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where do nanking cherries grow

by Edwin Ankunding Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Nanking Cherry (Prunus tomentosa) is native to northern China and naturalized in Japan, Russia, and other northern regions of the continent. It has become a staple back yard garden plant in Russia and much of Eastern Europe.

Full Answer

Are Nanking cherries native to Russia?

Nanking Cherry: Prunus tomentosa. Flavor of the Nanking Cherry seems to be extremely variable, probably due to the fact that American nurseries grow the plants from seed. In stark contrast, the Nanking Cherry is the most common garden fruit in the Russian Far East, where many named varieties exist.

What kind of soil do Nanking cherries like?

When it comes to soil conditions, Nanking Cherries are not very particular and can grow in a variety of soil types. Like most plants and trees, Nanking Cherries do best when they are in well-draining soil, but they are also tolerant of drought conditions.

How long does it take for a Nanking cherry to grow?

They were introduced into the U.S. in 1882 and are winter hardy in USDA zones 3 to 6. The Nanking cherry is a fast-growing species that sets fruit within two years.

Are Nanking cherries edible?

Native to China, Tibet, Korea, and Mongolia, Nanking cherries are grown for both their fruit and flowers. The flowers are edible, like any cherry or plum tree flowers, and they’re added to dishes for a light sweet floral flavor.


Where do Nanking cherry bushes grow?

Plant Nanking cherry trees in a sunny location. They prefer a loamy soil, but can be grown in many soil types as long as drainage is adequate. Bush cherries are tolerant of windy conditions and can be planted as a windbreak. Once established, growing bush cherries doesn't require much maintenance.

Can you eat Nanking cherries?

A Nanking Bush Cherry will provide you with branches coated with cherries in the summer months that you can simplify eat right off the plant. These cherries have a tart flavor, making them the perfect snack on a summer day.

Do Nanking cherries taste good?

Nanking cherry is so tough that it will even grow under semiarid conditions and endure a snowless winter of -40°F followed by a scathing summer six months later. Generally, the bushes grow about 8 feet high and wide and bear grape-size fruit with a refreshing flavor somewhere between sweet and tart.

What are Nanking cherries good for?

Nanking cherries, like sour cherry varieties, contains rich amounts of vitamins A and C, as well as calcium and iron. The tart cherries contain anthocyanin, the compound that gives the fruit its rouge hue. This phytochemical gives Nanking cherries powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Do deer eat Nanking cherries?

Deer appear to avoid Nanking cherries. They acquire few leaf diseases. Unlike plums and sand cherries, the disease brown rot has not been observed in Nanking cherries. Birds love Nanking cherries, and growers should prepare to protect their plants against birds.

How can you tell a Nanking cherry?

Flower Color - Pink in bud, becoming near white. Fruit Type - Cherry-shaped drupe. Fruit Color - Dark red. Growth Habit - Upright, semi-spreading, and densely twiggy.

Do you need two Nanking cherries?

The cherries can be eaten fresh or used in pies, jams, and jellies. The Nanking Cherry is a vigorous, adaptable shrub particularly suited to the cold winters and hot summers of the central and northern plains. Plant two or more of the same variety for cross-pollination.

What pollinates a Nanking cherry?

Pollination: Although the Nanking Cherry is a “self-pollinator”, cherry trees are highly dependent on honeybees for pollination. If honeybees bees are either not localized, or delayed are thwarted by rainy weather , this can still be one of the culprits if no bees are available at the time the blooms are offering.

Do Nanking cherries get worms?

The adults have a distinct banding pattern on the wings, making them easy to identify. These fruit flies lay eggs by piercing through fruit when the fruit is a salmon color. That causes white maggots to grow inside of the fruit.

What is the sweetest bush cherry?

Juliet Bush CherryPossibly the sweetest bush cherry, Juliet bears large crops of standard sized cherries that are as sweet as a sweet cherry! While many bush cherries are more similar to a pie cherry Juliet is sweet enough to eat fresh!

Is Nanking cherry deer resistant?

As far as herbs go, most that are fragrant or fuzzy-leaved are very deer resistant, except for basil and valerian....Deer Resistant Plants.Deciduous Shade & Ornamental TreesCinquefoil (Potentilla fruticosa )Nanking Cherry (Prunus tomentosa)25 more rows•Mar 13, 2018

Do Nanking cherries have pits?

The Nanking cherry will often set full crops when other fruits are lost to late-spring freezes. Fruit ripens in June and ranges from sweet to tart in taste. Most plants produce small fruits, only ½ inch in diameter, cherry shaped, and with a large pit inside.

Can you eat bush cherry?

