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whats the best feed for runner beans

by Maxine Vandervort Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Feed. To boost your crop, feed with liquid tomato food once every two or three weeks after the plant starts flowering.

Full Answer

What do you feed runner beans before planting?

If you have not planted any kind of beans in the soil before, you will need to inoculate the soil with Rhizobium phaseoli prior to planting. This should be available at most garden stores. As with many plants, feeding runner beans phosphorus and potassium nutrients regularly will promote healthy growth.

What are the best runner bean varieties to try?

Great runner bean varieties to try are Polestar, Scarlet Emperor, Painted Lady and Moonlight. The best way to grow runner beans is from seed, and then to add supports for the plants as they grow.

What is the best fertilizer for runner beans?

Feed runner beans with a general liquid fertiliser each time you water them, then switch to a tomato fertiliser once the first flowers start to form. Mix the tomato fertiliser at half the manufacturer’s recommended rate.

What are climbing and runner beans good for?

They are useful for raised beds and containers, and for gardens in exposed sites. Climbing beans take longer to reach cropping stage, but produce beans over a longer period, from mid-summer to early autumn if picked regularly. Runner beans are attractive as well as productive, with red, white or bi-coloured flowers, depending on the variety.

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What is the best thing to feed runner beans?

Feed runner beans with a general liquid fertiliser each time you water them, then switch to a tomato fertiliser once the first flowers start to form. Mix the tomato fertiliser at half the manufacturer's recommended rate.

Should runner bean plants be fed?

A lack of moisture is one of the main reasons why runner bean flowers can fail to set pods. A liquid feed applied every 14 days will also help to maximise your crop. Pinch out the growing tips of the plants once the stems reach the top of their canes.

Can I use tomato feed on runner beans?

All plants need all three, but leafy crops particularly need nitrogen, and fruit crops won't develop well without enough potassium. For example, the easiest way to get good yields of tomatoes, runner beans, strawberries and other fruiting crops is to apply liquid tomato feed which is rich in potassium.

Is Miracle Grow good for runner beans?

If you are looking for an all-around great option for green beans then I recommend the Miracle-Gro All Purpose Plant Food. This is one of the Best Green Beans Fertilizers EVER! This fertilizer instantly feeds providing bigger, better green beans. You can apply it every two weeks with a garden feeder.

Is blood fish and bone good for runner beans?

It is often advisable to water in the evening so that the moisture does not evaporate from the soil surface during the day before it can reach the plant's roots. Use organic feeds such as blood, fish and bone to promote strong growth. Like most plants, runner beans do attract pests which can do damage to your plants.

Can you use tomato feed on green beans?

The secret of tender, tasty beans is to keep the plants growing steadily, so make sure they are watered in dry spells and give them a dose of liquid tomato feed every week or two. Once beans start cropping, pick them regularly.

Why are the leaves on my runner beans turning yellow?

Virus and Yellow Leaves on Beans If bush or pole beans have yellow leaves, the problem might be a virus. Unfortunately, there is no cure. Virus problems may develop from low nutrient levels or even herbicide injury, but they are most likely from infected bean seeds.

How do I stop slugs eating my runner beans?

An easy and successful method of keeping slugs, snails from the runner beans growing in the raised beds has been to fix copper tape around the sides of the raised vegetable bed. This is particularly useful when the raised beds have been built against a fence or garden wall.

Do runner beans need lots of water?

Runner beans are thirsty plants and crop best when watered regularly, especially once they start to flower and form pods. You will typically need to apply 5–9 litres (1–2 gallons) of water per square metre/yard every three to four days.

What is the best fertilizer for green beans?

Green beans are different from other garden crops because they can produce nitrogen so there is no need to use a Nitrogen-high fertilizer. It would be better to use low-nitrogen 5-10-10 fertilizer or 6-12-12 fertilizer. You can also use non-chemical organic fertilizers from compost, bone meal, or well-rotted manure.

How do you make beans grow better?

How to Grow Green BeansBalance your soil pH. Green beans prefer a slightly acidic soil with a pH of around 6.0. ... Provide sun. Green bean plants need six to eight hours of full sun per day. ... Water properly. Beans need well-drained soil to keep from rotting or creating powdery mildew. ... Mulch. ... Sow more beans.

Why you shouldn't use Miracle-Gro?

Why Is Miracle-Gro Bad? Depending on the Miracle-Gro products you use, Miracle-Gro may have high levels of salt, which over time strip your soil of its natural nutrients and prevent plants from absorbing them, causing a type of “lawn burn.”

Best Fertilizer for Beans

Espoma has supplied garden fertilizers since 1929. They have optimized their plant fertilizers using the Bio-tone formula.

Fertilizers for Beans Buying Guide

Granular fertilizers are small tablets or pellets of plant food. This fertilizer is spread directly on the ground without mixing it with anything.

Fertilizing Beans

Before buying any fertilizer, get your soil tested in a local gardening center. This will give you the complete soil, nutrients deficiencies, and pH level.


We have shared a complete list of the best fertilizers for beans. This article also gives useful information and tips about feeding beans.


