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which plants can be kept in bathroom

by Ernesto Brown Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Which plants can be kept in bathroom?

  1. Bird’s Nest Fern. Add a touch of nature to your bathroom with the help of bird’s nest fern. …
  2. Pothos. …
  3. Tillandsia / Air Plant. …
  4. Aloe Vera. …
  5. Staghorn Fern. …
  6. Calathea “Freddie” …
  7. Chinese Evergreen. …
  8. Gardenia.

Full Answer

What plants can I put in my bathroom?

These shower plants are ideal for keeping in a bathroom:

  • ZZ plants
  • Flowering orchids that love humidity
  • Air plants that don’t need a lot of light
  • Spider plants
  • Dumb cane plants
  • Peace lilies
  • Cast iron plants
  • Snake plants
  • English ivy
  • Arrowhead plants

What are harmful plants?

Though commonly grown as a hedge and ornamental, all parts of the oleander plant are deadly and contain lethal cardiac glycosides known as oleandrin and neriine. If eaten, oleander can cause vomiting, diarrhea, erratic pulse, seizures, coma, and death, and contact with the leaves and sap is known to be a skin irritant to some people.

What are the most healthy plants?

Top 15 Most Powerful Medicinal Plants

  1. Ginger. In many Asian countries, especially in India, ginger is a part of daily diet. ...
  2. Lavender. As you know lavender is one of best remedies for a glowing skin. ...
  3. Garlic. Garlic is a member of the onion family. ...
  4. Spinach. Spinach is the edible flowering plant native to Central Asia. ...
  5. Catnip. ...
  6. Thyme. ...
  7. Tea Tree. ...
  8. Lady Ferns. ...
  9. Sage. ...
  10. Peppermint. ...

More items...

What do plants need more water or sunlight?

Plants need water to germinate. We saw this with our bean in a jar. Water is needed to activate the process of germination, it also softens the seed making it easier for the plant to break through. Photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants make energy to grow. Photosynthesis requires sunlight, water and carbon dioxide. We ...


Which plant can be kept in bathroom?

Pothos. Since pothos like moderate to low, indirect light, it's the perfect plant to put on a bathroom shelf or counter. “Although pothos doesn't necessarily need the extra humidity, it's a great pick for a bathroom because it's tolerant of lower light levels and irregular watering,” Marino says.

Is it good to keep plant in bathroom?

While it's advisable to have indoor houseplants in every room, it is especially good to have them in the bathroom. Plants love the high humidity of the bathroom. Even if your bathroom is dark and windowless, and even if you are a terrible plant keeper, you can have success by keeping the right plants in your bathroom.

Which plants should not be kept in bathroom?

'Stay away from succulents, fruiting plants, Jade and Hibiscus as plants like these don't thrive in the typically warmer and less sunlit bathroom environment. '...Strelitzia Nicolai. (Image credit: The Big Bathroom Shop) ... Jade Plant. ... Hibiscus. ... Ponytail Palm. ... Gardenia. ... Euphorbia Candelabrum. ... Monkey Mask Monstera. ... Arboreum Zwartkop.More items...•

Can we keep plants in bathroom as per Vastu?

Which plants can be kept in the bathroom as per Vastu? Greenery in the bathroom can absorb negative energy. Money plant is ideal for a bathroom as it can withstand the warm and humid conditions of the bathroom. One can also keep snake plants, ZZ plants, aloe vera and spider plants in the bathroom.

Can I put money plant in bathroom?

Bathroom: Since money plants are easy to grow, they can easily grow in humid corners such as bathrooms. As per Vastu, keeping the money plant in a bathroom will do no harm. You can maintain it easily, if your bathroom gets a considerable amount of direct or indirect sunlight.

Why do people have plants in shower?

Ambient humidity offers tropical plants a natural environment that helps them thrive. Cleaning the leaves is a perfect way to check for any houseplant pests. Rinsing the leaves removes any excess dust or oils which allow your houseplant to photosynthesize better which in turns helps them to grow more efficiently.

Can I put flowers in the bathroom?

The quick and easy answer is that you can put flowers in any room of your home. They work wonderfully in your living room, bedroom, bathroom, and pretty much anywhere else.

Can you keep plants in the shower?

The best shower plants can handle the moist conditions in your shower. They aren't sensitive to water droplets lying on their leaves. Those in pots can tolerate constant moisture around their roots. Epiphytic plants, which grow in trees and thrive on humidity and rainwater, are especially good choices.

What is the best plant for a bathroom?

Boston ferns are so ubiquitous that they are easy to overlook, but this attractive, hardy species really does make a perfect bathroom plant. They crave humid environments and can be displayed in hanging baskets anywhere in the bathroom to transform the space.