In Autumn and Winter, this plant produces edible red berries that are apple-like in texture with a mild sweetness. They may be eaten freshly picked from the tree, or made into jams, jellies, muffins, biscuits, cakes and wine.

Are Nanking cherries poisonous to dogs?

The main danger of cherries is that their pits, stems, and leaves contain cyanide, which is poisonous and potentially lethal if consumed in high enough quantities. Cherry pits can also get lodged in a dog's digestive tract and cause intestinal blockages.

Are Chinese cherries edible?

Prunus pseudocerasus or Prunus pseudo-cerasus, the Chinese sour cherry or just Chinese cherry, is a species of cherry native to China and is used worldwide as an ornamental for its early spring cherry blossoms. The fruits of some cultivars are edible.

Do Nanking cherries get worms?

The adults have a distinct banding pattern on the wings, making them easy to identify. These fruit flies lay eggs by piercing through fruit when the fruit is a salmon color. That causes white maggots to grow inside of the fruit.

How long do Nanking cherries stay fresh?

For home use, Nanking cherries are high-yielding and stay fresh on the tree for 2 to 3 weeks after ripening. It’s advisable to net the cherries, as the fruit is attractive to native songbirds.

How tall is a Nanking cherry tree?

Without pruning, a Nanking bush cherry tree can reach heights of 15 feet (4.6 m.), but the spreading growth habits of the Nanking cherry allow it to grow as a shrub or planted closely and trimmed into a hedge. It’s an early spring bloomer producing attractive pink buds that turn white as they flower.

When do cherry trees ripen?

The bush cherry tree produces dark red fruit about ½ inch (1.3 cm.) in diameter. The tart-tasting cherries are edible and ripen in July and August in the Northern Hemisphere (January and February in the Southern Hemisphere). Ripened Nanking cherries are softer than other cherry species.

Where is Nanking Cherry native to?

Nanking cherry ( Prunus tomentosa) is a central Asian species of bush cherry tree native to China, Japan and the Himalayas. They were introduced into the U.S. in 1882 and are winter hardy in USDA zones 3 to 6. The Nanking cherry is a fast-growing species that sets fruit within two years. Without pruning, a Nanking bush cherry tree can reach heights ...

What is the pinnacle of gardening?

Image by igaguri_1. Growing your own fruit is the pinnacle of many gardeners’ dreams. Once established, fruit trees supply a reliable harvest each year. Other than routine maintenance of the trees, the only real labor is the picking.

Can you net a Nanking bush cherry tree?

It’s advisable to net the cherries, as the fruit is attractive to native songbirds. Routine pruning to control the height of the Nanking bush cherry tree will make picking the cherries easier. When growing bush cherries at home, two or more trees are needed for cross pollination. Harvested fruit can be eaten fresh or preserved for later consumption.

Can bush cherries be planted?

Bush cherries are tolerant of windy conditions and can be planted as a windbreak . Once established, growing bush cherries doesn’t require much maintenance. They tend to be short lived, but last 50 years or more with proper care.

Where is Nanking Bush Cherry grown?

Often referred to as Nanking Bush cherry, the fruiting shrub is cultivated in eastern Russia and is popular among home gardeners and permaculturalists in the United States.

How tall do Nanking cherries grow?

Nanking cherries grow on a medium-sized shrub that reaches no more than 2 and a half meters tall. The small red fruits, or drupes, grow in clusters on short stems. The clusters of fruit are nestled in among the leaves, spaced out at intervals along the branches. Nanking cherries are quite small, measuring one to 2 centimeters in diameter (about the size of a blueberry). Their pale pink to bright cherry red skin is shiny and smooth, and the pulp is juicy. Each fruit contains one seed, much like other cherries. Nanking cherries are sweet and tart.

What is a Nanking cherry?

Current Facts. The Nanking cherry, botanically known as Prunus tomentosa, is a popular shrub that is grown for both its appearance and its fruit. In the spring, the dense shrub is covered in white to pale pink flowers. Most cultivars produce red fruit; however, a white variety does exist.

Can you use nanking cherries in sauce?

Add whole pitted Nanking cherries to sauces, either sweet or savory, like a barbeque sauce. Use Nanking cherries to flavor vinegar or pickle unripe fruits. The small cherry variety is highly perishable and need to be consumed within a day or two.

Do nanking cherries help with gout?

Nanking cherries, like sour cherry varieties, contains rich amounts of vitamins A and C, as well as calcium and iron. The tart cherries contain anthocyanin, the compound that gives the fruit its rouge hue. This phytochemical gives Nanking cherries powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The fruit can also help lower uric acid levels in the blood, which can result in gout.

Can you put cherries in water?

