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who made augustus of prima porta

by Godfrey Larson Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Augustus of Prima Porta

Artist Unknown
Year 1st century AD
Type White marble
Location Vatican Museums, Rome
Mar 1 2022

The marble statue stands 2.08 meters tall and weighs 1,000 kg. The statue was discovered on April 20, 1863, during archaeological excavations directed by Giuseppe Gagliardi at the Villa of Livia owned by Augustus' third and final wife, Livia Drusilla in Prima Porta.
Augustus of Prima Porta
LocationVatican Museums, Rome
4 more rows

Full Answer

Who made the Augustus Prima Porta statue?

Nov 10, 2021 · One of the more interesting monuments made during the reign of Rome’s first emperor Augustus (r. 27 BC–AD 14) is a statue referred to as the “Augustus of Prima Porta”. Was Augustus Primaporta painted? The coloured reconstruction in plaster of Paris, made by Vatican conservators in 2004, radically transforms the Prima Porta statue of Augustus.

What does the Augustus of Prima Porta mean?

Jan 12, 2020 · Who made Augustus of Prima Porta? The statue is an idealized image of Augustus showing a standard pose of a Roman orator and based on the 5th-century BC statue of the Spear Bearer or Doryphoros by the sculptor Polykleitos.

What is the name of the statue of Augustus?

Feb 15, 2022 · It was built during the reign of the Flavian emperors as a gift to the Roman people. Construction of the Colosseum began between 70 and 72 AD under Emperor Vespasian. What is the shape of Augustus of Prima Porta? A ruler of ability and vision, on his death Augustus was proclaimed a Roman god by the Senate.

Why did Augustus model the Primaporta on a Greek sculpture?

Augustus of Prima Porta is a full-length portrait statue of Augustus Caesar, the first emperor of the Roman Empire. The marble statue stands 2.08 meters tall and weighs 1,000 kg. The statue was discovered on April 20, 1863, during archaeological excavations directed by Giuseppe Gagliardi at the Villa of Livia owned by Augustus’ third and final wife, Livia Drusilla in Prima …


Why was the Augustus of Prima Porta created?

It was found in the villa of Livia in Prima Porta and was constructed to commemorate the Roman victory over the Parthians in 20 B.C. It gives the portrait of Augustus as a handsome and young ruler, wearing a decorated cuirass and a tunic, with the figure of Cupid riding a dolphin on his side.

Who sculpted the Prima Porta?

AugustusOne of Augustus' most famous portraits is the so-called Augustus of Primaporta of 20 B.C.E. (the sculpture gets its name from the town in Italy where it was found in 1863).

Who made Augustus?

Historians date the start of Octavian's monarchy to either 31 B.C. (the victory at Actium) or 27 B.C., when he was granted the name Augustus. In that four-year span, Octavian secured his rule on multiple fronts. Cleopatra's seized treasure allowed him to pay his soldiers, securing their loyalty.Aug 21, 2018

Where was Augustus Prima Porta found?

The Augustus of Prima Porta The statue was found in the villa of Augustus' wife Livia at Prima Porta, a few kilometres north of Rome.Jan 8, 2018

Was Augustus Prima Porta painted?

Polychrome reconstruction of the Prima Porta statue of Augustus, 2004. Painted plaster cast made after a prototype by P. Liverani, Vatican Museums, Rome, height 2.2 m. Courtesy: Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology, Oxford.Oct 1, 2017

What did Augustus mean?

majesticAugustus (plural Augusti; /ɔːˈɡʌstəs/ aw-GUST-əs, Classical Latin: [au̯ˈɡʊstʊs]; "majestic", "great" or "venerable") was an ancient Roman title given as both name and title to Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus (often referred to simply as Augustus), Rome's first Emperor.

Who built the Colosseum?

Roman emperor VespasianConstruction of the Colosseum began under the Roman emperor Vespasian between 70 and 72 CE. The completed structure was dedicated in 80 CE by Titus, Vespasian's son and successor. The Colosseum's fourth story was added by the emperor Domitian in 82 CE.

