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where is the suprapatellar bursa located

by Dr. Hollis Christiansen PhD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

The suprapatellar bursa is located between the quadriceps tendon and the femur. Failure of regression of the transverse septum formed in embryonic life between the suprapatellar plica and the knee joint fluid leads to the formation of this bursa. [8] Accumulation of fluid in this bursa leads to bursitis.

Where is the suprapatellar knee bursa located?

The suprapatellar knee bursa is found above the kneecap. It sits underneath the quadriceps tendon at the bottom of the thigh allowing the quadriceps to glide up and down as the knee bends and straightens without friction. The other bursa knee locations are:

What causes bursitis of the suprapatellar?

Causes A direct blow to the suprapatellar bursa can produce inflammation and irritation. A fall onto the knee or suprapatellar bursa. Constant pressure on the suprapatellar bursa from kneeling. Repeated stress injury to the suprapatellar bursa and tendon from jumping, which can also cause tendonitis and bursitis.

What is prepatellar bursa?

Prepatellar bursa is located at the top of the knee over the kneecap. Bursitis of the prepatellar bursa is sometimes called carpet layer’s knee, housemaid’s knee or roofer’s knee. It can be caused by a direct blow to the knee or from being in a prolonged kneeling position.

What is the difference between the infrapatellar and suprapatellar bursa?

The infrapatellar bursae, we say bursae because there are two of them located under the knee cap. One is called the deep infrapatellar bursa and the other is the superficial infrapatellar bursa. The suprapatellar bursa is found above the knee cap. Supra means above in Latin.


Is the Suprapatellar bursa connected to the knee joint?

the suprapatellar bursa or recess between the anterior surface of the lower part of the femur and the deep surface of the quadriceps femoris. It allows for movement of the quadriceps tendon over the distal end of the femur. In about 85% of individuals, this bursa communicates with the knee joint.

Where is the Suprapatellar in the knee?

Suprapatellar bursa is located between the distal femur (leg bone) and the quadriceps tendon. It permits free movement of the quadriceps tendon over the distal femur. It allows for full flexion (bending) and extension (straightening) of the knee. It can be irritated by a direct blow or from repeated stress or motions.

What does Suprapatellar bursitis feel like?

Suprapatellar bursitis symptoms dull, achy pain or tenderness. swelling or redness. warmth. loss or reduction in motion.

What are the 4 bursae of the knee joint?

subcutaneous prepatellar bursa: between the skin and patella. subcutaneous infrapatellar bursa: between the skin and tibial tuberosity. deep infrapatellar bursa: between patella ligament and upper tibia.

Does knee bursitis show up on MRI?

On MRI, prepatellar bursitis appears as an oval fluid-signal-intensity lesion between the subcutaneous tissue and the patella [Figure 1].

What is the largest bursa in the knee?

Pes Anserine Bursa The Pes Anserine knee bursa is found on the inner side of the knee approximately two inches below the joint between the tendons of the sartorius, gracilis and semitendinosis muscles and the medial collateral ligament.

What can be mistaken for bursitis?

Bursitis is often mistaken for arthritis because joint pain is a symptom of both conditions. There are various types of arthritis that cause joint inflammation, including the autoimmune response of rheumatoid arthritis or the breaking down of cartilage in the joints in degenerative arthritis.

Is walking good for knee bursitis?

Exercise is often prescribed to improve joint pain, so walking could be a vital part of managing your bursitis symptoms.

Does knee bursitis show up on xray?

X-ray images can't positively establish the diagnosis of bursitis, but they can help to exclude other causes of your discomfort. Ultrasound or MRI might be used if your bursitis can't easily be diagnosed by a physical exam alone.

Should I wear a knee brace for bursitis?

This therapy might alleviate pain and reduce your risk of recurring episodes of knee bursitis. Protective knee braces might help if you can't avoid kneeling, and compressive knee sleeves can help reduce swelling.

Is knee bursitis serious?

Getting a doctor to check your knee condition will ensure you get the right diagnosis and treatment. While bursitis is not a dangerous condition and can be treated, delaying a diagnosis and treatment can cause you unnecessary pain and symptoms.

What does bursitis in the knee feel like?

Knee bursitis signs and symptoms vary, depending on which bursa is affected and what's causing the inflammation. In general, the affected portion of your knee might feel warm, tender and swollen when you put pressure on it. You might also feel pain when you move or even at rest.

What does Suprapatellar mean?

su·pra·pa·tel·lar. (sū'pră-pă-tel'ăr), Above the patella, denoting especially a bursa.

What is a Suprapatellar knee joint effusion?

A knee joint effusion will demonstrate swelling around the patella and distend of the suprapatellar space. Patients may have a restricted range of motion along with pain with ambulation.

Can knee effusion be cured?

Often once the cause of the swollen joint gets treated, the swelling goes away. However, not all causes of a knee joint effusion are curable. For many, treatment consists of managing your symptoms instead of eliminating them. There are several ways healthcare providers manage your swollen joint.