Pitting the small cherries can be time consuming, so it may be easier to cook the cherries in a small amount of water, allowing the skins to burst and release the pit. Strain the liquid to remove the pits and skin remnants, leaving the liquid for making jelly or to use as a concentrate for beverages. Remove the pits and dry Nanking cherries ...

Where is George Washington's edible garden?

George Washington Carver Edible Park near downtown Asheville, North Carolina . The park was established as the ‘Bountiful Cities Project’ in 1997 and later renamed for the famed botanist and inventor in 2000.

Where do Nanking cherries grow?

Nanking cherry trees are native to central Asia; they grow wild throughout China, Japan, and the Himalayas. In the 1880s, immigrants brought the tree over to the United States. Since they’re native to cold regions, it makes sense that they’d thrive in similar climates. Nanking cherries are hardy in USDA zones 3-6.

What is Nanking Cherry?

Nanking cherry (prunus tomentosa) is a unique fruit to western growers, but it’s been cultivated in the east for millennia. The small fruits look like cherries, but they’re actually more closely related to plums. Though Nanking cherries are only about 1/2 inch in diameter, the plants produce huge crops with little maintenance.

What kind of soil does Nanking Cherry like?

Nanking cherry adapts to many varieties of soil types and pH ranges. It grows best in well-drained, loamy soil, but it is drought-tolerant. These shrubs prefer neutral soil in the 6.1 to 7.0 range.

Why are Nanking cherry trees so easy to grow?

Nanking cherry trees have few pests or disease problems. It’s one of the reasons why these trees are so easy to grow. Most gardeners watch for the same pests and diseases that affect sweet and tart cherries.

How much sunlight does a nanking cherry tree need?

The best spot for a nanking cherry tree is in a sunny location with a minimum of six to eight hours of sunlight. They’re strong trees, tolerating windy conditions, so many people use them for windbreaks.

What causes a cherry tree to rot?

Pathogens in the Phytophthora genus cause root and crown rot diseases in all fruit and nut trees. Nanking cherry is no exception! When the soil around the base of the shrub remains wet for long periods, it causes the disease to appear.

Why do you grow nanking cherries?

One reason to grow nanking cherries is that they’re low maintenance. Once established, there is little that you need to do on a regular basis. They have a short life span when compared to other fruit trees (which can live for centuries), but they still should last a generation.

Where is Nanking Cherry from?

History/Lore. The Nanking cherry is native to central Asia. It was introduced to the North America in 1882. Other common names are Manchu cherry, downy cherry, mountain cherry, Mongolian cherry, Chinese bush cherry and hedge cherry. The word tomentosa indicates the hairy nature of the underside of the leaf of this tree.

What type of soil does Nanking Cherry prefer?

Soil Preference. The Nanking cherry adapts to a variety of soil conditions and pH levels. It prefers well-drained soil but will tolerate drought and can grow in semi-arid conditions.

What is the best cherry to plant in the winter?

Prunus tomentosa. Fragrant white spring flowers, shiny reddish-brown bark, and edible scarlet fruit make the Nanking cherry a favorite for mass plantings and borders. This is a vigorous, adaptable shrub particularly suited to the cold winters and hot summers of the central and northern plains of the United States and Canada.

When do cherry trees bloom?

Blooms in early spring, with pinkish buds opening up into pale pink or white flowers that are very fragrant. Produces tart and tangy scarlet-colored cherries that can be eaten fresh or used in pies, jams and jellies. Ripens July to August. Adapts well to cold winters, hot summers and drought.

How to propagate Nanking Cherry?

How do I propagate the Nanking Cherry? If you don't mind the plants not breeding true, seeds are easiest (and will grow a long, drought-resistant taproot, absent in plants grown from cuttings.) Remove the seeds from the pulp, air dry slightly, then stratify for three months. Seedlings bear by the third year.

Why is Nanking Cherry so variable?

Flavor of the Nanking Cherry seems to be extremely variable, probably due to the fact that American nurseries grow the plants from seed. In stark contrast, the Nanking Cherry is the most common garden fruit in the Russian Far East, where many named varieties exist.

Is a Nanking Cherry a cherry?

Is the Nanking Cherry a cherry? Nanking Cherry (Prunus tomentosa) is in the same genus as cher ries, plums, and peaches, but is a different species than either sweet cherries (P. avium) or sour cherries (P. cerasus). This means that your Nanking Cherries can't be pollinated by either of these species, just as sweet cherries won't pollinate sour ...

Can a Nanking Cherry grow in a hedge?

Since the Nanking Cherry is a shrub, it can fit into parts of the garden where a standard cherry couldn't grow. Using the Nanking Cherry as an edible hedge plant has forest pasture implications as well.