What was Augustus full name?

Gaius Octavius ThurinusAugustus / Full nameAugustus, also called Augustus Caesar or (until 27 bce) Octavian, original name Gaius Octavius, adopted name Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus, (born September 23, 63 bce—died August 19, 14 ce, Nola, near Naples [Italy]), first Roman emperor, following the republic, which had been finally destroyed by the dictatorship of ...Mar 24, 2022

Who came first Julius Caesar or Augustus?

Augustus Caesar (27 BCE - 14 CE) was the name of the first and, by most accounts, greatest Roman emperor. Augustus was born Gaius Octavius Thurinus on 23 September 63 BCE. Octavian was adopted by his great-uncle Julius Caesar in 44 BCE, and then took the name Gaius Julius Caesar.

Who made the first statue?

The earliest known works of sculpture date from around 32,000 B.C. Early man created utilitarian objects that were decorated with sculptural forms. Ancient peoples also created small animal and human figures carved in bone, ivory, or stone for possible spiritual or religious purposes.

Who was the first Roman emperor?

Caesar AugustusThis statue is thought to depict Caesar Augustus, the first emperor of the Roman Empire. ruler of an empire.Jul 6, 2018

When was via labicana Augustus made?

12 BCEThe Via Labicana Augustus is a sculpture of the Roman emperor Augustus as Pontifex Maximus, with his head veiled for a sacrifice. The statue is dated as having been made after 12 BCE. It was found on slopes of the Oppian Hill, in the Via Labicana, in 1910.

Who made the statue of Augustus of Prima Porta?

Who made Augustus of Prima Porta? The statue is an idealized image of Augustus showing a standard pose of a Roman orator and based on the 5th-century BC statue of the Spear Bearer or Doryphoros by the sculptor Polykleitos. Click to see full answer. Keeping this in consideration, why was the Augustus Prima Porta statue made?

Why was the Prima Porta statue made?

Keeping this in consideration, why was the Augustus Prima Porta statue made? The Augustus of Prima Porta The statue features references to Augustus' descent and his political achievements. The marble statue was made shortly after Augustus' death. Some believe it may have been a copy of a bronze statue ...

Why did Augustus use religion?

Having fought his way into power, Augustus used religion as a tool to protect his position and promote his political agenda. Having gained power by force in a bitterly fought civil war, Augustus was aware that he could easily lose it again.

What is the cupid and dolphin symbol?

First, at Augustus' right leg is cupid figure riding a dolphin. The dolphin became a symbol of Augustus' great naval victory over Mark Antony and Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium in 31 BCE, a conquest that made Augustus the sole ruler of the Empire.

What is Augustus of Primaporta's style?

Some may look at Augustus of Primaporta and say that it has a Polykleitan look or a Polykleitan style. It is definitely similar to Polykleitos’ Doryphoros. Perhaps if Doryphoros had armor or at least some clothing on, he would look almost identical to Augustus of Primaporta.

Where is Augustus of Primaporta?

Augustus of Primaporta, which now sits in the Vatican Museum, is a white marble sculpture of a strong and handsome young man in his armor. From the frontal view, a very detailed scene plays out upon his breastplate. He is standing with his right foot forward and his left foot slightly lifted of the behind him.

What is Polykleitos' style?

Polykleitos had a very recognizable style to say the least. “It is really the Canon, then, and its illustration in the Doryphoros, that makes us think of Polykleitos as a distinctive, unusual, and important artist” (J.J. Pollitt 2). The stance of the two statues by looking at their feet are the same.

What does the forever young representation of Augustus show?

Also, the forever young representation of Augustus shows that he will always have power and fits in perfectly with his propaganda goals. Powerful enough to destroy empires and take their lands, Augustus certainly had the respect to have such a statue made of him and placed in the city for all to see.

How old was Augustus when he built the army?

Starting when he was only nineteen years old, he built a powerful army through his own self motivation as well as his own money. So, needless to say, he had quite a large following.

