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who are the rebels in a long way gone

by Wilson Reinger Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Ishmael Beah was a child soldier for the Sierra Leone Armed Services during the civil war with the RUF, the Revolutionary United Front, known as the rebels. The rebels are blamed for the death of Ishmael's family, and his soldiering is motivated by his desire for revenge.

Full Answer

How are the rebels portrayed throughout the novel?

The rebels are portrayed throughout as laughing, almost playful. What is horrible to the boys is humorous to these rebels, which makes them all the more terrifying to the boys and speaks to the ways that these young soldiers have been completely desensitized to violence and enjoy the power it gives them.

How do the rebels capture the old man in the village?

The rebels gather the villagers and the boys in a compound as darkness descends. An old man walks into town and they capture him, too, and force him to his knees in front of the villagers, and then tell him to get up, demanding that the boys laugh at the man. One rebel asks the old man why he left Mattru Jong.

What do the rebels do to Ishmael's group during the war?

The rebels taunt and torture an old man and force Ishmael's group to watch and to laugh. Ishmael is shocked because, before the war, no one of his age would dare disrespect an elder like that; war has negated the social norms. The rebels divide the group, separating Ishmael and Junior, and tell them their initiation will be to kill each other.

What do the rebels claim they are fighting for?

The rebels express a similar brainwashing, blaming the army for killing their families without cause. The rebels, too, claim to fight for the defense of their country to justify their violence. It's ironic that the exact same way of thinking — defense and revenge — has been used to motivate the boys to each fight for their side.


What were the rebels fighting for in a Long Way Gone?

The Rebels The Revolutionary United Front (RUF) initially is formed to liberate the people of Sierra Leone after it determines that the All People's Congress (APC) is a corrupt government. The RUF soon realizes, however, that to maintain supplies and keep its forces strong, it needs to attack civilians.

Who are the RUF in a Long Way Gone?

RUF stands for the Revolutionary United Front. In 'A Long Way Gone, they are a rebel group that seeks to overthrow the current standing government in Sierra Leone.

What do the rebels do to the old man?

The rebels taunt and torture an old man and force Ishmael's group to watch and to laugh. Ishmael is shocked because, before the war, no one of his age would dare disrespect an elder like that; war has negated the social norms.

Who are the characters in A Long Way Gone?

Main Characters Ishmael Beah - he narrator of this true story, Ishmael, is a boy soldier who finds a way to escape the horrors of war and go on to counsel others who are only looking for a way to live in peace. Esther - She is a nurse at Benin House where Ishmael is taken for rehabilitation.

Why did the RUF cut off hands?

In response to the immediate execution of rebels by government forces, the RUF instituted a policy of cutting off the hands of captured soldiers with the intent of sending the message: "You don't hold your weapon against your brother." Brandishing machetes, RUF rebels amputated the hands, arms, and legs of tens of ...

What does the RUF stand for?

Revolutionary United FrontRevolutionary United Front (RUF), also called Revolutionary United Front/Sierra Leone, guerrilla unit formed in 1991 in Sierra Leone whose actions created instability in the country that led to the overthrow of the government and a long civil war.

What is a group of rebels called?

rebellion. noun. Organized opposition intended to change or overthrow existing authority: insurgence, insurgency, insurrection, mutiny, revolt, revolution, sedition, uprising.

Who is a rebel person?

(Entry 1 of 3) 1 : a person who opposes or fights against a government. 2 : a person who does not obey authority or follow usual standards.

Why did the rebels laugh at the old man after the shots were fired?

Why did the rebels laugh at the old man after the shots were fired? The rebels pretended to shoot the man. He was shot near, not at. So he lived byt he expected to be dead.

Who is the antagonist in A Long Way Gone?

Antagonist. The antagonists at first are the rebels who bring horror and death to civilians for reasons Ishmael can never discern. Later, the antagonist becomes Ishmael himself when he very nearly cannot find the strength within himself to recover from begin a bloodthirsty soldier to a child once more.

Who is Ishmael's bestfriend?

Queequeg. Starbuck's skilled harpooner and Ishmael's best friend.

Who is kaneki in A Long Way Gone?

Kanei. Kanei is a Mende boy who escaped the rebels' attack on his village with his parents, but lost his two sisters and three brothers in the chaos. He and his parents escape in a boat, but the boat capsized when rebels threw the passengers into panic by shooting at them.

Who is Ishmael's bestfriend?

Queequeg. Starbuck's skilled harpooner and Ishmael's best friend.

Who is the antagonist in A Long Way Gone?

Antagonist. The antagonists at first are the rebels who bring horror and death to civilians for reasons Ishmael can never discern. Later, the antagonist becomes Ishmael himself when he very nearly cannot find the strength within himself to recover from begin a bloodthirsty soldier to a child once more.

Who is Ishmael's uncle in A Long Way Gone?

When Ishmael is ready to leave the center, Uncle Tommy takes him in and treats him like a son. Uncle Tommy is significant in Ishmael's life because his love provides Ishmael a home for his future. When other boys at the center are denied by their families, they often return to soldiering and their army families.

