Knowledge Builders

when should milkweed seeds be planted

by Dr. June Crona Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago


When should I start sowing seeds?

When to Start Seeds

  • The Best Time to Start Seeds Indoors. When to start seeds indoors depends on the type of seed and the last expected frost date for your area.
  • An Example: Determining When to Start Your Seeds. If you live in USDA Zone 6 (Frost Free Date Range March 30 - April 30) and you want to plant broccoli, ...
  • Last Expected Frost Dates by Zone. ...

How do you prepare milkweed seeds for planting?

Step Two – Prepare the Seeds (Cold Stratification)

  • Soak the coffee filters in water and shake off any excess water. ...
  • Place 5-8 seeds in each wet filter, folding the filter over them to keep them securely inside.
  • Put the filters in the plastic bags, 1 filter per plastic sandwich bag, and seal the bags shut.
  • Label each sandwich bag with the type of milkweed!

More items...

How do you start milkweed?

How do you start milkweed seedlings? Milkweed seedlings can be started indoors in a greenhouse or under artificial lighting and then transplanted outdoors after the average date of last frost. If seeds are started indoors, allow 4-8 weeks growing time before transplanting. Plastic flats can be used to start the seeds.

When can I cut down the milkweed plants?

It is recommended to prune the milkweed stalks to about 6 inches in height during the fall and winter months to discourage monarchs from establishing winter-breeding colonies. Cutting back the milkweed will also help to eliminate OE spores that may be present on the plant. Re-cut the milkweed every few weeks as leaves re-sprout.


Can I just scatter milkweed seeds?

You can sow milkweed seeds by scattering them on the soil surface 1/4-1/2 inch apart, and then cover them with about 1/4 inch of additional soil. Water the area frequently after planting until plants become established.

Should I soak milkweed seeds before planting?

In an effort to improve germination rates, many gardeners place the seeds in packets made from paper towels and soak them in warm water for 24 hours prior to planting.

What month do you plant milkweed seeds?

fallIf you've been thinking about planting fall milkweed this season, November is the best time for most of us to complete this simple garden task. It's too warm for the ground to be frozen but too cold for seeds to sprout before winter sets in.

How many milkweed seeds should I plant?

Sow 2 to 3 seeds in a pot filled with seed-starting mix, cover with ¼ inch of mix, water lightly and set under lights. Germination takes 7 to 10 days. Plant seedlings outside in a sunny spot when they have 3 to 4 sets of leaves and the ground is warm.

Where is the best place to plant milkweed?

Best growing practices suggest milkweeds be planted in the sunniest parts of your yard or garden. If you have a choice of soil, most milkweed species thrive in light, well-drained soils with seeds planted a quarter-inch deep.

How long does it take milkweed to bloom from seed?

A first year Asclepias incarnata plant (Swamp Milkweed) will have to wait another two years before it's blushing vivid pink with nectar-rich flowers. The first year the young milkweed builds its roots.

Why is milkweed a problem?

Tropical milkweed becomes a problem when planted in temperate areas where it does not die back in winter. A protozoan parasite of monarch butterflies, Ophryocystis elektroscirrha or OE for short, can travel with monarchs visiting the plants and become deposited on leaves.

How fast does milkweed grow from seed?

10-15 daysCold-stratified Milkweed seeds should germinate and sprout within 10-15 days after planting.

Does milkweed come back every year?

These native milkweed are perennials, meaning they come back year after year. Their aerial parts (flower, leaves, stem) die back but their rootstock remains alive throughout the winter. Cut back milkweed stalks in the late fall or winter, after they have produced seed pods and these seeds have had time to mature.

Can I plant milkweed seeds in the spring?

Milkweed seeds can be direct sown in spring, but transplants have better success. Fill pots or trays with light, well-drained soil. Add the seeds and cover with 0.25 inches of soil. Keep soil moist and pots in a sunny, warm spot or under grow lights.

Does milkweed spread easily?

Anyone in its native range (zones 3 to 8) with space for a wildflower garden can consider common milkweed. But gardeners should be aware that this species is considered very aggressive. It spreads not only by seed but by underground rhizome, and can be very difficult to control.

What is the best milkweed for monarch butterflies?