When was the statue of Augustus discovered?

Although the artist is unknown, the statue is dated to the First Century A.D. It was discovered exactly 152 years ago on April 20, 1863 in the Villa of Livia at Prima Porta. Livia was Augustus’ wife who retired at the villa after his death.

Was Augustus a wealthy man?

He was a wealthy man but also a very generous one. He is incomparable to any man of power today. It is hard to even try to think of a leader or any man otherwise that would make some of the sacrifices Augustus made for his country. His great power was only part of the reason we have so much evidence of his life.

Why was the Prima Porta statue of Augustus made?

It was found in Livia’s villa in Prima Porta and was built to commemorate the Roman victory over the Parthians in 20 BC. Cupid rides a dolphin next to him.

When was Augustus Prima Porta?

One of the most famous portraits of Augustus is the so-called Augustus of Primaporta from 20 BCE (the statue is named after the city in Italy where it was discovered in 1863).

Where is Augustus of Prima Porta?

The Roman statue known as the “August of Prima Porta” is a remarkably powerful element of early Imperial “propaganda”. One of the most interesting monuments created during the reign of Rome’s first emperor Augustus (r. 27 BC-14 AD) is a statue called ‘Augustus of Prima Porta’.

What did Augustus Primaporta paint?

The colorful plaster reconstruction of Paris, carried out by Vatican curators in 2004, radically transforms the Prima Porta statue of Augustus. It has been known for more than two centuries that Greek and Roman artists regularly added pigment to statues and architecture.

Who built the Colosseum?

The Colosseum, also known as the Flavian Amphitheatre, is a large amphitheater in Rome. It was built during the reign of the Flavian emperors as a gift to the Roman people. Construction of the Colosseum began between 70 and 72 AD under Emperor Vespasian.

What is the shape of Augustus of Prima Porta?

A ruler of ability and vision, on his death Augustus was proclaimed a Roman god by the Senate. This statue is believed to represent Caesar Augustus, the first emperor of the Roman Empire. ruler of an empire.

What did Augustus mean?

The Latin name comes from an adjective meaning “venerable”, from augere “to raise”. The month of August was named after Emperor Augustus (63 BC – 14 AD), after which it became customary for Roman emperors to take Augustus as their title upon accession.

What does the Augustus of Prima Porta represent?

The Augustus of Prima Porta gives a good idea of how ancient statuary was imbued with meaning. Unlike most portraits of Rome’s first emperor, this statue depicts the emperor as a hero or a god, a military leader as well as a great politician (orator). The scene on the breastplate emphasizes a major victory over an old enemy, the Parthians, ...

How long did Augustus reign?

He was fortunate to reign for a long period of time, from 27 BC to AD 14, as he had to chance to pass important reforms and to establish a dynasty of his own.

What is the trousered individual?

The trousered individual is meant to be a Parthian. The scene commemorates a moment that had been a great political win for Augustus: the return of the Roman standards that the Parthians had taken after their defeat of Crassus at the Battle of Carrhae in 53 BC.

What was the name of the statue that Julius Caesar built?

To celebrate his defeat of Caesar’s assassins, he contructed a temple to Mars Ultor (i.e. “Mars the Avenger”), which featured statues of Mars (the god of war), his paramour Venus (goddess of love), as well as a statue of the recently deified Julius Caesar himself.

Why did Augustus save the Republic?

Secondly, Augustus had “saved” the Republic from decades of internal strife and had ushered in a new era of peace, the Pax Romana, and it’s likely that he would not have wished to emphasize his military achievements. There is also another reason: Augustus was a shrewd politican, but a poor general.

What is the Roman statue of Augustus?

The Roman statue known as the “Augustus of Prima Porta” is a remarkably powerful piece of Early Imperial “propaganda”. Written by Josho Brouwers on 8 January 2018. One of the more interesting monuments made during the reign of Rome’s first emperor Augustus (r. 27 BC–AD 14) is a statue referred to as the “Augustus of Prima Porta”.