What are some symbols in A Long Way Gone?

The symbols used in this literary work to show the theme of freedom are the moon and the cassette tape Ishmael had from his childhood rap group. The symbol used to represent the theme of oppression is Ishmael's dreams or nightmares. The symbol of the moon represents the theme of freedom.

A Long Way Gone

The farms near Ishmael's grandmother's village produce coffee beans.

How does Beah use structure in A Long Way Gone?

A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier begins with praise from news outlets such as "The Wall Street Journal" and "Newsweek." The included quote...

What are five important words in A Long Way Gone?

K-47: a selective-fire, gas-operated 7.6239mm assault rifle, first developed in the Soviet Union by Mikhail Kalashnikov; its relative cheapness and...

Who is the leader of Yele?

Lieutenant Jabati. The de facto leader of the town of Yele, Jabati is militant and coerces the boys into fighting for the government and against the rebels. Although he mentors the boys, it is in violence, cruelty and revenge. He effectively brainwashes the boys to become brutal, drugged child killers. Beah’s Mother.

Who teaches the boys the basics of army life?

An officer in Beah ’s squad , Gadafi teaches the boys the basics of army life .

What is Kanei's role in the second group of boys?

A part of the second group of boys Beah travels with, Kanei becomes a child soldier, but is not chosen to be rehabilitated.

What happened to Musa in the book?

A part of the second group of boys Beah travels with. Musa becomes a child soldier and is killed in battle.

Who is Beah's brother?

Junior. Beah ’s brother, who accompanies Beah for the first part of his journey. Although Beah and Junior were once close, the terrible things they see makes it difficult for each to support, or even talk… read analysis of Junior.

Where is Beah's best friend from?

Beah ’s best friend from childhood, he is left behind in Mogbwemo, but survives the two reunite in Freetown and begin attending school together. Besides Beah, Bah is the other representative of Sierra Leone at the United Nations. The man who accompanies Beah and Bah to the United Nations. Grillon, Evan.

What did Ishmael do during the battle with the rebels?

During the battle with the rebels at the UNICEF camp, Ishmael recalls his lieutenant's instructions to kill any rebel he sees anywhere he encounters them. The brainwashing by the army still has control over him, and he's not able to understand his new freedom.

Where are the boys taken to in Sierra Leone?

The boys are taken to a fenced compound in Freetown, Sierra Leone's capital. They are given food and beds with clean linens.

How old was Ishmael when he was released from the war zone?

In January of 1996, when Ishmael is 15 years old, his world is again changed. UNICEF men arrive to take the boy soldiers from the war zone. Ishmael and his friends are lined up, and the lieutenant chooses the youngest ones to be released from their duty. He tells them that the UNICEF men will put them in schools and find them new lives. The lieutenant says that they've served their brotherhood and their country well, but he doesn't give them any other explanation for their dismissal.

Why is Ishmael's dismissal from service so painful?

Ishmael's loyalty as a soldier is fierce when this chapter opens, which is why his dismissal from service is so painful. He admires the lieutenant and seeks his approval as a father figure. The theme of confusion and fear returns when the boys are taken from their squad.

Who is Moriba in the RPG?

Moriba. Moriba is a Mende boy whose house was destroyed by an RPG during the RUF attack on his village. He runs toward teh wharf to find his parents, but cannot locate them. Along with Jumah, Moriba flees into the forest to find their hiding families, but cannot discover their whereabouts.

What happened to Josiah in the book of Beah?

Josiah is a tent-mate of Beah's when he becomes a soldier. Josiah dies of a broken back during one of their first raids.

What is the story of Beah in Sierra Leone?

When Beah is a teenager, he spends a year wandering Sierra Leone on the run from the civil war that claims his family. His childhood ended , Beah resorts to survivalist tactics to stay alive; he steals when he needs to, roams in packs of boys his own age who have been orphaned, and he spends long stretches of time alone in the forest.

Who is Tommy in Beah?

A relative of Beah's father, Tommy is mentioned almost in passing by Beah when the UNICEF worker Leslie tells him he will be placed in a foster home. Tommy is located and immediately comes to begin developing a relationship with Beah.

Who is the officer in charge of training the boy soldiers under Lieutenant Jabati?

Gadafi is the officer in charge of training the boy soldiers under Lieutenant Jabati. He is tough on the boys, but seems motivated to harshness by a desire to see them survive the armed conflict. He does not hesitate to push the boys beyond their sense of humanity, particularly in the instance where he holds a competition to see which boy can kill a prisoner by cutting his throat the most effectively and quickly.

How many boys does Kaloko travel with?

Kaloko travels among the group of six boys from Mattru Jong through Kamator.

How old are the rebels in the book?

None of the rebels are older than 21. The boys are so scared that the rebels laugh, and Beah tries not to faint. All he can think about is death. Two of the rebels run ahead to the village, and the third, laughing, threatens to shoot all of them if they make any sudden movements.

Why did the old man leave the rebels?

