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what was the role of children in athens

by Mr. Clifton Erdman Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Children took part in many religious rituals. At age 3 a young boy tasted his first wine at the festive of Dionysus


Dionysus is the god of the grape-harvest, winemaking and wine, of fertility, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, and theatre in ancient Greek religion and myth.

and also served as temple boys where they assisted at sacrificial rituals. By age seven boys in Athens began attending school.

In Athens, children were looked at as heirs of the estate, thus they were really important to the family. The newly born was not always accepted, contrary to the Homeric times, as it was not a crime. The father decided if he would accept the child or abandon them, leaving them in front of a temple [1].Dec 1, 2020

Full Answer

What was life like in Athens for children?

In Athens, however, girls and boys were brought up much differently. While boys went off to school at age seven, young girls continued to stay at home until they were married, rarely ever leaving home. Girls were not formally educated, but some mothers did teach their daughters to read and write.

What were the roles of children in Greece?

Boys and girls had different roles in ancient Greece. Girls grew up helping their mothers around the house. All girls were taught to cook, weave, and clean. Girls also learned ancient secret songs and dances so they could participate in the religious festivals.

What did boys do in Athens?

Boys went to school to learn to read, writing, and memorize the works of philosophers. Boys also had private tutor, who were often slaves, to help them with their lessons. Girls stayed at home with their mothers and learned what they would need to have a house of their own.

What was the role of girls in Athens?

When they married, Athenian women had two main roles: to bear children, and to run the household. The ideal Athenian woman did not go out in public or interact with men she was not related to, though this ideology of seclusion would only have been practical in wealthy families.

What are the child's roles?

The children are expected to be loving, obedient, respectful and Godly. In fact, the children of the family are actually the benchmark for ascertaining the goodness of a family. This is a whole lot of abstract responsibility for the children.

What is the traditional role of a child?

Within a healthy family, the role of a child is to be a child, meaning that they hold less power than their parent, parents, or caregiver(s). In a healthy family system, a child's physical and emotional development are nurtured by a parent(s) or caregiver(s).

Did Athenian children go to school?

Greek boys went to school, but girls did not. Girls in wealthier families might have been taught to read but, most stayed at home and learned how to do housework.

In what way did a boy's life in Athens differ?

Q. In what way did a boy's life in Athens differ from a boy's life in Sparta? Athenian boys went to school; Spartan boys served in the military. Athenian boys studied combat; Spartan boys played sports.

How were kids treated in ancient Greece?

Surviving Early Childhood in Ancient Greece Children were subjected to selection which meant only those who were fit in the judgment of their fathers or the state would be kept to be raised and others were abandoned. This meant only fewer children survived to live on. But even their infancy was not smooth.

What did little girls do in ancient Greece?

Girls stayed at home and were educated in household matters. They learned how to cook, weave clothing and look after the home. Many girls would be married by the age of 13. In wealthier families, some girls would learn a little bit of reading and writing at home.

What did girls do in Greece?

In addition to childbearing, the weaving of fabric and managing the household were the principal responsibilities of a Greek woman. Young women, however, had some mobility in antiquity.

At what age did girls marry in ancient Athens?

fourteenMost young Greek women would be married at about the age of fourteen to a man roughly twice their age. Prior to the marriage ceremony the couple would probably have met only a few times, and while the bride would normally be a virgin, the husband almost certainly was not.

Why were children important in ancient Greece?

Studying children and childhood is of great importance because it provides insight into social norms and social life in ancient Greece. Children were important for the parents, the home, and city. Not having children led to inability to pass on the property and wealth of the father.

What was the role of children in the Middle Ages?

From a young age, children were expected to help out at home with tasks suited to their age and development. They could care for animals and siblings, fetch and carry, cook, and even help out in the family business.

How were children viewed in ancient Greece?

Surviving Early Childhood in Ancient Greece Children were subjected to selection which meant only those who were fit in the judgment of their fathers or the state would be kept to be raised and others were abandoned. This meant only fewer children survived to live on. But even their infancy was not smooth.

What was the role of children during the Renaissance?

Children During the Renaissance They were expected to act, talk, and dress like adults. As soon as they could, they were expected to begin working. They generally weren't hugged or coddled. However, as people gained more free time and wealth during the Renaissance, they began to treat their children differently.

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