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what vegetables will animals not eat

by Russell Bartoletti Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Squirrels are finicky eaters and they will only eat certain types of vegetables. Some of the vegetables that squirrels will not eat include: peas, corn, carrots, and potatoes. These are just a few of the many vegetables that squirrels will not eat.

Deer Resistant Vegetable and Herbs
Highly Deer- ResistantModerately Deer-Resistant
Globe ArtichokesChard (safest in summer when the deer have other food choices)
18 more rows

Full Answer

Are there fruits and vegetables Deer won’t eat?

Are There Fruits and Vegetables Deer Won’t Eat? So what vegetables are deer resistant? As a general rule, deer don’t like plants with strong pungent scents. Planting these plants around the garden perimeter or around their favorite plants can sometimes be enough to make deer seek food elsewhere.

What fruits and vegetables can dogs not eat?

Fruits & Vegetables. Asparagus No, dogs shouldn’t eat asparagus. While asparagus isn’t necessarily unsafe for dogs, there’s really no point in giving it to them. It’s too tough to be eaten raw, and by the time you cook it down so it’s soft enough for dogs to eat, asparagus loses the nutrients it contains.

Are there any plants that wildlife avoid?

Wildlife avoid plants that can make them sick. However, such plants are also poisonous to humans and domestic animals, so you might want to reject them too if you have young children or pets.

Do wild animals eat your vegetable garden?

It can be heartbreaking to lavish love and labor on your garden, only to have it devoured by wild animals. Deer inflict the most damage, but rabbits and groundhogs will also graze and sometimes raze your plants. Unfortunately, plant scavengers will eat most vegetables and in drought-stricken areas, will gobble almost anything that is green.

What plants discourage animals?

What trees are resistant to deer?

Can squirrels eat plastic?

Do rabbits eat daylilies?


What plants do animals not like to eat?

Tough Plants Animals find plants with tough or leathery foliage hard to chew, so they aren't enthusiastic about boxwoods, daphnes, ferns, irises, heathers, pawpaws, peonies, perennial gingers, vincas, and yuccas.

Are there any vegetables deer won't eat?

In the vegetable garden, deer tend to enjoy most of the crops you do, with the exception of rhubarb, asparagus, and garlic. Some gardeners report that deer don't favor onions or tomatoes, but other gardeners insist they do.

How do I keep animals from eating my vegetables?

How to Protect Your Vegetable Garden From AnimalsFences. Fences are generally your best bet when it comes to protecting your vegetable garden from pests like rabbits and deer. ... Plant Barrier Plants. ... Cayenne Pepper Tea. ... Predator Urine. ... Make a Beer Trap. ... Plant Covers. ... Other Animals. ... Other Plants.

What vegetables will rabbits not eat?

Plants rabbits tend to avoid include: Vegetables: asparagus, leeks, onions, potatoes, rhubarb, squash, tomatoes. Flowers: cleomes, geraniums, vincas, wax begonias. Herbs: basil, mint, oregano, parsley, tarragon.

What vegetables do squirrels not like?

Squirrel Resistant Plants Try planting allium, crocus, lily, marigold, hyacinth, daffodil, impatiens, geraniums or columbine if you've had a problem with squirrels eating your flowers. Garlic and onions are some of the only veggies squirrels won't touch.

How do I keep deer out of my vegetable garden?

Probably the most common deer fencing type, black mesh deer netting fastened to wooden 4x4s or metal t-bar garden posts is an effective way to keep deer out of the garden. It must be at least eight feet tall to keep the deer from jumping over it.

What can I put in my garden to keep animals out?

Hot Pepper Sauce. A homemade hot pepper mixture sprayed on your plants will make them taste bad to potential pests and keep animals out of garden. Mix 1 ounce of hot pepper sauce (the hotter the better), 4 drops of natural dish soap and 1 cup of aromatic leaves from plants that rabbits avoid (such as marigolds).

What plants keep animals out of the garden?

