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why are extraordinary items prohibited under ifrs

by Aliya Rutherford Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

On the income statement, discontinued operations are shown as a separate line item, net of tax, after net income from continuing operations. Extraordinary items: IFRS does not allow this classification. Under U.S. GAAP an item is extraordinary if it is both unusual in nature and infrequent in occurrence.

Full Answer

What is an extraordinary item under IFRS?

1  The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) do not include extraordinary items in their accounting standards. An event or transaction was deemed extraordinary if it was both unusual and infrequent.

Why are extraordinary items not recognized under GAAP?

Today, GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) and IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) do not recognize the formal use of extraordinary items; it was eliminated in January 2015 to reduce the cost and complexity faced by companies in making financial statements. 1. Materiality

When did IFRS stop recognizing extraordinary items?

IASB (International Accounting Standards Board), the organization overseeing IFRS, ceased recognizing extraordinary items since 2002. Prior to 2002, IFRS had a separate disclosure requirement for the income or expenses of abnormal size or nature. Such disclosures either came in the income statement or in the notes section of the report. 1–3

What are the accounting standards for reporting unusual or infrequent items?

The two main accounting standards, GAAP and IFRS, approach reporting unusual or infrequent items in slightly different fashions, however, both no longer use the classification of extraordinary items for simplicity purposes. Both standards also require the items to be included in either the income statement or the notes to the financial statements.


Are extraordinary items included in IFRS?

The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) does not recognize extraordinary items, only nonrecurring items. Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) makes more of a distinction between the two but this has become less common as the tax advantages of extraordinary items have disappeared.

How are extraordinary items presented in the income statement under IFRS?

IFRS does not describe events or items of income or expense as 'unusual' or 'exceptional'. However, the presentation, disclosure or characterization of an item as extraordinary is prohibited. We believe it is possible to characterize items as unusual or exceptional under certain conditions.

What does extraordinary items mean in accounting?

An extraordinary item is an accounting term that refers to an abnormal gain or loss that is not generated from the ordinary business operations of a company, is infrequent in nature, and is unlikely to recur in the foreseeable future.

Why are extraordinary items shown on the income statement?

Extraordinary items were usually explained further in the notes to the financial statements. Companies showed an extraordinary item separately from their operating earnings because it was typically a one-time gain or loss and was not expected to recur in the future.

What is the treatment of extraordinary items in different cases?

Extraordinary items should be disclosed in the statement of profit and loss as a part of net profit or loss for the period. The nature and the amount of each extraordinary item should be separately disclosed in the statement of profit and loss in a manner that its impact on current profit or loss can be perceived.

How do you report extraordinary items on the income statement?

Write “Extraordinary gain” or “Extraordinary loss” in the account description column of the income statement below the “Income before extraordinary items” line. Include a description of the extraordinary item and its tax benefit or expense.

What is the treatment of extraordinary items under GAAP?

GAAP no longer requires the reporting of extraordinary items separately from irregular items, only as nonrecurring items. Under GAAP, unusual or infrequent transactions must be reported either on the income statement or disclosed in the financial statement footnotes.

What is the difference between exceptional and extraordinary items?

An exceptional item is reported separately so that it cannot be mistaken for a sudden bump (or drop) in revenue. In fact, exceptional items usually appear on a company's balance sheet while extraordinary items are disclosed in the notes to the financial statement.

What is the treatment of extraordinary items in cash flow statement?

Extraordinary items are not the regular phenomenon, e.g., loss due to theft or earthquake or flood. Extraordinary items are non-recurring in nature and hence cash flows associated with extraordinary items should be classified and disclosed separately as arising from operating, investing or financing activities.

Where is extraordinary loss on income statement?

Presentation of Extraordinary Losses An extraordinary loss is reported as a separate line item in the income statement, net of taxes, and after the results of operations. By doing so, the effects of the loss on the reported financial results and financial position of a business can be more clearly understood.

Does net income include extraordinary items?

The fourth and final income figure shown on an income statement is net income. It is the difference between total revenues and total expenses for the period, including taxes and extraordinary items. Net income always appears as the last figure in the body of the income statement.

What is an extraordinary transaction?

