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which of the following is a difference between consumer products and business products

by Heather Boehm II Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Unlike consumer products, business products are classified on the basis of their use rather than customer buying habits. These products are divided into six subcategories: installations; accessory equipment; raw materials; component parts and processed materials; maintenance, repair, and operating supplies; and business services.

Which of the following is a difference between consumer products and business products? b. Consumer products are products that are purchased for personal consumption, whereas business products are products that are used either directly or indirectly to produce other products.

Full Answer

What is the difference between consumer products and business products?

Consumer products are products that are purchased for personal consumption, whereas business products are products that are used either directly or indirectly to produce other products. THIS SET IS OFTEN IN FOLDERS WITH...

What are the 4 types of consumer products?

CONSUMER PRODUCTS. Consumer products are products purchased for personal, family, or household use. They are often grouped into four subcategories on the basis of consumer buying habits: convenience products, shopping products, specialty products and unsought products.

Which of the following is a difference between pure goods and services?

Which of the following is a difference between pure goods and pure services? Pure goods are products that do not include any services, while pure services are products that do not include any goods.

Is flour a business or consumer product?

Flour purchased by a supermarket for resale is classified as a consumer good, but flour purchased by a bakery to make pastries is classified as a business product. A pickup truck bought for personal use is a consumer product; if purchased to transport lawn mowers for a lawn service, it is a business product.


Which of the following is a difference between supplies and business services?

Which of the following is a difference between supplies and business services? Supplies are consumable items, whereas business services are expense items.

Which of the following is an example of a business product?

Examples of business products include raw materials, equipment, component parts, supplies, and business services.

Which characteristic distinguishes business products from consumer products?

The key characteristic distinguishing business products from consumer products is intended use, not physical form."

Which of the following is a difference between pure goods and pure services quizlet?

Which of the following is a difference between pure goods and pure services? Pure goods are products that do not include any services, while pure services are products that do not include any goods.

What are business products?

In marketing, a product is an object, or system, or service made available for consumer use as of the consumer demand; it is anything that can be offered to a market to satisfy the desire or need of a customer.

What are consumers products?

Consumer goods are products bought for consumption by the average consumer. Alternatively called final goods, consumer goods are the end result of production and manufacturing and are what a consumer will see stocked on the store shelf. Clothing, food, and jewelry are all examples of consumer goods.

What are the two basis of product classifications into consumer and business products?

The four product classifications are:Convenience products. Convenience products describe the items and services that customers purchase on a regular basis with little thought. ... Informed purchases. ... Specialty items. ... Mandatory purchases.

What are the two basis of product classifications into consumer and business products and why is this classification important for marketers?

There are many goods, such as typewriters and stationery can be classified as both industrial and consumer goods. Marketers have traditionally classified products on the basis of three characteristics – durability, tangibility and use.

How does demand of business products differ from consumer demand?

Key Differences Demand also differs between both types of goods. Industrial goods are driven by derived or indirect demand. This demand stems from the need to provide finished products to consumers. Demand for consumer goods, on the other hand, is direct demand which results from the direct usage of a good or service.

Which of the following is a difference between consumer products and business products quizlet?

Which of the following is a difference between consumer products and business products? Consumer products are products that are purchased for personal consumption, whereas business products are products that are used either directly or indirectly to produce other products.

What is the difference between pure goods and pure services?

Pure goods offer goods that act mostly as basic commodities. Core goods are physical objects that provide a service as they're used. Pure services provide services that remain totally intangible, while core services provide a service with tangible aspects.

Which of the following is a similarity between consumer marketers and business marketers?

Which of the following is a similarity between consumer marketers (B2C) and business marketers (B2B)? Both use geographic segmentation of markets.

What is consumer product?

Consumer products are products purchased for personal, family, or household use. They are often grouped into four subcategories on the basis of consumer buying habits: convenience products, shopping products, specialty products and unsought products. Consumer products can also be differentiated on the basis of durability.

What is shopping product?

Shopping products are purchased only after the buyer compares the various products and brands available through different retailers before making a deliberate buying decision. These products are usually of higher value than convenience goods, bought less frequently, and are durable.

What are the three subcategories of convenience products?

These products can be further divided into three subcategories: staple, impulse, and emergency items. Staple convenience products are basic items that buyers plan to buy before they enter a store, and include milk, bread, and toilet paper.

What is an impulse item?

Impulse items are other convenience products that are purchased without prior planning, such as candy bars, soft drinks, and tabloid newspapers. Emergency products are those that are purchased in response to an immediate, unexpected need such as ambulance service or a fuel pump for the car.

What is considered a non-durable product?

Non-durable products are those that are quickly used up or worn out, or that become outdated, such as food, school supplies, and disposable cameras.

What is a specialty product?

Specialty Products. Specialty products are items that consumers seek out because of their unique characteristics or brand identification. Buyers know exactly what they want and are willing to exert considerable effort to obtain it. These products are usually, but not necessarily, of high value.

Why is the classification of products and services important?

The classification of products and services is essential to business because it provides one of the factors for determining the strategies needed to move them through the marketing system. The two major classes are consumer products and business products.

What is the advantage of choosing a truck?

In the context of modes of transportation, a key advantage of choosing trucks is that they: offer high frequency of shipments.

What is channel distribution?

A channel of distribution is the path that a product takes from the producer to the consumer, whereas physical distribution is the actual movement of products along that path. Relane, a fitness equipment manufacturer, advertises its products and the availability of those products through television.


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