Lavender, verbena, thyme, balsam, lilac, and pine are all good choices. Implementing fragrant plants can deter garden crashers by overwhelming their sense of smell. Animals rely on their sense of smell to determine what is safe or desirable enough to eat.

What animal is eating my plants at night?

Wildlife that feed at night include rabbits, deer, squirrels, chipmunks, voles, woodchucks, groundhogs, and skunks. They do a lot of damage. But so do insects. Nighttime feeding insects include caterpillars, Mexican bean beetles, flea beetles, Japanese beetles, the tarnished plant bug, and slugs.

Do coffee grounds repel rabbits?

The smell of the coffee repels snails, slugs and ants. You may also have success using coffee grounds to repel mammals, including cats, rabbits and deer. Research published in September 2014 in the journal Science showed the caffeine in coffee plants evolved as a natural pest repellent.

What repels rabbits from eating plants?

To discourage pesky rabbits, try dusting your plants with plain talcum powder. Since rabbits are such great sniffers, powdered red pepper sprinkled around the garden or on targeted plants may keep them out.

What smells do rabbits hate?

Rabbits have a strong sense of smell, which they use to find accessible food sources. You can take advantage of this trait by using scents they dislike, such as garlic, vinegar, chili powder, predator urine, sulfur, blood meal, chives, lavender, geraniums, and wax begonias.

How do I protect my raised garden beds from animals?

1:022:38How to Keep Critters Out of Your Raised Bed Garden - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipBut you get the point this is the frame of your raised bed and underneath. That you can roll out theMoreBut you get the point this is the frame of your raised bed and underneath. That you can roll out the hardware cloth and staple it to the bed. And that's your physical barrier.

How do you keep animals from eating cucumbers?

You could install a deer proof fence around your entire garden, but this isn't always practical and can be unsightly. Some home gardeners say placing bar soap or human hair near the plants helps to deter them. Others have installed motion sensors near the plants to shine bright lights when triggered.

How do I protect my pumpkin patch from animals?

Petroleum Jelly. Keeping with the theme of making your pumpkins unappealing to hungry animals, you can coat it in a generous layer of petroleum jelly. The jelly creates a tacky layer that most animals will find unappealing.

How do I keep squirrels from eating my cucumbers?

One of the easiest natural methods is to apply hot pepper to your plants. The capsaicin (the “heat” in the pepper) is the deterrent, both in smell and taste. Sprinkle the flakes around the soil of plants that need to be protected, including potted plants.

What veggies can I plant that Deer and critters won't eat? - Houzz

I'm looking to plant some additional things in my Mom's garden but her backyard is basically woods and deer and who knows what else stroll in and will likely chomp on what ever looks good that they can reach. I'm thinking onion and garlic would probably not be favored by critters, anything else that...

What do rabbits eat?

Rabbits flip for lettuce, beans, broccoli and peas (which includes green beans), and avoid asparagus, garlic, and potatoes. But I learned something else- that there is a third category of vegetables that rabbits will “tolerate”.

Is basil a rabbit-proof vegetable?

Also note that some of the experts disagreed with the “rabbit-proof” nature of some vegetables and herbs on this list. For example, The Spruce lists basil as a rabbit-avoid food, but discussion on The Herb Lady shows that homeowners have seen bunnies chomping away at their basil plants.

Can rabbits eat lettuce?

Sadly, the answer is no. NO vegetable plants or herbs are truly rabbit-proof . Like us, they have their favorite foods. BUT if food is scare they will eat anything. For example, rabbits love lettuce, but if food is hard to find, they have been known to chew on the usually-avoided tomato leaves.

Do deer eat edibles?

Deer Resistant Edibles. The sad fact is that there are actually no completely deer proof plants. When herd populations are large and food and water are scarce, deer will graze on whatever they can. Deer get about a third of the water they need from eating plants, so in times of drought they may eat unusual plants just to avoid dehydration.

Are There Fruits and Vegetables Deer Won’t Eat?

