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where is the prickly pear found in australia

by Lucious Klein Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago


Full Answer

Are there prickly pears in Australia?

A monument to the Cactoblastis cactorum moth at Dalby, Queensland. Prickly pears (Genus Opuntia) include a number of plant species that were introduced and have become invasive in Australia . Prickly pears (mostly Opuntia stricta) were imported into Australia in the First Fleet as hosts of cochineal insects, used in the dye industry.

What is the history of the prickly pear?

The species which spread most prolifically were the common pest pear (Opuntia inermis) and the spiny pest pear (Opuntia stricta). The first government action on prickly pear was in 1886 when the New South Wales Government passed the Prickly-pear Destruction Act.

Is prickly pear a hardy plant?

By the mid-nineteenth century synthetic red dyes replaced cochineal, but prickly pear proved to be a hardy garden plant in rural Queensland, with attractive flowers and tasty fruit high in vitamin C. The pads also made a good supplementary drought fodder for cattle because of their high water content.

What eats prickly pear?

The moth Cactoblastis cactorum from South America, whose larvae eat prickly pear, was introduced in 1925 and almost wiped out the population. This case is often cited as an example of successful biological pest control. There is a monument to Cactoblastis cactorum in Dalby, Queensland commemorating the eradication of the prickly pear in the region.

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Where can prickly pear be found?

The prickly pears are considered an old group within the cactus family with about 150 species in Opuntia. It has the largest range of any cactus in the United States and can be found from New Mexico and Montana east to Florida and Massachusetts. It is also found in Ontario.

Is prickly pear invasive in Australia?

Prickly pears (Genus Opuntia) include a number of plant species that were introduced and have become invasive in Australia.

Why are prickly pears a problem in Australia?

The two major pest species in Australia are Opuntia inermis and 0. stricta. At one time landowners grew hedges of prickly–pear around their homesteads until they got out of hand and then the hedges were cut down. The rapidity with which these pests have increased is one of the botanical wonders of the world.

Why are prickly pears illegal?

When the plants get out into the environment, they can form impenetrable walls of vegetation that prevent animals from grazing and from accessing shade and water. These types of cacti also reduce the natural beauty of our parks and outdoor areas. That's why it is illegal to sell or swap them in NSW.

Can you eat Australian prickly pear?

So if you are in Australia and see a cactus growing as a weed that looks like Prickly Pear, it most likely is. Apparently the fruit of all Opuntia are edible and the nopales of 'most' Opuntia are edible, so stick with the fruit if you are uncertain.

How did Australia get rid of prickly pear?

Control methods, such as digging up and burning, and crushing with rollers drawn by horses and bullocks, all proved to be of limited use. Early investigative work into chemical control of prickly pear established that best results were achieved by using arsenic pentoxide.

Is prickly pear safe to eat?

Serving the Prickly Pear Now that the skin is removed, you can slice up the prickly pear to eat. The prickly pear has small, hard seeds that you cannot bite through, but they are safe to swallow if you prefer. Or you can chew on the fruit and seeds and spit the seeds out.

What eats prickly pear in Australia?

It's prickly pear season for Australia's Maltese community. The prickly pear is considered a pest in Australia, but for the local Maltese community, this spiky, uninviting cactus is the true taste of summer.

Are prickly pears invasive?

Invasive Features The wide-spreading, fibrous root system of prickly pear allows access to surface water, and its succulent stems store large quantities of water. During drought years, prickly pear usually spreads more readily than grasses, especially under hot, dry conditions.

Is Prickly pear cactus native to Australia?

Prickly pear plants (most likely Opuntia monacantha) were introduced to Australia by the colonists of the First Fleet in 1788. On board one of Captain Arthur Phillip's ships was a collection of Opuntia plants, infested with cochineal insects (Dactylopius coccus), that had originated in Brazil.

How do you get rid of prickly pear cactus in Australia?

Use mechanized equipment such as front-loaders to remove above-ground prickly pear growth. Wear protective clothing and safety glasses. Load prickly pears into vehicles for hauling away and discarding. Alternatively, use mulching and grinding equipment to shred the cactus pieces.

What could be the possible reason for invasive growth of prickly pear cactus introduced in Australia?

Assertion (A): The prickly pear cactus introduced into Australia caused havoc by spreading rapidly into millions of hectares of land. Reason (R): When certain exotic species are introduced into a geographical area, they tend to become invasive and start spreading fast because of the absence of the natural predators.

Where are prickly pears found?

Prickly pears in Australia. A monument to the Cactoblastis cactorum moth at Dalby, Queensland. Prickly pears (Genus Opuntia) include a number of plant species that were introduced and have become invasive in Australia . Prickly pears (mostly Opuntia stricta) were imported into Australia in the 19th century for use as a natural agricultural fence ...