How long does a knee effusion take to heal?

Generally, it takes about 6 weeks to recover from a knee injury. If you need surgery, recovery time can range between 8 weeks to 12 months. Total recovery time depends on many factors, including: the severity of your condition.

Where is the suprapatellar bursa located?

It is located proximal to the knee joint, between the prefemoral and suprapatellar fat pads. As with all bursae, its purpose is to reduce friction between moving structures.

What is the purpose of suprapatellar bursa?

As with all bursae, its purpose is to reduce friction between moving structures. In most (~85%) people, the suprapatellar bursa communicates with the knee joint proper. Thus, it is useful to assess for bursal distension on x-ray, as this generally indicates the presence of a knee effusion.

Does the suprapatellar bursa communicate with the knee joint?

the suprapatellar bursa does not communicate with the knee joint in ~15% of people, remaining separated by an embryonic septum 2,3. knee effusion. synovial chondromatosis.

Where is the prepatellar bursa located?

Prepatellar bursa is located at the top of the knee over the kneecap. Bursitis of the prepatellar bursa is sometimes called carpet layer’s knee, housemaid’s knee or roofer’s knee. It can be caused by a direct blow to the knee or from being in a prolonged kneeling position.

How to treat suprapatellar bursitis?

Initial treatment of suprapatellar bursitis includes avoiding activities that produce pain or stress of the suprapatellar bursa and associated tendons (jumping, running, and kneeling.) The use of ice to reduce inflammation and pain. NSAIDS (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) Physical Therapy.

What happens if you blow your suprapatellar bursa?

A direct blow to the suprapatellar bursa can produce inflammation and irritation.

What is the bursa in the knee?

A bursa is a fluid filled sack that serves to reduce friction between tendons, and between tendons and bone. The four major bursae of the knee are: Suprapatellar bursa is located between the distal femur (leg bone) and the quadriceps tendon. It permits free movement of the quadriceps tendon over the distal femur.

What is the bursa of the roofer's knee called?

Bursitis of the prepatellar bursa is sometimes called carpet layer’s knee, housemaid’s knee or roofer’s knee. It can be caused by a direct blow to the knee or from being in a prolonged kneeling position. Infrapatellar bursa is located below the kneecap, under the large patella tendon.

How long does it take to recover from suprapatellar bursitis?

In general, patients respond well to conservative treatment of suprapatellar bursitis. It is important that once the pain and inflammation is reduced and motion and strength are restored that the patient gradually returns back to full activities. Instruction in daily activities or sport performance is helpful to reduce the chance of a reoccurrence of the bursitis. In most cases full return to activity will take from 2-6 weeks depending on the severity of the condition. As a preventive measure individuals should: 1 Make modifications in work or daily activities such and kneeling, squatting or wearing protective equipment to avoid prolonged pressure or unexpected blows on the suprapatellar bursa. 2 Maintain strength and flexibility to reduce stress on the suprapatellar bursa and tendons of the knee. 3 Avoid highly repetitive activities whenever possible.

What are the activities that stress the suprapatellar bursa?

Pain with activities that stress the suprapatellar bursa like kneeling, jumping, running or activities that cause stress on the tendons that are lubricated by the suprapatellar bursa.

Patient Data

Overall normal MRI of the knee. Note the appearance of the suprapatellar bursa, which is completely collapsed in the absence of a knee effusion or bursitis.

Case Discussion

The suprapatellar bursa does not get much attention unless it is distended from knee effusion or bursitis, or contains "loose body" osteochondral lesions. This example nicely shows normal location and appearance of the bursa.

Where is the prepatellar bursa located?

The prepatellar bursa is located in front of the knee cap. Pre means before in Latin and patella is the medical term for knee cap. So this bursa comes before the knee cap.

Where are the bursae located?

There are other bursae in the knee that can be classified by their locations; anteriorly (front), medially (on the side of the knee closest to the middle of the body), and laterally (on the side of the knee farthest from the middle of the body). In the front of the knee, anteriorly, ...

What is the bursa of the knee?

Anatomy of the Knee Bursae. A bursa is a small sac made of fibrous tissue that has an inner lining of synovial type membrane. It is filled with synovial fluid, or lubricant, made by the membrane. Bursae, plural for bursa, are located at certain points where there is a tendon on top and a bone beneath it. The bursae act as cushions and provide ...

How many bursae are there in the knee?

The knee has five primary bursa, but also several more are scattered about the knee. You learned that many bursae names are actually descriptions of their locations, for example, pre for before and supra for above.

Where is the medial gastrocnemius bursa located?

The medial side of the knee house the medial gastrocnemius bursa. It is located above the head of the tibia. Sometimes, there is an additional bursa located in the medial area. On the lateral side of the knee you will find four bursae; fibular, fibulopopliteal, lateral gastrocnemius, and lastly the subpopliteal.

Where is the semimebranosus bursa located?