There is a rumour going round that what happens in the Northern Hemisphere (where the UK is) is not necessarily what happens in the Southern Hemisphere, for instance Australia, as far as runner beans are concerned.


Runner bean plants need lots of water, one look at the amount of foliage per plant will tell you that. If the weather becomes dry water them once a week with lots and lots of water. Weed around the base of the plant to reduce competition from weeds.

Runner Beans vs. Green Beans

Taking a look at them side-by-side, it might be hard to notice a difference between runner beans and green beans – and don’t forget pole beans, soybeans, and string beans! That’s a lot of beans, each with their own unique characteristics.

The Best Varieties of Runner Beans

Runner beans differ in the color of flowers they produce. Most varieties grow either scarlet-colored or white flowers. The scarlet runner beans look more orange than red.

How to Plant Runner Beans

These beans are native to Central and South America, but they grow well in a variety of climates. Many gardeners find that they germinate better in cool soil rather than the hot soils found in their native lands. Remember that these plants are perennials, but they’re usually grown as annuals.

How to Care for Runner Beans

Runner bean vines need to stay well-watered. Make sure you don’t let them dry out by watering them throughout the week. Otherwise, they’ll die.

Harvesting Runner Beans

You can start harvesting when the pods are 6-8 inches long before the beans inside begin to swell. Those beans can get huge, so you don’t want to wait too long.

Growing Runner Beans

If you’ve never heard of runner beans before, now is the chance to add them to your garden. Not only are they ornamental, but they are a delicious veggie to put on your dinner table. Learning how to grow runner beans is worth it because you’ll love the flowers that cover the support system all summer long.

How to sow runner beans

Sow runner beans one seed to a 8cm (3in) pot, burying the seed with a layer of compost as deep as the seed is long.

How to grow runner beans

Make sure you use sturdy supports for runner beans because the mature plants can easily pull down wobbly canes. Create a triangle arch with two bamboo canes spaced every 30cm and joined together at the top with string. Then, run canes horizontally along the groove at the top of each triangle and secure them with string of rubber ties.


Runner beans need tall, sturdy supports to climb up. The traditional method is to grow them up a double row of bamboo canes (1.8m/6ft tall), with 45–60cm (18in–2ft) between the two rows. Space the canes 15cm (6in) apart within each row and slope them inwards, then tie near the top to a horizontal cane, to form a sturdy A-frame.

Common problems

Runner beans are one of the easiest vegetables to grow. However, a few pests and diseases can be problematic, one of the most common being black bean aphids.


Cropping starts around mid-summer, depending on the variety and when the seeds were sown, and continues for eight weeks or more if harvested regularly.


Nigel Slater recommends serving runner beans with lemon and garlic crumbs, as a lovely side dish for grilled fish.

Recommended Varieties

Good crops of long, smooth, tender beans in clusters with exhibition potential if grown well. Frost tender, plant out after last frosts. Needs strong supports to climb up. High in vitamin C, foliate and iron with good fibre content.

Where to grow runner beans

Runner beans thrive in containers and grow bags Image: Runner Bean 'Firestorm' from Thompson & Morgan

How to sow runner beans indoors

Start your runner beans off indoors in April, but don't plant outside until the end of May Image: Dean Clarke/Shutterstock

How to direct sow runner beans outdoors

For small gardens, there's even dwarf runner bean varieties that can be grown in containers Image: Runner Bean 'Hestia' (Dwarf) from Thompson & Morgan

How to support runner beans

Runner beans' stems naturally twine around their supporting structure as they grow Image: Runner Bean 'Lady Di' from Thompson & Morgan

How to feed and care for runner beans

To get a good crop of beans, make sure you water and feed your runners regularly Image: Runner Bean 'Scarlet Emperor' from Thompson & Morgan

When to harvest runner beans

Harvest your runner beans once the pods reach around 20cm long Image: Runner Bean 'Scarlet Emperor' from Thompson & Morgan

Why do my runner beans fail to set pods?

Use CDs as a homemade bird scarer to protect your crops Image: Christopher Kissling/Shutterstock

How to grow runner beans from seed

The best way to grow runner beans is from seed, and then to add supports for the plants as they grow. ‘They are so easy to grow from seed that there is little point buying in plants unless you missed the sowing window,’ says Alex Mitchell in her book Crops in Tight Spots.

What month do you plant runner beans?

What month you should plant runner beans varies in different regions, but the simple rule is not to plant them outside until the risk of frost has passed.

Growing runner beans in pots

If you're looking for ideas for a small vegetable garden, growing runner beans in pots or grow bags is a fantastic. Equally, if you are short on planting space and want to keep them on the patio, they make fabulous vegetable garden container ideas, too – they make an attractive feature, adding height and interest.

Making a runner bean wigwam

For experienced growers, making runner bean wigwams is a yearly ritual. It's such a pleasure to watch the plants scramble up the supports, and varieties with scarlet red flowers make a particularly stunning feature.

When to harvest runner beans

You must learn the signs of when to harvest runner beans, in order to enjoy them when they are tender and tasty, rather than tough and stringy.

Should I pinch out runner bean seedlings?

Pinching out runner bean seedlings will encourage them to grow more side shoots and to put their energy into producing pods rather than growing taller.