Why are prickly pears invasive?

Prickly pears (Genus Opuntia) include a number of plant species that were introduced and have become invasive in Australia . Prickly pears (mostly Opuntia stricta) were imported into Australia in the 19th century for use as a natural agricultural fence and in an attempt to establish a cochineal dye industry. Many of these, especially the Tiger ...

When was the prickly pear moth introduced?

The moth Cactoblastis cactorum from South America, whose larvae eat prickly pear, was introduced in 1925 and almost wiped out the population. This case is often cited as an example of successful biological pest control.

When was the peak of prickly pear?

At its peak in 1925, prickly pear covered 24 million hectares of Queensland and New South Wales. Communities and governments despaired of being able to control this weed. In the 1920s, the Queensland Prickly Pear Land Commission stated, It will never be known – not even remotely – what the pear pest has cost the State.

Where did the prickly pear invade?

Although concern at the pear invasion had been expressed in the 1880s, its stronghold was in brigalow ( Acacia harpophylla) forests of central and southern Queensland where it was not an obvious problem, and by 1900 pear covered 4 million ha. After the 1901-02 droughts, when feeding prickly pear to livestock became widespread, it began to establish in prime grazing land, and by 1920, was estimated to be spreading at a rate of 400,000 ha a year.

What was the purpose of the Prickly Pear Travelling Commission?

In 1912 the Prickly Pear Travelling Commission was formed to investigate biological control methods. The Commission visited India, South Africa and the Americas, where prickly pear species had originated or had caused similar invasion problems. Many insect and fungus species were tried out, and the cochineal mealy-bug, D. ceylonicus, proved effective against drooping tree pear, virtually destroying infestations within three years of release of the bugs. Research was interrupted by World War I, but in 1925, eggs of the Cactoblastis cactorum moth were imported from Argentina.

How did the prickly pear affect the colonization of Queensland?

Prickly pear effectively halted closer settlement in the fertile Brigalow Belt. The Queensland Government repeatedly encouraged settlement of infested land, through legislation and incentives, but few settlers succeeded in complying with lease conditions to clear pear and forfeitures of land were rife.

What was the first species of Opuntia?

The first species of Opuntia was introduced to establish a cochineal industry. Cochineal is a strong red dye produced by mealy-bugs ( Dactylopius species) which feed on Opuntia cacti. The cochineal trade was monopolised by Mexico but the British were keen to establish their own supplies as the dye was essential for the red coats of British soldiers. By the mid-nineteenth century synthetic red dyes replaced cochineal, but prickly pear proved to be a hardy garden plant in rural Queensland, with attractive flowers and tasty fruit high in vitamin C. The pads also made a good supplementary drought fodder for cattle because of their high water content.

Why was the prickly pear a successful invader?

Firstly, the right conditions for plant growth, as bioclimates in parts of Queensland and the source regions of prickly pear species were similar. Secondly, new plants established readily from seeds or pads.

What is the biological control for prickly pear?

However, the most outstanding feature of biological control for prickly pear was that the control insects fed only on the targeted pest species, thus avoiding problems such as those with the cane toad (introduced as a biological control for sugar cane pests in 1935).

What is the habitat of a prickly pear?

Prickly pear are found growing in washes, rocky hillsides, around boulders, and in areas where the soil is sandy or gravelly. The Englemann variety of prickly pear can be found over much of the desert southwest from central Texas through inland southern California.

What desert animal eats prickly pear cactus?

Many animals will eat Prickly Pear cactus fruit. There are pictures of mule deer, land iguana, desert squirrel, cactus mouse, desert tortoise, African blue tit birds, desert cottontail rabbits, as well as many other animals eating Prickly Pear fruit in the wild.

Is prickly pear still a problem in Australia?

An ongoing problem Although not on the same scale as the 1920s crisis, prickly pear continues to be a problem in New South Wales and Queensland, where new varieties that do not act as hosts for cactoblastis moths have become established.

Are cactuses in Australia?

Cacti are increasingly trendy potted plants, given that even a novice gardener would struggle to kill them. They’re not native to Australia, but they do thrive in our arid climate. 27 varieties are listed as prohibited invasive plants in some states, including Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria.

Is Prickly Pear poisonous?

What cactus has edible fruit? It is safe to eat the fruit of all true cactus. Some varieties such as prickly pear, cholla, and dragon fruit cactus are edible as vegetables after removing the spines. However, some other types of cactus including peyote, Bolivian, and San Pedro cactus are toxic and should not be eaten.

Does prickly pear grow in Texas?