So what vegetables are deer resistant? As a general rule, deer don’t like plants with strong pungent scents. Planting these plants around the garden perimeter or around their favorite plants can sometimes be enough to make deer seek food elsewhere.

What veggies can I plant that Deer and critters won't eat?

I'm looking to plant some additional things in my Mom's garden but her backyard is basically woods and deer and who knows what else stroll in and will likely chomp on what ever looks good that they can reach.

How to keep deer from eating alliums?

for the cheap, get some 7ft high plastic deer netting. Rolls are 100 or 110 ft long for about $20. I use cut sapling trunks tied onto metal T posts to hold it up (because my garden is next to the woods), but 2x2s would work as well. Also get a live trap for racoons if growing corn.

What to put behind a garden if you don't have a fence?

Where I don't have a fence, I put butterfly bushes or lilacs behind the garden area and that tends to keep them out, too. This only works for about five feet in front of the shrubs and you still have to surround the veggies (or roses, in my case) with plants they don't like. Coneflowers, daisies, coral bells, salvia, veronica, peonies, columbine, sweet woodruff, pansies, star jasmine and white petunias don't seem to interest them either.

What to plant around beans and cabbage?

In the veggie areas, I plant zinnias, marigolds, cosmos, radishes and nasturtiums around the beans, cabbage, broccoli and lettuce. Tomatoes don't interest them, but a baby did bite off the top of one last year and then spit it out, next to the plant. They also tried a coneflower and a butterfly bush, before figuring out it didn't taste good. Squash, melons and sunflowers were also left alone for the most part.

Do alliums have rodent proof bulbs?

Unfortunately, even the "lists" aren't absolute. Alliums appear on almost every deer and rodent proof list of ornamental bulbs, but I had a vole take out about $500 worth of Globemaster allium bulbs a year ago in the spring.

Do Nova burbs eat peach trees?

They really do seem to prefer my ornamentals to the edibles that creep over the fence, though, except for the ripe fruit on the lowest (in other words, would be easiest for me to harvest if they didn't eat it first!) peach, pear and plum branches.

Do deer eat corn?

I personally agree with the others that there are some things that won't be bothered IME but there are a wide range of critters in the world so it probably depends on where you live, what animals you have to contend with, and the availability of wild food sources. In drought years or when there is heavy snow cover deer may eat just about anything but in normal conditions they pretty much leave my unfenced gardens alone (unless I grow sweet corn that draws them in and then they eat the corn and just about everything else).

Can dogs eat orange peel?

Peaches. Yes, peaches are safe for dogs to eat.

Can dogs eat mushrooms?

Mushrooms. No, dogs should avoid mushrooms. Wild mushrooms can be toxic for dogs. While only 50-100 of the 50,000 mushroom species worldwide are known to be toxic, the ones that are poisonous can really hurt your dog or even lead to death.

Can dogs eat avocados?

The fleshy inside of the fruit doesn’t have as much persin as the rest of the plant, but it is still too much for dogs to handle. Bananas. Yes, dogs can eat bananas.

Can dogs eat green beans?

Yes, dogs can eat green beans. Chopped, steamed, raw, or canned – all types of green beans are safe for dogs to eat, as long as they are plain. Green beans are full of important vitamins and minerals and they’re also full of fiber and low in calories.

Can dogs eat cucumbers?

Yes, dogs can eat cucumbers. Cucumbers are especially good for overweight dogs, as they hold little to no carbohydrates, fats, or oils and they can even boost energy levels. They’re loaded with vitamins K, C, and B1, as well as potassium, copper, magnesium, and biotin. Grapes. No, dogs should never eat grapes.

Can dogs eat spinach?

You can feed your dog fresh or frozen peas, but avoid canned peas with added sodium. Spinach. Yes, dogs can eat spinach, but it’s not one of the top vegetables you’ll want to be sharing with you pup.

Do dogs eat vegetables?

