Knowledge Builders

why are my azaleas leaves turning yellow

by Chyna Grant Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Why are my azaleas turning yellow?

Why Do Azalea Leaves Turn Yellow?

  • Chlorosis. Yellow leaves with green veins are a sign of chlorosis, a condition in which leaves don’t have enough chlorophyll – the stuff that makes leaves green.
  • Soil Isn’t Acidic Enough. The Problem: In the wrong kind of soil, Azaleas will show signs of chlorosis – yellow leaves with green veins – and may not grow or ...
  • Nutrient Deficiencies. ...

Do azaleas lose their leaves in the winter?

Most Azaleas native to the United States are deciduous, which means they lose their leaves in winter, as opposed to the evergreen varieties, which mostly maintain their leaf cover all year round. The larger spring leaves are thin and appear all along the stem.

What causes plant leaves to turn yellow?

Why are the leaves of my plant turning yellow?

  • Too much/too little water
  • Aging
  • Cold Drafts
  • Root damage/compacted roots
  • Improper soil pH
  • Too much/too little light
  • Viral infection
  • Nutrient deficiency

Why are my Kale plant leaves turning yellow?

Kale Can Contract Bacterial Diseases That Cause Yellowing. Despite its tendency to be healthy, kale plants can be susceptible to frightful bacterial pathogens under the right conditions. Once infected, their leaves will turn yellow, and the plants will be noticeably thinner.

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Why are my azaleas' leaves yellow?

Two other leaf problems with azaleas are: 1)iron deficiency and 2) lace bugs. An iron deficient azalea will have yellow or white younger leaves. The leaf will be yellow with green veins.

Why are my azaleas' leaves turning brown?

If the iron deficiency returns quickly or repeatedly, the azalea may have root injury or the soil pH may be too high. Lace bugs make the leaves look speckled or silvery. The underside of the leaves will be brown speckled. Wait until March and treat the plants with Orthene or other recommended insecticides.

Why do azaleas shed leaves?

The traditional reply is that the plants have run out of fertilizer – particularly nitrogen. Nitrogen-deficient azaleas will shed older leaves. This is certainly a possible cause. And why did this happen? Azaleas may have missed their last fertilization in July or August or just never took up the fertilizer available.

Do azaleas like wet soil?

Azaleas do not like wet or very dry soils or full sun locations. There is not much we can do about this now. Fertilizing now will not fix this problem, and in fact, could further complicate the situation. Proper planting and maintenance will help prevent this problem in the future.

Do azaleas look sad?

Enter the New Year with healthy azaleas. Azaleas may look sad and unsightly now , but they can return to healthy plants with proper care.

Can you fertilize azaleas now?

Do not fertilize them now. This may cause the plant to start growing again. And this new growth, in turn, will be cold-tender and may be burned back by our winter weather. Our unusual weather may be causing a problem with azaleas. Azaleas are a Southern favorite, but they are somewhat temperamental.

Lack of Nitrogen in the Soil

When the soil is lacking in nitrogen, your plant’s leaves will start to turn yellow. This is common if your plant is growing in poor-quality soil. Sandy soils are often lacking in nitrogen.

Soil pH

Another common problem is that the soil pH range is too alkaline. This can cause the plant’s foliage to turn yellow due to a lack of iron. Azaleas require soil with a pH range of between 4 and 6 to thrive. Aim for a soil pH of as close to 5.5 as possible.


If your plant’s soil feels very dry, it’s likely been underwatered, which is a common cause of yellowing leaves. Azaleas aren’t very tolerant of drought and should be watered frequently. Aim to keep the soil moist so that your plant thrives.

Overwatering leading to root rot

If you’ve overwatered your Azalea plant, or the water can’t drain away from the plant’s roots, it may have caused root rot. When the plant’s roots begin to rot, it cannot get the nutrients it needs from the soil. This causes the plant’s foliage to turn yellow.

Why do my azaleas turn yellow?

Your Azalea needs nitrogen to form strong, healthy green leaves. If the soil has low levels of this macronutrient, the leaves will turn yellow and die. It usually happens when the bonsai has been in the soil for more than a year and absorbed all the available nitrogen in it.

Why do azaleas go underwater?

The most common cause we have found for underwatering is when people use irrigation systems to water all their bonsais at the same time . Different species need various levels of water, and your Azalea may not be getting enough. It’s better to attend to each of your trees individually to ensure they get exactly what they require.

Why are my bonsai trees turning yellow?

When they become used to an area, they settle in and use the conditions to grow. Sudden shifts with changes to lighting and humidity cause it to stress, which is when you may see the leaves becoming yellow and falling off.