Female monarchs will lay eggs on all nine milkweed species, but they prefer some over others. Swamp milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) and common milkweed (A. syriaca) averaged the highest number of eggs.

Do milkweed seeds need stratification?

Cold stratification is recommended for most milkweed species (except the non-native tropical ones such as Asclepias curassavica) and will significantly help increase the germination rate. Cold stratification (vernalization) does require several weeks of preparation before sowing the seed, so timing is very important.

How deep do you plant milkweed seeds?

Sowing Milkweed Seeds is Easy! Seeding can occur between October and June, but should not be completed during the summer months. Once the seed is broadcast, work the seed into the soil to a depth of 1/8th inch. This can be accomplished by flipping over a garden rake and lightly moving the seed and the soil/mulch.

How do you plant milkweed seeds in the spring?

Milkweed seeds can be direct sown in spring, but transplants have better success. Fill pots or trays with light, well-drained soil. Add the seeds and cover with 0.25 inches of soil. Keep soil moist and pots in a sunny, warm spot or under grow lights.

What is the best milkweed for monarch butterflies?

Female monarchs will lay eggs on all nine milkweed species, but they prefer some over others. Swamp milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) and common milkweed (A. syriaca) averaged the highest number of eggs.

Why do you ask your local nursery to treat your plants with pesticides?

When plant shopping, ask your local nursery if they treat their plants with pesticides because you want to avoid toxic exposure to the monarchs. Our friends at the Xerces Society and their partners, have put together these guides for nectaring plants by region:

How to watch monarch caterpillars grow?

Instead of raising monarch caterpillars in your house, you can watch wild monarch caterpillars grow from eggs to butterflies by monitoring the milkweed plants you have just grown in your yard.

Where do monarch caterpillars migrate?

Once monarch caterpillars transform into beautiful butterflies, they need the right food that can not only assure they survive but that can also power their long winter migration to Mexico or the California coast. Be sure to include flowers that are native to your region, since these are plants monarchs have relied on and are suited to the local environment .

Can you plant milkweed in Santa Barbara?

One final point: If you live north of Santa Barbara within 5 miles from the California coast, do not plant milkweed. Instead, plant nectar-rich flowers that match these areas’ natural vegetation and the monarch’s migration habits.

Does milkweed harm monarch butterflies?

The reason? Planting non-native types of milkweed risks monarch butterfly health. In many areas, non-native, tropical milkweed survives through the winter, allowing ophryocystis elektroscirrha (OE), a parasite that can be found on monarchs and milkweed, to build up to dangerous levels. On the other hand, with native milkweed, the parasite dies with the plant in the winter, ensuring that new milkweed grows with less risk from the parasite when monarch butterflies return in the spring.

How to plant milkweed seeds in spring?

At least six weeks before you are going to plant the seeds in spring, obtain two paper towels, wet them and then wring out excess water. Place one of the paper towels inside a one-gallon, zip-close plastic bag. Scatter the milkweed seeds over this paper towel. Cover the seeds with the second damp paper towel. Zip the plastic bag closed and place it flat in your refrigerator. Leave it undisturbed for at least six weeks. When you are ready to plant, prepare the soil by removing existing vegetation, if present, and loosen soil with a rake. You may want to add some compost, if you have any available. Scatter the seeds and use your rake to gently work them into the soil. When they come up, keep the soil moist until the plants are well established.

How to grow milkweed from seed?

Fall Planting - Fall is the best time for planting milkweed seeds. The seeds won't germinate until spring because they require natural freezing and thawing to soften the seed coat so that the embryo plant can grow. This process stops seedlings from emerging in the fall and being killed by winter cold. You can plant the seeds from September 1 up until the soil freezes. Prepare your soil by removing existing vegetation, if present, and loosen soil with a rake. You may want to add some compost, if you have any available. Scatter the seeds and use your rake to gently work them into the soil. They will come up in spring when conditions are right for them to grow.

How to prepare soil for planting?

When you are ready to plant, prepare the soil by removing existing vegetation, if present, and loosen soil with a rake. You may want to add some compost, if you have any available. Scatter the seeds and use your rake to gently work them into the soil.

How tall do milkweed plants grow?

Common milkweed plants can reach about five feet in height, so if you are planting them in an existing garden, you will want to plant them in the back or in the center, if you have a garden that can be accessed from all sides.

