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when should you take lutein

by Dr. Merlin Koelpin MD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Lutein supplements are available in soft-gel capsule form. They should be taken at mealtime because lutein is absorbed better when ingested with a small amount of fat, such as olive oil. The recommended dosage is 6 mg to 30 mg daily.

What is lutein and what is it for?

Lutein is a yellow xanthophyll carotenoid found in egg yolks and many fruits and vegetables, most notably leafy green vegetables like kale and spinach [1]. Lutein and its isomers, zeaxanthin and meso-zeaxanthin, are the only carotenoids that accumulate in the fovea of the human retina and constitute macular pigment (MP) [2].

How much lutein is safe to eat daily?

Safe upper limit: Researchers have not set an upper limit for either. Potential risks: In excess, they may turn your skin slightly yellow. Research seems to show that up to 20 mg of lutein daily is safe. Spinach (1 cup) 20.4 mg Collard greens (1 cup) 14.6 mg Turnip greens (1 cup) 12.2 mg Broccoli (1 cup) 1.6 mg

What is the best way to take lutein?

Lutein, like other carotenoids, is fat-soluble. It is best absorbed with good fats such as olive oil. Cooking foods typically changes their structure and effectiveness, but this is not the case with lutein. Cooking foods that contain lutein increases its nutritional value as they reach your bloodstream.

What are the health effects of lutein supplements?

While few studies have examined the health effects of lutein supplements, there's some evidence that lutein supplements may improve eye health. Here's a look at two study findings: Lutein supplements may improve visual function in people with age-related macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness.


Who should not take lutein?

Prevention Tips Do not take more than 20 mg per day of a lutein supplement. Pregnant or breastfeeding women and children should not take supplemental lutein. Keep all supplements, vitamins, and other medicines securely out of the sight and reach of children and pets.

How often should you take lutein?

Lutein is also taken in supplements. It's most often been used by adults in doses of 10-20 mg by mouth daily, for up to 3 years.

Can lutein improve vision?

A large body of evidence shows that lutein has several beneficial effects, especially on eye health. In particular, lutein is known to improve or even prevent age-related macular disease which is the leading cause of blindness and vision impairment.

Should I take lutein everyday?

Recommended level for eye health: 10 mg/day for lutein and 2 mg/day for zeaxanthin. Safe upper limit: Researchers have not set an upper limit for either. Potential risks: In excess, they may turn your skin slightly yellow. Research seems to show that up to 20 mg of lutein daily is safe.

When should I take lutein morning or night?

Lutein supplements are available in soft-gel capsule form. They should be taken at mealtime because lutein is absorbed better when ingested with a small amount of fat, such as olive oil.

Does lutein affect sleep?

In the current study, supplementation of L/Zi improved MPOD. MPOD increased with supplementation indicates improvement in visual function. Further, results on sleep quality suggest an improvement in MPOD may improve sleep pattern.

Can lutein raise blood pressure?

Discussion: In healthy participants, oral administration of a lutein phytochemicals complex for three weeks produced increased ocular blood flow biomarkers within retinal vascular beds and reduced diastolic blood pressure compared to placebo.

What are the side effects of taking lutein?

What Are Side Effects Associated with Using Lutein? There are no known side effects of lutein. Lutein is LIKELY SAFE when taken by mouth appropriately. Children: Lutein is LIKELY SAFE when used appropriately.

Can lutein cause side effects?

There appear to be very few side effects associated with lutein and zeaxanthin supplements. A large-scale eye study found no adverse effects of lutein and zeaxanthin supplements over five years. The only side effect identified was some skin yellowing that was not considered harmful ( 33 ).

Is lutein safe for kidneys?

Although carotenodermia is usually harmless, refrain from excessive lutein intake if you have a liver or kidney problems.

Can lutein help eye floaters?

New research shows the combination of oral HA supplementation and HA eye drops provides added benefit to the eyes, especially for those with dry eye disease [4]. While not floater-specific this time, lutein and zeaxanthin are arguably the best supplement choice to protect your vision as you age.

Is lutein good for hair?

These are essential nutrients that contribute to hair health. Two carotenoids found in eggs, zeaxanthin, and lutein also play an important role in maintaining the cellular health of hair.

How much lutein per day is safe?

American adults typically consume ~ 1–2 mg lutein/day [4]. A systematic risk assessment of lutein supplements used in placebo-controlled intervention trials was published in 2006 [38]. Based on this assessment, there is strong evidence that lutein is safe up to 20 mg/day [38].

