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where can i find a black walnut tree

by Landen Reilly Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

  • Native Area: Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru
  • USDA Growing Zones: 10 to 11
  • Height: Up to 130 feet; more commonly, 50 to 65 feet
  • Sun Exposure: Full to partial sun; cannot grow in shade

Full Answer

How much is a black walnut tree worth for lumber?

What Is The Worth Of A Black Walnut Tree? When it comes to selling black walnut trees that have a lumber quality grade, one that has a 14 inch diameter and a 16-feet log can have as much as 50 board feet. Since each board feet has an average value of $1.00, you can get as much as $50 for this specific tree.

Is it safe to eat black walnuts?

Unfortunately, I would recommend that you discard the black walnuts. The molds that grow on nuts and other seeds (grains) are more likely to be aflatoxin producers which are toxins that can be carcinogenic. While you may not be able to see mold on the inside of the shells, it is possible that parts of the fungus are still present on the nut meat.

How much does black walnut cost?

For example, a black walnut that is Grade A veneer at 19 inches diameter will be worth about $700 or $800. Also Know, can you sell a tree from your yard? Even though selling a tree in your yard is not an easy thing to do, it is not impossible. Know the tree species.

Are black walnuts edible?

Yes, black walnuts are absolutely edible and delicious. The only problem is the shells are so hard to crack and the juice from the green husk surrounding the shells stains everything it touches.

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Where do Black Walnuts trees grow?

Native Range Black walnut typically grows as scattered individual trees or in small groups throughout the central and eastern parts of the United States. Although it is found on a variety of sites, black walnut grows best on good sites in coves and well-drained bottoms in the Appalachians and the Midwest.

Where can walnut trees be found?

Walnuts are cultivated mostly in China, Iran, US, Turkey and Mexico. Black and English walnuts can grow throughout the United States and Southern Canada. However, major walnut commercial orchards are found mainly in California, but also in Illinois, Minnesota, Indiana, Missouri and Iowa.

How do I identify a black walnut tree?

A black walnut tree is identified by its irregular oval crown, large pinnately compound green leaves, dark gray furrowed bark, and large green globose fruit clusters. A black walnut tree is easy to spot in the fall because of the masses of nuts under the tree.

How much is a black walnut log worth?

Thus, a 22-inch DBH black walnut tree with one 8-foot veneer log may bring $510 (170 board feet x $3.00/ft), whereas a 26-inch DBH black walnut tree with one 8-foot veneer log may command $1300 (260 board feet x $5.00/ft).

What state has the most black walnut trees?

MissouriMissouri had the most black walnut trees (57.9 million), followed by Ohio (24.6 million), and Kentucky (24.5 million). Together, these three states accounted for 35% of the total number of live black walnut trees on forest land.

How much is a big black walnut tree worth?

"Bigger trees have more board-feet volume, so there is more value. The most valuable trees I've seen in my 35-year career have been over 30 inches in diameter and larger." For example, a black walnut that is Grade A veneer at 19 inches diameter will be worth about $700 or $800.

Are the nuts from a black walnut tree edible?

Black walnuts are one of the most flavorful nuts for snacking, baking, and cooking. These hard-shelled fruits have a sweet, delicate walnut flavor and are one of the most expensive nuts on the market.

Can you eat walnuts from a black walnut tree?

Black walnuts can be enjoyed raw and have an interestingly sweet and earthy taste to them that goes great on top of desserts, such as ice cream or cupcakes. They can also be dipped in a sugar syrup and enjoyed as a candy or ground to a meal and made into a flour.

Should I remove black walnut tree?

Here are the best reasons to cut down your black walnut tree: Other plants can't grow around it, it has surface roots, it requires too much upkeep, branches are too close to your property, to minimize storm damage, or the tree is dying and browning.

How big is a 50 year old black walnut tree?

A walnut site index of 80 indicates that location will grow a walnut tree to 80 feet of height in 50 years.

How big is a 20 year old black walnut tree?

Black walnut is one of the more rapid- growing hardwoods. On good sites young trees may grow 3 to 4 feet in height per year, and in 20 years may attain heights of 40 to 50 feet with diameter of 6 to 10 inches.

What tree is worth the most money?

The 5 Most Expensive Trees in the WorldSandalwood-- $20,000 per tree. ... African Blackwood-- $10,000 per kilogram. ... Agar Wood-- $10,000 per kilogram. ... Bocote-- $30 per board. ... Pink Ivory-- $8 per board.

Can I eat the walnuts from my tree?

A pitted shell encases a fibrous, leather sheath that splits as the nuts begin to ripen in the fall and indicates that walnut tree harvesting is nigh. Once you are done harvesting the walnuts, you can eat them right away, but keep in mind they won't be quite like those purchased ones at the grocers.

Are walnuts poisonous to humans?

The fruit, leaves and roots of black walnut trees contain a chemical, juglone, that can have a devastating impact on the roots of other plants. In humans, ingesting even a small amount of pure juglone can cause a serious poisoning effect. Inside the tree, juglone is a clear liquid — called prejuglone — that's nontoxic.