Dogs digest differently than humans do, and eating the wrong foods can lead to long-term health problems and, in extreme cases, even death. As carnivores, they have no real need for fruits and vegetables as part of their diet, but an occasional fruit or veggie as a treat is OK.

What are some of the most toxic ornamental plants?

Some of the more toxic ornamentals include autumn crocuses, bleeding hearts, castor oil plants, daffodils, flowering tobaccos, foxgloves, hellebores, lilies of the valley and monkshoods. Deer seem more inclined to take their chances with poisonous shrubs, though, and will eat azaleas, mountain laurels, and rhododendrons.

Why do animals spit out plants?

Animals often spit out fuzzy or prickly plants, simply because they are uncomfortable to eat. Plants like barberries, cacti, cleomes, devil's walking sticks, dusty millers, globe thistles, grape hollies, lamb's ears, rose campions and strawflowers can, therefore, remain relatively unscathed. However, this doesn't apply to all spiny sorts. Often called "deer candy," rose bushes suffer much gnawing from rabbits during the winter months as well. Rugosas are less attractive to deer than other types of roses, perhaps because they tend to be ever-blooming and have a strong clove scent.

What plants have a strong smell?

Because plant-scavenging animals have a more acute sense of smell than humans, they don't appreciate heavy odors and will usually steer clear of strong-smelling plants such as alliums, anise hyssops, bee balms, catmints, crown imperials, lavenders, mints, oreganos, sages and thymes.

Do animals chew peonies?

Animals find plants with tough or leathery foliage hard to chew, so they aren't enthusiastic about boxwoods, daphnes, ferns, irises, heathers, pawpaws, peonies, perennial gingers, vincas, and yuccas. Nonetheless, there are exceptions to the rule. Even on tough types, new leaves -- especially on plants that have been overfertilized or overwatered -- are much more tender. Deer will also eat the foliage of almost any fruiting plants or trees, such as blueberries and cherries, whether or not their leaves are leathery.

Do deer eat yuccas?

Even on tough types, new leaves -- especially on plants that have been overfertilized or overwatered -- are much more tender. Deer will also eat the foliage of almost any fruiting plants or trees, such as blueberries and cherries, whether or not their leaves are leathery.

Do plant scavengers eat vegetables?

Unfortunately, plant scavengers will eat most vegetables and in drought-stricken areas, will gobble almost anything that is green. In more lush locales, however, they are likely to bypass ornamentals that are prickly, poisonous, heavily scented, or just plain tough.

Do wild animals eat plants?

Deer inflict the most damage, but rabbits and groundhogs will also graze and sometimes raze your plants. Unfortunately, plant scavengers will eat most vegetables and in drought-stricken areas, will gobble almost anything that is green. In more lush locales, however, they are likely to bypass ornamentals that are prickly, poisonous, heavily scented, or just plain tough.

What is the name of the plant that repels mice, voles, and squirrels?

The bulbs of a daffodil contain a toxin that is repelling to most insects, and mice, voles, and squirrels. Daffodils bloom early in the spring and are often planted to help protect the bulbs and seeds of later bloomers. 3. Purple Cone-flower. Scientific Name: Echinacea purpura.

What is the best plant to repel mice and rats?

It can be planted in a garden, or placed in a container that can be moved as needed. You may also like: How to Get Rid of Boxelder Bugs. 9. Lemongrass. image: Pixabay | Lemongrass. Scientific Name: Cymbopogon citratus.

What is the name of the plant that keeps deer away?

Scientific Name: Allium cepa. Onions are a cousin to garlic, so it’s no surprise that they are both effective at repelling animals from your garden. The strong smell from onion plants keeps deer away, and also deters moles from burrowing through.

Can rabbits destroy a garden?

There’s nothing quite as crushing as putting your time and energy into cultivating a garden, only to have it destroyed by rabbits, groundhogs, or deer. You don’t want to harm anything beneficial that may be coming into your garden, but you want to keep out those pesky varmints. Fortunately, there are a number of plants that can help keep animals out of gardens who could potentially eat or trample things.