How long does it take for a bush cherry to produce fruit?

Catalogs may say that the bushes will produce fruit their first year. This may depend on their zone. Bush cherries grow well in many regions, and northern growers may depend on their hardiness. But it can take as many as four seasons to see production.

How do I dig a bush hole?

The roots should not be cramped. Refill the hole with loose soil. Avoid clumps, rocks or anything that might smash or damage the roots. Hold the bush upright while refilling, keeping the trunk itself from being buried. There is usually a "bud" where the trunk meets the root system. Keep that bud even with or slightly above the ground surface. Tamp the dirt gently as you fill .

How much water should I give my bushes?

Water the bushes generously with 3 to 5 gallons of water. Two or 3 additional gallons of water weekly will help them become well-established. Watering immediately will also help settle air pockets around the root system.

What is the name of the magazine that Musch wrote for?

She has written for "Living Stones News" and "Home School Enrichment" magazine, as well as editing for Port Yonder Press. Musch founded and publishes "Apples of Gold News," a newsletter and Web site that encourages homeschooling families. She studied communications at Northland College.

How big do Nanking Bush cherry trees get?

Nanking bush cherry plants are not your typical cherry trees. They are smaller, growing to a mature size of 6 to 8 feet tall and branching out 4 to 5 feet wide. They arrive from nursery providers as bare-root stock 12 to 18 inches tall.

How far apart should I plant a bush?

Bushes will have wide branches when mature, so find a sunny site where they can be spaced at least 4 to 6 feet apart. They may be planted in rows like an orchard; as a border, such as along a drive; or as a screen or property divider. Remove all weeds and grass from the site.

How deep should I dig for a sage plant?

Dig each hole about 1 to 2 feet wide and 1 foot deep. The depth will depend a bit on the size of your plant's root system. Soil should be dark and crumbly, not too dry, and not too wet so that it clumps together. If you squeeze a ball of dirt in your fist, it should hold together only loosely.


1.All About Nanking Cherries - Minneopa Orchards


23 hours ago  · March 28, 2022 by fatimah. Plant Nanking cherry trees in a sunny location. They prefer a loamy soil, but can be grown in many soil types as long as drainage is adequate. Bush cherries are tolerant of windy conditions and can be planted as a windbreak. Once established, growing …

2.What Is A Nanking Cherry: Learn About Growing Bush Cherries


11 hours ago Then, how do you grow Nanking cherries? Plant Nanking cherry trees in a sunny location. They prefer a loamy soil, but can be grown in many soil types as long as drainage is adequate. Bush cherries are tolerant of windy conditions and can be planted as a windbreak. Once established, growing bush cherries doesn't require much maintenance. One may also ask, what do Nanking cherries look like?

3.Nanking Cherries Information, Recipes and Facts - Specialty Produce


12 hours ago  · How to Grow Nanking Cherry (Prunus tomentosa) Propagating Nanking Cherry From Cuttings. If you have a neighbor or a friend growing a nanking cherry, propagating... Nanking Cherry Pollination. Something you have to remember is that nanking cherry trees don’t self-pollinate. You need... Caring For ...

4.How to Grow Nanking Cherry (Prunus tomentosa)


6 hours ago The Nanking cherry is native to central Asia. It was introduced to the North America in 1882. Other common names are Manchu cherry, downy cherry, mountain cherry, Mongolian cherry, Chinese bush cherry and hedge cherry. The word tomentosa indicates the hairy nature of the underside of the leaf of this tree. Its branches can be cut in mid-winter and forced to bloom indoors in early spring.

5.Nanking Cherry Tree on the Tree Guide at


22 hours ago Does the Nanking Cherry taste like a cherry? Flavor of the Nanking Cherry seems to be extremely variable, probably due to the fact that American nurseries grow the plants from seed. In stark contrast, the Nanking Cherry is the most common garden fruit in the Russian Far East, where many named varieties exist.

6.Nanking Cherry: Prunus tomentosa -


15 hours ago How to Grow Nanking Cherries Step 1. Select a site for your young stock. Bushes will have wide branches when mature, so find a sunny site where they... Step 2. Soak the roots of your bare-root stock immediately upon arrival. They should soak for no less than 2 to 3 hours... Step 3. Dig each hole ...

7.How to Grow Nanking Cherries | eHow


2 hours ago Location: Cache Valley, zone 4b, Irrigated, 9" rain in badlands. 2360. posted 6 years ago. 1. Nanking Cherries grow great for me in USDA zone 4b with somewhat alkaline soil. Because they are typically seed grown, there can be great plants and mediocre plants. Bird predation of the fruits is a problem in my garden.

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