How tall should I let my runner beans grow?

Runner beans can easily grow to 6 foot or more, so pinch them out before they get beyond a manageable height.

How to grow runner beans at home

To grow runner beans you need a good, moisture-retentive soil, bamboo canes or similar support, and some twine to tie the bamboo canes together. Plant seeds in pots, root-trainers or old toilet roll tubes in April for planting out in late May, or sow seed direct in the ground in May and early June.

How to grow runner beans from seed

Runner beans need a sunny spot in rich, moisture-retentive soil with plenty of well-rotted compost or manure added. You can prepare the soil for planting in autumn or spring, it doesn’t really matter. Dig the area thoroughly to remove weeds and add a generous amount of well-rotted garden compost or manure.

How to care for your runner bean crop

Runner beans need a strong support, such a wigwam. Use four or more canes, up to 3m long, and push the end of each one firmly into the soil in a circle, spacing them evenly. Tie all the tops of the canes together to form a wigwam. Then plant one runner bean at the base of each cane.

Growing runner beans: problem solving

Young runner bean plants are particularly susceptible to slugs. It’s a good idea to grow more than you need, and then plant them out when they’re as large as possible, to help them cope with any mollusc attacks.

Harvesting runner beans

Runner beans are ready to pick 12 to 16 weeks after sowing. The bean pods are at their most tender at 15-20cm long – any longer and they become stringy. Regular picking encourages the plants to produce more flowers, and therefore more young beans. Don’t leave old beans on the plants as this will stop the plants flowering.

How to store runner beans

Runner beans freeze well. Top and tail them and remove any ‘string’. Slice beans into short lengths, blanch in boiling water for two minutes, drain, cool, pop into plastic bags and freeze.

How to prepare and use runner beans

Runner beans are delicious lightly steamed with a knob of butter. Cold, cooked beans are good in salads. Never eat them raw.


1.What Plant Food Can You Give to Runner Beans? - SFGATE


17 hours ago  · What Plant Food Can You Give to Runner Beans? Runner Bean Basics. If you are growing runner beans for beauty, you have a great deal of pleasure in store since the plant is known for its lovely red ... Feeding Runner Beans. Indoors vs. Outdoors. Runner Bean Problems.

2.Best Fertilizers for Beans – A Buyers Guide 2022


21 hours ago  · The best fertilizers for beans have an NPK value of 5-10-10 and are therefore low in nitrogen (N) and higher in potassium (P) and phosphorus (K). Nitrogen can increase the yield if the soil you are planting in is low in nitrogen (N).

3.How to look after your Runner Beans in the UK


18 hours ago WATERING, FEEDING AND CARE OF RUNNER BEANS Runner bean plants need lots of water, one look at the amount of foliage per plant will tell you that. If the weather becomes dry water them once a week with lots and lots of water. Weed around the base of …

4.Runner Beans: Varieties Growing Guide, Problems, and …


5 hours ago Scarlet Runner: This is the most common variety – it produces bright red flowers. It’s a vigorous vine that reaches over 10 feet tall and produces enormous seeds. Sunset Runner Beans: This variety produces blooms that are peach to shell-pink. …

5.How to grow a big crop of runner beans - The English …


18 hours ago  · Feed runner beans with a general liquid fertiliser each time you water them, then switch to a tomato fertiliser once the first flowers start to form. Mix the tomato fertiliser at half the manufacturer’s recommended rate.

6.Runner Beans - Growing your own / RHS Gardening


10 hours ago If you have space, start runner beans off indoors – on a sunny windowsill, in a propagator or in a greenhouse – from mid-April to May. This will give you an earlier crop. Choose pots 7–8cm (2.5–3in) wide and fill with moist multi-purpose compost. Sow one bean into the centre, 5cm (2in) deep, and water well.

7.How to grow Runner Beans | Thompson & Morgan


36 hours ago How to direct sow runner beans outdoors. For small gardens, there's even dwarf runner bean varieties that can be grown in containers. Image: Runner Bean 'Hestia' (Dwarf) from Thompson & Morgan. Sow runner beans directly into the ground from May to July. Sow them at a depth of 5cm (2") at 30cm (12") intervals in rows 45cm (18") apart.

8.How to grow runner beans – from seed and in pots


12 hours ago  · Choose a compost blend that's designed for vegetables, or make your own, mixing in plenty of garden compost and some well-rotted manure. When growing runner beans in pots, you will need to keep on top of watering, as the soil can quickly dry out.

9.Five of the best runner beans to grow - BBC Gardeners …


28 hours ago  · ‘Polestar’ runner beans, placed on hessian Try growing sweet peas alongside your runner beans – not only does the combination look pretty, it will help to attract beneficial pollinators, too. Harvesting runner beans into a saucepan

10.How To Grow Runner Beans - BBC Gardeners World …


29 hours ago  · Great runner beans varieties to grow. ‘Red Rum’ – heavy cropper, even in poor weather conditions, awarded RHS Award of Garden Merit. ‘Armstrong’ – heavy cropper of long string-free pods with a great flavour. ‘Celebration’ – the pretty pink flowers are followed by plenty of straight, tender, ...

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