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whats the difference between spanish 21 and regular 21

by Devyn Hackett Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

In blackjack, when you and the dealer make 21, you must push. But in Spanish 21, a player getting 21 wins automatically. The same applies if both player and dealer get blackjack – the player wins.Nov 19, 2020

Full Answer

What is Spanish 21 in blackjack?

Blackjack has been a favorite casino game since as early as the 17 th century. Spanish 21 is a Hispanic blackjack variation without 10s in which the player’s 21 always wins. The seemingly simplified Spanish 21 rules required a modified Spanish 21 strategy.

How to win at Spanish 21?

Attempting to answer “how to win at Spanish 21”, Walker highlights counting cards as the best system for games of skills. Although the tens are eliminated from the deck, it is feasible to count cards with modifications.

What is the house edge in Spanish 21?

Namely, the house edge in Spanish 21 is always around 0.40%, which is not always the case with the standard variant. In contrast, the world-popular classic variation can indeed have an extremely low house edge – as seen in our comprehensive article.

Does Spanish 21 have better odds?

In Spanish 21, a player 21 always wins, and a player blackjack always beats the dealer blackjack. Of course, with no 10s, hitting a blackjack at all is a lot harder. In European Blackjack, a dealer will hit on 16 and stand on 17. In some Spanish 21 games, the dealer may hit a soft 17 (a 17 with an ace).

Is Spanish 21 and blackjack the same?

Spanish 21 uses most of the same rules that you can find at the blackjack table, but it combines all of the best rules and adds a few more bells and whistles. The only down side is that the game uses a Spanish deck of cards instead of a normal 52 card deck. A Spanish deck only has 48 cards.

Why is Spanish 21 better than blackjack?

That's actually only how it works in regular blackjack games, because in Spanish 21, ANY player total of 21 wins automatically—regardless of the dealer's hand. This is a huge difference in favor of the player. Also, in a standard blackjack game, a player natural versus a dealer natural results in a push (or a tie).

What are the rules of Spanish 21?

0:354:24How to Play Spanish 21 - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipIf you're dealt a three and an ace you would have either four or fourteen. If you get an ace and anyMoreIf you're dealt a three and an ace you would have either four or fourteen. If you get an ace and any face card you've got blackjack. You always win with this hand in spanish 21.

Is Spanish blackjack better?

In blackjack, when you and the dealer make 21, you must push. But in Spanish 21, a player getting 21 wins automatically. The same applies if both player and dealer get blackjack – the player wins. Another big bonus is the ability to double down after any number of cards dealt in Spanish 21.

Why do they call it Spanish 21?

Now, while Spain may or may not be Blackjack's country of origin, the reason why Spanish 21 has its name is because of its use of a 48-card Spanish deck. You can play the game using the standard French suited 52-deck if you remove the four ten-spot cards.

Is blackjack a skill or luck?

Purely based on statistics, some casino gamblers get lucky and win money. Blackjack, however, can be beaten based on skill—no luck involved.

What are the odds of Spanish 21?

Match the DealerNumber of DecksNon-Suited MatchHouse Edge24:13.63%44:13.20%53:13.53%64:13.06%1 more row

When should you surrender in Spanish 21?

Here's a quick guide to basic strategy in Spanish 21. The first thing to decide is whether you should surrender. You'll only surrender if the dealer has an ace showing as his up card, then, only when you have a total of 16 or 17. Some casinos don't allow surrender, but if they do, this is your first decision.

Does Spanish 21 have face cards?

The cards are dealt face up, one to each player and then one to the Dealer followed by a second card to each player. Aces count as 1 or 11, Court cards count as 10 and all other cards have their face value.

Does basic strategy work Spanish 21?

But with a house edge as low as 0.4%, Spanish 21 with basic strategy is one of the best bets in the casino. You can play Spanish 21 at many of the leading online casino sites.

Is blackjack the same as pontoon?

It is neither a variant of nor derived from Blackjack. Both are descended from the early British version of Vingt-Un. In Britain, it first became known as Pontoon during the First World War, the name apparently being a soldier's corruption of its former French name.

Which game has better odds, Spanish 21 or Blackjack?

We’d say that Spanish 21 does, as you get more options when it comes to payouts for various hands.

What is the primary difference between Blackjack and Spanish 21?