How to grow a sage plant in spring?

You may want to add some compost, if you have any available. Scatter the seeds and use your rake to gently work them into the soil. They will come up in spring when conditions are right for them to grow.

How to Plant and Grow Milkweed

Milkweed is a native wildflower beloved by monarch butterflies. There are a number of popular species suited for cultivation in the garden. Here’s how to plant, grow, and care for milkweed in your garden—and support butterflies!

About Milkweed

Common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) is the best known species of the over 100 perennial milkweed species native to North America. Milkweed plants support 12 species of butterflies and moths, including the Monarch butterfly.

How to start milkweed seeds?

Milkweed seeds can be started directly in water with no cold treatment, although germination rate might be less for some species: Put milkweed seeds in a bowl of water. Place the bowl inside a plastic baggie OR. just place seeds in a container. Set everything together on top of a heated seed mat.

What milkweeds start leaning?

Two species that are known to start leaning are Showy Milkweed and the peculiar-podded Balloon Plant , but you can use these techniques on other milkweed varieties or any plant species that is having a hard time staying vertically motivated…. 2.

How to take milkweed cuttings?

Cuttings are easiest to take from non-native tropical milkweed. Place them in distilled water for a month or longer . Cuttings are much sturdier than seedlings so they’re unlikely to be wiped out by stormy weather or a storming of the garden by unwelcome pests.

What to do if it's too early to plant a sage?

If it’s too early to plant, stick them in a spring sowing container

What are the wildcards for milkweed?

Grow patches in different areas of your yard and garden. Weather and wildlife are the ultimate wildcards in your milkweed’s performance. Within the same yard, these two wildcards can affect each patch differently.

Can you plant leggy seedlings outside?

If you’ve started seeds indoors, remember to use an oscillating clip fan (or a floor fan) to promote stronger, straighter stems. Leggy seedlings won’t often survive planting outdoors, or grow up the way you would like.

When to revise milkweed patch?

Spring is the time to execute your final (initial) milkweed plan for the season. Your milkweed patch (es) may need revising during the season, but starting with a good plan now should keep alterations to a minimum.

When does Milkweed bloom?

Showy Milkweed (Asclepias) lives up to its name, producing an explosion of star-shaped flowers in rounded three-inch clusters from late spring into summer. Each bicolor bloom stands ...

Why do you plant milkweed in a garden?

Plant milkweed in your meadow or garden to provide much-needed habitat and food for monarch butterflies, bees, and other beneficial insects. Follow our guide to learn how to planting and growing healthy milkweed.

What is milkweed in butterfly gardens?

Shop Milkweed Plants. Butterfly Weed is the iconic, bright orange beauty that's a staple in every butterfly garden. This showy native wildflower is easy to grow, cold hardy, and does well in poor, dry soi... Butterfly Weed is the iconic, bright orange beauty that's a staple in every butterfly garden.

Why are milkweed leaves disappearing?

However, because of widespread pesticide use and the destruction of meadows across the country , wild-growing milkweeds are disappearing in places where these butterflies breed. This has led to a nearly 90% decline in monarch populations over the last 2 decades! Looking ahead, if we don't replenish these lost milkweeds, Monarch butterflies will vanish from the American landscape forever. Fortunately, you can plant milkweed to help support your local monarch butterfly and pollinator population!

What is a whorled milkweed?

Whorled Milkweed earns it's name from it's skinny, "whorled leaves". Small clusters of white flowers bloom a little later in the season providing color in your garden when most flowers have disappeared. Prepare to entertain many types of pollinators such as butterflies, and bees with this Asclepias. Monarchs will lay their eggs and the larvae (caterpillars) will enjoy a late season feast. When planting this perennial you can be proud to be supporting the Monarch population. (Asclepias verticillata)

What is milkweed?

Milkweed ( Asclepias) Milkweed are beautiful American wildflowers and delightful garden plants. Fragrant clusters of flowers are a magnet for butterflies and pollinators. Four species of native milkweed are found in most states: the Whorled Milkweed, Common Milkweed, and Swamp Milkweeds, and Butterfly Weed.

How to plant milkweed in a hole?

Start with healthy plants that have developed root systems. Prepare a planting hole that's twice as deep and twize as wide as the root ball of your milkweed plant. When planting multiple plants, you can amend the soil for each planting hole, or amend the whole bed before planting.