Extraordinary transactions are all those corporate transactions different from the ordinary ones whose purpose is to change the structure, or the legal form, of a company also in case of generational change within a family business.

What is an extraordinary loss in the income statement?

An extraordinary loss is a loss resulting from a business transaction that has the following characteristics: The transaction is considered to be highly unusual. The transaction should occur only rarely. The transaction does not result from operating activities.

How should an unusual event be disclosed in the financial statements?

How should an unusual event not meeting the criteria for an extraordinary item be disclosed in the financial statements? A. Shown as a separate item in operating revenues or expenses if material and supplemented by a footnote if deemed appropriate.

What is the treatment of extraordinary items under GAAP?

GAAP no longer requires the reporting of extraordinary items separately from irregular items, only as nonrecurring items. Under GAAP, unusual or infrequent transactions must be reported either on the income statement or disclosed in the financial statement footnotes.

What is the treatment of extraordinary items in cash flow statement?

Extraordinary items are not the regular phenomenon, e.g., loss due to theft or earthquake or flood. Extraordinary items are non-recurring in nature and hence cash flows associated with extraordinary items should be classified and disclosed separately as arising from operating, investing or financing activities.

When did IASB stop recognizing extraordinary items?

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) ceased recognizing extraordinary items under IFRS rules in 2002. 2  The IFRS has a separate disclosure required for income or expenses of abnormal size or nature. These disclosures can be on the face of the income statement or in the notes section of the report. 3 

What is IFRS disclosure?

The IFRS does not hold special distinctions for items of operational nature that occur irregularly or infrequently; rather, all results are disclosed as revenues, finance costs, post-tax gains or losses, or results from associates and joint ventures .

What are irregular items?

Irregular items can include discontinued operations, lawsuits, damage from natural disasters, and restructuring costs. GAAP no longer requires the reporting of extraordinary items separately from irregular items, only as nonrecurring items. Under GAAP, unusual or infrequent transactions must be reported either on the income statement ...

What are some examples of unusual or infrequent items?

Examples of unusual or infrequent items include gains or losses from a lawsuit; losses or slowdown of operations due to natural disasters; restructuring costs; gains or losses from the sale of assets; costs associated with acquiring another business; losses from the early retirement of debt; and plant shutdown costs.

Why do you report irregular items separately?

While used rarely, the reasoning behind reporting irregular items separately is to make clear which ones are totally unrelated to the operational and financial results of a business. Investors should have a good understanding of these types of unusual items and how they are reported. Many items that are reported as irregular or unusual used ...

Which accounting standard requires unusual items to be included in the income statement?

The two main accounting standards, GAAP and IFRS, approach reporting unusual or infrequent items in slightly different fashions, however, both no longer use the classification of extraordinary items for simplicity purposes. Both standards also require the items to be included in either the income statement or the notes to the financial statements.

Why is it important to report irregular items?

Reporting irregular items helps investors and analysts determine the current and future performance of a business.

When did IASB eliminate extraordinary items?

In 2002 , the IASB decided to eliminate the concept of extraordinary items from IAS 8 and to prohibit the presentation of items of income and expense as ‘extraordinary items’ in the income statement and the notes. Therefore, in accordance with IAS 1, no items of income and expense are to be presented as arising from outside the entity’s ordinary activities.

What is an extraordinary item in IAS 8?

That standard defined ‘extraordinary items’ as ‘income or expenses that arise from events or transactions that are clearly distinct from the ordinary activities of the enterprise and therefore are not expected to recur frequently or regularly ’.

What is the IAS 1 presentation of financial statements?

IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements in paragraph 87 states that an entity shall not present any items of income or expense as extraordinary items, in the statement of comprehensive income or the separate income statement (if presented), or in the notes.

Why should extraordinary items be presented in separate components of the income statement?

Some respondents to the exposure draft of 2002 argued that extraordinary items should be presented in a separate component of the income statement because they are clearly distinct from all of the other items of income and expense, and because such presentation highlights to users of financial statements the items of income and expense to which the least attention should be given when predicting an entity’s future performance.

What is annual reporting?