The man answers that he left to find his family, and the rebel says that no, he left because he was against their cause as freedom fighters. The old man begins to cry. Beah wonders what cause the rebels could stand for. Although the rebel claims to be fighting for freedom, his hypocrisy is apparent to Beah.

What do the rebels do in Mattru Jong?

An old man walks into town and they capture him, too, and force him to his knees in front of the villagers, and then tell him to get up, demanding that the boys laugh at the man. One rebel asks the old man why he left Mattru Jong.

What does the rebel say to the recruits?

A rebel announces that everyone else will be killed to make the new recruits strong. Beah looks to Junior; both of them are crying. A rebel laughs and tells the recruits that “the next killing is on you.”. In what could be his last moments Beah looks to his brother for some sort of comfort, but finds none.

What does the rebel say to the old man?

The rebel then fires his gun over the old man’s head. The old man thinks he’s been shot and screams “My head! My brains!” while the rebels laugh at him.

Why do the boys chase a five year old with two ears of corn?

It hurts to even drink water. They chase a five year old who has two ears of corn so that they can share it between the six of them. The mother of the boy they chased gives them each an ear of corn that night, but Beah says he felt guilty only briefly.

Why were the rebels able to escape?

They were able to escape from rebels because the rebels were shot at and it distracted them from the boys.

What happened to the villagers in the swamp?

They crossed a swamp. They ran through woods and were shot at with AK-47s, RPBs, and chased. They reached the end of the clearing and realized they had escaped, after an hour of running.

Did the rebels shoot the man?

The rebels pretended to shoot the man. He was shot near, not at. So he lived but he expected to be dead.

Where does Nya's family move to in the book?

As we alternate back and forth between stories, we learn that Nya’s family must move to a camp near a lake for the dry season. It is a three-day journey from her village.

What happened to Marial in the middle of the night?

Soon afterward, Marial disappears in the middle of the night, the victim of a lion attack. Salva, crippled with grief at the loss of his friend and by his thorn-torn feet, staggers on, coaxed by his uncle to take “a step at a time.”.

When did Sierra Leone get torn apart?

In 1993 the west African country of Sierra Leone is torn by civil war with rebel forces seeking to overthrow the government. Twelve-year-old Ishmael Beah and his brother Junior live in the small village of Mogbwemo with their stepmother. Their parents are separated. The boys and a friend are part of a rap and dance group entered a talent show in Mattru Jong, a day’s walk away. Once the boys arrive in Mattru Jong, however, they learn that rebel forces have overrun Mogbwemo. Ongoing violence forces the boys to stay in Mattru Jong.

Where is Salva from the Lost Boy?

Six years later, Salva is living with his adopted family in Rochester, New York, going to college, and studying business.

Who does Salva meet in the book?

He meets Buksa, from the Jur-chol tribe, who leads the group to a beehive. With his energy renewed from honey and beeswax, Salva continues walking, and meets Marial , a Dinka who also has not found his family. One day, Salva hears someone calling his name.


1.A Long Way Gone - CliffsNotes Study Guides


10 hours ago The rebels divide the group, separating Ishmael and Junior, and tell them their initiation will be to kill each other. Then, they march them to a riverbank and force them to their knees. Gunfire …

2.A Long Way Gone Character Analysis | LitCharts


17 hours ago The rebels express a similar brainwashing, blaming the army for killing their families without cause. The rebels, too, claim to fight for the defense of their country to justify their violence. It's …

3.A Long Way Gone - CliffsNotes Study Guides


11 hours ago A Long Way Gone study guide contains a biography of Ishmael Beah, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. ... At 13, he is forced to …

4.A Long Way Gone Characters | GradeSaver


28 hours ago  · Answer: Ishmael, Junior, and Talloi remain in Mattru Jong with their friends, Kaloko, Gibrilla, and Khalilou. They still haven't heard from their families and do not know if anyone …

5.Describe the rebels in a long way gone -


32 hours ago The rebels then announce that they will be taking recruits. The rebels look over the boys, and pick only Junior. A rebel announces that everyone else will be killed to make the new recruits …

6.A Long Way Gone Chapter 5 Summary & Analysis | LitCharts


5 hours ago Mattru Jong. Describe the scene from Ishmael's eyes as he tries to return to the village. List at least three disasters he witnesses. VW van with murdered family and man was sick. A man …

7.A Long Way Gone Flashcards | Quizlet


13 hours ago They ran through woods and were shot at with AK-47s, RPBs, and chased. They reached the end of the clearing and realized they had escaped, after an hour of running. How many, including …

8.A Long Way Gone Flashcards | Quizlet


1 hours ago A Long Way Gone Full Book Summary In 1993 the west African country of Sierra Leone is torn by civil war with rebel forces seeking to overthrow the government. Twelve-year-old Ishmael Beah …

9.A Long Way Gone: Full Book Summary | SparkNotes


4 hours ago  · Beah notes that the rebels prefer to keep mostly women and children in the villages they attack, in order to delay military action on the part of the government. Though repugnant in …

10.A Long Way Gone - GradeSaver


26 hours ago

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