Texas prickly pear is common in the drier areas of South and Central Texas and Mexico and sparingly in the Trans-Pecos possibly into New Mexico, to an elevation of 4600 feet. It is a thicket-forming and heavy-bodied cactus with a definite cylindrical trunk, and may be erect to 3 1/2 feet, or prostrate.

Do they have cactus in Texas?

More species of cacti are found in Texas than iany other state; counties with the most variety (around 100 species) are Presidio and Brewster, in the Big Bend area. Some counties have no cacti, however, including most of those in the far east.

Where did prickly pear originate?

THE entry of the prickly–pear into Australia dates from about 1787, when the species Opuntia monacantha was introduced from Bio de Janeiro. The object was to establish the cochineal industry in that land since prickly–pears constitute the host for this particular kind of insect. Some twenty–five other species of Opuntia have found their way into Australia, but their origins cannot be traced. All have become naturalized either as serious pests, minor pests or as garden escapes. The two major pest species in Australia are Opuntia inermis and 0. stricta. At one time landowners grew hedges of prickly–pear around their homesteads until they got out of hand and then the hedges were cut down. The rapidity with which these pests have increased is one of the botanical wonders of the world. Their original home is the coastal sector of Texas and Florida where the mean rainfall is 40–50 in. Yet in Australia the plants have adapted themselves to a very different environment and with a precipitation of only 20–30 in. annually. In 1900 an area of about 10,000,000 acres was affected in Queensland and New South Wales. The invasion advanced with such celerity that at the peak, in 1025, the affected area must have been greater than 60,000,000 acres: in some years the annual increase in infested territory exceeded 2,500,000 acres. The main distribution takes place by seeds, but every broken–off segment of the plant is liable to take root.

What kind of hedges did landowners grow?

At one time landowners grew hedges of prickly–pear around their homesteads until they got out of hand and then the hedges were cut down. The rapidity with which these pests have increased is one of the botanical wonders of the world.

Is Opuntia inermis native to Australia?

Some twenty–five other species of Opuntia have found their way into Australia, but their origins cannot be traced. All have become naturalized either as serious pests, minor pests or as garden escapes. The two major pest species in Australia are Opuntia inermis and 0. stricta.

Where is the high priority weed?

This high priority weed is a Declared Plant under the Agriculture and Related Resources Protection Act 1976 and has therefore documented control strategies in place. Originally an endemic of the subtropical and tropical coastal areas of the Americas and the Caribbean and was imported into Australia in the 19th century for use as a natural agricultural fence and in an attempt to establish a cochineal dye industry. It has become naturalised in many parts of the State and is still found in gardens in the older inner Perth suburbs. Infestations have been recorded as far north as Karratha and east to Esperance.

What is the name of the moth that is used to control weeds in Australia?

In Australia it has been the subject of one of the first really effective biological control exercises using the moth Cactoblastis cactorum. It was declared a Weed of National Significance by the Australian Weeds Committee in April 2012, but continues to be kept under control by the use of the Cactoblastis moth and a Cochineal insect, Dactylopius opuntiae.

Is Opuntia stricta an invasive species?

Opuntia stricta is considered an invasive species in Australia. It is quick to colonize hot, open environments with sandy soils.


1.Prickly pears in Australia - Wikipedia


35 hours ago  · Little is known of the fate of those first plants, but it is believed the particular variety of prickly pear brought to Australia in the First Fleet was “smooth tree pear” (Opuntia monacantha). This type of prickly pear is still found along coastal areas of New South Wales, and is classified as a noxious weed.

2.Prickly pear | Queensland Historical Atlas


1 hours ago  · Little is known of the fate of those first plants, but it is believed the particular variety of prickly pear brought to Australia in the First Fleet was “smooth tree pear” (Opuntia monacantha). This type of prickly pear is still found along coastal areas of New South Wales, and is classified as a noxious weed.

3.Often asked: Where Are Prickly Pear Cactus Found? - A …


22 hours ago  · The most widespread invasive weed in Queensland was a group of cactus species from the Americas, collectively known as prickly pear. At its peak in 1925, prickly pear covered 24 million hectares of Queensland and New South Wales. Communities and governments despaired of being able to control this weed. In the 1920s, the Queensland Prickly Pear Land Commission …



5 hours ago  · Little is known of the fate of those first plants, but it is believed the particular variety of prickly pear brought to Australia in the First Fleet was “smooth tree pear” (Opuntia monacantha). This type of prickly pear is still found along coastal areas of New South Wales, and is classified as a noxious weed.

5.Common Prickly Pear - Urban Bushland Council WA


18 hours ago THE entry of the prickly–pear into Australia dates from about 1787, when the species Opuntia monacantha was introduced from Bio de Janeiro. The object was …

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