Can too much lutein hurt you?

In addition, health experts note that taking up to 20 mg of lutein from both diets and supplements appears to be safe. High doses of lutein could cause a condition called carotenemia or yellowing of the skin that is harmless.

Is lutein safe long term?

One study found evidence that lutein is safe in doses up to the highest tested dose of 10 mg daily. A review of other evidence concluded that long term use of lutein should be safe when taken at a dose of up to 20 mg per day.

What are the side effects of taking lutein?

What Are Side Effects Associated with Using Lutein? There are no known side effects of lutein. Lutein is LIKELY SAFE when taken by mouth appropriately. Children: Lutein is LIKELY SAFE when used appropriately.

When should I take Lutein in the morning or at night?

They should be taken with a meal since lutein is better absorbed when combined with a modest quantity of fat, such as olive oil. The daily dose ran...

What is the best time to take Lutein?

Lutein supplements are available in the form of soft-gel capsules. Therefore, it's recommended that you take your pills around breakfast or lunchti...

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What is the best time to take Lutein?

Lutein supplements are available in the form of soft-gel capsules. Therefore, it's recommended that you take your pills around breakfast or lunchtime so they can be fully absorbed by your body.

Should you take potassium at night or in the morning?

Before making any dietary changes, consult with your doctor. This medication should be taken with a meal or as a night snack, or within 30 minutes of eating. Completely swallow the extended-release pill. Do not cut it or break it apart.

Is it better to take Effexor at night or in the morning?

You can take them whenever you choose as long as you do it at the same time every day. If you have difficulties sleeping, take it first thing in the morning. Otherwise, wait until late in the day when you normally would be awake and active.

Should metformin be taken in the morning or evening?

Metformin is often taken twice or three times each day. Take it with meals to lessen the possibility of stomach and intestinal adverse effects. Metformin is often taken with breakfast and dinner. Extended-release metformin is taken once a day and should be taken with meals at night. Regular-release metformin is taken twice daily and can be taken without eating together.

Should I take Levaquin in the morning or at night?

When there is a consistent level of this medication in the blood, it functions optimally. Do not skip any doses to help maintain the quantity consistent. It is also preferable to take the dosages at regular intervals throughout the day and night. For example, if you only need to take one dose per day, attempt to do it at the same time every day. This will help you avoid missing out on any important information about your condition or reaction to the drug during periods of elevated stress levels.

How to increase lutein intake?

To increase your lutein intake without the use of lutein supplements, include lutein-rich foods like kale, spinach, cabbage, green beans, mangoes, and papayas in your daily diet.

What is lutein supplement?

Lutein supplements contain a natural substance classified as a carotenoid—a group of plant pigments with antioxidant effects. Lutein supplements provide a more concentrated supply of this antioxidant. Verywell / Gary Ferster.

What is lutein in food?

Lutein is naturally found in a number of fruits and vegetables, especially those with deep green, orange, and yellow coloring. Lutein is a type of xanthophyll often used in treatment or prevention of eye diseases. Lutein supplements contain a natural substance classified as a carotenoid—a group of plant pigments with antioxidant effects. Lutein supplements provide a more concentrated supply of this antioxidant.

Is lutein safe to take?

Lutein and lutein supplements are likely safe when taken by mouth in appropriate amounts. Certain patients, including those with skin cancer or cystic fibrosis, should be cautious when considering lutein supplements.

Does lutein help with macular degeneration?

Lutein supplements may improve visual function in people with age-related macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness. One study that looked at more than 100,000 people from 1984 to 2010 found that a higher intake of bioavailable lutein and zeaxanthin was associated with a lower long-term risk of developing advanced age-related macular degeneration. 2

Does lutein help with eye health?

While few studies have examined the health effects of lutein supplements, there's some evidence that lutein supplements may improve eye health. Here's a look at two study findings:

Does lutein help with cancer?

Some alternative medicine proponents claim that lutein supplements can also help prevent colon cancer, breast cancer, diabetes, and heart ​disease. 1 . To date, most of the studies on lutein's health benefits have focused on dietary intake of lutein. Those studies suggest that dietary intake of lutein may help protect against atherosclerosis, ...

What are some good supplements for macular degeneration?