What is a figure in baggy trousers?

In the centre, a figure in baggy trousers is giving a standard to a Roman soldier. Individuals in trousers are invariably barbarians (i.e. non-Greek and non-Roman): A closeup of the scene on the cuirass. The trousered individual is meant to be a Parthian.

Where was Prima Porta Augustus found?

They also state that according to a 1891 drawing made 25 years after the first excavation, Prima Porta Augustus was found at the bottom of the staircase leading to the underground complex, not the complex itself.

Where is the statue of Augustus of Prima Porta?

The Augustus of Prima Porta is now displayed in the Braccio Nuovo (New Arm) of the Vatican Museums. Since its discovery, it has become the best-known of Augustus' portraits and one of the most famous sculptures of the ancient world.

What is the significance of the Prima Porta statue?

Therefore, the Prima Porta statue marks a conscious reversal of iconography to the Greek classical and Hellenistic period, in which youth and strength were valued as signs of leadership, emulating heroes and culminating in Alexander the Great himself.

What color is the Prima Porta?

The specific implications of each color chosen for the Prima Porta are unknown; assumedly red for the military and royalty.

How tall is the statue of Augustus?

The marble statue stands 2.08 meters tall and weighs 1,000 kg. The statue was discovered on April 20, 1863 during archaeological excavations at the Villa ...

What is the pose of Doryphoros?

The Doryphoros' s contrapposto stance, creating diagonals between tense and relaxed limbs, a feature typical of classical sculpture, is adapted here. The pose of the statue's legs is similar to Doryphoros. The right leg is taut, while the left leg is relaxed, as if the statue is moving forward.

What is the primary porta?

The Prima Porta-type of statues of Augustus became the prevailing representational style for him, copied full-length and in busts in various versions found throughout the empire up until his death in A.D.14. The copies never showed Augustus looking older, however, but represented him as forever young, in line with his propaganda goals. His propaganda goals aim to display the authority of the Roman emperors through conventional styles and stories of the culture.

What is the importance of the statue of Augustus of Primaporta?

Overall, this statue is not simply a portrait of the emperor, it expresses Augustus’ connection to the past, his role as a military victor, his connection to the gods, and his role as the bringer of the Roman Peace.

What is Augustus's breastplate?

Finally, Augustus is wearing a cuirass, or breastplate, that is covered with figures that communicate additional propagandistic messages. Scholars debate over the identification over each of these figures, but the basic meaning is clear: Augustus has the gods on his side, he is an international military victor, and he is the bringer of the Pax Romana, a peace that encompasses all the lands of the Roman Empire.

What is the name of Augustus's statue?

One of Augustus’ most famous portraits is the so-called Augustus of Primaporta of 20 B.C.E. (the sculpture gets its name from the town in Italy where it was found in 1863). At first glance this statue might appear to simply resemble a portrait of Augustus as an orator and general, but this sculpture also communicates a good deal about the emperor’s power and ideology. In fact, in this portrait Augustus shows himself as a great military victor and a staunch supporter of Roman religion. The statue also foretells the 200 year period of peace that Augustus initiated, called the Pax Romana.

What pose did Augustus pose?

In this marble freestanding sculpture, Augustus stands in a contrapposto pose (a relaxed pose where one leg bears weight). The emperor wears military regalia and his right arm is outstretched, demonstrating that the emperor is addressing his troops.

What is the name of the Roman war that Augustus initiated?

The statue also foretells the 200 year period of peace that Augustus initiated, called the Pax Romana.

What is the dolphin in the statue of Augustus?

The sculpture contains even more symbolism. First, at Augustus’ right leg is cupid figure riding a dolphin. The dolphin became a symbol of Augustus’ great naval victory over Mark Antony and Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium in 31 BCE, a conquest that made Augustus the sole ruler of the Empire.

Who is on the top of the breastplate?

At the top are Sol and Caelus, the sun and sky gods respectively. On the sides of the breastplate are female personifications of countries conquered by Augustus. These gods and personifications refer to the Pax Romana.

