of the psychoanalysis and the psychodynamic approach to psychology. Si...
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