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who changed odysseus appearance

by Prof. Kory Wyman PhD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago


How does Odysseus change throughout the Odyssey?

In The Odyssey, the character of Odysseus changes from the beginning of his quest until the end by becoming more cautious and less arrogant. When Odysseus triumphs over the Cyclops Polyphemus, he displays triumphalist arrogance that puts himself and his men in danger.

Who is Odysseus in the Odyssey?

Odysseus. Odysseus ( /oʊˈdɪsiəs, oʊˈdɪsjuːs/; Greek: Ὀδυσσεύς, Ὀδυσεύς, Ὀdysseús [odysse͜ús] ), also known by the Latin variant Ulysses ( US: /juːˈlɪsiːz/, UK: /ˈjuːlɪsiːz/; Latin: Ulyssēs, Ulixēs ), is a legendary Greek king of Ithaca and the hero of Homer 's epic poem the Odyssey.

How did Odysseus reveal his identity to the Cyclops?

As Odysseus set sail from the Cyclops' island, he arrogantly taunted the giant, loudly and proudly proclaiming his identity. As it turned out, this was a big mistake.

Does Odysseus appear in any play?

In 5th century BC Athens, tales of the Trojan War were popular subjects for tragedies. Odysseus figures centrally or indirectly in a number of the extant plays by Aeschylus, Sophocles (Ajax, Philoctetes) and Euripides, (Hecuba, Rhesus, Cyclops) and figured in still more that have not survived.


Who disguises Odysseus appearance?

Athena has provided a mist to cover the land so that she can privately alter Odysseus' appearance and help him hide his treasure. Athena turns the hero into an old beggar, even going so far as to shrivel his skin, remove the "russet curls" (13.456) from his head, and dim the fire in his eyes.

How is Odysseus appearance changed by Athena?

Athena made Odysseus appear more fresh and attractive. He is a new man. His clothes and skin changed. Athena did this so Odysseus would be able to impress his son Telemachus.

How does Athena change Odysseus's appearance in Book 23?

Disguise, to many of the characters, is a circuitous route to sincerity. Athena changes Odysseus back into a handsome younger man. He chides Penelope for her cold welcome and tells the nurse that he will sleep alone.

How did Athena help Odysseus in his transformation?

Athena turns Odysseus into an old beggar so that he can meet the swineherd without being recognized. She then leads Telemachus safely to the swineherd's farm by having him circumvent the danger of suitors trying to kill him. Once Telemachus is there, she transforms Odysseus into a dazzling version of his younger self.

How did Athena help Odysseus?

In the Odyssey, Athena helps Odysseus by arguing with her father for his release. She uses her intelligence and wisdom to argue and find a compromise for his return; eventually, Zeus caves in and allows the young man to leave his confinement and return home.

How does Athena transform Odysseus just before he reveals his identity to Telemachus?

How does Athena transform Odysseus just before he reveals his identity to Telemachus? He changes him into himself with a wand.

Who is Athena disguised as in the Odyssey?

In The Odyssey, Athena appears on earth disguised as everything from a little girl to Odysseus's friend Mentor to Telemachus. Proteus, the Old Man of the Sea whom Menelaus describes in Book 4 , can assume any form, even water and fire, to escape capture.

How does Penelope test Odysseus identity?

How does Penelope test Odysseus? Penelope has not seen her husband for many years. When Odysseus returns, Penelope doesn't recognize him and cannot be sure that Odysseus is really who he says he is. She tests Odysseus by ordering her servant Eurycleia to move their marriage bed.

Why does Athena make Odysseus taller and stronger?

Athena urges the citizens to learn about Odysseus' journey home, disguised as Alcinous' herald. She made Odysseus appear taller and more massive so the Phaeacians would be more kind and respectful, in hopes of helping Odysseus have an easier return home.

How did Hermes help Odysseus?

Hermes helped Odysseus twice in the Odyssey. He gave him the magical herb Moly to protect him form Circe's witchery, and he convinced Calypso to let him off of her island.

How does Zeus help Odysseus?

Despite Zeus' almighty power to command various gods, he took it upon himself to personally send out a thunderbolt to Odysseus' men, ensuring their deaths and Odysseus' safety.

How is Odysseus disguised when he returns home?

Odysseus is disguised as a beggar when he arrives in Ithaca. He is shriveled and old and is covered in rags.