The Spanish 21 and blackjack differences stem mainly from the fact that Spanish 21 doesn’t use 10s, although it does use face-cards. This, coupled...

Is Spanish 21 better to play than Blackjack?

That depends. Blackjack is definitely the most popular of the games. However, Spanish 21 is ideal if you are skilled enough at blackjack but fancy...

Can I count cards in Spanish 21?

Yes, you can. Because there are no 10 cards in the deck, it may be arguably easier to keep track of what cards have come and gone. However, in RNG...

What is Spanish 21?

Unlike many older casino games, Spanish 21 is a trademarked game from a specific company —Masque Publishing Inc. Casinos which offer Spanish 21 pay royalties to Masque Publishing Inc. in exchange for being allowed to offer the game. Spanish 21 also features favorable odds for players who are willing to learn the differences between it ...

What is the difference between Spanish 21 and blackjack?

The first and possibly most important difference between standard blackjack and Spanish 21 is the use of a “Spanish” deck of cards. This is just a standard 52 card deck with the 10s removed—not the face cards, which are also worth 10, but only the cards with the number 10 on them.

How many cards are in a Spanish deck?

And even though a Spanish deck only has 12 cards worth 10 points in it (instead of 16), there are still more cards worth 10 points than any other value. Earlier, I mentioned tying the dealer if you have a total of 21.

How much does Spanish 21 pay off?

Spanish 21 also offers a variety of bonus payouts for various hands. A 5-card hand totaling 21 pays off at 3 to 2, just like a natural would. A 6-card hand totaling 21 pays off at 2 to 1. A 7-card hand totaling 21 is clearly rare, but it pays off at a whopping 3 to 1.

Can you surrender Spanish 21?

If she does, you can’t sur render, because you automatically lose. (Yes, if you push—or tie—the dealer, you don’t automatically lose. But you’d never surrender if you had a total of 21 anyway, so the point is moot.) Also, in Spanish 21, you’re allowed to double down after splitting.

What is the difference between Spanish 21 and Blackjack?

Do you know the differences between the two games? If we were to compare blackjack vs Spanish 21, what would you expect to see? In reality, Spanish 21 is very closely related to most conventional blackjack games. Almost all the rules are identical, but you’re looking at one significant difference, though.

Spanish 21 vs Blackjack – The odds explained

Firstly, we need to discuss Spanish 21 vs blackjack’s odds. As touched on, Spanish 21 sees all 10s removed from the deck (the face cards remain). What this does is make it incredibly difficult to land blackjack, or in this game, a twenty-one. Blackjack vs Spanish 21’s odds try to compensate for this by including a surrender rule.

The house edges compared

When considering regular blackjack vs Spanish 21, you’re looking at large similar house edges on the blackjack tables. Spanish 21 vs blackjack house edges can both be brought down by players who know what they are doing.

Explaining Spanish 21 – The deck

As touched on earlier, one of the biggest differences between Spanish 21 and blackjack is the deck sizes. In Spanish 21 (unlike other games), tens are removed. This limits the number of blackjack cards in a deck compared to standard blackjack and means that you’re going to have to work harder to land your blackjack wins.

Favourable players rules exist in Spanish 21

While thus far, it may appear that Spanish 21 is designed to frustrate you, there are one or two rules in the game that you may find favorable. For instance, doubling down is a touch different in Spanish 21.

The difference in Basic Strategy

Because there are no 10 cards in the deck (just face cards), you can’t use one of blackjack’s best casino strategies to win here. Basic Strategy effectively goes out the window. However, we’ve chalked up a point on our Spanish 21 vs blackjack cheat card because we did find a strategy that specifically relates to Spanish 21.

FAQs: Your questions on Spanish 21 answered

Before you go and potentially start playing Spanish 21 (or blackjack), take a quick look at our FAQ (our frequently asked questions) guide to see if we can assist you.

How to play Spanish 21?

Although the rules for Spanish 21 can vary at different locations, they are typically as follows: 1 Late surrender is allowed- If the dealer does not have a blackjack, the player may surrender and receive half of their bet back. Unfortunately, they also forfeit their ability to keep playing. 2 Double after split is allowed- If the player ends up with two cards of the same value, he or she may “split” them to make two hands. Players are allowed to double their bet after splitting 3 Re-splitting aces is allowed, as well as splitting in general up to four hands. 4 A player 21 always wins- This is one of the most important advantages of Spanish 21. According to traditional blackjack rules, the house can beat a 21 if the number of cards in the dealer’s hand is fewer than in the player’s. 5 Player blackjack beats dealer blackjack- In regular blackjack, this would be a push and would result in no winnings. However, in Spanish 21, this win results in a 3:2 payout. 6 Player may double on any number of cards. 7 Player may usually hit and double down after splitting aces- 8 Player may surrender after doubling, known as “double down rescue”- The player forfeits an amount equal to his original bet. Essentially, he takes the double bet while forfeiting his original bet.