What is the name of the plant that grows in a bathroom?

Eternity Plant ( Zamioculcas zamiifolia) Able to grow in many situations and under less-than-perfect care, the eternity plant is certainly appropriately named. It needs little water and low to medium light, and in a naturally lit bathroom it can thrive nearly independent of human attention.

What is the best shower plant?

Moth Orchid (Phalaenopsis spp.) Natalie Board / Getty Images. The moth orchid grows best in humid environments, which makes it a perfect shower plant, especially if you live in a drier environment.

Can spider plants be used as bathroom plants?

The spider plant can tolerate a lot, which makes them a great choice as a bathroom plant for new plant owners. This sprawling plant enjoys moisture and can thrive even in poorly lit conditions. It's also easy to propagate, since it grows "spiderettes," which can be divided and replanted easily. Plus, it's arguably one of ...

Do bathrooms have natural light?

After all, most plants like moisture, and most bathrooms have moisture to spare. Most bathrooms do not, however, offer much natural light, so choosing plants that tolerate low or indirect lighting is important.

Do air plants need soil?

Any of the more than 670 air plant species might get the nod as the easiest shower plants out there. 4 These South American natives don 't need soil and can soak up most of the water they need from the air when in a moist environment. Air plants are having something of a renaissance as a houseplant, and some species are being overcollected. It's worth making sure the ones you purchase are nursery grown rather than foraged from the wild.

Can bamboo grow in water?

Lucky bamboo is a water-loving plant that is prized for its minimalist aesthetic and its distinctive stalks, which can be trained into spirals or lattices as it grows. It's not actually related to bamboo; rather, it's an African species that is closely related to the garden asparagus you might find on your dinner table. It can be grown in water without soil, though if you choose this method, be sure to change out the water every few weeks.

How to keep houseplants in a drier climate?

There's a trick to keeping houseplants thriving in drier climates: It's the bathroom. The typical high humidity and warmth of your bathroom is exactly what most tropical plants are missing in their lives. So if your houseplants are struggling, gather them up and display them near your tub or sink. But keep in mind that not all species can tolerate the lower light levels many windowless bathrooms have, so you may need to provide some supplemental light. So brighten up a shelf or that corner by your sink and tuck in a few of these plants that will prefer the conditions in your bathroom to the rest of your house.

What is the best vining plant?

One of the most popular indoor vining plants is pothos, or Epipremnum aureum. It comes in a variety of leaf sizes, colors, and variegations. As long as it stays out of direct sunlight and its soil doesn't dry out (it doesn't care for overwatering, either), pothos is a low-maintenance beauty that is exceptionally pretty in a hanging basket or on a high shelf where it can trail to its heart's content. Golden pothos can develop beautifully variegated leaves with streaks and flecks of gold among the green.

What is a dark green China doll plant?

A dark green China doll plant ( Radermachera sinica) is perfect for sliding into a bathroom corner near a window. China doll plants need bright, indirect sunlight and moist, well-drained soil, and must be protected from drafts. Since they like the heat and moist conditions, they'll thrive in the warmth of your bathroom.

What are the needs of bromeliads?

Though they vary in care depending on the specific species, most bromeliads grown as houseplants will have similar needs: Bright, filtered light, plenty of moisture in the air, and a temperate indoor climate. Most are prized for their incredibly colorful, variegated foliage and long-lasting color. Some common, easy-to-care-for varieties include Scarlet Star ( Guzmania lingulata ), Blushing Bromeliad ( Neoregelia carolinae, shown), and the incredibly prehistoric-looking Urn Plant ( Aechmea fasciata ).

What is an air plant?

Also part of the bromeliad family, these beauties are commonly referred to as air plants. The specimens that fall into the Tillandsia genus (we're talking hundreds and hundreds of species) are beloved for their ability to grow without soil, or without necessarily being planted at all. In the right environment, they hardly need any care whatsoever. What's the right environment beyond the jungles of South America? You guessed it, the bathroom. If you have a shower with a bright window, even better. They'll love to have occasional shower overspray, and they'll soak up all that trapped humidity. If your air plant doesn't quite get enough moisture from the air, you can mist it, or give it a good soak every few weeks (depending on how dry your climate is). Some common varieties include Tillandsia xerographica, Tillandsia bergeri, and Tillandsia ionantha.

What is the best way to test if a garden is drought tolerant?

Test Garden Tip: The more silvery the foliage, the more drought-tolerant it is.

Is Pothos a low maintenance plant?

As long as it stays out of direct sunlight and its soil doesn't dry out (it doesn't care for over watering, either), pothos is a low-maintenance beauty that is exceptionally pretty in a hanging basket or on a high shelf where it can trail to its heart's content .