Are all walnut trees toxic?

Walnut trees produce a chemical known as hydrojuglone. It is found in every part of the tree. Hydrojuglone by itself is harmless and odorless. However, when oxidized by compounds in the air and soil, hydrojuglone is transformed into a toxic allelochemical known as juglone.

How can you tell if wood is walnut?

0:374:04Walnut Wood Facts - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipSo popular has a real straight grain to it the heartwood ranges even from the light brown to it to aMoreSo popular has a real straight grain to it the heartwood ranges even from the light brown to it to a darker brown look at the SAP. Wood it can be lighter.

What is a black walnut tree?

The black walnut tree (Juglans nigra) is one of North America’s most valuable and beautiful native trees, but it does have a “dark side.”. Here’s what you should know before planting a black walnut in your yard—and how to harvest and eat the tasty walnuts, too!

What is the dark side of black walnuts?

Although the black walnut has many uses and benefits, the tree does come with a caveat: the black walnut’s roots, which may extend 50 feet or more from the trunk, exude a natural herbicide known as juglone. This substance is also found in the tree’s leaves and fruit husks. Juglone does serve a purpose, though.

How to store walnuts unshelled?

Hose down the nuts in a large bucket to remove any remaining husk. Dry the walnuts for a couple of weeks on a screen or drying rack or in a hanging mesh bag. You can store them unshelled up to a year. Crack the shell with a hammer to get to the nut meat. (Strike at a 90-degree angle to the seam until the nut cracks).

How to harvest a nut?

To harvest, collect the nuts as soon as possible to avoid mold and remove the husks immediately. Wear gloves as the husks stain your hands (and anything they touch). If the nut is too hard, wait a few days and it will brown and soften up.) To remove the husk, you can simply step on them gently with an old pair of shoes. Hose down the nuts in a large bucket to remove any remaining husk.

What wood is best for fence posts?

They found that its rich-brown heartwood was exceptionally resistant to decay and put it to use as fence posts, poles, shingles, and sills. When surrounded by other trees in the forest, black walnuts grow straight and tall with few, if any, lower branches.

Where did walnuts come from?

The early settlers discovered black walnuts growing in mixed forests from Canada to northern Florida and west to the Great Plains.

Do black walnuts grow straight?

When surrounded by other trees in the forest, black walnuts grow straight and tall with few, if any, lower branches.

How to collect black walnuts?

Collecting black walnuts is as simple as carrying a 5-gallon bucket and picking up what’s dropped off the tree. But if it’s your first season, these pro tips may be helpful:

When do black walnuts drop?

Black walnuts begin to drop during midsummer and continue through early fall. You may have already noticed some bright green round fruits that have fallen into or alongside a road. More will follow in the coming months, as black walnuts are found in abundance across the Midwest.

Do walnuts have worms?

Don’t panic if there are worms in the hulls. They are hull maggots and don’t penetrate the walnut’s shell inside.

Do you have to shell black walnuts to eat them?

Although you will have to gather, hull and shell black walnuts to enjoy the nutmeats, for many, the rich flavor is worth it. Learn where to look for walnut trees and how to gather their fruits to get them before the squirrels do.

Walnut Tree Buyers Near Me

Oftentimes, people think walnut tree logs are worth thousands of dollars or even more, because of their high-end lumber and most times veneer quality. But, unfortunately, this isn’t true.

Contact Information Of Walnut Buyers

However, locating black walnut logs buyers, are categorized according to city, depending on individual buyers.

Where do black walnut trees grow?

Tips. Black walnut trees grow throughout the east coast of the United States from northern Florida to Vermont. They also extend westward and stretch from northern Texas to southern Minnesota. If you’re in a wooded area in these states, you have a good chance of spotting one. Thanks!

How to identify walnut trees?

2. Inspect the tree bark for a deep, diamond pattern. If it’s wintertime and you can’t use leaves or fruit to identify a walnut tree, the tree's bark is a distinguishing characteristic. The bark has deep ridges that, from a distance, resemble a diamond pattern.

How to tell if a walnut tree is a walnut tree?

Inspect the tree bark for a deep, diamond pattern. If it’s wintertime and you can’t use leaves or fruit to identify a walnut tree, the tree's bark is a distinguishing characteristic. The bark has deep ridges that, from a distance, resemble a diamond pattern. This is a good early sign that you’re looking at a walnut tree.

How tall is a walnut tree?

Look for a tall tree 70–80 ft (21–24 m) in height. Walnut trees are tall and are often some of the tallest trees in the area. Their average height is 70–80 ft (21–24 m), but they can even reach up to 150 ft (46 m) on rarer occasions. If you don’t know where to start, look for the tallest trees in the area. On average, grown walnut trees are 2–4 ft ...

How to tell if a walnut tree is still growing?

Look for these flowers during the spring months to identify walnut trees. When the flowers are still growing, they look like tiny cactuses coming out of the branch. These flowers don’t produce a bud like the flowers you might be thinking of.