Lutein and zeaxanthin foods are important macular degeneration vitamins. That’s why lutein in eggs, for example, can contribute to macular degeneration prevention, along with taking these eye supplements for further protection.

Why is lutein important for skin?

In addition to being found within the pigments of our eyes, carotenoids are also present within the skin. To preserve skin health and fight skin cancer, lutein helps filter high-energy wavelengths of visible light, which slows down the rate of oxidative stress.

How many carotenoids are in the eye?

In fact, there are more than 600 different types of carotenoids found in nature, but only about 20 make their way into the eyes. Of those 20, zeaxanthin and lutein are the only two that are deposited in high quantities into the macular portion of the eyes.

What is the best vitamin for macular degeneration?

Nicknamed “the eye vitamin,” lutein is a type of carotenoid antioxidant that is most well-known for protecting eye health. In fact, eye vitamins with lutein are some of the best vitamins for macular degeneration.

How does lutein help the eye?

helping keep the lens and retina at appropriate densities. strengthening eye tissue. and ­helping vision be more acute. When it comes to eye health, every person is different in terms of how much lutein is most beneficial.

How to increase lutein intake?

Want to increase your intake of this beneficial antioxidant? Start by eating more lutein-rich, brightly colored fruits, veggies and pasture-raised eggs. To give you some inspiration, here are several recipes to help you out:

How many people are affected by macular degeneration?

Estimates show that more than 25 million people worldwide are affected by age-related macular degeneration or cataracts, especially people aged 55 and older living in industrialized Western nations. Sadly, the incidence of AMD is expected to triple by 2025, according to the American Optometric Association.

What is lutein in the eye?

7 minute read. Lutein is an important carotenoid. Carotenoids are a collection of pigments found in leafy greens and orange and yellow vegetables. Lutein is most commonly known to benefit eye health by protecting against age-related macular degeneration. Studies have found that the antioxidant properties of lutein also provide protection ...

Why does lutein deplete as you age?

As you age, levels of lutein naturally deplete, which is the reason for age-related macular degeneration. Without treatment, this condition can lead to vision loss.

How does lutein work?

Lutein works to prevent the interaction between cholesterol and monocytes, thereby preventing plaques from forming.

What causes testosterone levels to fall?

Aging and obesity cause testosterone levels to fall, which can interfere with muscle mass, cognitive performance, and sexual function. Uncontrolled diabetes is also associated with obesity and reduced testosterone levels, especially in older men.

What causes a clogged carotid artery?

Clogged arteries are the result of poor diet, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure and can lead to atherosclerosis, heart attack, or stroke. Blockage and increased thickness of the carotid arteries is most commonly associated with heart disease, and studies found that lutein can reduce this thickness.

Does lutein cause oxidative damage?

Inflammation from an infection triggers oxidative damage, but lutein and other carotenoids can prevent this damage from triggering the development of abnormal cells.

Does lutein help with skin?

The antioxidant properties of lutein allow it to provide protection for your skin too. Lutein-enhanced diets have been associated with reduced risk of UV damage and skin inflammation.

What influences serum lutein concentration?

Serum/plasma lutein concentrations and MP densities are influenced by variables related to both the source of lutein and the host. Our knowledge in this area, particularly related to host factors, is still evolving. With more research, we will be able to make more informed predictions about an individual’s response to dietary sources of lutein.

How long is lutein good for?

Based on this assessment, there is strong evidence that lutein is safe up to 20 mg/day [38]. Doses of lutein ranged from 8 to 40 mg/day and study durations have ranged from 7 days to 24 months. Only a few of the studies monitored possible adverse side effects, primarily through self-reporting.

How to determine lutein content?

Lutein content in foods or tissues is commonly analyzed and quantified via high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) developed standard reference material (SRM) 968e, which includes lutein among other carotenoids, fat-soluble vitamins, and cholesterol in human serum [10]. SRM 968e can be used to validate methods for determining total lutein concentrations and/or quality assurance [10]. Several commonly used extraction and HPLC analysis methods include Epler et al. [11] and Sander et al. [12], which employ C18 and C30 analytical columns, respectively. The Yeum et al. [13] HPLC method (C30 analytical column) is also frequently used. The US Pharmacopeia (USP) has three quality monographs for (1) Lutein, (2) Lutein preparation, and (3) Lutein capsules. The USP Lutein Reference Standard [14] is used for testing lutein content. USP test methods use L3 porous silica columns that separate lutein and zeaxanthin (USP-NF 40-35) [15]. Some HPLC methods cannot separate lutein and its isomer zeaxanthin; this is one reason why ‘lutein + zeaxanthin’ are often reported together.