What is the house advantage of Spanish 21?

Most casinos offering Spanish 21 require that the dealer hit on a soft 17. Because of this, the house advantage is about 0.8%, which is worse than almost any other variation of blackjack.

Is Spanish 21 the same as blackjack?

Spanish 21 is played on the same traditional table as its counterpart, but it offers the player plenty more options than traditional blackjack; however, these options come at a price.

What is the difference between Spanish 21 and European 21?

The major difference between Spanish 21 and European Blackjack is the missing 10s. All the 10 cards are stripped from the deck in Spanish 21. That means players' hands are more often than not made up with lots of low cards. In European Blackjack, the potential for side bets is minimal.

What is Spanish 21?

Spanish 21 is a unique take on blackjack with a few subtle differences in how the game plays out. Players can also enjoy taking on a few side bets, too. Here are the key differences between European Blackjack and Spanish 21, with a few tips for getting the most out of the game.

What is double down in Spanish 21?

Where the double down is an optimal play in European Blackjack, it can negate some of the side bets like the 7-7-7. Low cards are your friend in Spanish 21. With a 3/2 and 2/1 payout offered on 5-card and 6-card hands respectively, it's advisable to split low pairs and keep hitting on two separate hands.

How many decks are there in Spanish 21?

Spanish 21 Blackjack is played with a shoe of six decks. Players are dealt two cards and must keep receiving cards until they decide to stop ('stand'), without going over 21 in the process. Once a player has placed a bet, they receive their cards and hit or stand. The dealer will follow. The highest hand wins.

What is the difference between 21 and blackjack?

In Spanish 21, a player 21 always wins, and a player blackjack always beats the dealer blackjack. Of course, with no 10s, hitting a blackjack at all is a lot harder.

Does Spanish 21 have a tie?

Unlike European Blackjack, a blackjack will not end in a tie in Spanish 21. If both the player and the dealer have a blackjack (an ace and a picture card), the player wins.

Can you split a Spanish 21 card?

Spanish 21 players have the option to split their paired cards and continue betting with two hands. A re-split is also possible if the player is then dealt another pair. A winning hand pays 1/1.

Low House Edge

In Spanish 21, when the dealer hits or stands on a soft 17, the house edge would be around 0.4%. A house edge this low is one of the advantages that make people love the game. Hardly would you be able to find any blackjack game in an online casino with a house edge less than half a per cent.

21 Always Wins in Spanish 21

In the European blackjack, playing a 21 should be a win, but it is nonetheless disappointing if the dealer is playing a 21 as well. In the European blackjack, if you tie the dealer with 21, it would be a push.

Late Surrender

One of the most thrilling options you can find at blackjack table games is the late surrender. With the late surrender option, you get to keep half of your bet when the dealer checks his card.

After Split, you can Double Down

In the regular blackjack, you can’t double down after splitting, but in Spanish 21, you can do so. Indeed, when you split your aces, following by a double down, it will give you four times the wager in play. However, this is on the condition that any total of 21 wins can make you achieve a big win as you draw a face card to each ace.

Re-splitting Aces

Another rule we looked at in the blackjack table games is the ability to re-split aces. Imagine you have a pair of aces, and you split them; you can get another ace on the one hand or both hands. Now, if you can re-split aces, then you should be able to re-split the second pair of aces.

Doubling Any Number of Cards

What makes the house edge in Spanish 21 so low is that you can double down in any profitable situation. Indeed, rules stipulate that you can double down on any number of cards. It holds a tremendous advantage over European blackjack rules. Usually, you can only double down your first two cards in regular blackjack.

What are the benefits of Spanish 21?

The benefits of Spanish 21 keep coming. In blackjack, when you and the dealer make 21, you must push. But in Spanish 21, a player getting 21 wins automatically. The same applies if both player and dealer get blackjack – the player wins. Another big bonus is the ability to double down after any number of cards dealt in Spanish 21.