How does Odysseus change from the beginning of his quest until the end?

, how does the character of Odysseus change from the beginning of his quest until the end? In The Odyssey, the character of Odysseus changes from the beginning of his quest until the end by becoming more cautious and less arrogant. When Odysseus triumphs over the Cyclops Polyphemus, he displays triumphalist arrogance ...

What happened to Odysseus when he set sail from Cyclops Island?

As Odysseus set sail from the Cyclops' island, he arrogantly taunted the giant, loudly and proudly proclaiming his identity. As it turned out, this was a big mistake. The stricken Cyclops implored his father, the sea-god Poseidon, to exact a terrible vengeance on Odysseus and his men.

What qualities do the suitors need to defeat Odysseus?

Likewise, prudence and patience are necessary when dealing with the suitors. If he rushes in, holding his sword aloft, the suitors could defeat Odysseus as a result of their greater numbers. Again, he must exercise these qualities—qualities he's had all along—because, if he doesn't, he could die.

What does Polyphemus do when he's in Polyphemus' cave?

For example, when he's in Polyphemus's cave, he prudently realizes that, much as he wants to kill the monster, if he does so, he and his men will be trapped in the cave. He needed to discover a way to maim the monster without killing him so that the Cyclops could still move the boulder away from the door.

What did Odysseus learn from Ithaca?

By the time Odysseus finally winds up on Ithaca, he appears to have learned his lesson. Instead of his previous arrogance and impetuosity, we witness much greater caution and self-control. One might've expected Odysseus to dash off to the royal palace at once and settle accounts with his wife's suitors.

Does Odysseus change?

In truth, Odysseus's character doesn't undergo much of a change throughout his epic voyage. At the end of the poem, he's as much of a wily, fearless hero as he ever was. Nonetheless, some subtle changes can still be observed. One could say, for instance, that Odysseus is a little less rash and more cautious in his behavior after his arrival back ...

Does Odysseus change his character?

In truth, Odysseus's character doesn't under go much of a change throughout his epic voyage. At the end of the poem, he's as much of a wily, fearless hero as he ever was.

What is Odysseus's name?

Odysseus often receives the patronymic epithet Laertiades ( Λαερτιάδης ), "son of Laërtes ". In the Iliad and Odyssey there are several further epithets used to describe Odysseus. It has also been suggested that the name is of non-Greek origin, possibly not even Indo-European, with an unknown etymology.

What is Odysseus involved in?

During the funeral games for Patroclus, Odysseus becomes involved in a wrestling match with Ajax "The Greater" and foot race with Ajax "The Lesser," son of Oileus and Nestor 's son Antilochus.

What does Odysseus drink when he escapes?

Odysseus takes a barrel of wine, and the Cyclops drinks it, falling asleep. Odysseus and his men take a wooden stake, ignite it with the remaining wine, and blind him. While they escape, Polyphemus cries in pain, and the other Cyclopes ask him what is wrong. Polyphemus cries, "Nobody has blinded me!".

What is the Latin name for Ulysses?

Odysseús, Odyseús [o.dy (s).sěu̯s] ), also known by the Latin variant Ulysses ( US: / juːˈlɪsiːz /, UK: / ˈjuːlɪsiːz /; Latin: Ulysses, Ulixes ), is a legendary Greek king of Ithaca and the hero of Homer 's epic poem the Odyssey. Odysseus also plays a key role in Homer's Iliad and other works in that same epic cycle.

How did Odysseus find Achilles?

Odysseus discovered Achilles by offering gifts, adornments and musical instruments as well as weapons, to the king's daughters , and then having his companions imitate the noises of an enemy's attack on the island (most notably, making a blast of a trumpet heard), which prompted Achilles to reveal himself by picking a weapon to fight back, and together they departed for the Trojan War.

Where is Odysseus from?

For other uses, see Odysseus (disambiguation). Odysseus. Head of Odysseus from a Roman period Hellenistic marble group representing Odysseus blinding Polyphemus, found at the villa of Tiberius at Sperlonga, Italy. Abode.

What book does Homer use the word "autolycus"?

Homer relates it to various forms of this verb in references and puns. In Book 19 of the Odyssey, where Odysseus' early childhood is recounted, Euryclea asks the boy's grandfather Autolycus to name him.

Who is Odysseus in the Odyssey?