Can you have too much garlic?

You can never have too much garlic, especially if you have a mole problem. Planting garlic around your flower beds can help prevent moles from digging up your garden. It is especially effective in keeping moles away from your roses. It may be effective since moles depend on their sense of smell when burrowing, and the strong smell of the garlic can interfere with this. Anecdotally, garlic also acts as a deterrent to rabbits.

What vegetables are safe for cats?

Safe Vegetables For Cats. 1. Broccoli. Not only is broccoli tasty, but it is also safe for your cat to eat. It is extremely easy to prepare and contains lots of antioxidants. Broccoli is also a good source of roughage, which will help your cat with better bowel movements and a healthy digestive system. 2.

How to give a cat vegetables?

If you want to give your cat some vegetables, then bake or steam and cut them into small pieces. Offer the vegetables alone or puree them and mix them into your cat’s regular food.

What can cats eat?

In general, cats can eat most vegetables, with many being mixed in with their normal diet. As vegetables contain nutrients such as magnesium, potassium, fibre, vitamins, and antioxidants, which are all beneficial for your cat’s body, helping to boost a cat’s immune system and aid in digestion.

What happens if my cat eats too many carbs?

Even though vegetables are considered extremely healthy for us, exceeding the 10 percent mark of your cat’s daily calorie intake will mean you risk problems with too many carbohydrates, which could lead to obesity.

What are the benefits of green beans for cats?

Green beans may be the most beneficial of all because they serve as a source of fibre and can help in your cat’s digestive system and weight loss control.

Why are onions toxic to cats?

Onions are toxic because they contain thiosulphate, which has the potential to damage a cat’s red blood cells.

Is cat food carnivore?

Cats being carnivores mean that the animal protein they get from meat is the only type of protein that will fulfill a cat’s nutritional need. So, a high-quality cat food should have all the correct nutrition that your cat needs.

What plants discourage animals?

Irene Shonle, writing for Colorado State University Extension Service, advises that, in general, animals are discouraged by very aromatic plants (such as sage, lavender or mint); prickles and spines (such as scotch pine or cactus); tough, leathery leaves (such as lambs ear); toxic plants (such as daffodil) and plants with milky sap (such as dandelion).

What trees are resistant to deer?

The Coalition for American Animals lists shrubs and trees that are highly resistant to deer, including evergreens such as Austrian pine and Norway spruce, several species of dogwood, prickly shrubs such as barberry and juniper, two species of birch and such landscaping staples as common boxwood and common lilac.

Can squirrels eat plastic?

But nearly every such list comes with a "no guarantees" caveat. Even plastic "foliage" can be eaten by squirrels.

Do rabbits eat daylilies?

Some of these are most likely resistant to other animals. But Midwestern gardeners might recall rabbits eating their Easter lilies, while east coast gardeners complain about deer in the roses and daylilies. It just goes to show that one animal's "yuck" is another's "yum."


1.Garden Guides | Garden Plants That Animals Will Not Eat


19 hours ago  · Squirrels are finicky eaters and they will only eat certain types of vegetables. Some of the vegetables that squirrels will not eat include: peas, corn, carrots, and potatoes. These …

2.List of 10+ Vegetable Plants Rabbits Won’t Eat from Your …


6 hours ago  · Some plants that do not appear on other resistant lists include alyssum, basil, carnations, chili peppers, cucumbers, dahlias, daylilies, Easter lily, eggplant, gladiola, …

3.Deer Resistant Edibles - Are There Fruits And Vegetables …


10 hours ago  · Rhubarb: Rhubarb leaves are high in oxalic acid, which can be toxic to goats if consumed in large quantities. Cabbage: Cabbage, kale, and other brassica vegetables contain …

4.What veggies can I plant that Deer and critters won't eat?


5 hours ago Coneflowers, daisies, coral bells, salvia, veronica, peonies, columbine, sweet woodruff, pansies, star jasmine and white petunias don't seem to interest them either. In the veggie areas, I plant …

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