Can you surrender in Spanish 21?

Firstly, you can surrender in Spanish 21; effectively, you give up your hand, like folding in poker. When you do, you get half your bet back. While it’s obvious you cannot win following this move, the value derived from getting half your wager back is often better than keeping going and losing the whole lot.

Is Spanish 21 more popular than blackjack?

Refer to the chart during play, so long as it does not slow things down for others. Blackjack is more popular. You won’t find Spanish 21 as readily available in online casinos as other games. So if you want to play a variant of 21, then blackjack games are your best bet.

Can you split aces in Spanish 21?

You split and play on in most blackjack games, but the Spanish 21 version lets you double down – perfect if you split two aces. The aces advantage doesn’t end there – if you split aces and land another ace, you can re-split, getting even more money on the table in a favorable position.

How many cards are in Spanish 21?

First, you should note that the number of cards in Spanish 21 is 48 cards instead of the regular 52 cards. The four 10 cards are not present in a game of Spanish 21. It is clear that with the four 10 cards removed the house edge wouldn’t be in your favour. Therefore, it is interesting to know that most casinos offer a better odd in ...

What is the house edge in Spanish 21?

In Spanish 21, when the dealer hits or stands on a soft 17, the house edge would be around 0.4%. A house edge this low is one of the advantages that make people love the game. Hardly would you be able to find any blackjack game in an online casino with a house edge less than half a per cent.

What is the late surrender option in Spanish 21?

When you play a Spanish 21 game, you have the option to surrender after you double down.

Is 21 a win in Spanish 21?

It doesn’t matter if both you and the dealer has a natural blackjack. It would still be a win. However, it’s harder to get a 21 in Spanish 21 because it lacks the 10’s cards.

Is 21 a win in European blackjack?

In the European blackjack, playing a 21 should be a win , but it is nonetheless disappointing if the dealer is playing a 21 as well. In the European blackjack, if you tie the dealer with 21, it would be a push.

Is Spanish 21 the same as European blackjack?

Spanish 21 and the European blackjack are both variants of the popularly played blackjack table games. A person unfamiliar with blackjack will think they are the same game, only with different names. However, they are not entirely similar. On the contrary, they are v ery different in terms of rules. For a better understanding, let’s look ...

Can you surrender Spanish 21?

When you play a Spanish 21 game, you have the option to surrender after you double down. It is very profitable because at times after a double down, you can be dealt with a very terrible card. For instance, you have the 5 and the 6 cards, then you double down, and you get a hard total of 16.

What is Spanish 21? – Briefly Explained

It’s thought that blackjack was invented in one of the many French casinos in the 18th century.

Rules of Spanish 21

As a variation of blackjack, Spanish 21 shares the same principles as the 21 game. The main objective of Spanish 21 is identical to that in blackjack.

Spanish 21 Payouts

In regular blackjack, you’ll always get paid 1:1, unless you get a natural 21. This is not the case at all in Spanish 21, as this game offers specific payouts based on a number of different factors.

Spanish 21 vs. Blackjack – What are The Differences?

To fully understand Spanish 21 rules in the context of general blackjack, we should also compare this game to the “vanilla” blackjack version.

How to Play Spanish 21 – Basic Strategies to Keep in Mind

Now that we’ve covered all of the rules, potential payouts, and discussed the differences between Spanish 21 and traditional blackjack, let’s also go over some basic Spanish 21 strategies.

Additional Tips & Tricks

Apart from the basic Spanish 21 strategies we’ve covered above, there are some general tips you should remember, as they apply to any situation when playing this game. So, here are some additional tips for Spanish 21:

Spanish 21 Blackjack – Key Takeaways

Spanish 21 is undoubtedly very popular across the globe and is played by many blackjack fans. As one of the best-known blackjack variations, it’s available in many land-based and online casinos.