Snake plant

Sansevieria are evergreen tropical plants that can grow up to 12 feet high.


Pothos has beautiful heart-shaped leaves with an ability to filter air and thrive in the least care.


Alocasia has large glossy leaves with wavy edges. They are so dramatic and unique-looking plants that can be as small as 5″ or as tall as trees.

Arrowhead Plant

Arrowhead plants are fast-growing with varieties of variegation, from dark green with white variegation to hues of pink and lime.

Air Plant

Air plants are epiphytes and require only minimal care routine. Their roots cling and cannot absorb nutrients and water like earthbound plants.

Boston fern

Boston fern can grow up to 7 feet tall with tiny leaves. They are tough plants and tolerant to light and dry conditions.


Monsteras are famously known as swiss cheese plants as they have perforated leaves with holes.

The 3 Qualities Necessary for a Bathroom Plant

From the perspective of the plant, the bathroom is a completely different milieu than other areas of the home. The lavatory tends to be warm and wet and less bright.

The 10 Best Houseplants for Your Bathroom

As far as the plant’s concerned, the bathroom might as well be the misty jungle.

The 3 Worst Kinds of Plants For Your Bathroom

Because the bathroom microclimate is most like a jungle biome, plants that come from a desert environment won’t like the lavatory at all.

What is the best plant for a bathroom?

Speaking of beautiful tropical plants suitable for bathrooms, the peace lily is a name that cannot be missed. The lush and thick, wide leaves cast a beautiful spell to an ordinary washroom. It works like magic in purifying the air in the bathing space too.

Is cast iron a good plant for shade?

The name says it all, This plant is great at withstanding absolute shade. If you are not a big fan of too much foliage, then the cast iron plant is your best bet. The indoor plant is tropical and often seen in households since it is low-maintenance.

Do spider plants grow in bathrooms?

To begin with, spider plants are one of the most generous variants of flora and fauna found in nature. If your bathroom is a moderately lit place, this plant can work wonders. It wards off impurities from the air, some toxic ones like carbon monoxide and formaldehyde. Impressed already? Well, spider plants are very rewarding. New buds sprout up pretty frequently. Therefore, you can always pot the new buds or give away to your near and dear ones.

Can orchids be kept in the bathroom?

Orchid is one of the plants that can be kept in the bathroom. It flourishes and blooms in warm, humid conditions. So, if you love jumping into a steamy shower, worry not! The foliage of orchid will only grow because the plant loves humidity.

Is aloe vera a succulent?

The befitting role of aloe vera is not unknown. Working as an instant relief from burns and inflammation, aloe vera is a much-needed plant in every household. The plant is a succulent. No fancy and strenuous hours of care are needed to help the plant grow. It is a perennial tropical variant that does need bright light. However, the plant can certainly adjust to temperature swings.

Can Ivy be planted in a house?

Yes, Ivy is a breathtaking plant often spotted in lawns or backyards of houses. Little did you know but Ivy can luxuriously amp up your bathroom interiors too. Chuck it in a hanging pot and leave it. In a few days, the Ivy will drape your walls and pipes in the most beautiful way.

Can cast iron plants have flowers?

What to note: The cast iron plant is often not seen with flowers. Although the plant suffices complete shade, exposing it to low, indirect light at times can do the trick.

What is the best bathroom plant?

Both the Monstera Monkey Leaf and the Monstera Deliciosia (which is also known as the Swiss Cheese Plant because of the holes in the leaves) are excellent bathroom plants. Monsteras are happy in medium light and environments with around 40-50% humidity.

Why do we have plants in our bathroom?

Not only that but having plants in your bathroom creates an instant spa-like vibe, enabling you to unleash your inner zen when you’re getting ready in the morning or winding down in the evening, soaking in the bath surrounded by greenery.

How to style Devil's Ivy?

Top styling tip: Pop your Devil’s Ivy as high up as you can or fix a shelf in your bathroom so you can watch the leaves beautifully trail. It’ll also benefit from the rising moisture from your bath or shower. This trailing beauty looks perfect in a macrame hanger too!

What is the best fern to grow in a bathroom?

Boston Fern. Boston Ferns are quite possibly the ultimate bathroom plants. They’re also the easiest fern to care for and make a beautiful centrepiece in any indoor jungle. High humidity is essential for Boston Ferns because they come from woodlands, swamps and forests.

Can plants survive in a bathroom without windows?

While some plants are happy to tolerate low light levels, all plants need some light to survive and grow. No living plants can survive for too long in a bathroom without windows.

Do houseplants thrive in bathrooms?