The semimebranosus bursa is also located at the back of the knee. It provides cushioning between one of the hamstring muscles and one of the calf muscles. When this bursa is irritated we call it a Baker's cyst. Some of the main bursae of the knee.

What is the pillow between the knees?

So now you know how the knees stand up to so much activity, it's the bursae. A bursa is a pillow like cushion that is found between a tendon and a bone. Bursae is the plural of bursa. These pillows provide cushioning and lubrication in joints.

Where is the suprapatellar bursa located?

They include the pre-patellar bursa, found overlying the kneecap, the suprapatellar bursa, separating the knee-cap from the thigh bone (femoral condyle) and the infrapate llar bursa, found below the kneecap overlying the patellar tendon. The trochanteric bursa.

What bursa is located over the kneecap?

The pre-patellar bursa. There are about five bursae that surround various areas of your knee joint, providing cushioning. They include the pre-patellar bursa, found overlying the kneecap, the suprapatellar bursa, separating the knee-cap from the thigh bone (femoral condyle) and the infrapatellar bursa, found below the kneecap overlying the patellar tendon.

What are the different types of bursae?

There are three main types of bursa in your body. These include: 2  1 Synovial. Synovial bursae are most commonly found and lie near the synovial membrane of the joints of your body. 2 Adventitious. The accidental bursa occur only after continued shearing or repeated pressure over a bony prominence. A bunion is an example of an adventitious bursa. 3 Subcutaneous. These bursae lie between your skin and a bony prominence and allow friction-less motion of your skin over the bone. An example of this can be found on the back of the elbow.

Why is my bursa sore?

When a bursa becomes irritated due to overuse, repetitive strain, or overloading of the tissues around the bursa, it may become painful and swollen. 3  This may make moving the joint near that bursa difficult. Common areas of your body affected by bursitis include the knee, the hip, and the shoulder.

What is the term for a bursa that is inflamed?

Bursitis. Bursitis occurs when a bursa becomes inflamed. The hallmarks of inflammation include pain, increased tissue temperature, and swelling. When a bursa becomes irritated due to overuse, repetitive strain, or overloading of the tissues around the bursa, it may become painful and swollen. 3 This may make moving the joint near that bursa difficult. Common areas of your body affected by bursitis include the knee, the hip, and the shoulder.

How to get rid of a pinched bursa?

Joint mobilization. If tightness around your joint is causing your bursa to become pinched and inflamed, your physical therapist may perform joint mobilizations. These specialized manual movement techniques can help improve the way you move and keep pressure off your inflamed bursa.

Where are the bursae found?

These include: 2 . Synovial. Synovial bursae are most commonly found and lie near the synovial membrane of the joints of your body. Adventitious. The accidental bursa occur only after continued shearing or repeated pressure over a bony prominence.

Where is the suprapatellar bursa located?

5. Suprapatellar bursa. This is found above the kneecap underneath the quadriceps tendon at the bottom of the thigh preventing friction from the femur.

How many infrapatellar knee bursa are there?

There are actually two infrapatellar knee bursa, known as the deep and superficial infrapatellar bursa.

What causes a bursa knee to hurt?

1. Inflamed: i.e. swollen known as bursitis or. 2. Dried out: i.e. they lose the fluid inside them. This results in more friction on the bone and muscles/tendons leading to bursa knee pain. Usually a combination of strengthening and stretching exercises, medication and injections helps them to recover.

Where are the bursas located?

The other bursa knee locations are: 1 Anteriorly - front of the knee: pretibial and deep infrapatellar bursa 2 Medially - inner side: medial gastrocnemius bursa, the bursa between semitendinosus tendon and the head of the tibia and occasionally there is a bursa between the tendons of semimembranosus and semitendinosus 3 Laterally - outer side: lateral gastrocnemius, fibular, fibulopopliteal and the subpopliteal bursae

Why does my knee bursitis?

Problems usually develop in the knee bursa when there is muscle tightness or weakness which causes excessive friction on the bursa and can lead to knee bursitis.

Which side of the tibia is the bursa?

Medially - inner side: medial gastrocnemius bursa, the bursa between semitendinosus tendon and the head of the tibia and occasionally there is a bursa between the tendons of semimembranosus and semitendinosus. Laterally - outer side: lateral gastrocnemius, fibular, fibulopopliteal and the subpopliteal bursae.

Why do bursas sit on the knee?

They sit between two surfaces, usually muscle and bone, to reduce friction, a bit like ball bearings. This allows everything to move smoothly preventing inflammation. Sometimes the knee bursa get damaged, known as bursitis, which can cause pain.

Suprapatellar Bursitis Treatment

Once the swelling begins to appear, depending on the intensity of the inflammation, patients have two options. Either they can opt for self-care at home, and wait for the swelling to subside and heal on its own or immediately get the affected area medically checked.

Some Home Remedies

In order to help alleviate the swelling, the cardinal rule to be followed is to keep your affected knee on an elevated position. You can do so by placing some cushions directly under your knee. Do not place the cushions under your ankles as that would increase the pressure on the knee-joint.


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