When should I leave my azalea bonsai outside?

If there are low light conditions, it isn’t getting enough sunlight and the leaves will turn yellow. It’s best to leave them outdoors in spring and summer.

How to get rid of acidity in flower beds?

Feel free to crush some eggshells or add composted banana peels to the soil, as this also helps. You can also go for coffee grounds, but this may conflict with your plan to add nitrogen, as the two don’t work well together, especially for developing flowers.

Do azaleas drop leaves in winter?

Remember, deciduous Azaleas will drop their leaves in winter. However, we understand you’ll want to bring your evergreen version indoors to protect it from frost. You can still provide it with morning sunlight by housing it near a window.

Do azaleas change color?

For evergreen Azaleas, you shouldn’t see any change of leaf color, specifically to yellow. It should be green all year round, so you definitely have a problem. Should you be experiencing this issue, move on to one of the other reasons below.

Why are my azaleas turning yellow?

The Problem: Brown, tan, or yellow splotches on Azalea leaves, especially on the side with the most sun exposure, can indicate that your Azalea is getting too hot. The spots will be on the tops of the leaves, not the bottoms, and not on lower or inner leaves shaded by the Azalea itself.

Why do azalea leaves change color?

When Azaleas’ leaves change color, it’s usually a sign that something is wrong. Pests, diseases, nutrient deficiencies, soil problems, too much or not enough water, sun scald, and cold injury can all cause Azalea leaves to change color. If it’s autumn, though, you may have nothing to worry about; some Azaleas naturally change color in the fall.

Why Do Azalea Leaves Turn Red?

Some Azaleas change color in the fall, and their leaves can turn beautiful shades of red and other colors. It isn’t always a bad thing when an Azalea’s leaves change color. If your Azalea’s leaves turn red in the fall, don’t worry – just enjoy the show. Many varieties of both deciduous and evergreen Azaleas have showy fall coloring, including purples, reds, oranges, and yellows.

What does it mean when an azalea leaves turn white?

If an Azalea’s leaves are white, silvery, bleached out, or gray – or if they have whitish spots – you’re probably looking at either powdery mildew or pests. Below I’ll break both options down and let you know what needs to be done to help.

How to deal with azaleas?

The best way to deal with Azalea problems is to prevent them in the first place by keeping your Azaleas healthy. Luckily, that’s not hard to do as long as you start right. Choose a variety of Azalea that’s well adapted to the climate where you live, and plant it in a spot with Azalea-friendly soil and a good balance of sunshine and shade. Then, make sure it gets enough water, mulch once a year , and that’s usually all you need to do.

Why is there sooty mold on my azaleas?

What’s Causing the Problem: Sooty mold isn’t there for the Azalea leaves. It shows up when bugs leave a sticky, sweet waste product called honeydew on an Azalea. Whitefly and bark scale are the most common Azalea pests that produce honeydew, leading to problems with sooty mold. Bark scales hang out on stems, though, so sooty mold on leaves suggests a whitefly problem.

Why are my azaleas getting moldy?

You can also have problems with sooty mold on Azaleas planted under trees infested with pests because the insects’ honeydew can drop from the trees onto the Azaleas. Check trees above Azaleas for aphids, mealybugs, scale insects, or other pest infestations if you find unexplained sooty mold.


1.Why is my Azalea Turning Yellow? (4 Causes and Solutions)


14 hours ago  · Your azaleas leaves may be turning yellow for a number or reasons. Azaleas that have yellowing foliage have either been under or overwatered or are growing in incorrect soil. …

2.Videos of Why are My azaleas leaves Turning yellow


31 hours ago When azaleas are not getting enough nitrogen from the soil, their leaves tend to turn yellow. Nitrogen is one of the three crucial macro-nutrients needed by plants. It provides the energy …

3.Why are my Azalea Leaves Turning Yellow? [All Common …


18 hours ago The azalea leaves turning yellow for a variety of reasons. Azaleas with fading leaf have been either under or overwatered, or are in the wrong soil. When the plant’s leaves become yellow, it …

4.How To Treat Azalea Leaves Turning Yellow | Bonsai …


3 hours ago Sudden shifts with changes to lighting and humidity cause it to stress, which is when you may see the leaves becoming yellow and falling off. Lack of Nitrogen. Your Azalea needs nitrogen to …

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21 hours ago  · Azalea leaves turn yellow because of several occurrences like; lack of nitrogen in the soil, excessive alkaline in the soil, insufficient watering, and inadequate soil drainage. In …

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