What is the importance of the statue of Augustus of Primaporta?

Overall, this statue is not simply a portrait of the emperor, it expresses Augustus’ connection to the past, his role as a military victor, his connection to the gods, and his role as the bringer of the Roman Peace.

What is the name of the Roman emperor's portrait?

This is especially true with portraits of Augustus, the first emperor of the Roman Empire; Augustus invoked the power of imagery to communicate his ideology. Figure 1. Augustus of Primaporta, first century CE. One of Augustus’ most famous portraits is the so-called Augustus of Primaporta of 20 BCE; the sculpture gets its name from ...

What are the gods and personifications on the breastplate?

Surrounding this central zone are gods and personifications. At the top are Sol and Caelus, the sun and sky gods respectively. On the sides of the breastplate are female personifications of countries conquered by Augustus. These gods and personifications refer to the Pax Romana.

What does Augustus mean by the Pax Romana?

Scholars debate over the identification over each of these figures, but the basic meaning is clear: Augustus has the gods on his side, he is an international military victor, and he is the bringer of the Pax Romana, a peace that encompasses all the lands of the Roman Empire.

What is the dolphin in the statue of Augustus?

The sculpture contains even more symbolism. First, at Augustus’ right leg is cupid figure riding a dolphin. The dolphin became a symbol of Augustus’ great naval victory over Mark Antony and Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium in 31 BCE, a conquest that made Augustus the sole ruler of the Empire.

What is the name of the Roman war that Augustus initiated?

The statue also foretells the 200 year period of peace that Augustus initiated, called the Pax Romana.

What does the Emperor wear?

The emperor wears military regalia and his right arm is outstretched, demonstrating that the emperor is addressing his troops. We immediately sense the emperor’s power as the leader of the army and a military conqueror. Figure 2. Polykleitos’ Doryphoros, fifth century BCE.




  • First off, I will start with a formal analysis of the object. Augustus of Primaporta, which now sits in the Vatican Museum, is a white marble sculpture of a strong and handsome young man in his armor. From the frontal view, a very detailed scene plays out upon his breastplate. He is standing with his right foot forward and his left foot slightly lifted of the behind him. He is pointing upwar…
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  • An extremely interesting account was made in a historical document called Res Gestae Divi Augusti. Written by the hand of Augustus this account lists many great feats accomplished by the powerful ruler. Translated into English the title reads The Deeds of the Divine Augusti in which he starts by recalling a seemingly impossible task for todays standards. In my nineteenth year, on …
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  • I was triumvir for the settling of the state for ten continuous years. I was first of the senate up to that day on which I wrote this, for forty years. I was high priest, augur, one of the Fifteen for the performance of rites, one of the Seven of the sacred feasts, brother of Arvis, fellow of Titus, and Fetial (Bushnell). Augustus held many title and did many jobs for the people of his country whic…
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  • The artist of this amazing sculpture must have been a brilliant mind to create this image of such an important figure. Is it possible he had help from another source? Louise Adams Holland suggested that the sculptures design was inspired by a passage in the Aeneid. Virgil, the author of Aeneid, wrote the story of Aeneas, a trojan who went to Italy where he became the ancestor of t…
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  • Holland, Louise Adams. Aeneas-Augustus of Prima Porta. In Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association, pp. 276-284. American Philological Association, 1947.
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The Emperor Augustus

Augustus was born Gaius Octavius (“Octavian”) in 63 BC. His maternal great-uncle was known other than the famous general Julius Caesar. Caesar himself, of course, was a central figure in the troubles that the Roman Republic experienced in the second half of the first century BC. He emerged victorious after a bloody civil war…
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The Augustus of Prima Porta

  • The statue was found in the villa of Augustus’ wife Livia at Prima Porta, a few kilometres north of Rome. It depicts Augustus in an unusual way: equipped as a general, with bare feet, and one hand outstretched in a pose familiar from portraits of orators. The marble statue was made shortly after Augustus’ death. Some believe it may have been a copy of a bronze statue that celebrated …
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The Scene on The Cuirass