What is lutein in food?

Lutein, a yellow xanthophyll carotenoid found in egg yolks and many colorful fruits and vegetables, has gained public health interest for its putative role in visual performance and reducing the risk of age-related macular degeneration. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine’s recommended Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) focus on preventing deficiency and toxicity, but there is a budding interest in establishing DRI-like guidelines for non-essential bioactives, like lutein, that promote optimal health and/or prevent chronic diseases. Lupton et al. developed a set of nine criteria to determine whether a bioactive is ready to be considered for DRI-like recommendations. These criteria include: (1) an accepted definition; (2) a reliable analysis method; (3) a food database with known amounts of the bioactive; (4) cohort studies; (5) clinical trials on metabolic processes; (6) clinical trials for dose–response and efficacy; (7) safety data; (8) systematic reviews and/or meta-analyses; (9) a plausible biological rationale. Based on a review of the literature supporting these criteria, lutein is ready to be considered for intake recommendations. Establishing dietary guidance for lutein would encourage the consumption of lutein-containing foods and raise public awareness about its potential health benefits.

Is lutein found in food?

As mentioned, lutein and zeaxanthin are often found together in foods/supplements and are sometimes jointly reported in food databases and clinical trials.

What is needed to show efficacy of bioactives?

Systematic reviews and meta-analyses are needed to show efficacy of the bioactive.

Does lutein increase MP?

In clinical trials, lutein/zeaxanthin supplements consistent ly increase serum lutein/zeaxan thin concentrations and MP density [20]. In one trial, serum lutein concentrations increased linearly as lutein doses increased up to 20 mg/day; similar to other studies, serum concentrations plateaued after 2–3 weeks [34]. MP also followed a linear trend as doses of lutein increased [34]. Supplementing with macular carotenoids (including lutein) slows AMD progression in people with low lutein/zeaxanthin status [35] and improves measurements of visual performance, such as contrast sensitivity, visual acuity, and glare disability [36]. For reducing the risk of AMD, the efficacious intake level for lutein may be ~ 6 mg/day [37].

What is the yellowish orange skin?

Case 1. A 56-year-old man ate approximately 2 dozen eggs per day for several years and developed yellowish-orange skin discoloration, which was initially thought to be jaundice. Egg yolks contain lots of the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin. He was diagnosed as having carotenodermia. This condition is not harmful, and usually goes away after a normal diet is resumed.

What are the nutrients in the eye?

Besides lending bright color to some foods, lutein and zeaxanthin are a hot topic in eye health. These nutrients accumulate in the eye and are said to protect against damage to the retina and macula (the central area of the retina responsible for sharp vision). They are antioxidants that fight harmful free radicals, and they also shield cells in the retina from high-energy blue light. Common sources of blue light include sunlight and the display screens of digital devices such as computers, tablets, and smartphones. Exposure to this type of light is thought to increase the risk for developing AMD − a leading cause of vision loss in people aged 65 years and older. In AMD, the macula breaks down and patients lose their ability to see clearly. Everyday activities such as reading, driving, recognizing faces, and navigating stairs become difficult or even impossible.

What causes yellow skin?

Very large doses of carotenoids such as lutein and zeaxanthin can cause carotenodermia - a yellow-orange skin discoloration. It can look like jaundice, but the abnormal skin color can be removed with an alcohol swab.

How much lutein is in Centrum?

Multivitamin products such as Centrum ® usually contain small doses of lutein, 2 mg or less. So-called “eye vitamin” products such as PreserVision ® AREDS2 or Ocuvite ® contain lutein in the range of 5-20 mg per daily dose.

What is lutein in vegetables?

Lutein, a nutrient found mainly in leafy green vegetables, is thought to protect against light-induced retina damage. While some studies show positive results from lutein use, more research is needed to determine its definitive benefits and safety.

What is lutein vitamin?

Some call lutein (sometimes spelled luteine) "the eye vitamin" and claim it protects against eye disorders like age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and other conditions such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

How to prevent AMD?

According to the National Eye Institute, eating a diet rich in green leafy vegetables, exercising regularly, keeping healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and not smoking can all help cut your risk. Also, be sure to protect your eyes from sunlight and other sources of blue light. Until more is known about a role for lutein in treating or preventing AMD, a healthy lifestyle is still your best defense.