How to plant milkweed in fall?

10 Simple Steps for Fall Planting Milkweed. 1. Put your seeds into a small bowl and bring out to planting area. Find seeds here if you still need to buy some. 2. Clear away any mulch or rocks from the area which could potentially block the growth of a small seedling. 3.

Why is it important to plant milkweed in the fall?

Why is fall planting milkweed a good idea? Exposing seeds to cool temperatures before the warmer temps of spring will cause them to break their dormancy coaxing out your new spring seedlings. It also saves you the hassle of in-home stratification.

How to measure between holes in a seedling?

Measuring between holes: Make the letter L with your thumb and forefinger. Use the distance between the tips of each digit for approximate spacing. Seeds can move over winter and some won’t germinate so exact spacing now is a waste of time.

When do I sow milkweed seeds?

I sow mine in the fall in my garden and scatter the rest of the seeds in parks, etc. I had only 6 last year, and this summer, have 27 milkweed plants which flowered and all have huge seed pods!

When is the best time to collect milkweed seeds?

Fall is a great time to collect your Milkweed seeds and there are many things you can do with your harvested seeds. You can save them for next year, give them to friends and family, share with your community or donate them to your favorite Monarch conservation organization!

How long are milkweed seeds good for?

Currently, there are not a lot of studies done on the long-term viability of species-specific Milkweeds. There was a study done on Showy Milkweed (Comes et. al. 1978) that concluded a seed viability of over 5 years stored at room temperature in a dry environment. Also, according to the Royal Botanical Gardens Kew (2014), milkweeds will remain viable for over a year. The two main factors and temperature and moisture content. If your seeds have been stored in the freezer with little to no moisture content then the answer is yes, we will accept them and they should be viable. If you do send them in, please date them as well. Thank you!

What happens if milkweed doesn't flower?

If they did not flower, then the flower would not have gotten pollinated so they could produce a viable seed. Some milkweed plants have very small pods and could almost be missed. Do you know type of milkweed plant you have? Thank you!

What is milkweed seed pod?

A milkweed seed pod that is mature and starting to release it's seeds. Timing is key when collecting milkweed seeds. Here are a couple of tricks to ensure that your seeds are mature and viable.

How many different types of milkweed are there?

It depends on the species of the milkweed plant that you would like to transport. There are over 70 different species of milkweed. Here is a map so that you can see what types of milkweed are appropriate to each region. You will want to choose one that will grow in MN and also FL without transporting an invasive such as Tropical Milkweed.

How long do you let a seed dry?

After you remove the seeds, you’ll want to let them dry out for 3 days to a week. I like to let them dry on cardboard in a well-ventilated area. A porch, mudroom, barn, or shed works well for this. If you are harvesting in the Spring, you can most likely skip this part unless it is after a rain.


1.Videos of When Should Milkweed Seeds Be Planted


18 hours ago  · The best time to put in Milkweed plants is in early spring after the danger of frost has passed, while the best time to plant milkweed from seed is in late fall – this allows mother …

2.When, where and how to plant milkweed to save the …


1 hours ago When to plant milkweed? Milkweed seeds have to freeze and thaw to soften their coating and allow germination. That’s why it’s best to plant them in the fall. You can plant them in spring, …

3.Growing Common Milkweed Plants from Seeds - Illinois


18 hours ago  · When should you plant milkweed? Ideally, the best time to plant milkweed seeds is in the fall so the cold temperatures and moisture that come with winter stimulate germination. …

4.Milkweed: How to Plant and Grow Milkweed Flowers


5 hours ago When to Plant Milkweed. Milkweed can be grown from seed or transplants. Start seeds indoors about 4 to 8 weeks before your last frost date in the spring. Alternatively, sow seeds directly …

5.7 Spring Planting Secrets for Growing Great Milkweed


3 hours ago You can plant them closer and then thin the plants as they grow in, or, plant Swamp Milkweed and its cultivars between 30” and 36” apart. Planting Time: Milkweed plants can be planted in …

6.How To Grow Milkweed Plants | American Meadows


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7.Fall Planting Milkweed Seeds- 10 Simple Steps!


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8.Collecting Milkweed Seeds 101 - Save Our Monarchs


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