Darius Roi A. Guevarra BTIT – 4C III. Characters Directed by: Andrey Konchalovskiy Writing Credits: Homer (Epic poem) Armand Assante as Odysseus He is the protagonist in The Odyssey. Odysseus fought for the Greece against the Troy. He is the one who planned to use a wooden horse to get into the great wall of Troy and bring it down. Odysseus is the husband of beautiful Queen Penelope and the father of Prince Telemachus. He is very popular for his cunning. He is the favorite of the goddess

Who has the power to manipulate Odysseus?

significant amount of authoritative power over men in both their lives and mindsets, and this can be seen through Circe 's powers that are able to manipulate Odysseus and his men, Penelope 's tactics to stall marriage and her caution toward Odysseus when he appears, and Athena 's participation in Odysseus and Telemachus’s life. One strong character that Odysseus is introduced to is Circe. She has much power and control over Odysseus’s men both physically and mentally. Circe controls Odysseus’s men “lose desire

How do the characters in Homer's Odyssey change the story?

them. In Homer’s The Odyssey multiple characters are introduced that change the story in their own way. How each character acts is determined by the character traits that drive who they are and what they want the outcome of Odysseus’ journey to be. Circe, a goddess who lives on an island alone, influences the plot more than most of the other characters in the novel, altering the way one views the other characters and changing the way they feel. Circe’s character traits and the overall revolutionary

Why is Odysseus a hero?

While traveling from Troy back to his home in Ithaka, King Odysseus overcomes daunting obstacles, and in doing so discovers his place in the world. Odysseus is truly a heroic figure because he demonstrates courage, improves his character, and wins the support of the gods. Odysseus is a hero because he acts courageously

Who is the static character in Homer's Odyssey?

Rouse (between 900 and 700 BC.) is "The best story ever written" (7). This is a story about a man named Odysseus Laertiades who went off to war. After winning the war, he and his men were heading home when their ship got off track. They ended up in the land of the Cyclops. They were held captive by a god's, Poseidon Earthholder, son. Odysseus came up with a plan to get out of there which involved poking the Cyclops'

How are the Odyssey and the Epic of Gilgamesh compared?

The Odyssey and the Epic of Gilgamesh can be compared as expressions of searches for the meaning of life through knowledge. The two stories are somewhat mirrors in this manner. Throughout each story, the characters Odysseus and Gilgamesh show growth and change. The Odyssey can be summed up by stating how the great warrior, Odysseus, is trying to return

Odysseus's Appearance in The Odyssey and the Iliad

In the works we have read so far there are many characters that show up more than once. These characters demonstrate the thoughts of the author they were written by. We can find information about Greek culture by analyzing the different texts that characters show up in.

Homer's The Odyssey: A Folktale

The Odyssey is a story about a king named Odysseus, who ruled Ithaca. Perhaps one of the most unique parts of the Odyssey is the story and how it is told, and the content it contains. An interesting part of The Odyssey is the fact that it is a folktale, and the structure the story is written in.

The Odyssey Comparison

The Odyssey Comparison The Hero’s Journey is portrayed and widely known in many of the most popular films, songs, and novels. The Odyssey follows this format, and many of these entertainment pieces were inspired by this epic, such as The Chronicles of Narnia.

Fate In Homer And Alessandro Baricco's An Iliad And The Odyssey

everyday life of Greek heroes. Through closely analyzing the alterations of Homeric tales, Alessandro Baricco’s An Iliad and Gareth Hinds’ The Odyssey, we are revealed how fate replaces the role of the gods by driving characters towards death, glory and heroism.

Similarities Between Odysseus And Sinbad

Sinbad is The Odyssey. The main character Odysseus is far away from his home, Ithaca, and wants to go back to his wife and son. From then on Odysseus travels through land and sea to go to Ithaca, during his travels he faces many obstacles (just like Sinbad). In the end, Odysseus does get to be back home with his wife and son (“The Odyssey Book 9”).

The Role Of Gods In The Illiad And The Odyssey

The Olympic gods are the characters in both the Illiad and the Odyssey and their lines are inseparable from both narrations. Nevertheless, not only their roles are of a different nature, but also their influence on mortal characters differs.

1997 Film Version Of The Odyssey

In the 1997 film version of The Odyssey the director made several changes from the book, including characterization, settings, the order of events, and some events are removed or shortened.