The Spanish Deck

The first and possibly most important difference between standard blackjackand Spanish 21 is the use of a “Spanish” deck of cards. This is just a standard 52 card deck with the 10s removed—not the face cards, which are also worth 10, but only the cards with the number 10 on them. If you’ve read some of my previous posts …
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Favorable Player Rules

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The House Edge in Spanish 21 Versus The House Edge in Blackjack

  • I mentioned earlier that the house edgeis a mathematical expression of the advantage the house has over the player. It’s an estimate based on probability, and it ensures that the casino will win in the long run. That’s how probability works, by the way—in the short term, anything can happen. But in the long run, the actual results tend to mirror the mathematically expected results. Obviously, i…
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Basic Strategy Differences

  • Some of the basic strategy for Spanish 21 is the same (or at least similar) to the basic strategy for any blackjack game. For example, you’ll still hit any hard total of 8 or less in Spanish 21. But the strategy for doubling down is trickier in Spanish 21 because you need to account for the number of cards you have. That’s because of the bonus payoffs for getting a total of 21 with 5 cards or …
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Unlicensed Versions of Spanish 21

  • Here’s an interesting side note: you can trademark the name and presentation of a game, but you cannot copyright the actual rules of a game. (You can copyright the expression of those rules, but not the rules themselves.) In the case of Spanish 21, this means that some casinos offer variations of Spanish 21 that are slightly different but are essentially the same game with a diffe…
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  • The answer is yes if you’re looking for an entertaining breath of fresh air AND if you’re willing to learn the new rules and strategy for the game. But the difference in house edge isn’t significant enough for some players to make the switch. Basic strategy for a standard blackjack game results in a house edge of 0.5%. That extra 0.1% probably isn’t worth the extra effort for the typic…
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1.Spanish 21 – What Are the Rules of Spanish 21 & How to …


24 hours ago The game is played with six or eight decks dealt from a shoe, or from a continuous shuffling machine (CSM). Spanish 21 is played with 48-card Spanish decks, although standard French suited 52-card decks are used with the 4 ten-spot cards removed. All cards have the same values as in blackjack.

2.Spanish 21 or Blackjack? - Which Game is the Better …


6 hours ago  · What's the Difference Between Spanish And Regular 21? The main difference between regular and Spanish blackjack is that in the latter, the player’s natural always wins. But let’s go a little bit more in-depth and compare the two variants in detail. So, the Spanish blackjack game is playable with either one, six, or eight decks with all tens removed

3.Spanish 21 vs Blackjack – Explore the Differences Online ...


15 hours ago As touched on earlier, one of the biggest differences between Spanish 21 and blackjack is the deck sizes. In Spanish 21 (unlike other games), tens are removed. This limits the number of blackjack cards in a deck compared to standard blackjack and means that you’re going …

4.What Is the Difference between Blackjack and Spanish 21?


19 hours ago  · A player 21 always wins-This is one of the most important advantages of Spanish 21. According to traditional blackjack rules, the house can beat a 21 if the number of cards in the dealer’s hand is fewer than in the player’s. Player blackjack beats dealer blackjack-In regular blackjack, this would be a push and would result in no winnings. However, in Spanish 21, this win results in a 3:2 payout.

5.What is the difference between blackjack and Spanish 21?


15 hours ago  · European Blackjack v Spanish 21: The main differences. The major difference between Spanish 21 and European Blackjack is the missing 10s. All the 10 cards are stripped from the deck in Spanish 21. That means players' hands are more often than not made up with lots of low cards. In European Blackjack, the potential for side bets is minimal.

6.Blackjack vs Spanish 21: What's The Difference?


20 hours ago  · First, you should note that the number of cards in Spanish 21 is 48 cards instead of the regular 52 cards. The four 10 cards are not present in a game of Spanish 21. The four 10 cards are not present in a game of Spanish 21.

7.Spanish 21 vs. Blackjack: Rules, odds, and best winning …


17 hours ago  · The benefits of Spanish 21 keep coming. In blackjack, when you and the dealer make 21, you must push. But in Spanish 21, a player getting 21 wins automatically. The same applies if both player and dealer get blackjack – the player wins. Another big bonus is the ability to double down after any number of cards dealt in Spanish 21.

8.Blackjack vs Spanish 21: What's The Difference?


31 hours ago  · First, you should note that the number of cards in Spanish 21 is 48 cards instead of the regular 52 cards. The four 10 cards are not present in a game of Spanish 21. The four 10 cards are not present in a game of Spanish 21.

9.Spanish 21 Rules - Learn How to Play This Blackjack …


23 hours ago For starters, the surrender in Spanish 21 means that you can get half of your stake every round. However, you can only do so after the dealer checks if they have a blackjack. This is known as a “late surrender.” Another advantage that Spanish 21 has over regular blackjack …

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9