Use at your own risk. Annualreporting is an independent website and it is not affiliated with , endorsed by, or in any other way associated with the IFRS Foundation. For official information concerning IFRS Standards, visit or the local representative in your jurisdiction.

Is the Gulf of Mexico oil spill included in the income statement?

The effect of the Gulf of Mexico spill has been included in the regular reporting lines in group income statement. The effects on the income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement have been quantified in Note 2 Significant event – Gulf of Mexico oil spill in the BP Annual Report and Form 20-F 2010 (most important pages only):

Do extraordinary items require disclosure?

And entities were required to present or disclose earnings-per-share data applicable to extraordinary items .

Why did the FASB discontinue the accounting treatment for extraordinary items?

FASB discontinued the accounting treatment for extraordinary items to reduce the cost and complexity of preparing financial statements.

What Is an Extraordinary Item?

Extraordinary items consisted of gains or losses from events that were unusual and infrequent in nature that were separately classified, presented and disclosed on companies' financial statements. Extraordinary items were usually explained further in the notes to the financial statements. Companies showed an extraordinary item separately from their operating earnings because it was typically a one-time gain or loss and was not expected to recur in the future.

What is considered extraordinary?

An event or transaction was deemed extraordinary if it was both unusual and infrequent. An unusual event must be highly abnormal and unrelated to the typical operating activities of a company, and it should be reasonably expected not to recur going forward. It was common for some businesses to not have this line item presented for years. 1 

Does GAAP include extraordinary events?

Also, GAAP allows companies to give these events more specific names, such as "Effects From Fire at Production Facility." 1  The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) do not include extraordinary items in their accounting standards.

Is FASB removing extraordinary items?

The update by FASB to remove extraordinary items only eliminated the need for companies and their auditors to identify whether an event was so rare as to qualify as an extraordinary item starting in fiscal year 2015. Companies must still disclose infrequent and unusual events but now without designating them as extraordinary. Also, companies are no longer required to evaluate the income tax effect of extraordinary items and present the effect on earnings per share (EPS), which is a company's profit as a proportion of its outstanding equity shares. 1 

What is extraordinary item in accounting?

Extraordinary items in accounting is an event or transaction that does not relate to normal business activity and occur rarely. The treatment of extraordinary items under GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) was changed in 2015.

Why Extraordinary Items were Eliminated?

They did this mainly to lower the cost and complexity in making the financial statements. FASB found that it is extremely rare for companies to report extraordinary items, but auditors and regulators still spend a lot of time in deciding if an event requires a special reporting.

When did IASB stop recognizing extraordinary items?

IASB (International Accounting Standards Board), the organization overseeing IFRS, ceased recognizing extraordinary items since 2002. Prior to 2002, IFRS had a separate disclosure requirement for the income or expenses of abnormal size or nature.

Is FASB an extraordinary item?

A point to note is that FASB only did away with the need of companies and auditors to identify whether a transaction or events is so rare to qualify as an extraordinary item. Companies still need to reveal ab normal transactions or event, but they now don’t have to differentiate it as an extraordinary item.

Is it rare for a company to report extraordinary items?

FASB found that it is extremely rare for companies to report extraordinary items, but auditors and regulators still spend a lot of time in deciding if an event requires a special reporting. The threshold for extraordinary items under GAAP was so high that only a few businesses reported them. When FASB was discussing about eliminating extraordinary ...

Is GAAP write off extraordinary?

GAAP specifically noted that gain, loss, write-offs, and write-downs on following items must not be treated as extraordinary items;

Is an extraordinary item a one time gain or loss?

Extraordinary items were shown separately from the operating earnings as the former are one one-time gain or loss. Also, companies do not expect these transactions to recur in the future.

When are items of income and expense only offset?

Items of income and expense are only offset when it is required or permitted by IFRS, or when gains, losses and related expenses arise from the same transaction or event or from similar individually immaterial transactions and events. For example, finance costs and finance expenses are generally presented gross; so are other income and expenses.

What is the purpose of the IASB?