  • And speaking about military accomplishments, the scene on the cuirass deserves to be examined in closer detail. In the centre, a figure in baggy trousers is giving a standard to a Roman soldier. Individuals in trousers are invariably barbarians (i.e. non-Greek and non-Roman): The trousered individual is meant to be a Parthian. The scene commemorates a moment that had been a grea…
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A Descendant from Venus

  • One of the key things that Augustus did to ensure his reign would be successful was to use art and architecture as propaganda. To celebrate his defeat of Caesar’s assassins, he contructed a temple to Mars Ultor (i.e. “Mars the Avenger”), which featured statues of Mars (the god of war), his paramour Venus (goddess of love), as well as a statue of the recently deified Julius Caesar hims…
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Closing Thoughts

  • The Augustus of Prima Porta gives a good idea of how ancient statuary was imbued with meaning. Unlike most portraits of Rome’s first emperor, this statue depicts the emperor as a hero or a god, a military leader as well as a great politician (orator). The scene on the breastplate emphasizes a major victory over an old enemy, the Parthians, and the prosperity that his Pax Ro…
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1.Question: Who made Augustus of Prima Porta? – Kitchen


21 hours ago Nov 10, 2021 · One of the more interesting monuments made during the reign of Rome’s first emperor Augustus (r. 27 BC–AD 14) is a statue referred to as the “Augustus of Prima Porta”. Was Augustus Primaporta painted? The coloured reconstruction in plaster of Paris, made by Vatican conservators in 2004, radically transforms the Prima Porta statue of Augustus.

2.Who made Augustus of Prima Porta? -


28 hours ago Jan 12, 2020 · Who made Augustus of Prima Porta? The statue is an idealized image of Augustus showing a standard pose of a Roman orator and based on the 5th-century BC statue of the Spear Bearer or Doryphoros by the sculptor Polykleitos.

3.Videos of Who Made Augustus of Prima Porta


17 hours ago Feb 15, 2022 · It was built during the reign of the Flavian emperors as a gift to the Roman people. Construction of the Colosseum began between 70 and 72 AD under Emperor Vespasian. What is the shape of Augustus of Prima Porta? A ruler of ability and vision, on his death Augustus was proclaimed a Roman god by the Senate.

4.Augustus of Prima Porta – Ancient Art


21 hours ago Augustus of Prima Porta is a full-length portrait statue of Augustus Caesar, the first emperor of the Roman Empire. The marble statue stands 2.08 meters tall and weighs 1,000 kg. The statue was discovered on April 20, 1863, during archaeological excavations directed by Giuseppe Gagliardi at the Villa of Livia owned by Augustus’ third and final wife, Livia Drusilla in Prima …

5.Question: Who made Augustus of Prima Porta? - April …


2 hours ago Augustus of Primaporta By Julia Fischer. Created by Smarthistory. Nothing was more important to a Roman emperor than his image. Augustus of Primaporta, 1st century C.E., marble, 2.03 meters high (Vatican Museums) (photo: Steven Zucker, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) Augustus and the power of images

6.Augustus of Prima Porta - Wikipedia


22 hours ago Julius Caesar, the adoptive father of Augustus, claimed to be descended from Venus and therefore Augustus also shared this connection to the gods. Figure 3. Detail of the breastplate ( Augustus of Primaporta )

7.Augustus of Primaporta (article) | Khan Academy


24 hours ago The marble statue of Augustus at Prima Porta adopts features from a Greek athletic statue from fifth century B.C., the Doryphoros of Polykleitos; its head, facial construction, leg and overall pose. It was found in the villa of Livia in Prima Porta and was constructed to commemorate the Roman victory over the Parthians in 20 B.C. It gives the portrait of Augustus as a handsome and young …

8.Augustus of Primaporta | History and Appreciation of Art I


33 hours ago

9.Augustus of Prima Porta - Massachusetts Institute of ...


9 hours ago

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