Why Are Lutein and Zeaxanthin Good for Your Eyes?

Not only can you find these potent antioxidants in many vegetables, they are also in your eye s, especially the lens, retina, and macula. That’s why doctors believe they play a key role in healthy vision.

What are some good foods to help with age related eye diseases?

For example, one study found that people who ate foods rich in zeaxanthin -- think “green veggies ” like spinach, kale, and broccoli -- may be half as likely to get cataracts.

Does lutein help with glare?

Lutein and zeaxanthin can help protect your eyes from harmful high-energy light waves like ultraviolet rays in sunlight. Studies suggest that a high level of both in eye tissue is linked with better vision, especially in dim light or where glare is a problem.



  • Lutein is naturally found in a number of fruits and vegetables, especially those with deep green, orange, and yellow coloring. Sometimes referred to as xanthophyll, lutein is often used in treatment or prevention of eye diseases. Lutein supplements contain a natural substance classified as a carotenoida group of plant pigments with antioxidant effects. Lutein supplement…
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Medical uses

  • Lutein supplements are typically used in alternative medicine for eye diseases, such as cataracts and macular degeneration. Known to build up in the retina and lens of the eye, lutein is thought to protect the eye from injury induced by free radicals, chemical byproducts shown to damage cells and contribute to the development of certain diseases.
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  • Some alternative medicine proponents claim that lutein supplements can also help prevent colon cancer, breast cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Lutein supplements may improve visual function in people with age-related macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness. In a 2004 study, 90 people with age-related macular degeneration took either lutein supplements, supplem…
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  • To date, most of the studies on lutein's health benefits have focused on dietary intake of lutein. Those studies suggest that dietary intake of lutein may help protect against atherosclerosis, age-related macular degeneration, and cataracts. While few studies have examined the health effects of lutein supplements, there's some evidence that lutein supplements may improve eye health. H…
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  • Certain patients, including those with skin cancer or cystic fibrosis, should be cautious when considering lutein supplements. It's important to consult your physician before taking any type of dietary supplement on a regular basis. It's important to keep in mind that supplements haven't been tested for safety and dietary supplements are largely un...
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  • To increase your lutein intake without the use of lutein supplements, include lutein-rich foods like kale, spinach, cabbage, green beans, mangoes, and papayas in your daily diet.
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  • While lutein supplements may be of some benefit in the treatment or prevention of certain health problems, self-treating with the supplements (and avoiding or delaying standard care) is not recommended. If you're considering the use of lutein supplements, talk to your doctor about selecting a supplement and daily dosage that suit your health needs.
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1.LUTEIN - Uses, Side Effects, and More - WebMD


33 hours ago Lutein is commonly taken by mouth to prevent eye diseases, including cataracts and a disease that leads to vision loss in older adults (age-related macular degeneration or AMD). Lutein is …

2.When should I take Lutein in the morning or at night?


12 hours ago What is the best time to take Lutein? Lutein supplements are available in the form of soft-gel capsules. Therefore, it's recommended that you take your pills around breakfast or lunchtime …

3.Lutein Benefits, Uses, Foods, Side Effects and More - Dr.


7 hours ago  · Introduction. Lutein is a yellow xanthophyll carotenoid found in egg yolks and many fruits and vegetables, most notably leafy green vegetables like kale and spinach [].Lutein …

4.Lutein: Health Benefits, Recommended Intake, and Side …


29 hours ago One exception would be pasture-raised eggs, where one egg yolk can have as much as 600 mcg. Best time to take lutein. Since lutein is a carotenoid, it likely absorbs better when taken with a …

5.Dietary guidance for lutein: consideration for intake …


2 hours ago What is the best time to take lutein? 1. Stop multitasking. 2. Batch tasks. When did you prepare cookie dough for only 1 cookie? Batch emails, cooking, visuals for your blog etc. 3. Don't batch …

6.Safety and Benefits of Lutein - Poison


32 hours ago Research seems to show that up to 20 mg of lutein daily is safe. Foods With Lutein and Zeaxanthin. Kale (1 cup) 23.8 mg. Spinach (1 cup) 20.4 mg. Collard greens (1 cup) 14.6 mg. …

7.What is the best time to take lutein? - Quora


8 hours ago

8.Lutein and Zeaxanthin for Vision - WebMD


5 hours ago

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