The IASB is conducting a standard-setting project on the primary financial statements to provide clarity on subtotals in the income statement, non-GAAP financial measures and unusual or infrequent items. This project is intended to provide guidance so that companies’ alternative performance measures will be more transparent and comparable. The FASB is also conducting a standard-setting project on the presentation of financial statements.

What is IAS 1?

IAS 1 allows companies to use additional line items, headings and subtotals in the income statement “if such presentation is relevant to an understanding of the company’s financial performance.”.

What is accounting policy election?

Another accounting policy election is the presentation of expenses by either their function or nature. This determination should be based on which approach is most relevant and reliable and often depends on the company, the industry in which it operates and its users’ needs.

What is income statement?

Under IAS 1 [1], the income statement is the primary financial statement used to provide an understanding of a company’s performance and operations over a defined period of time. Because of its importance, its format is often debated and scrutinized by preparers, users, regulators, standard setters and others.

Do you need to include depreciation in financial statements?

Regardless of the approach used, companies need to ensure the presentation is not misleading and is relevant to the understanding of the financial statements. Lastly, if presenting expenses by function, companies are required to include additional information on the nature of expenses (e.g. depreciation, amortization and staff costs) in the notes to the financial statements.

Can NGFMs be presented in financial statements?

Unlike IFRS, the presentation of NGFMs in the financial statements by SEC registrants is generally prohibited. There are exceptions to this rule for Foreign Private Issuers applying IFRS. In practice, NGFMs are also not presented in the financial statements by non-SEC registrants, unlike IFRS.


Features of An Extraordinary Item

  • 1. Materiality
    Transactions exceeding the material threshold of a company will qualify as an extraordinary item. Materiality depends upon the relative size of the company and the industry to which the company belongs. For example, a royalty of $10,000 earned by a street vendor for selling his recipe to a re…
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Purpose of An Extraordinary Item

  • Rare but significant events are treated as extraordinary items to prevent them from skewing a company’s regular earnings. Extraordinary items are often excluded by financial analysts while calculating the P/E ratioof a company to get a better sense of its profitability. Companies disclose extraordinary items separately in their financial statements to give investors a more accurate pic…
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  • GAAP clearly specifies that gains or losses on the sale of an asset, lease of equipment to another company, foreign currency conversion, the effect of a labor strike, or abandonment of property must not be classified as extraordinary items.
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Related Readings

  • CFI is the official provider of the global Commercial Banking & Credit Analyst (CBCA)™certification program, designed to help anyone become a world-class financial analyst. To keep advancing your career, the additional resources below will be useful: 1. Accounting Policies 2. IFRS vs. US GAAP 3. Non-GAAP Earnings 4. Profit and Loss (P&L) Statement
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How Unusual Or Infrequent Items Are Treated

Some items occurring on income statements are reported separately from normal income because they are considered irregular and nonrecurring. Special considerations are given to so-called unusual or infrequent items to provide clarity about special or rare circumstances to investors or regulators about a firm's curre…
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Accounting Treatment Under U.S. GAAP

  • GAAP rules were changed in January 2015, and the concept of extraordinary items was eliminated in an effort to reduce the cost and complexity of preparing financial statements. It is still necessary for companies to disclose infrequent and unusual events (such as losses from theft or early retirement of debt), but now without designating them as ex...
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Accounting Treatment Under IFRS

  • The IFRS does not hold special distinctions for items of operational nature that occur irregularly or infrequently; rather, all results are disclosed as revenues, finance costs, post-tax gains or losses, or results from associates and joint ventures. The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) ceased recognizing extraordinary items under IFRS rules in 2002.2 The IFRS has a sep…
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The Bottom Line

  • Reporting unusual or infrequent items is an important process for a business as it provides clarity to investors and analysts on what income and expenses are not part of the core operations and therefore not likely to occur again. This helps investors and analysts make better judgments on the future performance of a business. The two main accounting standards, GAAP and IFRS, appr…
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1.Extraordinary Item - Overview, Features, Purpose, Treatment


23 hours ago  · The formal use of extraordinary items has been eliminated under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles , so the following discussion should be considered historical in …

2.Extraordinary items definition — AccountingTools


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3.Extraordinary Items – Annual Reporting


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4.Extraordinary Item Definition - Investopedia


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