How to identify a tree in the winter?

Look for short terminal buds on the end of each twig during the winter. In the winter, you can't rely on leaves and fruits to identify the tree. However, there are some smaller growths that you can use to spot the tree. The terminal bud is where the fruits grow from. This is a rounded tip on the end of each branch.

When do walnut trees turn yellow?

The leaves are oval-shaped with a thin tip at the end. They're usually light green in the spring and summer, and turn bright yellow in the fall. The walnut tree should have leaves from April until about November, depending on the temperature. You can spot the trees more easily during these months.

How much is a black walnut tree worth?

A black walnut tree in great condition with a large diameter, roughly 20”, is worth between $700 and $800.

How is a Black Walnut Tree Graded?

A black walnut tree is graded based upon the clear wood rating within the lowest 16 ft. of its length past the stump. Clear wood is wood that is free of blemishes or damage, and it is desirable because it can be used to create any wooden products.

What Affects a Black Walnut Tree’s Value?

The two main factors that affect a black walnut tree’s value are grade and veneer. Lumber grading is a way of testing and notating the quality of specific trees, such as black walnut trees, using measurements and math.

Why Grow Black Walnut Trees?

For many large property owners, black walnut trees are a huge moneymaker, and that is why they grow them. There are countless products that can be crafted and sold using black walnut trees, such as:

How Long Before My Black Walnut Reaches Full Maturity?

It takes a full 30 years for a black walnut tree to reach full maturity. Many property owners will chop them down for lumber or to sell them well before then. However, if you plan on making money off of your black walnut tree, look at it as a long term investment.

What is the chemical that black walnuts produce?

In fact, black walnut trees are known to produce a chemical known as juglone. Juglone is an organic compound that some plants, such as black walnut trees, produce. The main harm that juglone does to other plants is stunt their growth.

Why are black walnut trees so popular?

Black walnut trees are sought after because they look great in any yard. Because of that, many builder-owners or large property owners looking to rejuvenate their landscape wonder just how much a black walnut tree is worth.

When do dark brown walnuts ripen?

Whether you love it more for the stunning wood or the delicious nuts, it is an upstanding tree. Yields a ripened nut crop in early to mid-autumn.

What animals eat nuts?

The nuts are eaten by woodpeckers, foxes and squirrels.

What is black walnut?

If you own a mature black walnut tree, you are fortunate. Black walnut is a valuable hardwood used in the production of ultra high-end furniture and cabinetry. To maximize the timber value and your potential cash payout, you should enlist the services of a qualified professional logger and have the logs evaluated by a grader who has received formal ...

Can you sell black walnuts in the winter?

If you live in a snowy climate, it may be best to drop and sell your black walnut tree in the winter time; the tree will be free of leaves and the snow will help to cushion the impact of the fall. Also, you will have one last opportunity to harvest the nuts. Check each logger's references.


1.Black Walnut Tree: How to Identify and Remove It - The …


5 hours ago  · Black walnut is a hardy, tough tree that can grow in many locations. In fact, it is often used in the rehabilitation and reforesting of disturbed sites such as former mined areas. When a walnut seedling pops up in the middle of your flower beds, it was most likely brought there by squirrels ithe previous fall.

2.Foraging for black walnuts: How to find and gather black …


26 hours ago  · Where to find black walnuts. Black walnut trees are found throughout the Midwest, growing along the edges of forests to gain maximum sunlight.

3.Black Walnut Log Buyers Near Me – Contact Addresses


22 hours ago This product cannot be shipped to CA. Black Walnut is highly prized for its beautiful wood and delicious nuts. Walnut seedlings take 7-10 years to fruit, so plant as large of a tree as possible to achieve production sooner. Black Walnut trees are spaced at 30-40 foot intervals and are self-fertile trees. Willis Orchard Company offers Black Walnut trees for sale up to 4" in caliper for …

4.Videos of Where Can I Find a Black Walnut Tree


13 hours ago  · Contact Information Of Walnut Buyers. These black walnut log buyers are categorized according to their city and individual purchasers. Below are a list of cities and contact information of prospective buyers: Arkansas; BERRYVILLE: Alan McCullough; 686 County Road 405, Berryville, AR 72616

5.🌳Simple Ways to Correctly Identify a Black Walnut Tree


26 hours ago Black walnut trees can thrive in almost all areas along the west coast except for a few hot spots near San Francisco and Los Angeles. All of Washington and Oregon are suitable for black walnuts as long as the soil conditions are favorable.

6.How Much Is A Black Walnut Tree Worth? – Upgraded …


28 hours ago  · Explain that you have a mature black walnut tree you wish to sell. Meet and interview each logger. Request local verifiable references and a blank copy of their contracts. If you own a mature black walnut tree, you are fortunate. Check each logger's references. If you find one or more with favorable reviews, negotiate the terms of the contract.

7.Black Walnut - Arbor Day Foundation


2 hours ago

8.Garden Guides | How to Sell Your Black Walnut Tree


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