Name, etymology, and epithets

The form Ὀδυσ(σ)εύς Odys(s)eus is used starting in the epic period and through the classical period, but various other forms are also found. In vase inscriptions, we find the variants Oliseus (Ὀλισεύς), Olyseus (Ὀλυσεύς), Olysseus (Ὀλυσσεύς), Olyteus (Ὀλυτεύς), Olytteus (Ὀλυττεύς) and Ōlysseus (Ὠλυσσεύς). The form Oulixēs (Οὐλίξης) is attested in an early source in Magna Graecia (Ibycus, according to Diomedes Grammaticus), while the Greek grammarian Aelius Herodianus ha…


Relatively little is given of Odysseus' background other than that according to Pseudo-Apollodorus, his paternal grandfather or step-grandfather is Arcesius, son of Cephalus and grandson of Aeolus, while his maternal grandfather is the thief Autolycus, son of Hermes and Chione. Hence, Odysseus was the great-grandson of the Olympian god Hermes.
According to the Iliad and Odyssey, his father is Laertes and his mother Anticlea, although there w…

Before the Trojan War

The majority of sources for Odysseus' pre-war exploits—principally the mythographers Pseudo-Apollodorus and Hyginus—postdate Homer by many centuries. Two stories in particular are well known:
When Helen of Troy is abducted, Menelaus calls upon the other suitors to honour their oaths and help him to retrieve her, an attempt that leads to the Trojan War. Odysseus tries to avoid it by fei…

During the Trojan War

Odysseus is one of the most influential Greek champions during the Trojan War. Along with Nestor and Idomeneus he is one of the most trusted counsellors and advisors. He always champions the Achaean cause, especially when others question Agamemnon's command, as in one instance when Thersites speaks against him. When Agamemnon, to test the morale of the Achaeans, announce…

Journey home to Ithaca

Odysseus is probably best known as the eponymous hero of the Odyssey. This epic describes his travails, which lasted for 10 years, as he tries to return home after the Trojan War and reassert his place as rightful king of Ithaca.
On the way home from Troy, after a raid on Ismarus in the land of the Cicones, he and his twelve ships are driven off course by storms. They visit the lethargic Lo…

Other stories

Odysseus is one of the most recurrent characters in Western culture.
According to some late sources, most of them purely genealogical, Odysseus had many other children besides Telemachus. Most such genealogies aimed to link Odysseus with the foundation of many Italic cities. The most famous being:
• with Penelope: Poliporthes (born after Odysseus' return from Troy)

Altars - Islands - Cities

Strabo writes that on Meninx (Ancient Greek: Μῆνιγξ) island, modern Djerba at Tunisia, there was an altar of the Odysseus.
Pliny the Elder writes that in Italy there were some small islands (modern Torricella, Praca, Brace and other rocks) which were called Ithacesiae because of a watchtower that Odysseus built there.
According to ancient Greek tradition, Odysseus founded a city in Iberia which was called Odyssei…

1.Return Of Odysseus Flashcards | Quizlet


18 hours ago  · Athena changed Odysseus's appearance back to that of an old beggar to help him proceed with his plan. In book seventeen Odysseus tells his son to return home to Penelope.

2.In The Odyssey, how does the character of Odysseus …


14 hours ago  · In truth, Odysseus's character doesn't undergo much of a change throughout his epic voyage. At the end of the poem, he's as much of a wily, fearless hero as he ever was. Nonetheless, some subtle ...

3.Odysseus - Wikipedia


8 hours ago  · Athena takes this opportunity to alter Odysseus' appearance once more, turning him into a strapping image of his former self; he looks like a god to the shocked and skeptical Telemachus. Odysseus reveals his true identity to his son, and they work out a …

4.Character Changes In Odysseus - 871 Words | Bartleby


15 hours ago The character Odysseus in The Odyssey changes by having a desire to gain glory but in the end of the story he is more humble. Another story that shows change throughout a story is “The Cruelest Journey” by Kira Salak. This story about a girl going on …

5.Character Change In The Odyssey - 716 Words | Bartleby


17 hours ago  · Odysseus is an extremely versatile individual possessing outstanding characteristics physically, intellectually, and emotionally. His heroic actions throughout his many journeys prove him to be a man of true character. ” In mythology and legend, a man or woman, often of divine ancestry, who is endowed with great courage and strength ...

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