We don’t know about you, but we’ve filled every single corner of our homes with houseplants, even the bathroom. Bathrooms & wet rooms are the perfect spots for our tropical green beauties. They’ll just thrive in bathrooms, absorbing all the extra humidity.

Do you water asparagus ferns in the bathroom?

Just don’t forget to water your bathroom plants too. They will still need a good drink, ensuring the soil is fully hydrated. Top styling tip: Keep it simple and let the leaves take centre stage by putting your Asparagus Fern on a shelf or on the side of your sink.

What is the best plant to use in a bathroom?

Want something more than a green vining plant in your bathroom? Would you rather have a little color in your tiny spa? Try aglaonema ( Aglaonema commutatum ), also known as the Chinese evergreen. This plant's bright colors and bold patterns will bring so much life to your space that you'll forget you only have a small window.

What to do if you don't have a light in your bathroom?

If you have absolutely no light in your bathroom and don't want to add grow lights, you will want to add faux plants to your space. Faux plants look like real plants, don't require water or light, and are impossible to kill. Dried flowers or plants, such as dried eucalyptus, also do well in the bathroom to create a spa-like atmosphere without asking anything of you in return.

What is the pH of pothos?

Pothos. Soil pH: 6.1–6.5. Another easy-to-care-for houseplant, Pothos ( Epipremnum aureum), also known as Devil's Ivy, can thrive in a variety of different environments, including low-light spaces. Pothos plants love humidity, so a bathroom is a great place for them to showcase their long, cascading vines.

What is a heart leaf philodendron?

The heartleaf philodendron ( Philodendron hederaceum) is sometimes confused with Pothos, but its truly heart-shaped leaves are the marker of this plant. This classic variety of philodendron would love to hang from a ceiling or shelf in your bathroom, or in most parts of your home with low to medium light.

What is the pH of ivy?

Sun Exposure: Low to bright light. Soil Type: Standard potting soil. Soil pH: 6.0-7.8. Any dark leaf ivy such as English Ivy ( Hedera helix) would do well in a low-light bathroom because, in general, dark leaf ivy loves humidity and will grow and multiply in many different atmospheres, including full shade.

Do plants need grow lights?

Plants need light to live, so if your bathroom is windowless or has extremely low light, consider adding grow lights to your space. These will help your plant thrive (not just survive) in your space.

Do plants like low light in the bathroom?

Your bathroom will create a humid atmosphere, which some plants will love, while others... not so much. "Though there are plants that like high humidity, they may not like low light. Air plants are an example: They would love the high humidity but need a bright to high light to thrive," she adds.

What kind of plants grow in a shower?

The popular Chinese evergreen (​ Aglaonema spp. ​) is an excellent, slow-growing foliage plant that loves a warm, humid location. You can select a variety that works with your shower space. Keep in mind this rule: the paler the Chinese evergreen leaves, the more light it needs. If your shower has a skylight or is positioned near a window offering bright, indirect sun, consider one of the pale variegated varieties like 'Silver Spear' (Aglaonema communatum)​. ​For low-light showers, go for the forest-green species plant.

What plants attract insects to a shower?

If your shower offers some light, you'll be hard-pressed to find a cooler plant to invite in than the tropical pitcher plant (​ Nepenthes spp. ​​) ​You've seen these amazing plants with the distinctive "pitchers" that attract insects to their doom. Pitcher plants love moist soil, diffused light, and high humidity, so a Nepenthes in the shower is a match made in heaven. These guys get big so pick a steady support like a built-in shower shelf.

What ferns are good for a shower?

The filtered light and humidity of a shower will remind your ferns of their prior lives in the forest and keep them green, growing and happy. Try Boston ferns (​ Nephrolepis exaltata ​) for lower-light showers or lacy asparagus ferns (​ Asparagus aethiopicus ​) if you've got a window or skylight.

What orchids grow in the shower?

Moth Orchids. Nothing brings the tropics into your shower like moth orchids (​ Phalaenopsis spp. ​) with their stunning, long-lasting curve of blossoms. These are rainforest epiphytes, easy-care plants that grow in tree bark in the wild. They will thrive in the damp, warm shower conditions as long as there is bright, filtered light.

Do you need to water peace lilies in the shower?

They seem tailor-made for a shower space since they love low light and require little care other than the occasional watering. In a humid spot like the shower, you probably won't need to water your peace lilies at all.

Can you plant golden pothos in the shower?

Given the popularity of the golden pothos (​ Epipremnum aureum ​​ ), ​you might already have one in the house​. ​ With bright leaves trailing down vining stems, a pothos plant looks fabulous cascading from ceiling-hung baskets or pots positioned on high shower shelves. Pothos is an easy-care plant that doesn't like direct sun or dry soil, so it's a natural for placement in the shower.


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